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Jacob Blake shooting

Yeah, I keep floundering on this one, but it's pretty similar in nature to the cops in the Jacob Blake situation really. Don't hold the aggressor/person resisting the entire time accountable whatsoever, go after the party who had to make the heart wrenching decision that it's possibly either their life, or another's.

What blew me away is how calm and level-headed he was through the entire ordeal, all the way up to surrendering to the cops and knowing his coming fate. He also mentioned he was an EMT. At that age he had EMT training?

say what you want about him, but it's a shame that his future is in deep jeopardy for trying to do the right thing. Calling him a white supremist and going after his family. Posting their address, names and work info so people can storm their house to murder them. This country is f'd and not coming back.
Calling him a white supremist and going after his family. Posting their address, names and work info so people can storm their house to murder them. This country is f'd and not coming back.

Yeah that's the ticket. ******* scum. And white supremacist, that's rich, the two dead are white if I'm not mistaken.

And never forget, they were simply 'protesters'.

do explain how he is a "homegrown domestic terrorist"

i'll be waiting. and you better have your ******* facts 100% straight.
Yeah that's the ticket. ******* scum. And white supremacist, that's rich, the two dead are white if I'm not mistaken.

And never forget, they were simply 'protesters'.

And just like that, we got the resident d-bag calling them 'civil rights protesters'. Hey d-bag, don't forget about the 30+ dead since this 'civil rights protesting' started.
Kyle Rittenhouse killed 2 people in cold blood. He has been arrested and charged of first-degree intentional homicide.

This is 'good people' to you. You can join the likes of Indy and Tucker Carlson in heaping praise on this guy, pinning a medal on his chest and putting him on a pedestal. That should do wonders for your karma.

I guess you are confused about the meaning of murdering in cold blood. Shooting at someone who is currently trying to bash your skull in doesn't qualify.
Surely you realize these scenes where he's being chased was after he had already shot someone? They were trying to stop him, including the dude with a skateboard who tried to grab his gun away. Ended up shot in the chest, dead on the asphalt.
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Lol why would you chase after someone with a gun.. it doesn’t get much dumber than that. He was defending himself, you know that. It just pains you to admit it.

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Right. The "peaceful protester" is not at fault for attacking him. It's his fault for being there and not allowing them to burn down someone's business.

We all have to lay down and let these folks attack police officers, bully innocent civilians, vandalize, steal and burn down people's livelihoods. Otherwise we are to blame if they get hurt.

What a ****** up way to look at the world.

Pathetic strawman argument.

You would allow your 17 year old to leave, gun in hand, to travel across state lines to act as a vigilante? Nice parenting.
Tibs, serious question, businesses were being burned down to the ground. What is your feelings on that? How would you protect your family business from these criminals wanting to destroy it in the name of "justice"? Most of them look very white to me, so is it about Jacob Blake? Would you welcome a group of men to help you protect your family business, by any means necessary or just give in and walk away? This is what the communities and owners are facing. Someone has to stand up to the destruction.
It took a 17 y.o. to say NO! You want to drag him through fire and send him to Hell because he was trying to do the right thing. He's not a terrorist. Far from it. Oh, but he is white, used a gun for protection(as many also had that night), studying to be a cop and EMT, a Trump supporter, so he is the evil that you write about 24/7 around here. You cannot condemn riots, looting, violence and burning of buildings, but vilify this young man before due process.
He traveled across state lines to be in a place and position he should not have been in.

Pathetic strawman argument.

You would allow your 17 year old to leave, gun in hand, to travel across state lines to act as a vigilante? Nice parenting.

But apparently you and Tibs are fine with your children booking airfare to fly to Portland or Seattle and burn, loot, riot, shoot and kill. You support these communist protesters who fly in from out of state. 90% of those arrested in Minneapolis were from out of state.

But that's A-oh-*******-kay ammmmiiirritttte???
Pathetic strawman argument.

You would allow your 17 year old to leave, gun in hand, to travel across state lines to act as a vigilante? Nice parenting.

And what about the ******* parents of all the underage ***** rioting and burning things as well as beating the **** out of people.
But apparently you and Tibs are fine with your children booking airfare to fly to Portland or Seattle and burn, loot, riot, shoot and kill. You support these communist protesters who fly in from out of state. 90% of those arrested in Minneapolis were from out of state.

But that's A-oh-*******-kay ammmmiiirritttte???

Strawman argument.
Lol why would you chase after someone with a gun.. it doesn’t get much dumber than that. He was defending himself, you know that. It just pains you to admit it.

If you say so.

The killings in Kenosha took place around midnight on August 25th, the third night of protests — sometimes accompanied by vandalism and looting — after police shot and paralyzed 29-year-old Jacob Blake.

In graphic videos posted online, a man in a green shirt and blue gloves appears to shoot a protest attendee with a rifle. While earlier video showed protesters and armed vigilantes in a tense confrontation, the exact start of the altercation isn’t clear.

But as someone begins first aid, the shooter apparently pulls out a phone and shouts that “I just killed somebody.”

Shortly afterwards, he’s approached by protesters seemingly attempting to tackle or disarm him. He fires more shots and hits two more people, then walks toward several law enforcement vehicles with his hands up. A bystander repeatedly yells that “that dude just shot someone,” but an officer in one vehicle simply asks if anyone is injured and drives toward the slain and wounded protesters — leaving the shooter to walk away.

Tibs and Flog shun this guy, but likely have chipped in to the Minnesota Freedom Fund.

which would explain why Flog is here without having paid for his bandwidth use.
Where’s the defense of this rioting?

you have 7,689 posts. I'd make a guess that quite a few of those were in support of "peaceful protesters" but I haven't the time nor inclination to sift through the absolute garbage you post on a consistently daily basis.
Pathetic strawman argument.

You would allow your 17 year old to leave, gun in hand, to travel across state lines to act as a vigilante? Nice parenting.

No I wouldn't. If I had the choice between my son trying to help and protect people or smashing windows, stealing, burning down the businesses of innocent people, attacking police officers, intimidating innocent people sitting eating their dinners, which one would I choose? Which one would you choose?
You cannot condemn riots, looting, violence and burning of buildings, but vilify this young man before due process.

I'll refer you to this post in the nba thread:

I don't condone or support any of the rioting, looting or vandalism that's gone on. People are angry and frustrated, things have boiled over, and are seemingly spinning out of control. That gets ratcheted up when folks start showing up with weapons, things can go haywire in split seconds, like we saw the other day. Those on the streets protesting need to find a better way to exercise their Constitutional rights. Burning **** down and causing mayhem is not the way to go. I hope there is a way out of this predicament, that things simmer down and cooler heads prevail.
Well that's that everyone, according to TrollTibs the 'protesters' were just trying to 'disarm' him.