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Iran's response ... missile attacks on U.S. bases in Iraq

Nah, I was just concerned when the assassination went down, did not want our troops - and Americans stateside and around the world - to be at risk unneccessarily.

Besides my initial reaction the night of the attack, which I apologized for earlier in this thread, I've kept things calm as can be. The ones throwing out insults, calling people names, making snide remarks and acting hysterical have been those defending Trump. To each his own.

You apologized because you knew you were an *******. And you're continuing to be, as Del said. And we were all concerned about American troops, diplomats, any decent human being -- but I think we'll agree to disagree that they were unnecessarily put at risk.

To each their own.
****, that's my canoe!

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Iranian commander vows "harsher revenge" against U.S.
A member of Iran's joint chiefs of staff vowed on Thursday there would be "harsher revenge" taken against the United States. Abdollah Araghi said Iran's Revolutionary Guard "will impose a harsher revenge on the enemy in the near future," according to the semi-official Tasnim news agency.

The general chosen to replace Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, who was killed in a U.S. airstrike last week, also said Thursday he would follow the same path as his predecessor.

Yeah, Straight to Hell smelling like fried bacon
How about we stay where our little tete a tete began, with your illustrious claim that Bin Laden's supposed death is somehow greater than Soleimani's. I would appreciate you backing up your claim and refuting those I made, or just move the **** on.

Bin Laden was behind the murder of 3,000 innocent Americans on U.S. soil. Soleimani was behind ZERO. Nobody is backing you up on your ridiculous argument. Doubting Bin Laden’s death is your latest act of cowardice as, once again, it’s something you would never say publicly and certainly never say in person to any of the soldiers who risked their lives to kill Bin Laden. Die another one of your 1,000 deaths.
Bin Laden was behind the murder of 3,000 innocent Americans on U.S. soil. Soleimani was behind ZERO. Nobody is backing you up on your ridiculous argument. Doubting Bin Laden’s death is your latest act of cowardice as, once again, it’s something you would never say publicly and certainly never say in person to any of the soldiers who risked their lives to kill Bin Laden. Die another one of your 1,000 deaths.

I see you remain a daft son of a *****. Simple question: Through terror, who's killed more humans, Iran or Bin Laden?

You made a dumb *** statement. You never admit you're wrong (which is just about every other post). Try walking this one back too. Must get tiring.

Finally, did you just wish me death??
Let's complete the circle here and bring it home to Democrat and Swamp politics and malfeasance:


Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau is saying out loud what others have been thinking since the news broke that Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 crashed soon after taking off from the airport in Tehran — namely, that "the plane was shot down by an Iranian surface-to-air missile," likely unintentionally.

"According to the New York Times, American officials also had a "high level of confidence" that the Iranians destroyed the airliner by mistake. One official specifically cited two SA-15 missiles fired from an Iranian air defense system.

If Trudeau proves right, this will not be the first time an anxious military accidentally shot down a non-threatening commercial aircraft. On July 17, 1996, a comparable missile strike destroyed TWA 800 off the coast of Long Island shortly after the Boeing 747 took off from JFK.

We know why the Iranians were antsy earlier this week. Their military fired off multiple missiles late Tuesday night at American targets and were likely expecting retaliation. On July 17, 1996, the American military had reason to be on edge as well.

Two days before the start of the Atlanta Olympics, the Clinton administration had the U.S. Navy on the highest state of alert since the Cuban Missile crisis. In this hair-trigger environment, accidents could happen.

Accidents had happened before in such an environment. On July 3, 1988, at the tail end of the Iran-Iraq War, an Aegis cruiser in the Persian Gulf, the USS Vincennes, fired two Standard Missiles at a commercial Iranian Airbus, IR 655.

IR 655 had reached 13,500 feet, a final altitude almost identical to TWA 800's, when Capt. Will Rogers III gave the order to fire. Rogers and his crew had mistaken the ascending passenger jet with 290 people on board for a descending Iranian F-14, a fighter plane.

With the media's help, the truth about the Vincennes ultimately surfaced. With the media's help, the truth about TWA 800 was successfully buried, but here is what we have been able to dig up.

In the last several years, researchers have unearthed an astonishing treasure trove of CIA documents and secured a confirmed video of a Long Island missile launch on July 12, five days before TWA 800's demise on July 17. The CIA conceded that at least four witnesses had reported seeing a missile launch on July 7, 1996, as well. Note the dates. There is a pattern here.
According to an air traffic controller at NY TRACON, "[a] primary radar return (ASR-9) indicated vertical movement intersecting TWA 800," and then "TWA800" disappeared.
As Clinton anti-terror czar Richard Clarke tells it, he immediately called a high-level meeting in the White House situation room after the crash.
Illegally, but publicly, the FBI seized control of the investigation from the NTSB within hours of the crash.
According to CIA documents, "[t]he DI [Directorate of Intelligence] became involved in the 'missile theory' the day after the crash occurred."
According to the CIA, within two weeks of the disaster, FBI agents had interviewed 144 "excellent" eyewitnesses to a likely missile strike and found the evidence for such a strike "overwhelming."
The CIA analyst boasted of discouraging the FBI from releasing its missile report. He seems to have succeeded.
Two weeks later, the FBI permitted the New York Times to interview one and only one eyewitness. He saw the event out of the corner of his eye and thought it was a bomb.
The NTSB eventually identified 258 eyewitnesses who had seen a glowing object streaking towards TWA 800. At least 56 had followed the object from the horizon.
The Times interviewed none of the 258.
At the FBI's direction, the Times ran an above-the-fold, front-page headline on August 23, 1996, "Prime Evidence Found That Device Exploded in Cabin of TWA 800."
On September 19, the Times signaled the government's switch from a "bomb" to a "mechanical failure alone" explanation.
On September 20, to make sense of the switch, the FBI claimed that the TWA 800 aircraft had "previously been used in a law enforcement training exercise for bomb-detection dogs."
As was easily proved, the test in question did not take place on the TWA 800 plane, and the training aids did not match in placement or in composition the explosive residue found.
The eyewitnesses were not so easily explained away. With the NTSB illegally shut out of witness review, the FBI turned the task over to the CIA.
Working with just one third of the witness statements, the CIA concluded that the eyewitnesses saw the nose-less aircraft ascend more than 3,000 feet, mimicking the path of a missile.
In April 1997, a dissenter on the FBI missile team, Steve Bongardt, demanded to know why the CIA failed to account for the eight witnesses who saw an object "hit the aircraft."
To sell its lie, as the CIA documents prove, the CIA created at least three critical witness statements from whole cloth and flagrantly corrupted more than two hundred others.

Nothing the Iranians say about the cause of the crash can be taken at face value. At this stage, they are denying responsibility and claiming mechanical failure. In 1996, we did the same. As we have seen with the Russia collusion hoax, our intelligence agencies can be subverted when the party in power rewards them for their mischief and the media cover it up.

Let the Iranians worry about Iranian screw-ups. It is past time we investigate our own."
Bin Laden was behind the murder of 3,000 innocent Americans on U.S. soil. Soleimani was behind ZERO. Nobody is backing you up on your ridiculous argument. Doubting Bin Laden’s death is your latest act of cowardice as, once again, it’s something you would never say publicly and certainly never say in person to any of the soldiers who risked their lives to kill Bin Laden. Die another one of your 1,000 deaths.

careful, flog

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The Case for Killing Qassim Suleimani


Last week, our military and intelligence services brought justice to Qassim Suleimani, Iran’s terror mastermind. President Trump ordered General Suleimani’s killing after months of attacks on Americans by Iran’s proxy forces in Iraq. These attacks culminated in a rocket strike that killed an American and wounded others, then the attempted storming of our embassy in Baghdad. The first attack crossed the red line drawn by the president last summer — that if Iran harmed an American, it would face severe consequences. The president meant what he said, as Mr. Suleimani learned the hard way.

Mr. Suleimani’s killing was justified, legal and strategically sound. But the president’s critics swarmed as usual. After the embassy attack, a Democratic senator declared that the president had “rendered America impotent.” Some Democrats then pivoted after the Suleimani strike, calling him “reckless” and “dangerous.” Those are the words of Senator Elizabeth Warren, who also described Mr. Suleimani — the leader of a State Department-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization plotting to kill American troops — as a “senior foreign military official.” Senator Bernie Sanders likened America’s killing of a terrorist on the battlefield to Vladimir Putin’s assassination of Russian political dissidents.

Some Democrats seem to feel a strange regret for the killing of a monster who specialized in killing Americans. The linguist his proxies killed on Dec. 27, Nawres Hamid, was merely his last victim out of more than 600 in Iraq since 2003. His forces have instigated attacks against our troops in Afghanistan. He plotted a (foiled) bombing in Washington, D.C., and attempted attacks on the soil of our European allies. He armed the terrorist group Hezbollah in Lebanon with rockets to pummel the Jewish state of Israel. And he was greeted moments before his death by a terrorist responsible for the bombing of our embassy in Kuwait in 1983.

Some of the president’s critics will concede that Mr. Suleimani was an evil man, but many complain his killing was unlawful. Wrong again. He was a United States-designated terrorist commander. As I have been briefed, he was plotting further attacks against Americans at the time of his death. The authority granted to the president under Article II of the Constitution provides ample legal basis for this strike. Furthermore, those who accept the constitutionality of the War Powers Act should recall that Congress’s 2001 and 2002 Authorizations for Use of Military Force very much remain in effect and clearly cover the Suleimani operation. This will be a relief to the Obama administration, which ordered hundreds of drone strikes using such a legal rationale.

American forces are in Iraq at the invitation of the Iraqi government, and they have every right and authority to defend themselves. This legal act of self-defense was not only proportionate — it was targeted and brilliantly executed, causing essentially no collateral damage.

So the killing was justified and legally sound. It was also strategically sensible. If Iran’s anemic response on Tuesday is any indication, the Suleimani strike has already restored deterrence — and our troops in the region are safer for it. To put it simply, the ayatollahs are once again afraid of the United States because of this bold action, which is forcing them to recalculate their odds. In 2019 alone, Iran’s violent provocations included mining ships in the Strait of Hormuz, downing an American drone and threatening the global economy by striking Saudi oil facilities. President Trump chose restraint at the time but promised ferocious retaliation in the event of American casualties. The mullahs must have thought that he was bluffing. Now they’re compelled to face the reality of America’s vast overmatch of their forces.

The weeks and months ahead will tell whether the Islamic Republic is successfully deterred — but it has been deterred in the past, for example, when Ronald Reagan sank much of the Iranian Navy in 1988. (It has never successfully been appeased, and President Barack Obama’s attempts to buy off Iran with his nuclear deal only fueled the regime’s imperialism and regional campaign of terror.) Iran is not 10-feet tall. In fact, it’s a weak, third-rate power.

Because of this administration’s maximum-pressure campaign, the regime manages an economy trapped in a deepening depression. To remain in power, it must mass murder its own people, which it did as recently as November. If maximum pressure is maintained, the ayatollahs will eventually face a choice between fundamentally changing their behavior or suffering economic and social collapse. They may also choose to lash out in a desperate bid to escape this logic, perhaps by making a break for a nuclear bomb. Such impulses must be deterred or, if recklessly pursued, halted with swift and firm action, as the president promised on Wednesday.

This tough-minded approach is not a distraction from America’s competition with more serious adversaries like China and Russia, who watch our actions closely in the Gulf for signs of commitment and resolve. Our long-term challenge with China, in particular, directly involves the Middle East’s energy resources, to which access remains critical for our allies in the Indo-Pacific, and indeed for China itself — regardless of important strides in America’s domestic energy production.

The future of our Iran policy is a critical part of our success in the global competition that will determine the character of this century and the safety of the American republic within it. And recent events have shown we are up to the task.
All indications were the Iranians were holding up their end of the agreement. Confirmed by the US military and the IAEA. International inspectors on the ground. I mean ****, Trump tore that up cause it had Obama's name on it. It wasn't perfect, it could have gone further, but it was a hell of a lot better to have containment and supervision on the ground than not. Just a dumb move on all fronts, done for bravado after the election to throw a bone to his base. Where are we now? Iran has withdrawn from all previous committments and has ramped up nuclear activity. The assassination has rallied the country to defend itself. Inexplainable how anyone could think we're in a better place now than we were in 2015 on this front.

so which is it - they were holding up their end of the bargain or they had withdrawn on those?

On 14 July 2015 the P5+1 States and Iran signed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Although there was strong opposition in both the Iranian and the U.S. governments, legislation was passed in the U.S. Congress and the Iranian Parliament approving the deal. [101] [102] On 20 July 2015, the UN Security Council adopted UNSCR 2231 endorsing the plan. [103] The JCPOA is designed to limit Iran's "breakout time" to a nuclear weapon from an estimated few months to one year or more. [104] This is being accomplished by the implementation of several measures to limit Iran's ability to enrich uranium.

hmmm... passed by Congress. Anyway...

Since 2016, the IAEA has released quarterly verification and monitoring reports on Iran's implementation of the JCPOA in accordance with UNSCR 2231. These reports have been generally consistent with Iranian compliance in implementing the JCPOA. [110] However, some experts are concerned that JCPOA compliance monitoring has been incomplete. Analysts at the Institute for Science and International Security have criticized the IAEA reports as being too sparse to dispel controversies about Iran's compliance. [111] These analysts also claim that Iran has exploited a loophole in the JCPOA to exceed its allotment of heavy water on two occasions.

May 24, 2014
Iran Is Providing Information on Its Detonators, Report Says

The I.A.E.A. releases a report stating that Iran is beginning to turn over information related to its nuclear detonators. The agency says that Iran has provided “additional information and explanations,” including documents, to substantiate its claim that it had tested the detonators for “a civilian application.”

"detonators" -- for energy production? that's a bit odd, isnt it, Tibsy?

WASHINGTON — At a moment when American negotiators say they see some signs of movement on the part of Iran toward a broad nuclear deal with the United States, the head of the United Nations nuclear inspection organization declared Friday that Iran had stopped answering the agency’s questions about suspected past efforts to design the components of a bomb.

The director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Yukiya Amano, said commitments Iran had made to provide more information on what he called “possible military dimensions” had not been carried out. He said that while he had received assurances from Iran’s president, Hassan Rouhani, that he was “willing to clarify the ambiguity” in documents and computer records that appear to show work on a variety of technologies that can be used to detonate a weapon, the cooperation had not been forthcoming.

“What is needed now is action,” Mr. Amano said, referring to a list of about a dozen issues that Iranian officials have declined to answer for years. Iran has argued that what has been described as evidence is fabricated, and that it has answered a sufficient number of questions.

Iranian nuclear facilities to be supervised under the ******, awful deal:
Natanz Fuel Enrichment Plant
33.724084, 51.722354

Natanz is the primary location of Iran’s nuclear enrichment program. Located 160 miles southeast of Tehran, Natanz is Iran’s oldest and largest uranium enrichment facility.

Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant
34.883878, 50.996246

Fordow is Iran’s second fuel enrichment facility, buried under a mountain in the Great Salt Desert near the holy city of Qom. Before the Iran deal, the bunker was filled with 2,710 centrifuges that could enrich uranium to weapons-grade materials.

Arak Nuclear Power Plant

Arak, “the symbol of Iran’s nuclear industry”, is located about 150 miles southwest of Tehran.

The fate of Arak was a major point of negotiations between Western and Iranian leaders.

Parchin Military Complex
35.533790, 51.752149 & 35.559632, 51.785120

Parchin, the center of Iran’s munitions industry, is one of the most suspected sites in Iran.

Located about 19 miles southeast of Tehran, the large military complex focuses on research, development, and production of ammunition, rockets, and high explosives.

Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant
28.829072, 50.885110

The Bushehr plant, located next to the city of Bushehr in southern Iran, is the first civilian nuclear power plant built in the Middle East. The plant is unique in design because it incorporates Russian nuclear technology into German-build reactor buildings.


Darkhovin, located about 25 miles south of Ahvaz in southwest Iran, is a planned nuclear power plant. One reactor is firmly planned, while some other projects on the site were cancelled.

Basing the design on the Arak reactor, the plant is meant to be Iran’s first entirely domestic reactor project.


Interestingly enough, Iran had no earthquakes for two years (2015-2016). Since, they've had 18 (not including this year). The Iranians were already increasing their production of uranium PRIOR to Salami being smothered and covered. The very fact that you ignore all this, as well as the leadership role that Salami played in attacks on US Embassies is harrowing, and telling of exactly what your true believe is - that your duly elected POTUS can never do anything that will satisfy you.
Bin Laden was behind the murder of 3,000 innocent Americans on U.S. soil. Soleimani was behind ZERO.

Wanted to dig a little bit deeper into this, you claiming killing Bin Laden was greater than killing Soleimani. I notice you back pedaled trying to creating new tenets for your argument, like the idea of US soil being a parameter. Comical. The statement made was killing Bin Laden was greater than killing Soleimani - without qualifications or boundaries.

I countered, correctly, that taking the top military leader of a state sponsor of terror is greater/will have a greater impact. Me thinks you need a history lesson. The reach and influence of Iran on global terrorism far surpassed anything Bin Laden could have dreamed of. Iran, and Soleimani, have spent 3 decades together driving global terrorism. The death count can't be measured.

* . Since the fall of the Shah in 1979, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has grown and worked to spread terrorism globally. They train and fund terrorist organizations. They have hundreds of thousands of members, a Navy, and the Quds Force that trains Islamic militants. They have worked with the Japanese Red Army, the Armenian Secret Army, the Kurdistan Workers' Party, the Iraqi Da'wah Party, the Islamic Front for the Liberation of Bahrain and Hezbollah in Beirut . They provide support for Hamas, Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Israel, training terrorists supporting the Palestinian resistance and aiding the Iraqi insurgency in southern Iraq.

Can anyone tally up how many people lost their lives as a result of 4 decades of those efforts?

* . Iran is documented to have conducted or fomented terrorism in all of the following non-Iranian countries: Afghanistan, Albania, Argentina, Bahrain, Germany, India, Israel (Hamas and Hezbollah), Iraq (Shi'ite militias), Kenya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, France, Denmark, the United States and more.

* . Iran has historically been moderately to deeply connected to Al Queda. Iran was/is directly involved in the 1988 World Trade Center bombing, the USS Cole bombing, the Riyadh bombings, supporting the Taliban in Afghanistan

* . Iran has carried out innumerable international assassinations

* . They sponsored at least 30 terrorist activities between 2011-2013 in international countries around the globe.

* In 2011, they were foiled attempting to murder the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the US and bomb the Israeli and Saudi embassies in Washington D.C.
Wanted to dig a little bit deeper into this, you claiming killing Bin Laden was greater than killing Soleimani. I notice you back pedaled trying to creating new tenets for your argument, like the idea of US soil being a parameter. Comical. The statement made was killing Bin Laden was greater than killing Soleimani - without qualifications or boundaries.

I countered, correctly, that taking the top military leader of a state sponsor of terror is greater/will have a greater impact. Me thinks you need a history lesson. The reach and influence of Iran on global terrorism far surpassed anything Bin Laden could have dreamed of. Iran, and Soleimani, have spent 3 decades together driving global terrorism. The death count can't be measured.

* . Since the fall of the Shah in 1979, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has grown and worked to spread terrorism globally. They train and fund terrorist organizations. They have hundreds of thousands of members, a Navy, and the Quds Force that trains Islamic militants. They have worked with the Japanese Red Army, the Armenian Secret Army, the Kurdistan Workers' Party, the Iraqi Da'wah Party, the Islamic Front for the Liberation of Bahrain and Hezbollah in Beirut . They provide support for Hamas, Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Israel, training terrorists supporting the Palestinian resistance and aiding the Iraqi insurgency in southern Iraq.

Can anyone tally up how many people lost their lives as a result of 4 decades of those efforts?

* . Iran is documented to have conducted or fomented terrorism in all of the following non-Iranian countries: Afghanistan, Albania, Argentina, Bahrain, Germany, India, Israel (Hamas and Hezbollah), Iraq (Shi'ite militias), Kenya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, France, Denmark, the United States and more.

* . Iran has historically been moderately to deeply connected to Al Queda. Iran was/is directly involved in the 1988 World Trade Center bombing, the USS Cole bombing, the Riyadh bombings, supporting the Taliban in Afghanistan

* . Iran has carried out innumerable international assassinations

* . They sponsored at least 30 terrorist activities between 2011-2013 in international countries around the globe.

* In 2011, they were foiled attempting to murder the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the US and bomb the Israeli and Saudi embassies in Washington D.C.

Did I read somewhere that they were also behind Benghazi? Would make sense since Obama was running Gaddafi's weapons out of Libya to the "moderate" rebels fighting Assad.
There was nothing adventuresome about the suleimani hit. It was cold, calculated and elegant.
Sorry Tibs, the Impeachment isn't going anywhere anytime soon. It's died down significantly since Nancy wants to hold off on sending the articles. The timing was based on our embassy being attacked
..we'll agree to disagree that they were unnecessarily put at risk.

Shocking I say, shocking.

"Mr. Trump, after the strike, told associates he was under pressure to deal with Gen. Soleimani from GOP senators he views as important supporters in his coming impeachment trial in the Senate, associates said"

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Shocking I say, shocking.

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Bin Laden was behind the murder of 3,000 innocent Americans on U.S. soil. Soleimani was behind ZERO. Nobody is backing you up on your ridiculous argument. Doubting Bin Laden’s death is your latest act of cowardice as, once again, it’s something you would never say publicly and certainly never say in person to any of the soldiers who risked their lives to kill Bin Laden. Die another one of your 1,000 deaths.
Gen Petraeus hangs 603 American deaths on Soleimani, who took credit for his actions.
Who took the weapons from this terrorist?
Who provided them?

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Gen Petraeus hangs 603 American deaths on Soleimani, who took credit for his actions.
Who took the weapons from this terrorist?
Who provided them?

So the death of 600 servicemen on foreign soil is worse than the death of 3,000 citizens on U.S. soil?
So the death of 600 servicemen on foreign soil is worse than the death of 3,000 citizens on U.S. soil?

where, oh where in the hell do you arrive at this gross, uneducated, random conclusion?
where, oh where in the hell do you arrive at this gross, uneducated, random conclusion?

A conclusion followed by a question mark?

Its what I am asking Patreaus, Coward Tim, and Confluence.
oh, I see where you're coming from.

your stance is that since these American lives were not civilian and were not lost on American soil, that they are less worthy as they were military and should just be shrugged off and forgotten.

Shocking I say, shocking.

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I tried to read the article, but I'm not a subscriber of the WSJ.

Do you really feel that arrogant ******* gives two ***** what any Senator wants? President Trump believes himself untouchable and he's been goading Nancy and Schiff to start this trial. In his mind, he's the Alpha and the Omega when it comes to business and political dealings. Do you think a Senator or two can lean on him enough to expose his belly and be a good boy? No Way, Jose. He's the type of guy who tells them to sit down, shut up, and then offers them a lolly-pop...and they don't even get to choose their flavor.

Quite frankly, I'm tired of the divisiveness. Reading through this thread makes me pretty damn sad. The name calling and vitriol messages towards one another...sad. I work from home full-time and my wife watches the news 24x7 and I have to sit in my office and listen to all the bullshit. people talking over one another, getting louder and louder, both sides tainting the "truth" to verbally beat messages into viewer's consciousnesses. Tired of it
Did I read somewhere that they were also behind Benghazi? Would make sense since Obama was running Gaddafi's weapons out of Libya to the "moderate" rebels fighting Assad.

I've heard the same.

Fact is, there's been little terrorism on this planet in the past 30-40 years that Iran has NOT affected in some direct or indirect way.