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January 6th Committee live on prime time tv

OFTB, the **** you cited does not contain a single fact refuting the video showing a woman pulling a ******* suitcase from under a table with hundreds - thousands - of ballots being counted for some reason when just her and one other woman was present, or the cellphone GPS data.

Jesus ******* Christ, if I present thousands of incidents of the SAME person showing up to ballot collection boxes ten times or more and that same ******* guy coincidentally showing up to "non-profits" at least five times, you think some guy saying "nuh-uh" simply makes that go away?

Okay, fine - I say "nuh-uh" to the guy saying "nuh-uh."

It absolutely does and I'm sorry you didn't take the time to read it. Explains exactly what happened...the scanners thought they were done for the day. They started packing up to leave. Therefore some of the observers started to leave. The scanners were then told they needed to get back to work. They pulled out actual secure ballot containers that are used to prevent tampering where ballots are stored during the process. No "suitcases". They resumed scanning. Multiple witnesses corroborated all of this. Observers testified they were never asked to leave and were never barred from returning. In addition all of the ballots are signature verified, and audits were conducted. There were no ballots that had been scanned multiple times. Republican election officials have verified all this despite Trump whining like a little ***** on the phone for them to find him some fraudulent ones. Why would they lie? They just all really wanted Joe Biden elected that badly? People who have worked for the Republican party for years, decades even?

Read the evidence. D'Souza did not produce any video of ANYONE showing up to multiple ballot boxes. He says it's because the videos were too grainy. Cell phone data shows the same people in the general area of ballot boxes...again READ...it can't pinpoint exact locations. People who go to work every day may be within 20 or 40 feet of some particular location every single day. It doesn't mean they are stuffing ballot boxes.

It's all bullshit and Republicans and Trump supporters with actual integrity know this and weren't able to be persuaded to lie about it. But some of you including Trump will ride this bullshit all the way to another presidential loss for us. Sad.
A machine recount, a hand recount, and a signature audit. But I guess the GA Secretary of State's office and Bureau of Investigation were all in on it.

I know I'm not going to convince some of you that this is false. What you need to realize is that as a practical matter and a legal matter, it's over. It's been through audits, recounts and courts. Even if you were right, you're not going to win. Continuing on with this narrative at best hurts our chances in elections, at worse will fracture this country into shards.
I know I'm not going to convince some of you that this is false. What you need to realize is that as a practical matter and a legal matter, it's over.

When the hell have I ever said - EVER - that the fraudulent election is going to be undone??????

The Patriots cheating is over, nothing to do about it today. I am allowed to still be pissed about the cheating though, right?
I know I'm not going to convince some of you that this is false. What you need to realize is that as a practical matter and a legal matter, it's over. It's been through audits, recounts and courts. Even if you were right, you're not going to win. Continuing on with this narrative at best hurts our chances in elections, at worse will fracture this country into shards.
I said it last year that there was no legal recourse in Constitutional or statutory law to remove a fraudulently seated president. This was one of those situations where we can only prevent it from happening again. If we have another stolen election, I have no doubt that it will result in our current cold civil war turning hot. Rule .308 will be invoked and the rifles will come out if we see the type of rampant fraud in the next election that we saw in the last. This will have devastating consequences for our nation and the world because without us as a counterbalance the ChiComs will run rampant.
If I heard this here, I apologize, but I'll share this metaphor(?)

Suppose that you are on trial for a punishable offense and only the prosecution is allowed to ask questions and call witnesses.
That's the January 6th select committee in a nutshell.
OFTB, the **** you cited does not contain a single fact refuting the video showing a woman pulling a ******* suitcase from under a table with hundreds - thousands - of ballots being counted for some reason when just her and one other woman was present and the counting had supposedly stopped, or the cellphone GPS data.

Jesus ******* Christ, if I present thousands of incidents of the SAME person showing up to ballot collection boxes ten times or more and that same ******* guy coincidentally showing up to "non-profits" at least five times, you think some guy saying "nuh-uh" simply makes that go away?

Okay, fine - I say "nuh-uh" to the guy saying "nuh-uh."

Floggy lapping up the liberal lies like a stray cat encountering a rancid bowl of milk in an alley.

"Yes, everybody but two people left, the counting stopped, but it didn't stop so we pulled ballots out from under a table, which is where we keep ballots, okay we never actually keep them there except when everybody else is sent home and we start counting again for no reason because we never stop counting, except in five key states where we stopped counting but didn't stop though everybody was sent home and we had no observers and we had to feed the same ballots through multiple times because something or other blah-blah, SQUIRREL!!"
Floggy lapping up the liberal lies like a stray cat encountering a rancid bowl of milk in an alley.

"Yes, everybody but two people left, the counting stopped, but it didn't stop so we pulled ballots out from under a table, which is where we keep ballots, okay we never actually keep them there except when everybody else is sent home and we start counting again for no reason because we never stop counting, except in five key states where we stopped counting but didn't stop though everybody was sent home and we had no observers and we had to feed the same ballots through multiple times because something or other blah-blah, SQUIRREL!!"
Liberal lies? Are you tuned into reality? Many conservatives, Trump associates, campaign lawyers, Bill Barr, etc. have said it is Trump that is full of lies and nonsense.

You have all kinds of theories but no proof.
It absolutely does and I'm sorry you didn't take the time to read it. Explains exactly what happened...the scanners thought they were done for the day. They started packing up to leave. Therefore some of the observers started to leave. The scanners were then told they needed to get back to work. They pulled out actual secure ballot containers that are used to prevent tampering where ballots are stored during the process. No "suitcases". They resumed scanning. Multiple witnesses corroborated all of this. Observers testified they were never asked to leave and were never barred from returning. In addition all of the ballots are signature verified, and audits were conducted. There were no ballots that had been scanned multiple times. Republican election officials have verified all this despite Trump whining like a little ***** on the phone for them to find him some fraudulent ones. Why would they lie? They just all really wanted Joe Biden elected that badly? People who have worked for the Republican party for years, decades even?

Read the evidence. D'Souza did not produce any video of ANYONE showing up to multiple ballot boxes. He says it's because the videos were too grainy. Cell phone data shows the same people in the general area of ballot boxes...again READ...it can't pinpoint exact locations. People who go to work every day may be within 20 or 40 feet of some particular location every single day. It doesn't mean they are stuffing ballot boxes.

It's all bullshit and Republicans and Trump supporters with actual integrity know this and weren't able to be persuaded to lie about it. But some of you including Trump will ride this bullshit all the way to another presidential loss for us. Sad.
It lost the republicans two Senate seats in Georgia already.

My issue with Trump is that he is not as conservative as people think - he likes to talk **** at the rally's and in speeches, Twitter, etc. - but it all comes down to "him", his ego. He ain't doing this for the little people, he's doing it for his own personal glory and he doesn't care who goes down with him.

Besides, just how good was he at appointing/hiring people around him. He let Fauci advise him on asking for shutdowns - and continued to let that fraud speak. Let's now forget all the money he begged for from people to prove the election was a fraud. Where is that money, exactly?

All those people on January 6th acted out because of Trump - I'm not saying he organized the whole thing and was behind it, but he certainly sat back and was lapping it up when it was happening because "these are my people, and they are doing it for me" was running through his tiny brain. How come he hasn't organized a collection or got someone to do this to help with legal funds for these people? Why, because he doesn't give a **** about any of you.
Floggy lapping up the liberal lies like a stray cat encountering a rancid bowl of milk in an alley.

"Yes, everybody but two people left, the counting stopped, but it didn't stop so we pulled ballots out from under a table, which is where we keep ballots, okay we never actually keep them there except when everybody else is sent home and we start counting again for no reason because we never stop counting, except in five key states where we stopped counting but didn't stop though everybody was sent home and we had no observers and we had to feed the same ballots through multiple times because something or other blah-blah, SQUIRREL!!"
Once again, no one was "sent home". They packed up uncounted ballots into secure ballot containers (no suitcases!) because they thought they were going to be leaving for the night. They did this in front of witnesses. Observers left because they thought counters were going home. They were not asked to leave. They were not barred from returning.

Oh gee, I guess the plotters of this scheme must be really stupid to pull out their "suitcases" of ballots right in front of surveillance cameras. Guess they forgot all about the cameras when forming their diabolical plan. Oops!

Audits, conducted by Republican Trump supporters, did not find duplicate ballots. So no ballots were "scanned multiple times".

Just wishing something is true doesn't make it so. No matter what Trump tells you.
Once again, no one was "sent home". They packed up uncounted ballots into secure ballot containers (no suitcases!) because they thought they were going to be leaving for the night. They did this in front of witnesses. Observers left because they thought counters were going home. They were not asked to leave. They were not barred from returning.

Oh gee, I guess the plotters of this scheme must be really stupid to pull out their "suitcases" of ballots right in front of surveillance cameras. Guess they forgot all about the cameras when forming their diabolical plan. Oops!

Audits, conducted by Republican Trump supporters, did not find duplicate ballots. So no ballots were "scanned multiple times".

Just wishing something is true doesn't make it so. No matter what Trump tells you.
I won't comment on this particular issue, but you'd have to be naive to think that both parties don't lie, cheat and steal in order to win an election.
To say that there isn't corruption in our election system is keeping your head in the sand. The problem is, that if the party in power has control of everything,
then no investigation will be pursued. And because it's always the party coming out on the short end of the stick making the allegations, nothing changes.
If the Republicans gain control of both houses, you don't have to be Nostradamus to predict that the Democrats will be howling and supported by the majority of the media.
So, in short, the 2020 election, like those before and those to come was corrupt, it's just that this last one seems to have upped the ante.
Once again, no one was "sent home". They packed up uncounted ballots into secure ballot containers (no suitcases!)

Sure. You betcha. Send everybody home, we're done counting, WHEE!! LOOK WHAT I FOUND!!

You interested in buying ocean-front property in Kansas?

Just wishing something is true doesn't make it so. No matter what Trump tells you.

oH mY gAwD! ShE acKuSed Me of liSteNinG to TrUmP!! Ooooooooohhhhh, whAt Will eyE Doo?!?!?

Does not matter what evidence you see about voter fraud. You lap up any explanation tossed out and believe it.

81 million votes. Yeah, sure. You ******* bet.


10 million more votes than Barack Obama's re-election. Yeah, right, no doubt, no reason to question that. I mean, his vigorous campai ... I mean his eloque ... how about his powerful rall ...

Yeah, 81 million ******* votes. You bet. Nothing to see here, nope, no siree, those "suitcase votes" are 100% legit.
Sure. You betcha. Send everybody home, we're done counting, WHEE!! LOOK WHAT I FOUND!!

You interested in buying ocean-front property in Kansas?

oH mY gAwD! ShE acKuSed Me of liSteNinG to TrUmP!! Ooooooooohhhhh, whAt Will eyE Doo?!?!?

Does not matter what evidence you see about voter fraud. You lap up any explanation tossed out and believe it.

81 million votes. Yeah, sure. You ******* bet.


10 million more votes than Barack Obama's re-election. Yeah, right, no doubt, no reason to question that. I mean, his vigorous campai ... I mean his eloque ... how about his powerful rall ...

Yeah, 81 million ******* votes. You bet. Nothing to see here, nope, no siree, those "suitcase votes" are 100% legit.
Denial is more palatable than accepting the USA is now a bannna republic run by a socialist junta.
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I want Trump policy back. not necessarily Trump. Love the guy but he is to polarizing. Not sure if that is a word but it should be if not
I want Trump policy back. not necessarily Trump. Love the guy but he is to polarizing. Not sure if that is a word but it should be if not

Understand this: Any Republican that is effective, has a spine, fights back against leftist attacks instead "taking the highroad" because Muh Principals and advances the conservative agenda will be too polarizing. Trust and believe it doesn't matter who it is DeSantis, Noem, Rand Paul the Communists will hate them and Rheeeeeeee like banshees.
Understand this: Any Republican that is effective, has a spine, fights back against leftist attacks instead "taking the highroad" because Muh Principals and advances the conservative agenda will be too polarizing. Trust and believe it doesn't matter who it is DeSantis, Noem, Rand Paul the Communists will hate them and Rheeeeeeee like banshees.
if Trump gets back in it will be republican rule for 4 mores years and right back to the left doing everything in power to destroy the Presidency. If a candidate backed by Trump gets in it will be the exact same but for 8 years.
Once again, no one was "sent home". They packed up uncounted ballots into secure ballot containers (no suitcases!) because they thought they were going to be leaving for the night. They did this in front of witnesses. Observers left because they thought counters were going home. They were not asked to leave. They were not barred from returning.

Oh gee, I guess the plotters of this scheme must be really stupid to pull out their "suitcases" of ballots right in front of surveillance cameras. Guess they forgot all about the cameras when forming their diabolical plan. Oops!

Audits, conducted by Republican Trump supporters, did not find duplicate ballots. So no ballots were "scanned multiple times".

Just wishing something is true doesn't make it so. No matter what Trump tells you.
I saw the video. Obviously you did not. And yes they did send people home. The people who where sent home testified to it. Stop watching CNN.
if Trump gets back in it will be republican rule for 4 mores years and right back to the left doing everything in power to destroy the Presidency. If a candidate backed by Trump gets in it will be the exact same but for 8 years.
If Trump gets back in, and honestly I hope he doesn't choose to run again, but if he gets back in and the R's take the House, and possibly the Senate this fall, the Dims won't be able to do jack **** about it.
If Trump gets back in, and honestly I hope he doesn't choose to run again, but if he gets back in and the R's take the House, and possibly the Senate this fall, the Dims won't be able to do jack **** about it.

and the Republicans won't do **** either. They will continue their brand of expanding govt. and spending tax payer money like they stole it. (LOL - it's funny because they all did do just that)
Pretty sure the Mayor of Maralago is going to jail