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January 6th Committee live on prime time tv

I don't have a Twitter account, but if I'm insurrectioning, I picture my hands being too full of f*&^ing $hit up, about to f(*& $hit up etc. etc. to be tweeting, reading tweets etc. I'm probably not even taking water breaks.
I only have Twitter and IG so that someone else can’t use my (real) name. Hardly ever look at them.
Who knew people were such cultists that they would come and go based on tweets from their leader. It's bizarre.
I might buy that they showed up based on tweets, but I’m not sure they left because of tweets. As mentioned above, if I’m insurrecting, my hands are going to be too busy to be checking my phone. But whatever. It hardly matters at this point.

Saying that Trump didn’t tweet soon enough or whatever is Monday morning quarterbacking at its finest considering no too long ago he was accused of doing nothing. Now he didn’t do it soon enough or forcefully enough. I wish people would just say “I hate that ************.” It’s easier to translate.
We are near the tipping point, the walls are closing in, the noose is tightening. Any minute now.
Nah, they’re gonna charge him. With something. I’m not sure what, but I’m convinced they’ll charge him. And they’ll do it to the detriment of the entire nation. Trump must be made an example.
The sole purpose of this 1/6 political drama is to ensure that Trump won't get the nomination in '24, and they will do anything to accomplish this.

What I find ironic is that there will be members of this committee that won't be running this November either, Cheney for certain.
If he gets charged, I hope they have only begun to release the kraken.
Who knew people were such cultists that they would come and go based on tweets from their leader. It's bizarre.
well, we have people even now who believe the Steele dossier was legit. Coincidentally, the same people believe Joe and TheHo were more popular than Black Jesus and earned 81 millYen votes
Apparently a grand jury has been convened looking into Trump over the election fraud claims and January 6th. As you can imagine, Trump is unhappy about that. As with anything Trump related, take it with a grain of salt.

"The prosecutors have asked hours of detailed questions about meetings Trump led in December 2020 and January 2021; his pressure campaign on Pence to overturn the election; and what instructions Trump gave his lawyers and advisers about fake electors and sending electors back to the states, the people said," the Post continued. "Some of the questions focused directly on the extent of Trump’s involvement in the fake-elector effort led by his outside lawyers, including John Eastman and Rudy Giuliani, these people said."

Saying that Trump didn’t tweet soon enough or whatever is Monday morning quarterbacking at its finest considering no too long ago he was accused of doing nothing. Now he didn’t do it soon enough or forcefully enough. I wish people would just say “I hate that ************.” It’s easier to translate.
I’m not sure it would have had a massive effect. I think the fact that his own people were begging him to do something and he refused speaks volumes. The guy is a massive narcissist. He absolutely loved that people were rioting and turning our Capitol into a scene out of some kind of banana republic in his honor. He knew that they were threatening the life of his own VP and didn’t care.

Some people aren’t bothered by that. I do not really understand that. It saddens me. It’s frightening to think what someone with that level of egotism might do some day.
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well, we have people even now who believe the Steele dossier was legit. Coincidentally, the same people believe Joe and TheHo were more popular than Black Jesus and earned 81 millYen votes
They weren’t pro-Biden votes they were anti-Trump votes and sadly he might end up costing us the Senate too by helping a bunch of nutjobs get nominated.

They weren’t pro-Biden votes they were anti-Trump votes and sadly he might end up costing us the Senate too by helping a bunch of nutjobs get nominated.


I get the feeling that the Red Wave is going to be more like the Red Ripple....

I get the feeling that the Red Wave is going to be more like the Red Ripple....
I still think the GOP will take the house by a lot. But we could have easily picked up Georgia and PA in the Senate had we not nominated Herschel Walker and Oz. Huge blunder. I haven't looked too closely into the rest of the races yet.
I dont think it matters who you vote for anymore.
There's a proven, non-talked about way to "win" now and I don't expect the Dims will relinquish control of that any time soon.
I dont think it matters who you vote for anymore.
There's a proven, non-talked about way to "win" now and I don't expect the Dims will relinquish control of that any time soon.
and you're a Trumptard insurrectionist if you believe the election wasn't free and fair. Got into a bookface discussion and libs jumped all over me for even questioning what they called my Rep Scott Perry a traitor. There is no civil discussion anymore.

I get the feeling that the Red Wave is going to be more like the Red Ripple....
In the Senate for sure. How Republicans managed to **** that up, while not really surprising, is mind boggling. Oz and Walker are horrible candidates, and republicans need to nominate better. While there are some good people running and incumbent in the Republican Party, as a whole the party just sucks. In a time when 77% of the nation thinks the country is ******, republicans manage to miss a couple layups.
Oz and Walker may not be the strongest of candidates, but have you looked at their opponents? Yikes!
Yeah they're far left ideologues which makes it all the worse that they're leading in the polls. We should be crushing it.