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Jacob Blake shooting

for the "WeNeEdMoArGuNlAwS" group:

why do paramedics, or guys wearing Paramedic hats carry handguns?

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk

so he was a felon with a handgun, masquerading as a Paramedic?


a 17 year old kid shot his gun hand?

Excellent training, I'd say.

Tibsy, you may just have cottoned on to the next Nick Sandemann. Remember when you viley eviscerated that heroic young man for days? Because you could not bring it upon yourself to ask: "how did this happen"? and were unwilling to wait for facts....but you were pleased to treat another young person as trash because it fed your agenda.

Tibs, you are vile. The weight of your cumulative disgust in good people will someday find its balance in karma towards you. Even though you consistently bring upon yourself, I hope you can bear the burden your judgmental *** will bear one day.

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk
LOL CNN trying to act like the convention speeches calling for law and order are what spurred this kid to kill people.

Because watching a bunch of violent thugs burn and loot stuff with no repercussions doesn't affect people at all.
The weight of your cumulative disgust in good people will someday find its balance in karma towards you.

Kyle Rittenhouse killed 2 people in cold blood. He has been arrested and charged of first-degree intentional homicide.

This is 'good people' to you. You can join the likes of Indy and Tucker Carlson in heaping praise on this guy, pinning a medal on his chest and putting him on a pedestal. That should do wonders for your karma.
Kyle Rittenhouse killed 2 people in cold blood. He has been arrested and charged of first-degree intentional homicide.

This is 'good people' to you. You can join the likes of Indy and Tucker Carlson in heaping praise on this guy, pinning a medal on his chest and putting him on a pedestal. That should do wonders for your karma.

Nope self defense and you're a complete ******* moron!

You know what anyone going out attacking people,rioting,looting and burning **** down should be ******* shot. This **** would have ended long ago .

The only thing protecting these criminals right now is the police. You defund and remove them and ******* trust me these fuckstix will be taken care of.

A lot of people are really getting ******* sick of seeing this horseshit go on night after night. What the **** is wrong with you? Oh that's right you're thousands of miles away in hungaria. Like I've said before you better get on over here and get on the front lines with your pals.

**** Hungaria! Mind your own ******* buisness or get on over here.
And to the other bolded part, what more do you feel they could have done? They tried to physically subdue him. Didn't work. They tried the taser, didn't work. He (from photographic evidence it looks) somewhere along the way brandishes a knife, is continuing to defy their orders and going to his driver's side door to get something. After all of that, what would any reasonable-minded person think he was going for, and having only seconds to decide?

Yeah, no doubt the correct response is to unload multiple rounds into the suspect's back. That's the ticket.

Odd to see that in other cases -ie with a white suspect - police have the miraculous ability to show restraint. Strange, isn't it?

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Why is it hard to see the difference? <a href="https://t.co/WOMYdWCTVq">pic.twitter.com/WOMYdWCTVq</a></p>— Andre Robinson 👁*🗨 (@_AndreRobinson) <a href="https://twitter.com/_AndreRobinson/status/1298307157381718016?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 25, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
Oh that's right you're thousands of miles away in hungaria. **** Hungaria! Mind your own ******* buisness

Ouch, that stings. Real original. Haven't seen that type of insult yet here on the board, that's a new one.


Loser Hungarian.
stfu, Hungarian.
Hungarian douchebag.
Hungarian troll. ******* turd.
Piss off, Hungarian.
****-stirring Hungarian ******** troll
Hungarian Troll
Hungarian Troll.
your Hungarian blood
So this Hungarian
Hungarian troll
You Hungarian **********.
Hungarian troll
The Hungarian troll
anti-American commie piece of Hungarian ****.
Doesn't help that you're a Hungarian either.
Yeah, no doubt the correct response is to unload multiple rounds into the suspect's back. That's the ticket.

Odd to see that in other cases -ie with a white suspect - police have the miraculous ability to show restraint. Strange, isn't it?

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Why is it hard to see the difference? <a href="https://t.co/WOMYdWCTVq">pic.twitter.com/WOMYdWCTVq</a></p>— Andre Robinson &#55357;&#56385;*&#55357;&#56808; (@_AndreRobinson) <a href="https://twitter.com/_AndreRobinson/status/1298307157381718016?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 25, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

This is where I have a problem. Different officers in different cities and states encounter different things and react differently. Different policies and “rules of engagement.” I cannot sit here and claim that because a black person was killed by police in Wisconsin and a white guy wasn’t killed wherever your video was taken that it is concrete evidence that the police in America are systematically racist. And when FBI statistics show that more whites are killed by police than blacks, it doesn’t back that argument.

All of that said, I can’t believe they didn’t shoot the guy in your video. I have seen both black and white people shot for less. A lot less.
You should not be offended by the foreign country where you have chosen to live the past few decades. You got to choose your Utopia, and it was not the US.

Relax, make some more ghoulash (try adding lots of caraway) and be happy you chose not to live in the US!

(Americans are probably happy you are long gone! Win/win)

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All of that said, I can’t believe they didn’t shoot the guy in your video. I have seen both black and white people shot for less. A lot less.

So have I. I've also seen racist cops target black men. One example off the top of my head (I'll never forget his name because it was so ****** up what they did to him) is Marcus Jeter. There are others. Yes, Tibs, America isn't a perfect place and I think we all understand that. There are some racist, no good cops. They are also the slim minority. It's just that our corporate media only show when things go wrong. When the total number of incidents are added up, black and white, it's not egregious at all like certain politicians and their lackeys in the corporate media would have you believe. Yes it could be better, and I think people are truly trying to figure out some reform and help for burnout in human beings who have to deal with ****** up situations on a semi-regular basis. The citizens involved could also show a lot more restraint, listen and be much more accountable themselves. What a concept, I know.

Derek Chauvin is a piece of **** human being. I don't care what George Floyd was on or did, you don't sit on someone's neck with all of your weight for nearly 9 minutes when that someone is already subdued and their hands are cuffed.

What happened with this Jacob Blake is entirely different in my opinion. They tried everything they could to subdue him I thought. Like I've already mentioned, I wish they knew better hand-to-hand combat submission so it doesn't ever have to reach that point, but Jesus, these guys are already tasked with doing a lot and they get **** on by everybody.
Last edited:
Kyle Rittenhouse killed 2 people in cold blood. He has been arrested and charged of first-degree intentional homicide.

While a 17-year-old kid fully armed should not have been there & in that position in the first place, you need to get your story straight.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">WATCH: A video sync of the Kyle Rittenhouse shooting in Kenosha, WI with multiple camera angles and object highlights. <a href="https://t.co/61XMCdHcmK">pic.twitter.com/61XMCdHcmK</a></p>— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) <a href="https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1298704864843685890?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 26, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

One is chasing him, throwing a Molotov cocktail at him; the other below is trying to crush his head with a skateboard.


And the journalist who was literally feet away from one of the rioters who died interviewed this kid earlier that night. A cold-blooded killer?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I interviewed the alleged shooter before the violence started. <br><br>Full video coming soon: <a href="https://t.co/G3dVOJozN7">pic.twitter.com/G3dVOJozN7</a></p>— Richie��McG�� (@RichieMcGinniss) <a href="https://twitter.com/RichieMcGinniss/status/1298657958205820928?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 26, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
you need to get your story straight.<script async="" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Surely you realize these scenes where he's being chased was after he had already shot someone? They were trying to stop him, including the dude with a skateboard who tried to grab his gun away. Ended up shot in the chest, dead on the asphalt.
<iframe scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets/widget_iframe.3c5aa8e2a38bbbee4b6d88e6846fc657.html?origin=https%3A%2F%2Fsteelernationforums.com" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Surely you realize these scenes where he's being chased was after he had already shot someone?

Again, you need to get your story straight. In the first video I posted, the rioter is running after him, throwing a Molotov cocktail at him; that was the first person he shot at. After he defended himself and saw he shot the man, if you really care to look, he picks up his phone and calls 911 and tells them "I've shot somebody".

He later is walking down the middle of the street explaining to everyone that he is turning himself into the police and that he wants no additional confrontation. Naive with a mob perhaps, but he didn't shoot anybody until he realized his own life may be in danger.

Again, extremely poor judgment IMO which could have & should have been avoided, but he's not the cold-blooded killer that just randomly shot at people the corporate media are making him out to be that you're just lapping up. Try being objective for once.
While a 17-year-old kid fully armed should not have been there & in that position in the first place, you need to get your story straight.

He traveled across state lines to be in a place and position he should not have been in.
He traveled across state lines to be in a place and position he should not have been in.

Agreed 100%. ******* foolish decision that's going to haunt him the rest of his life. Tough lesson to learn but he's going to learn it.
He traveled across state lines to be in a place and position he should not have been in.

Right. The "peaceful protester" is not at fault for attacking him. It's his fault for being there and not allowing them to burn down someone's business.

We all have to lay down and let these folks attack police officers, bully innocent civilians, vandalize, steal and burn down people's livelihoods. Otherwise we are to blame if they get hurt.

What a ****** up way to look at the world.
He traveled across state lines to be in a place and position he should not have been in.

from what I read, to protect businesses from burning and looted. The cops are overwhelmed to keep law and order. What he did was right? Probably not, but if the city wasn't burning, he is not there armed. Furthermore, you can clearly see the gun the guy with arm shot off had in his hand. Just want to make sure that he is called out for not making that situation any better. I understand black people, esp black men are frustrated, but these white dudes tearing up ****? Business owners and citizens are just as frustrated with their livihoods and communities burning. Two wrongs are not making any of this right.
Using a skateboard to try and brain an armed man would be considered a very poor life choice.
Using a skateboard to try and brain an armed man would be considered a very poor life choice.

You know the more I think about it, the more I gotta agree.


But that kid had no cause to protect himself. About 4 inches higher and his brain may have been on that asphalt.
So, he wasn't there just carrying and looking for a fight. He was there volunteering and helping businesses from burning and looting. Pretty impressive for a 17 y.o.

Yeah, I keep floundering on this one, but it's pretty similar in nature to the cops in the Jacob Blake situation really. Don't hold the aggressor/person resisting the entire time accountable whatsoever, go after the party who had to make the heart wrenching decision that it's possibly either their life, or another's.

What blew me away is how calm and level-headed he was through the entire ordeal, all the way up to surrendering to the cops and knowing his coming fate. He also mentioned he was an EMT. At that age he had EMT training?