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January 6th Committee live on prime time tv

Pretty sure the Mayor of Maralago is going to jail
I don't know about that, but Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony was something else. She really opened a window into what happened that day.
I don't know about that, but Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony was something else. She really opened a window into what happened that day.
Yes, a very clear demonstration of what a narcissistic, egomaniacal toddler he is.
Just wait until she gets cross-examined
Yes of course she must be lying. Mark Meadow's aide obviously secretly had it in for Trump. Like all other Republicans who don't support his stories. And the ones who pled the fifth? I guess they don't want to tell the truth about Trump's innocence either huh?
Yes of course she must be lying. Mark Meadow's aide obviously secretly had it in for Trump. Like all other Republicans who don't support his stories. And the ones who pled the fifth? I guess they don't want to tell the truth about Trump's innocence either huh?
I believe Confluence was being sarcastic, there will be no cross examination in this dog and pony show. I have no idea of Trump's involvement, he maybe guilty as hell, but we'll never be certain of it with what they're trying to pass off as a hearing. How anyone, other than the Kool-Aid drinkers on the left side of the aisle, thinks this is American jurisprudence in action, is beyond me. Will any of the accused be able to defend themselves, or should we just blindly believe the testimony of the prosecutions witnesses?
The Salem witch trials were less bias.
Yes of course she must be lying. Mark Meadow's aide obviously secretly had it in for Trump. Like all other Republicans who don't support his stories. And the ones who pled the fifth? I guess they don't want to tell the truth about Trump's innocence either huh?
Couldn't possibly be a woman with an axe to grind either. :rolleyes:
I believe Confluence was being sarcastic, there will be no cross examination in this dog and pony show. I have no idea of Trump's involvement, he maybe guilty as hell, but we'll never be certain of it with what they're trying to pass off as a hearing. How anyone, other than the Kool-Aid drinkers on the left side of the aisle, thinks this is American jurisprudence in action, is beyond me. Will any of the accused be able to defend themselves, or should we just blindly believe the testimony of the prosecutions witnesses?
The Salem witch trials were less bias.
You should watch the hearings, then you’d have a better idea of trump’s involvement
I believe Confluence was being sarcastic, there will be no cross examination in this dog and pony show. I have no idea of Trump's involvement, he maybe guilty as hell, but we'll never be certain of it with what they're trying to pass off as a hearing. How anyone, other than the Kool-Aid drinkers on the left side of the aisle, thinks this is American jurisprudence in action, is beyond me. Will any of the accused be able to defend themselves, or should we just blindly believe the testimony of the prosecutions witnesses?
The Salem witch trials were less bias.

I don't know how anyone except a Trump cultist could hear her testimony and think it sounds like anything except exactly how Trump would act in that scenario. Not to mention that his own words in recordings and tweets track exactly with what she is saying about him. Some of you just don't want to believe the truth.

Numerous "accused" have refused to testify or pled the fifth. If there's another side to tell, why don't they get in front of the country and tell it? There is nothing stopping them.
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I don't know how anyone except a Trump cultist could hear her testimony and think it sounds like anything except exactly how Trump would act in that scenario. Not to mention that his own words in recordings and tweets track exactly with what she is saying about him. Some of you just don't want to believe the truth.

Numerus "accused" have refused to testify or pled the fifth. If there's another side to tell, why don't they get in front of the country and tell it? There is nothing stopping them.
Are you nuts? Anyone with half a brain will stay as far away from that kangaroo court as possible. There is not a single person on that committee that care one whit about any truth only getting Trump no matter what.
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You should watch the hearings, then you’d have a better idea of trump’s involvement
I have, and I'm not saying some of the testimony hasn't been compelling, only that the entire show is politically motivated.
Between this and the impeachment hearings, it's almost like the 6th amendment doesn't exist. I will admit that I'm not a legal expert,
perhaps they can legally skirt it with these hearings, but if they have any desire at all to actually prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt through the legal process, they're not going to convince large segment of the population. Again, Trump and others maybe guilty, but this committee was never set up to finding the truth, only their foregone conclusion. They come off as a kangaroo court in my opinion.
The hearings are not a trial. They are completely outside the legal system. No charges will be filed against anyone at these hearings. They can’t, there’s no legal mechanism for that. However, if the DOJ finds this evidence compelling & Garland (who would most likely be sitting on the Supreme Court right now had he been given his confirmation hearings) decides to indict some folks, well, then team trump is ******
I have, and I'm not saying some of the testimony hasn't been compelling, only that the entire show is politically motivated.
Between this and the impeachment hearings, it's almost like the 6th amendment doesn't exist. I will admit that I'm not a legal expert,
perhaps they can legally skirt it with these hearings, but if they have any desire at all to actually prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt through the legal process, they're not going to convince large segment of the population. Again, Trump and others maybe guilty, but this committee was never set up to finding the truth, only their foregone conclusion. They come off as a kangaroo court in my opinion.
It’s simply gathering evidence. That’s it.
Are you nuts? Anyone with half a brain will stay as far away from that kangaroo court as possible. There is not a single person on that committee that care one whit about any truth only getting Trump no matter what.
Probably true but doesn't negate his own words and actions.
I have, and I'm not saying some of the testimony hasn't been compelling, only that the entire show is politically motivated.
Between this and the impeachment hearings, it's almost like the 6th amendment doesn't exist. I will admit that I'm not a legal expert,
perhaps they can legally skirt it with these hearings, but if they have any desire at all to actually prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt through the legal process, they're not going to convince large segment of the population. Again, Trump and others maybe guilty, but this committee was never set up to finding the truth, only their foregone conclusion. They come off as a kangaroo court in my opinion.
Yes it's politically motivated and no one is better at providing his political enemies weapons to bludgeon him with than Trump
I trust NOTHING coming out of Washington anymore. Gov't bureaucrats will change sides in a heartbeat, if an better opportunity presents itself. Even if it's just invitations to better cocktail parties.
every breath any politician takes is politically motivated. So what?
The hearings are not a trial. They are completely outside the legal system. No charges will be filed against anyone at these hearings. They can’t, there’s no legal mechanism for that. However, if the DOJ finds this evidence compelling & Garland (who would most likely be sitting on the Supreme Court right now had he been given his confirmation hearings) decides to indict some folks, well, then team trump is ******
Thanks for the clarification, but you also prove my point. You have a committee hell bent on getting Trump and a more than willing Attorney General willing to comply.
Some of us do care. I do care that a crazy person with a maniacal ego could take his stolen election fantasy so far that he would refuse to lift a finger to prevent his own Vice President from possibly being assassinated. Call me crazy.
It's just incredible to me that no matter how many people talk about Trump's idiotic and insane behavior, according to some of you they're all lying. Trump apparently was really bad at picking people to work in his administration because almost all of them have turned on him, or at a minimum refuse to say a word to defend him. How unlucky can one guy get? Just a perfectly good innocent man being persecuted by the vast majority of people who've come into contact with him. His own daughter agreeing with lies against him. Rarely defended by anyone who knows him. Poor, poor persecuted Trump.