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January 6th Committee live on prime time tv

This lady is about 5 ( he said, she said) people removed from any facts or truth, yet this committee believes every word?
This lady is about 5 ( he said, she said) people removed from any facts or truth, yet this committee believes every word?
You have to remember this is political theatre using the Stalinist template. They don't believe it because they know they are making it up for a show to rile up their base. The problem for them is only about half their base is buying it.
From the Washington Examiner. Thoughts?

From the Washington Examiner. Thoughts?

I think she is a liar and an not fit to testify as this was hearsay. So the article and opinion is worthless. I personally want Trump to not run simply due to age and that DeSantis would be a far better candidate.
From the Washington Examiner. Thoughts?

If the establishment wasn't trying to sink the guy since long before day 1, I might be more apt to believe some of the allegations but I've learned over time to take most everything we read and hear that pertains to politics at much less than face value.

Personally I think the establishment is scared to death of the guy and wants him out of the picture. If he comes back, I don't see him surrounding himself with career politicians and establishment types who have made their livelihood sucking from the government teat. He's going to blow up all that **** and that's why we're seeing the establishment on this blitzkrieg.
From the Washington Examiner. Thoughts?

Dead on arrival Sarge

Other evidence presented during the hearing has been called into doubt too, such as a handwritten note Hutchinson allegedly wrote to Trump on January 6, which she testified was written by her. Liz Cheney presented the note, which read "Anyone who entered the Capitol without proper authority should leave immediately." But now a spokesman for former Trump lawyer Eric Herschmann is saying that he wrote it: "All sources with direct knowledge and law enforcement have and will confirm that it was written by Mr. Herschmann."

They want to get Trump as of when, and why? Cheney voted for Trump twice.

Doesn’t it strike you as odd that so many of Trump’s former associates, appointees and lawyers end up refuting him or turning against him?
I guess they dont want a strong economy, low gas prices, a secure boarder, a strong military, and not being a ******* pus sy to the rest of the world. I could care less about what some politicians think. I care about what I think. Thats because some of us are smart enough to have our own opinion.
Would be interesting to investigate this crew and see who has been lining their pockets during their stay in our nation's capital.
Um, that would be every single one of them. I'm sure that they are all in politically safe districts, but wouldn't shed a tear if any of them lost their job in November.
Odd, all that were lapping up this dog and pony show are suddenly silent. Both political sides are so eager to jump on something, hoping that it's true, never taking the time to actually see if it's true. Until the liars begin getting prosecuted and/or sued, nothing will change.

Coupon gone
You have to remember this is political theatre using the Stalinist template. They don't believe it because they know they are making it up for a show to rile up their base. The problem for them is only about half their base is buying it.

Their base is getting hammered with inflation. Everyone is. Nothing they can do, but completely abandon their horrific platform.
From the Washington Examiner. Thoughts?

My thoughts?

It's hilarious how transparent the propaganda apparatus of the DNC is.
Yep...LOL They be doin' all they can and then some.

They've had a year and a half to work this all up. It's rather amazing what happens to a person who bucks this entire system. These folks are rally bad actors

I find this **** pretty funny. Just misdirection away from a very ****** up election. Which you knew was going to be a WWE work from the moment it went mass scale on mail in votes. Again if you turn the page back to April-May prior, Pelosi was pretty giddy and confident they had it in the bag the moment they got the mail in approval. Nevermind bypassing the constitution and numerous state constitutions.

It's one of the two reasons they didn't let dementia Joe campaign. The other was well the guy is literally brain dead and would literally beat himself just by opening his mouth. Just get that guy talking and it's game over.
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I find this **** pretty funny. Just misdirection away from a very ****** up election. Which you knew was going to be a WWE work from the moment it went mass scale on mail in votes. Again if you turn the page back to April-May prior, Pelosi was pretty giddy and confident they had it in the bag the moment they got the mail in approval. Nevermind bypassing the constitution and numerous state constitutions.

It's one of the two reasons they didn't let dementia Joe campaign. The other was well the guy is literally brain dead and would literally beat himself just by opening his mouth. Just get that guy talking and it's game over.
When you see/study events from a "whole" and discount most of the glimmering, shiny "bombshells" presented by MSM and social media, things actually come together.

At that point what cannot seem possible by leaders and agencies of our beloved US of A is in fact reality. You can also "see" what is likely to happen by following history and understanding known practices of groups and individuals.