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January 6th Committee live on prime time tv

Nah, they’re gonna charge him. With something. I’m not sure what, but I’m convinced they’ll charge him. And they’ll do it to the detriment of the entire nation. Trump must be made an example.
"Show me the man and I'll show you the crime." -- Democrat Party muse Joe Stalin
With the complete support of the media's influence, the low informed voter is a powerful force.
This farce of a hearing is a joke and 99.4 % of the world knows it.



All the while, the real issues are ignored, hidden or outright refuted as Russian interference.

For the good of the party and the country Trump should not run again. Do I think he'd be better than whoever the Dems put up? Yes.

But he will lose. We can't afford that.

These idiots are going to pass a massive new spending bill and big corporate tax hikes in the midst of record inflation and the beginning of a recession. You can't make this **** up.
For the good of the party and the country Trump should not run again. Do I think he'd be better than whoever the Dems put up? Yes.

But he will lose. We can't afford that.

These idiots are going to pass a massive new spending bill and big corporate tax hikes in the midst of record inflation and the beginning of a recession. You can't make this **** up.
Not with a fair vote count he won’t. The Dems will have to cheat massively AGAIN to beat Trump.
I hope Trump does not run. I do think there’s a good chance he’d win, but the media has put so much negative on him that it’s not a certainty and Trump at the top; of the ticket could mean fewer pickups in congress. I feel Desantis is a slam dunk. This upcoming elections are so crucial to stop these nutjob spending bills and corporate ESG ratings and CRT in schools, etc. i want the sure thing.

Hopefully Trump’s children see this and convince Trump not to run and instead just dominate on social media by trolling libs and doing rallies.
I hope Trump does not run. I do think there’s a good chance he’d win, but the media has put so much negative on him that it’s not a certainty and Trump at the top; of the ticket could mean fewer pickups in congress. I feel Desantis is a slam dunk. This upcoming elections are so crucial to stop these nutjob spending bills and corporate ESG ratings and CRT in schools, etc. i want the sure thing.

Hopefully Trump’s children see this and convince Trump not to run and instead just dominate on social media by trolling libs and doing rallies.
It really doesn't matter who runs, the media is going to do all they can to tilt the deck. They'll be a little less aggressive if they're part of the DC establishment. If Desantis runs, he'll face the same BS. What they're doing is great incentive for turning good folks who want to make a difference away from running for office. Unless you are lock step with the swamp, don't even think about putting your hat in the ring. Everything you ever knew will be burned to the ground.
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It really doesn't matter who runs, the media is going to do all they can to tilt the deck. They'll be a little less aggressive if they're part of the DC establishment. If Desantis runs, he'll face the same BS. What they're doing is great incentive for turning good folks who want to make a difference away from running for office. Unless you are lock step with the swamp, don't even think about putting your hat in the ring. Everything you ever knew will be burned to the ground.
DeSantis knows how to fight back without handing them piles of ammunition like Trump has done.
DeSantis knows how to fight back without handing them piles of ammunition like Trump has done.

that's exactly it. Trump was usually right on issues. He'd give a great rebuttal on an economic question from a reporter. Then his next tweet would be "Plus you're fat!". Then you'd just face palm because even though he's right, he just negated it and gave the media a day's worth of content to bash him with.
DeSantis knows how to fight back without handing them piles of ammunition like Trump has done.
It doesn’t matter. The media is the propaganda arm of the DNC and they will misquote, report out of context and out and out lie to hurt DeSantis or any other conservative candidate.
It doesn’t matter. The media is the propaganda arm of the DNC and they will misquote, report out of context and out and out lie to hurt DeSantis or any other conservative candidate.
Yep, all you have to do is look at all the sounds bites and "news" releases from now until November. The DNC funds ads for or against Republican candidates in order to get match ups they believe favorable to them. Trouble is the tactic works with far too many.

Out here in the desert southwest, Biden is putting up a few feet of border wall in Yuma, so Mark Kelly can say he's the one that stood up to DC and got it done.
Yep, all you have to do is look at all the sounds bites and "news" releases from now until November. The DNC funds ads for or against Republican candidates in order to get match ups they believe favorable to them. Trouble is the tactic works with far too many.

Out here in the desert southwest, Biden is putting up a few feet of border wall in Yuma, so Mark Kelly can say he's the one that stood up to DC and got it done.
Like the migration of the swallows, late night tv will soon ramp up their destruction of conservatives and the low info voter will suck it up like a $2 well at happy hour.

Nothing new, been going on for years, just like the migration..Only now it's on steroids due to social media regurgitating it time and time again.
It doesn’t matter. The media is the propaganda arm of the DNC and they will misquote, report out of context and out and out lie to hurt DeSantis or any other conservative candidate.
Yep, while I agree DeSantis is less offensive than Trump and I'm leaning towards the idea of him as the frontrunner, the American Pravda will be working non stop to smear him as soon as he becomes the target. That's what these criminals do.
Yep, while I agree DeSantis is less offensive than Trump and I'm leaning towards the idea of him as the frontrunner, the American Pravda will be working non stop to smear him as soon as he becomes the target. That's what these criminals do.
It has already started. I read an article last week that was titled “Why DeSantis is more dangerous than Trump.”
Like the migration of the swallows, late night tv will soon ramp up their destruction of conservatives and the low info voter will suck it up like a $2 well at happy hour.

Nothing new, been going on for years, just like the migration..Only now it's on steroids due to social media regurgitating it time and time again.
Yep, while I agree DeSantis is less offensive than Trump and I'm leaning towards the idea of him as the frontrunner, the American Pravda will be working non stop to smear him as soon as he becomes the target. That's what these criminals do.
It has already started. I read an article last week that was titled “Why DeSantis is more dangerous than Trump.”

Republicans Might Skip Liberal Interviews? Good​

Tim Graham
Posted: Jul 27, 2022 12:01 AM
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.

It's way too early to talk about the 2024 presidential campaign, but it cannot be staved off any more than you can stop Jim Acosta from yelling. Liberals are already alarmed about the press strategy of the Republican contenders.

New York magazine posted David Freedlander's article, "Why Republicans Stopped Talking to the Press." This headline is inaccurate, unless you think the liberal press is the only press. But it's true that Republicans are wising up to the ardently editorializing, anti-"false balance" liberal press.

"I just don't even see what the point is anymore," said an adviser to one likely GOP aspirant, who requested anonymity to discuss strategy. "We know reporters always disagreed with the Republican Party, but it used to be you thought you could get a fair shake. Now every reporter, and every outlet, is just chasing resistance rage-clicks."

Another consultant agreed, saying the rise of Twitter has given Republicans "a direct view into the id of every political reporter in America."

Freedlander correctly deduces that sitting down with the "mainstream press" is now seen as "consorting with the enemy," and their approval is the "political kiss of death." See anchors like Jake Tapper asking Rep. Liz Cheney if she will run for president.

Some liberals are naturally bitter. "Fundamentally, they don't want to have to defend Donald Trump and his falsehoods about the election," said Jeremy Peters of The New York Times. That's certainly true. A candidate could say they believe Joe Biden is the legitimate president, and yet the liberal press will inevitably want to make the entire race about Trump, election denialism and Jan. 6. Who would find that gauntlet a productive avenue for victory?

A primary race should cause Trump-skeptical Republicans to be more aggressive in telling voters that Trump's failure to concede defeat makes him unelectable, and dwelling in the past won't lead to victory. But there are many important problems in the country that have been exacerbated under Biden, from inflation to immigration to crime.

Just try to imagine another John Harwood-style moderator handling a Republican debate. In 2015, all the Republicans turned on Harwood for his obvious bias. This is why the Republican National Committee rightly signaled it wouldn't submit to another cycle of abuse from the Commission on Presidential Debates.

Instead, it's a commonly held Republican belief that a hit piece from the liberal media is much better than a puff piece. Take CBS "60 Minutes" correspondent Sharyn Alfonsi harassing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis about his COVID response at a press conference as part of their hit piece. This is the same show in which Steve Kroft slobbered over Barack Obama so many times that they put together a slobbery DVD after their favored candidate won in 2008.

Last weekend, "mainstream" reporters complained about lack of access to the Sunshine Summit thrown by Florida Republicans. "My message to them is to try crying about it. Then go to kickboxing and have a margarita," DeSantis spokeswoman Christina Pushaw replied on Twitter, mock-quoting a comment previously made by then-White House press secretary Jen Psaki. "And write the same hit piece you were gonna write anyway."

In a world full of right-leaning websites, podcasts and talk shows, why should Republican candidates be interviewed by people who hate them any more than Democrats submit to Fox or Newsmax or the New York Post?

Obviously, a Republican nominee who needs more than Republican votes can broaden the press strategy when the general election phase begins. But Democrats should be pressured to take on at least as many hostile interviewers or debate moderators in any presidential race as Republicans do.
There's no such thing as an unbiased media, not sure there ever has been, but those that believe that their source of information is fair, are blinded by their bias and ideology.
There's no such thing as an unbiased media, not sure there ever has been, but those that believe that their source of information is fair, are blinded by their bias and ideology.
Agree. People read what they read or watch what they watch to have their biases confirmed. It’s all you’re going to get from it anymore anyway.
There's no such thing as an unbiased media, not sure there ever has been, but those that believe that their source of information is fair, are blinded by their bias and ideology.

All you need is to follow actions and the results to clear your path to truth. It's not extremely difficult.