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That was my thought as well. Like all of a sudden it occurred to him: “Oh wait, what about casualties?!?!”

These comments crack me the hell up. You and Tibs and the rest of the progressives have lapped up everything fed to you, like pigs at a trough. "Trump is stupid."


You don't become a billionaire being stupid.
You don't, with no political background, jump into the Presidential election and beat the established criminal political establishment in the Clintons and the crooked Dimwits being an idiot.

The man is far from stupid, but whatever you blowhards say. I get it. Orange Man bad.

This whole thread cracks me up btw. Everyone's forgotten the dismal, despicable, awful foreign policy of B. Hussein Obama. His imaginary lines in the sand...that led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocents in the middle east.

But Trump tweeted he might have launched a weapon, but didn't...and holy **** that's so much worse than Syrian women and children being gassed.

Simple moronic lemmings who don't remember, can't think, judge in a vacuum, and simply react to whatever HuffPoMSNBCWashPo tells you.
More than a freaking community organizer. Hahaha

Just like Trump, seems like you're singularly focused on Obama. Since you brought it up, surely you're familiar with Obama's bio, before he announced his candidacy as President.

- President of the Harvard Law Review
- Taught Constitutional Law at University of Chicago Law School for 12 years
- Three-term state Senator in Illinois
- US Senator from Illinois, served in the Senate for three years
- Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on European Affairs

So yeah, label him a 'community organizer' all you want. At least that'll get you a pat on the back here in the SN echo chamber. LOL
You don't become a billionaire being stupid.

I can think of a few self-made billionaires (the kind that weren’t given a million dollars by daddy 50 years ago) that have inferred that Trump is stupid. Tell it to them, Tim.
Yeah, we know, it's obvious. But thanks for pointing it out for the poor souls still watching Fox News.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Shep Smith and Chris Wallace: Trump's time line and explanation for his decision on Iran "doesn't make any sense." <a href="https://t.co/yQTKhn51iQ">pic.twitter.com/yQTKhn51iQ</a></p>— Lis Power (@LisPower1) <a href="https://twitter.com/LisPower1/status/1142152504882487297?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 21, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Just like Trump, seems like you're singularly focused on Obama. Since you brought it up, surely you're familiar with Obama's bio, before he announced his candidacy as President.

- President of the Harvard Law Review
- Taught Constitutional Law at University of Chicago Law School for 12 years
- Three-term state Senator in Illinois
- US Senator from Illinois, served in the Senate for three years
- Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on European Affairs

So yeah, label him a 'community organizer' all you want. At least that'll get you a pat on the back here in the SN echo chamber. LOL

So you're saying he has never worked an honest day in his life. Gotcha.
Just like Trump, seems like you're singularly focused on Obama. Since you brought it up, surely you're familiar with Obama's bio, before he announced his candidacy as President.

- President of the Harvard Law Review
- Taught Constitutional Law at University of Chicago Law School for 12 years
- Three-term state Senator in Illinois
- US Senator from Illinois, served in the Senate for three years
- Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on European Affairs

So yeah, label him a 'community organizer' all you want. At least that'll get you a pat on the back here in the SN echo chamber. LOL

There's "book smart" and there's "street smart"
Bomma is obviously book-smart. But the man couldn't spot a three dollar bill mixed in with a bunch of two-dollar bills if he tried.
as for being a three-term senator, he didn't do much of **** but collect a paycheck. how fitting that the fool who drove millions out of work and dependent upon the government was also a leech.


since you won't click that link..

Q: How many times did Obama vote 'present' as a state senator?

A: He did so 129 times, which represents a little more than 3 percent of his total votes.


I keep reading that Obama has "no legislative accomplishments" and at the GOP convention, Palin kept saying he voted "present" 123 times, or something like that. Can you please fact-check this?


We've received a number of questions from readers asking us how many times Sen. Barack Obama voted "present" in the Illinois state Legislature. The issue was raised by Hillary Clinton in January, when she accused Obama of "taking a pass" on tough issues. Clinton's line of attack has now been picked up by Republicans. It was renewed Sept. 3 in a speech to the Republican convention, not by vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin as our questioner recalls, but by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
I can think of a few self-made billionaires (the kind that weren’t given a million dollars by daddy 50 years ago) that have inferred that Trump is stupid. Tell it to them, Tim.

There's "book smart" and there's "street smart"....since you won't click that link..
None of this is relevant. My point was - for the record - that he was much more than a community organizer, as SCSteeler4life tried to frame him as.

Now back to Iran, the topic of this thread.
None of this is relevant. My point was - for the record - that he was much more than a community organizer, as SCSteeler4life tried to frame him as.

Now back to Iran, the topic of this thread.

oh, back to Iran - the crisis Obama created.
This made me laugh. It shouldn't have, probably closer to the truth than we realize.

I can think of a few self-made billionaires (the kind that weren’t given a million dollars by daddy 50 years ago) that have inferred that Trump is stupid. Tell it to them, Tim.

The **** brothers? They're jelly.
oh, back to Iran - the crisis Obama created.
This crisis was created when Trump reneged on the Iran agreement and unilaterally broke its terms by re-applying sanctions.
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The liberal media and democrats on the hill trying to make a name for themselves will find fault in EVERY DECISION Trump decides on with Iran. Every. Single. One.

The nameless sources that continue to leak "disfunction" are the exact same anti-Trumpers that have been doing this since 2016. They have the same reporters on speed dial. They have drinks with them. They get kickbacks.

Why is this so hard to realize? There will NEVER be a positive story about how Trump handles a crisis during this administration. Democrats will believe Trump is unqualified. His supporters will believe its bad and bias reporting. Nothing is changing.

I do not know ONE person that is on the fence about voting in 2020. Everyone I meet is either already voting for Trump or already voting against him. The only thing that matters is turn out. I don't even know what the **** polls will do this cycle. They mean nothing.
This still seems like the most probable reason for Trump's sudden about-face.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Trump: We’re gonna bomb Iran!<br><br>Putin: That would make me super mad.<br><br>Trump: <a href="https://t.co/HNXBeVeXWB">pic.twitter.com/HNXBeVeXWB</a></p>— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) <a href="https://twitter.com/HoarseWisperer/status/1141992588205002752?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 21, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
This crisis was created when Trump reneged on the Iran agreement and unilaterally broke its terms by re-applying sanctions. Like the dumb **** that he is.

There's proof that Tibs loves him some Muslim terrorists, like Obama, and wants Iran to have nukes. Added bonus: paid for by the USA! What a POS.
None of this is relevant. My point was - for the record - that he was much more than a community organizer, as SCSteeler4life tried to frame him as.

Now back to Iran, the topic of this thread.

He must have forgotten his Constitutional education when he announced DACA.
This crisis was created when Trump reneged on the Iran agreement and unilaterally broke its terms by re-applying sanctions. Like the dumb **** that he is.

100% incorrect.
The crisis was created when Obama signed the Iran Deal. A Deal that he alone pushed for. A Deal that even the great Hillary Clinton said was "naive" in assuming that the Iranians would not advance their nuclear program to develop nuclear arms.

yet this is somehow ALL Trump's fault.

willfully ignorant, you are.
None of this is relevant. My point was - for the record - that he was much more than a community organizer, as SCSteeler4life tried to frame him as.

He was a lawyer. So exactly what did he actually, oh, I don't know, DO as a lawyer? Answer: Nothing. Literally, NOTHING.

He handled a series of ****** little cases that probably belonged in small claims court - one slip-and-fall case, a dispute over a $336 babysitting tab, **** like that.

Harvard law. Law Review. Three years as an associate, no matters of any import, as many trials as my horse, zero relevance, and off he goes. He was on the track to being fired, by the way. Lawyers who have zero courtroom experience after three years and are still handling ****** little case are on the way out the door.

Barry H.O. - big time credentials; microscopic actual results. He could not pay his bills as a lawyer, and wisely went into the business of legal thievery - politics.

EDIT: The law firm says Obama logged 3,723 billable hours during his tenure from 1993 to 2004, most of it during the first four years.

Jesus Christ, 3,700 billable hours? Say he billed nothing after year 4 - that still works out to about 925 hours per year, or about 77 hours per month - PER MONTH.

Ho-lee ****, you know what I would have earned if I billed 77 ******* hours per month?!? A pink slip.
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The crisis was created when Obama signed the Iran Deal. A Deal that he alone pushed for.

Supe, it's high time to stop living in a vacuum, spinning around endlessly in the right-wing echo chamber.

The agreement was hashed out and agreed upon by Iran and the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council - China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States—plus Germany, and the European Union. Deliberations began in 2013 and negotiations took twenty months until the agreement was signed by all parties in 2015.

The terms were crystal clear, a specific roadmap to significantly limit and curtail Iran's nuclear program:

Under JCPOA, Iran agreed to eliminate its stockpile of medium-enriched uranium, cut its stockpile of low-enriched uranium by 98%, and reduce by about two-thirds the number of its gas centrifuges for 13 years. For the next 15 years Iran will only enrich uranium up to 3.67%. Iran also agreed not to build any new heavy-water facilities for the same period of time. Uranium-enrichment activities will be limited to a single facility using first-generation centrifuges for 10 years. Other facilities will be converted to avoid proliferation risks. To monitor and verify Iran's compliance with the agreement, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will have regular access to all Iranian nuclear facilities. The agreement provides that in return for verifiably abiding by its commitments, Iran will receive relief from U.S., European Union, and United Nations Security Council nuclear-related sanctions.

To frame this as some harebrained idea concocted out of thin air by President Obama is pure fantasy.

Iran was holding up its end of the agreement when Trump kicked up the entire deal in a hissy fit to appease his base and the warmongers on the right.

I understand Trumpsters love revisionist history, but come on, there's a limit to everything.
This crisis was created when Trump reneged on the Iran agreement and unilaterally broke its terms by re-applying sanctions. Like the dumb **** that he is.

Mark Cuban, Warren Buffet...
Supe, it's high time to stop living in a vacuum, spinning around endlessly in the right-wing echo chamber.

The agreement was hashed out and agreed upon by Iran and the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council - China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States—plus Germany, and the European Union. Deliberations began in 2013 and negotiations took twenty months until the agreement was signed by all parties in 2015.

The terms were crystal clear, a specific roadmap to significantly limit and curtail Iran's nuclear program:

To frame this as some harebrained idea concocted out of thin air by President Obama is pure fantasy.

Iran was holding up its end of the agreement when Trump kicked up the entire deal in a hissy fit to appease his base and the warmongers on the right.

I understand Trumpsters love revisionist history, but come on, there's a limit to everything.

Mattis approves of it as well.
Just like Trump, seems like you're singularly focused on Obama. Since you brought it up, surely you're familiar with Obama's bio, before he announced his candidacy as President.

- President of the Harvard Law Review
- Taught Constitutional Law at University of Chicago Law School for 12 years
- Three-term state Senator in Illinois
- US Senator from Illinois, served in the Senate for three years
- Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on European Affairs

So yeah, label him a 'community organizer' all you want. At least that'll get you a pat on the back here in the SN echo chamber. LOL

And he would not share a single transcript. Voted present for years. Senator of Illinois, arguably the most corrupt state in the country.
None of this is relevant. My point was - for the record - that he was much more than a community organizer, as SCSteeler4life tried to frame him as.

Now back to Iran, the topic of this thread.

Maybe Trump should load a airplane full of cash and send it to Iran, that worked for Barry.
Let's re-hash this specific part of the Iran Nuclear agreement Trump walked away from:

"To monitor and verify Iran's compliance with the agreement, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will have regular access to all Iranian nuclear facilities. The agreement provides that in return for verifiably abiding by its commitments, Iran will receive relief from U.S., European Union, and United Nations Security Council nuclear-related sanctions."

Verifiability & accountability were the crucial parts of the agreement, to have the IAEA on the ground, at the facilities throughout the country. The level of oversight the Iranians agreed to was undeniable and frankly a bit surprising. You could argue they'd find a way around it, and keep trying to cook up nuclear weapons under a cloak of secrecy. Even if that was the case, I'd rather have international nuclear inspectors on the ground, within Iran, than not. With no deal, you say no to the inspectors & you say no to oversight. Iran's left to its own whims. You have a deal in place, with your foot in the door, boots on the ground. That is what Trump said 'no' to and backed out if. It's insane.

To its credit, the agreement created a new dimension of oversight with a clear mandate to curtail Iran's nuclear capabilities. That's all that matters. You don't say no to that, you don't walk away from that for no good reason. It's dumb and self-defeating. And more than anything, it re-opens the door to more conflict and more hostilities.

Remember, Iran was in full compliance with the agreement. There was no event or action by Iran that gave any legitimate cause to exit the deal. It seems Trump's move was politically motivated, comeuppance on his predecessor and political rival Obama, who's loathed by the base. In my opinion there's nothing in the Iranian deal that would give any sane US President a reason to rip it up and storm out of the room, as Trump did.

Strange times, indeed.
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