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January 6th Committee live on prime time tv

Maybe someone could bribe whoever does the video editing for them.
Anyone watching this **** show?
This hearing is so important that congress will take their much needed summer vacations before taking up this ever-so- important legal proceeding.
Like Ghislaine Maxwell's client list, we'll likely never know the truth, but it's safe to say there's dishonesty in every corner.

I'm just growing tired of it. It's been the same political theater for the last 5+ years and it's hard to believe some people can't see this for what it is.

Come November, the make-up of the House and Senate will likely change, and I honestly hope the new controlling party doesn't do the same thing, although admittedly, it will be more difficult without the complicit media.
Cry me a river. The leftists actually show up at peoples houses and destroy their property and engage in physical intimidation. But I think the traitorous RINO Shitweasel deserves it for throwing in with communists that stole the last election.
Anyone want to recap last nights prime time event?
Anyone want to recap last nights prime time event?
I haven't really been paying attention, but from what little I have seen, read etc., "Donald, you ignorant slut." seems to apply.
Anyone want to recap last nights prime time event?
I didn't watch any of it, but after Thursday's hearings, it seems some conservatives may be turning against him a bit. The NY Post and WSJ both wrote pretty scathing articles after Thursday, Bret Baier from FoxNews was pretty critical yesterday, and I read that Trump was even booed at a rally in Arizona over his endorsement of a congressional candidate. His response to the booing was "But you still love me, right?" That's kinda telling. Pathetic and sad, but telling.

I don't know. While I don't like how one sided this whole hearing **** show has been, the number of people from Trump's administration that have come forward makes me believe there is some truth in all of this. I don't know how much or how little, but I find it difficult to believe that everybody, even the people that wanted him to win and supported him and served in his administration would be a part of some great conspiracy. I mean, congress, at least the democrats, yeah, I'll buy that. But his own people? Man, I don't know.
I didn't watch any of it, but after Thursday's hearings, it seems some conservatives may be turning against him a bit. The NY Post and WSJ both wrote pretty scathing articles after Thursday, Bret Baier from FoxNews was pretty critical yesterday, and I read that Trump was even booed at a rally in Arizona over his endorsement of a congressional candidate. His response to the booing was "But you still love me, right?" That's kinda telling. Pathetic and sad, but telling.

I don't know. While I don't like how one sided this whole hearing **** show has been, the number of people from Trump's administration that have come forward makes me believe there is some truth in all of this. I don't know how much or how little, but I find it difficult to believe that everybody, even the people that wanted him to win and supported him and served in his administration would be a part of some great conspiracy. I mean, congress, at least the democrats, yeah, I'll buy that. But his own people? Man, I don't know.
Admittedly, I have no idea either, but I do believe that liberals scream louder than conservative's, to the point that some maybe becoming a little gun shy. Scream an untruth long enough and people become nervous. I'll equate it to a libel case where people are paid off just to get them to shut up. I doubt the truth about the corruption in DC ever is made public, but it would certainly be entertaining.
Admittedly, I have no idea either, but I do believe that liberals scream louder than conservative's, to the point that some maybe becoming a little gun shy. Scream an untruth long enough and people become nervous. I'll equate it to a libel case where people are paid off just to get them to shut up. I doubt the truth about the corruption in DC ever is made public, but it would certainly be entertaining.
Or, they could just be telling the truth. The problem is, with the way this one-sided **** show is going, no one that supported Donald Trump is going to believe a word of it. That this committee doesn't view that as problematic is astonishing.
Or, they could just be telling the truth. The problem is, with the way this one-sided **** show is going, no one that supported Donald Trump is going to believe a word of it. That this committee doesn't view that as problematic is astonishing.
and those who hated Trump will believe every syllable
and those who hated Trump will believe every syllable
This is true, and we have seen both play out in real time. If you want my opinion, I think the truth is somewhere in the middle, meaning that I don't think every bit of testimony is truthful, but I also don't think it's all lies and made up conspiracy either. Guess it doesn't matter, because we'll never know. Oh well, back to your regularly scheduled programming.
This is true, and we have seen both play out in real time. If you want my opinion, I think the truth is somewhere in the middle, meaning that I don't think every bit of testimony is truthful, but I also don't think it's all lies and made up conspiracy either. Guess it doesn't matter, because we'll never know. Oh well, back to your regularly scheduled programming.
I believe Trump DID want to go to the Capitol Building, but was told "no" and got irate.
I seriously doubt he was able to turn into Reed Richards and try to commandeer the vehicle from the back seat. Though, I guess with Joe and The Hoe getting 81 millYen votes, anything is possible.
Wasn't that tweet from January 7th?

Between his vaccines killing everyone and January 6th, he can't catch a break.
Wasn't that tweet from January 7th?

Between his vaccines killing everyone and January 6th, he can't catch a break.
I don't know when it was posted, but it wouldn't make much sense to post that on the 7th if the riot ended on the 6th.

That said, even if it was posted to twitter on the 6th, how many people in the middle of a riot are going to be reading twitter? Point is, he could have went live on national TV and told everyone to go home and I doubt any of the people at the capitol would have seen it.

I guess you could say he tried to "do something," but it makes my soul itch any time someone in Washington tries to "do something." Usually that "something" is poorly thought out and largely ineffective and ends up hurting more people than it helps.
I don't know when it was posted, but it wouldn't make much sense to post that on the 7th if the riot ended on the 6th.

That said, even if it was posted to twitter on the 6th, how many people in the middle of a riot are going to be reading twitter? Point is, he could have went live on national TV and told everyone to go home and I doubt any of the people at the capitol would have seen it.

I guess you could say he tried to "do something," but it makes my soul itch any time someone in Washington tries to "do something." Usually that "something" is poorly thought out and largely ineffective and ends up hurting more people than it helps.
I was kidding about the date of the tweet and I pretty much agree with you.
I don't know when it was posted, but it wouldn't make much sense to post that on the 7th if the riot ended on the 6th.

That said, even if it was posted to twitter on the 6th, how many people in the middle of a riot are going to be reading twitter? Point is, he could have went live on national TV and told everyone to go home and I doubt any of the people at the capitol would have seen it.

I guess you could say he tried to "do something," but it makes my soul itch any time someone in Washington tries to "do something." Usually that "something" is poorly thought out and largely ineffective and ends up hurting more people than it helps.
Should have tweeted on Jan. 4 or 5 that it’s a setup and everyone should stay home.
I don't know when it was posted, but it wouldn't make much sense to post that on the 7th if the riot ended on the 6th.

That said, even if it was posted to twitter on the 6th, how many people in the middle of a riot are going to be reading twitter? Point is, he could have went live on national TV and told everyone to go home and I doubt any of the people at the capitol would have seen it.

I guess you could say he tried to "do something," but it makes my soul itch any time someone in Washington tries to "do something." Usually that "something" is poorly thought out and largely ineffective and ends up hurting more people than it helps.
There are actual videos of rioters spreading the message around that Trump told them to go home, and they started to leave.

Had he done it when they first breached the Capitol (as people in his own administration, his own children, along with Hannity and Laura Ingraham, begged him to do) instead of hours later things might have been a lot different.
There are actual videos of rioters spreading the message around that Trump told them to go home, and they started to leave.

Had he done it when they first breached the Capitol (as people in his own administration, his own children, along with Hannity and Laura Ingraham, begged him to do) instead of hours later things might have been a lot different.
I guess people do read twitter in the middle of a riot. Who knew?
I guess people do read twitter in the middle of a riot. Who knew?
Who knew people were such cultists that they would come and go based on tweets from their leader. It's bizarre.
I guess people do read twitter in the middle of a riot. Who knew?
I don't have a Twitter account, but if I'm insurrectioning, I picture my hands being too full of f*&^ing $hit up, about to f(*& $hit up etc. etc. to be tweeting, reading tweets etc. I'm probably not even taking water breaks.