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Immigration Crisis at the border

Remember the uproar when Obama shoveled the kids off into military bases?

Lackland AFB a temporary shelter for immigrant children

Friday, April 27, 2012

In and around a beige barracks on Lackland AFB, 200 children sleep on military-style cots, eat in an atmosphere similar to a school cafeteria, watch movies and play soccer on a small patch of dirt.

A small group of reporters on Thursday got a look at the temporary shelter for immigrant children in a 60-year-old building at Lackland, only one of a handful of similar facilities across Texas that has been open to the media

The children are part of an unexplained wave of kids detained by the Border Patrol, and in the last month authorities have opened temporary shelters to house them. The Lackland shelter opened two weeks ago.

The emergency shelter is one of five housing nearly 500 children who have appeared in the last month as the Border Patrol deals with an influx of unaccompanied children, said Jesus Garcia, a spokesman for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Meanwhile, in Hungary...


Hungary's parliament passed a series of laws on Wednesday criminalizing the act of aiding undocumented immigrants seeking asylum in the country, despite strong objections from leading European rights bodies.

The suite of bills, called "Stop Soros," allow the government to imprison individuals and nongovernmental organizations for up to a year if they're deemed to be facilitating what it says is illegal immigration by people not entitled to protections, the BBC reported. A separate amendment to the constitution declared that an "alien population" can not be settled in Hungary.

Ha ha ha!
Meanwhile, in Hungary...

LOL, always a sure sign of your mental depravity that you point to your alt-right heroes Orban & Putin as they're ******* **** up elsewhere in the world as if that somehow makes Trump's policies more palatable or legitimate. Everyone knows you hate democracy & freedom of the press and wish to live under an oppressive State regime run by your deranged King. Trump is doing his best to make that happen. You're praying he succeeds. I hope he fails.
I'm not outraged, you dimwit. The whole country is outraged, with the exception of the small minority of ruthless, hateful, vengeful Anti-Christian Trump supporters. It may be time to look outside your bubble to see what's happening around you.

His current approval numbers disagree with you.

Correction: Liberals are outraged.....about everything they disagree with....all the time. I understand that Liberals feel that Liberals are the only people in the country who matter, but there are actually many more people who live here that also matter, some are even not Liberals. They are even human beings as well! Liberals tend to view non Liberals as sub human, I understand that, but it doesn't make it true.
LOL, always a sure sign of your mental depravity that you point to your alt-right heroes Orban & Putin as they're ******* **** up elsewhere in the world as if that somehow makes Trump's policies more palatable or legitimate. Everyone knows you hate democracy & freedom of the press and wish to live under an oppressive State regime run by your deranged King. Trump is doing his best to make that happen. You're praying he succeeds. I hope he fails.

Where is the Tibs who was formerly more reasonable, the one we could actually debate without you resorting to outlandish hyperbole like this.

This is a statement bordering on being from Elfie.
His current approval numbers disagree with you. Correction: Liberals are outraged.....about everything they disagree with....all the time. I understand that Liberals feel that Liberals are the only people in the country who matter, but there are actually many more people who live here that also matter, some are even not Liberals. They are even human beings as well! Liberals tend to view non Liberals as sub human, I understand that, but it doesn't make it true.

I get it, we should feel sorry for the folks in flyover country who feel victimized by the mean, unruly coastal liberals who have the media in their clutches.

But in this case, it seems most Americans are on the same page. I know you guys hate and dismiss any poll that's disagreeable to you, but it is what it is.

Two-thirds of Americans disapprove of the Trump administration's practice of taking undocumented immigrant children from their families and putting them in government facilities on US borders, according to a CNN poll conducted by SSRS. Only 28% approve.

But among Republicans, there is majority support for the policy that has resulted in an uptick of children being separated from their families.
Where is the Tibs who was formerly more reasonable, the one we could actually debate without you resorting to outlandish hyperbole like this. This is a statement bordering on being from Elfie.
IndySteel is in a league of his own, he gets special treatment. Why not try calling him - and others - out for a change, as you do with basically every post I make on here? If you're this sensitive about 'outlandish hyperbole'... lol.
The ******** here are the parents who break the law. Families are broken up every day when some idiot mom or dad goes to jail. No outrage about that?
Libs lost their minds when Hillary was **** canned, they've never gotten over it




Desperately drowning rats looking for something to latch onto...


4 more years!
4 more years!
4 more years!
The ******** here are the parents who break the law. Families are broken up every day when some idiot mom or dad goes to jail. No outrage about that?

Selective outrage of course. Don't ever imagine that there needs to be personal responsibility/accountability, just look to the government to try & fix everything.
No, just a bunch of ****** jobs nobody else wants to do, or is able to pass a drug test to be hired into.

That's your answer? So we should just keep the border wide open so somebody can pick fruit or whatever? I mean, if those jobs are in such high demand, then getting here legally should be worth it I would think. Sure beats living in hiding for a menial service job. My larger point, which you obviously ignored, is that there is legal process. God forbid it takes a little while. The way the world is right now, I want the people who need to know who is here, know who is here.

I ain't about somebody claiming asylum, getting to stay with a "family member" then never returning for their hearing. Same with getting caught crossing illegally. Or even better yet, using kids for chain migration. It's bullshit. It needs to change. There needs to be some control at that border. Just follow the process legally. I can't understand why that is too much to ask.
I get it, we should feel sorry for the folks in flyover country who feel victimized by the mean, unruly coastal liberals who have the media in their clutches.

But in this case, it seems most Americans are on the same page. I know you guys hate and dismiss any poll that's disagreeable to you, but it is what it is.

The whole basis of that poll question is biased.

It's NOT "Trump's Policy". This is American law and was done by past administrations.

Why not ask the question the right way? Why not ask "Do you agree with American law that places children in protective foster care while their parents are tried in our court system for attempting to enter the country illegally?" What the **** do you think the answer/poll results are for THAT question Tiberius? Or do you think I'm being more biased in my question vs. the original one?

I'm curious. You and your ******* memes and polls..... Jesus you are out of touch.
I'm not outraged, you dimwit. The whole country is outraged, with the exception of the small minority of ruthless, hateful, vengeful Anti-Christian Trump supporters. It may be time to look outside your bubble to see what's happening around you.

I've heard this a couple times now. Who's Anti-Christian again? And when did it become popular for the left to actually side with Christians?

The playbook is always changing.
You and your ******* memes and polls.....
The next time you call out anyone on this board - besides me - for posting memes and polls will be the first time. For some reason the hundreds of pro-Trump memes and polls escape your attention here on a daily basis. But the second I show up and post, your panties are immediately in a bunch. Kinda strange, isn't it? Seems like you're catching Tim's bizarre infatuation disease, must be contagious.
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I've heard this a couple times now. Who's Anti-Christian again?
You tell me.

Conservative Religious Leaders Are Denouncing Trump Immigration Policies

Faith Leaders Oppose Trump's Immigration Policy Of Separating Children From Parents

Religious leaders implore Trump White House: Stop separating immigrant families

Trump Border Policies Uniting Religious Leaders – Against Him

Episcopal Church to host vigil in DC to condemn Trump’s immigration policies separating families

More than 5,000 Religious Leaders Sign Letter Supporting Refugee Resettlement

Jeff Sessions could be expelled from the Methodist Church over migrant policies
IndySteel is in a league of his own, he gets special treatment. Why not try calling him - and others - out for a change, as you do with basically every post I make on here? If you're this sensitive about 'outlandish hyperbole'... lol.

Indy is a bit over the top but he is generally correct. Trump is a bit over the top but he is generally correct. I could live with both side tamping down the rhetoric it is just some of the comments you have made about conservatives in general rather than just aiming specifically at Indy are unfounded.
Indy is a bit over the top but he is generally correct. Trump is a bit over the top but he is generally correct. I could live with both side tamping down the rhetoric it is just some of the comments you have made about conservatives in general rather than just aiming specifically at Indy are unfounded.

We're not only deplorable to Tibs, we now "hate our country" and are "anti-christian". The insults just keep coming.

All I know is conservatives vote more often than liberals, they volunteer for the military more often than liberals and they are less likely to get arrested. That only sounds like someone who is deplorable, hates their country and is anti-christian to people of Tibs and his ilk. Their "logic" is anything but logically. It's all emotional to Tibs. All what emotions are riled up that day by his media feed and his inner circle of like-minded people on facebook. There is no logic in anything Tibs does on this side of Steeler Nation anymore. All he deals with is emotions. Either he leaves in frustration and his ***** hurts that day (emotion) or he visits when the media frenzy is at it's highest Anti-Trump hysterics (again, emotion) or he posts a meme or picture that pulls at his emotional heartstrings.

Doesn't matter to him that immigration has been a topic ONLY conservatives seem to want to tackle (the left has been ignoring it or ******* it up for decades). Doesn't matter to him that most of the people he now says "hate America" or are "anti-Christian" have been constructively offering opinions on what the shape of immigration in the country should look like and how it should be accomplished. Even if he doesn't agree with some ideas, he doesn't attack them with facts, logic, counterpoints or alternatives. All he does (like the left ALL OVER THE PLACE) has turned into is a point and ***** narrative.

His actions are the very reason Trump is going to get re-elected and he doesn't even have the balls to admit it. The left's lack of any type of logical debate on ANY subject without bringing emotions into it or tearing down the conversation into a baseless emotional, moral fight is what is going to get Trump elected again.

There is not ONE state Trump won in 2016 that is not leaning more his way now than then. We don't ******* need California where ******* Robert De Niro and Peter Fonda vote (if they even send in their ballot from the French Riviera, which I highly doubt). Their "**** Trump" and standing ovations will only make more people vote in the ******* states that matter like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin. The whole ******* mid-west is RED now and nothing the democrats (or Tibs) is doing is changing that.

Keep yelling at us Tibs. Go on. Call me another name. Call Tim another name and IndySteel another name. I can't WAIT to cast my ballot.
New Outrage Alert!

Cut off their money and use it to pay for The Wall!


Trump ramps up rhetoric: Dems want 'illegal immigrants' to 'infest our country'

Trump: 'We're Not Going to Give Any More Aid' to Countries That Send Illegal Immigrants to U.S.

"We have a chance. We want to solve this problem, we want to solve family separation, I don't want children taken away from parents," Trump said.

And when you prosecute the parents for coming in illegally, which should happen, you have to take the children away. Now we don't have to prosecute them, but then we're not prosecuting them for coming in illegally. That's not good.

We want to end the border crisis by finally giving us the legal authorities and the resources to detain and remove illegal immigrant families altogether and bring them back to their country. We have to bring them back to their country.

Now think of all that aid that we give some of these countries, hundreds of millions of dollars we give to some of these countries, and they send them up.

Well I'm going to go, very shortly, for authorization that when countries abuse us by sending their people up, not their best, we're not going to give anymore aid to those countries. Why the hell should we? Why should we?

Trump called immigration legislation a "responsible common-sense approach that all law makers should embrace, Democrats and Republicans.

"And remember, we need the Democrats. People say, "Oh you have the majority." Well, in the Senate we have 1 but you need 60," he said. "We need Democrat support. They don't want to give it because Democrats love open borders. Let the whole world come in -- MS13, gang members from all over the place, come on in, we have open borders and they view that possibly, intelligently except that it's destroying our country.

"They view that as potential voters. Someday, they're going to vote for Democrats. Because they can't win on their policies which are horrible; they found that out in the last presidential election."

(More applause.)

You tell me.

Conservative Religious Leaders Are Denouncing Trump Immigration Policies

Faith Leaders Oppose Trump's Immigration Policy Of Separating Children From Parents

Religious leaders implore Trump White House: Stop separating immigrant families

Trump Border Policies Uniting Religious Leaders – Against Him

Episcopal Church to host vigil in DC to condemn Trump’s immigration policies separating families

More than 5,000 Religious Leaders Sign Letter Supporting Refugee Resettlement

Jeff Sessions could be expelled from the Methodist Church over migrant policies

And for the 1000th time you dumb ****, this is NOT TRUMP'S POLICY! This is the LAW!

Any headline that even starts with that narrative is already BIASED! All spin. Obama did this too! Was it "Obama's Policy?" Did I see headlines in NY Times putting the burden on Obama's lap or did they call is correctly and say "Immigration Law"? You know the ******* answer to that question Tibs.
And for the 1000th time you dumb ****, this is NOT TRUMP'S POLICY! This is the LAW!

Any headline that even starts with that narrative is already BIASED! All spin. Obama did this too! Was it "Obama's Policy?" Did I see headlines in NY Times putting the burden on Obama's lap or did they call is correctly and say "Immigration Law"? You know the ******* answer to that question Tibs.

Before you call anyone a dumb ****, you might want to check your own facts. There is no stipulation that immigrant children be separated from their parents.

During the Obama administration, immigrant children who were not accompanied by parents (older children) were detained. That’s very different than toddlers being separated from their parents. It is you who is buying into spin.
I get it, we should feel sorry for the folks in flyover country who feel victimized by the mean, unruly coastal liberals who have the media in their clutches.

The utter sarcasm that drips from that statement right there is what reinforces all those negative feelings about Liberal elitists and the media that we in flyover country feel. The condescending tone and superiority complex is nothing new to middle Americans. First of all, I don't feel ******* victimized by anybody. If anyone on the coast or anywhere else has disdain for me because I live in flyover country then **** THEM. It's their problem, not mine. Frankly I pity them because they don't even know how ignorant they are.

And another thing. Anyone who tries to stand there and attempts to pretend that the media does not openly and unabashedly promote every Liberal narrative they can find is either a complete moron or and out and out liar. Pure and simple because it's as plain as day. They don't even try to hide it anymore. That's one of the great benefits of a Trump presidency. It's caused all the rats in the media to out themselves publicly because they can't help themselves now. It's beautiful.
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I'm not outraged, you dimwit. The whole country is outraged, with the exception of the small minority of ruthless, hateful, vengeful Anti-Christian Trump supporters. It may be time to look outside your bubble to see what's happening around you.

You simply do not get the definition of Selective Outrage. I have ZERO question that you are outraged now. I QUESTION why we didn't hear your incessant belly aching and moaning about these poor ILLEGAL immigrants and the separated children from 2008-2016? I wonder why those families then weren't worthy of the Hungarian Humanitarian's SJW rage during those 8 years? What made those lives worthless but these soooooo very precious? Because you damn sure were wholly silent then.
Before you call anyone a dumb ****, you might want to check your own facts. There is no stipulation that immigrant children be separated from their parents.

During the Obama administration, immigrant children who were not accompanied by parents (older children) were detained. That’s very different than toddlers being separated from their parents. It is you who is buying into spin.

Of course there is stipulation. When you are charged with a crime (even a misdemeanor like drunk driving) and you are detained, any child with you is taken AWAY from you and put into the custody of the State while you proceed through your criminal charge. I can't help there has been an uptick in mass illegal immigration attempts this past year. I thought Trump's rhetoric and tough talk was working (it worked in 2017 but Congress failed to pass a law improving our immigration laws so the Mexicans and Central Americans caught on I guess). Now we have so many people "in line" that are criminals (and make no mistake about this: if you are caught entering this country illegally, you are a criminal - if you want to debate that, I will certainly discuss it) it takes WAY longer than the 1997 law that says I can't keep a child in State custody that long. I have to place them with a foster family or relative within 40 days or 45 days or whatever. This happened under Obama as well. If someone was caught crossing the border and actually CHARGED with a crime, their children were taken from them while that happened.

I have yet to hear from you or Tibs, what we should be doing. We can either not charge anyone with a crime when they illegally cross the border and are caught. We can keep the family together in jails (which is what Trump XO does, but that might be illegal) while those charged await their turn to a hearing. We can just let illegals cross and NOT catch them. We can try to increase the speed at which these cases are tried but I would think you would agree with a wall then, since that slows down the flow and let's the legal system "catch up".

It is utterly nonsense if you think this didn't happen under Obama and that all those pictures were just minors crossing the border by themselves. Or do you agree Obama just directed his DOJ to ignore the law and not prosecute illegal crossings at the border? Because that is just as damning in my opinion.

And we need to have another conversation with what to do when everyone crossing the border has been "coached up" to claim asylum and how that is bogging down the whole system. I don't hear anything from you or Tibs that wants to tackle why (the root cause) asylum requests at the southern border have gone up 300% since 2012.

But you guys don't want to talk about ANY of this. All you want to do it call me names and point the finger at Trump and say "meanie!".
Uh oh!


President Barack Obama’s immigration agency allowed migrant youths as young as 14 to be abused, tied up, left naked in solitary confinement, and denied health treatment at a juvenile detention center in Virginia in 2015 and 2016, says a lawsuit filed on behalf of a Latino migrant.
The lawsuit was settled in January, according to the Associated Press, which does not describe the settlement but does say that officials at Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center (SVJC) in Staunton, Virginia, denied the claims.

The lawsuit filed on behalf of plaintiff John Doe states:

Doe and other similarly situated young people in SVJC are subject to unconstitutional conditions that shock the conscience, including violence by staff, abusive and excessive use of seclusion and restraints, and denial of necessary mental health care. As a result, Doe has engaged in significant and continuous self-harm, to which SVJC staff and counselors have responded with callous indifference.

These violations reflects a disorganized, untrained and understaffed facility that house immigrant children in brutal, inhumane conditions.