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January 6th Committee live on prime time tv

Now they are accusing Trump of witness tampering. Look, I don't know if it's true or not. As much as I detest this whole sordid affair, I only wish that truth would come out of it. As partisan as stuff is in DC and around the country, the truth is hard to decipher at times, so people tend to lean towards what they want to hear. But just like Epstein and Maxwell, we'll never know the truth, or the levels this government has sunk to ruin the other side. But anyway, from the article.......

Abruptly raising the question of witness tampering, the Jan. 6 committee revealed Tuesday that Donald Trump had attempted to contact a person who was talking to the panel about its investigation of the former president and the 2021 attack on the Capitol. The person Trump tried to contact declined to answer or respond to his call, Cheney said. Instead the person alerted their lawyer who contacted the committee. The disclosure by Cheney was not the first time the panel has raised concerns about witnesses being contacted by Trump's team in ways that could reflect or at least create the appearance of inappropriate influence. It divulged examples last week of other times witnesses have received outreach from Trump allies, some suggesting he was aware they were talking to the committee, ahead of testimony before the panel.

Now they are accusing Trump of witness tampering. Look, I don't know if it's true or not. As much as I detest this whole sordid affair, I only wish that truth would come out of it. As partisan as stuff is in DC and around the country, the truth is hard to decipher at times, so people tend to lean towards what they want to hear. But just like Epstein and Maxwell, we'll never know the truth, or the levels this government has sunk to ruin the other side. But anyway, from the article.......

This whole show is unwatchable, it's gone from finding the truth, to getting Trump. Maybe that was the plan all along.
This committee is supposed to be the equivalent of a grand jury, or so I'm told. But a grand jury isn't public, and members are supposed to be
impartial, but instead we have 24-hour coverage of biased, political hacks. I agree, we will never know the truth, because that isn't the objective.
On a side note, I'm guessing Liz Cheney will be changing parties and moving to some place like NY where she can run for the Senate.
This whole show is unwatchable, it's gone from finding the truth, to getting Trump. Maybe that was the plan all along.
This committee is supposed to be the equivalent of a grand jury, or so I'm told. But a grand jury isn't public, and members are supposed to be
impartial, but instead we have 24-hour coverage of biased, political hacks. I agree, we will never know the truth, because that isn't the objective.
And this why finding the truth is hard.....Cassidy Hutchinson made some accusations. Two Secret Service Agents say it didn't happen. Pat Cipillone, Trump's attorney, says Hutchinson's testimony is accurate.

So who is telling the truth? They can't all be lying, can they?
Like Ghislaine Maxwell's client list, we'll likely never know the truth, but it's safe to say there's dishonesty in every corner.

I'm just growing tired of it. It's been the same political theater for the last 5+ years and it's hard to believe some people can't see this for what it is.

Come November, the make-up of the House and Senate will likely change, and I honestly hope the new controlling party doesn't do the same thing, although admittedly, it will be more difficult without the complicit media.
Like Ghislaine Maxwell's client list, we'll likely never know the truth, but it's safe to say there's dishonesty in every corner.
If it was mostly republicans on the list it would be all over the fake news MSM. I'd bet jizzer $50 that Bubba and Bill Gates were regulars.
I'm just growing tired of it. It's been the same political theater for the last 5+ years and it's hard to believe some people can't see this for what it is.
I think everyone other than Trump hating communists is tired of it. That said, I think there has to be at least some truth in some of this testimony, but you'd never know and never be able to discern what is true and what isn't. So how do you trust any of it?
This whole show is unwatchable, it's gone from finding the truth, to getting Trump. Maybe that was the plan all along.
This committee is supposed to be the equivalent of a grand jury, or so I'm told. But a grand jury isn't public, and members are supposed to be
impartial, but instead we have 24-hour coverage of biased, political hacks. I agree, we will never know the truth, because that isn't the objective.
I don't think it's about getting Trump - I think it's more about keeping up the narrative that anyone who's not a Marxist is an extreme right wing misogynistic, racist, homophobic, deplorable traitor.
I don't think it's about getting Trump - I think it's more about keeping up the narrative that anyone who's not a Marxist is an extreme right wing misogynistic, racist, homophobic, deplorable traitor.
Make no mistake it is about Trump. Anything to stop the orange Man from getting back in the White House.
I don't think it's about getting Trump - I think it's more about keeping up the narrative that anyone who's not a Marxist is an extreme right wing misogynistic, racist, homophobic, deplorable traitor.
since November 8, 2016, it's been about getting rid of OrangeMan. He's toppled their apple cart and pulled back the curtain on what this country can do. Make no mistake, the man is not an angel. His speeches were reminiscent of ego-driven rallies, but the man did his job. Which is what he was elected to do. While he did fire off nuclear tweets at 3am and melt snowflakes with impunity, he was also in the office at 8am and ready to go to work. The Dems and the Left worked "seven ways to Sunday" to get to the man, and this is not even their last gasp of hope, I'm sure. They don't want him running again, and cannot fathom the idea of him back in the White House. Though the diarrhetic disaster in the Oval Office now is a stark contrast to what we had. The American people were doing much, much better under OrangeMan than we're doing under Pedo Peter. Anyone not blind by party can see that.

but, rest assured this is all designed to ensure that Trump cannot run for office again. Dems are playing the long game and this is just a small battle they've orchestrated.
I think Trump as a policy maker was good, but he should never run again. The DOJ isn't going to press charges, so end this Democratic and and never Trump types. If anything it just goes to show the Republicans testifying were hero's putting country above politics. Democrats should do the same and end it.
The DOJ isn't going to press charges
If they can find something to charge him with, you better bet your *** they will. I keep seeing seditious conspiracy as the "most likely" charge, and thinking about it, it's probably the only thing they could charge him with, but it's thin at the very best.

If you want my opinion, they have always planned to charge him with inciting January 6th. The hearings are nothing more than a hail-Mary attempt to get the majority of Americans on their side. If they feel they've accomplished that, they'll charge him.
This whole show is unwatchable, it's gone from finding the truth, to getting Trump. Maybe that was the plan all along.
This committee is supposed to be the equivalent of a grand jury, or so I'm told. But a grand jury isn't public, and members are supposed to be
impartial, but instead we have 24-hour coverage of biased, political hacks. I agree, we will never know the truth, because that isn't the objective.
When were they ever trying to find the truth. They have always been trying to make their version the truth. They don’t want the real truth.
turn on CNN. the people watching that are taking it as honest to God truth as spoken down from the heavens.

anything - anything at all - that runs counter to that is pure evil and a lie.
Make no mistake it is about Trump. Anything to stop the orange Man from getting back in the White House.
It is obvious.
If this was a legit investigation, they would be asking why the Capital wasn't protected. They will not, because that was part of the plot.
They will do anything to keep the public from asking about Hunters laptop
It’s just political theater to get the minds of the DNC base off of the fact that they are demonstrably worse off under the Biden Regime and obfuscation of how the 2020 election was stolen. Inadvertently they are pushing us towards civil war by showing us that they are willing to run the country Banana Republic style. Get as far away from the big cities as you can and BLOAT.
It's been the same political theater for the last 5+ years


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What I would really love, and I know it won't happen, but I would really love for this committee to release all of it's "evidence" when this is all over. I mean, we've seen butchered video clips and the like, and basically stuff that the committee wants you to hear. I would like to see ALL of the things they are seeing. I want to be informed, not manipulated. I know our government doesn't operate that way, but it is this nice little pipe dream I have.