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January 6th Committee live on prime time tv

Thanks for the clarification, but you also prove my point. You have a committee hell bent on getting Trump and a more than willing Attorney General willing to comply.
I see a committee he’ll bent on gathering the facts and sworn testimony to get to the bottom of what the hell happened, not made up bullshit & lies, but as told by the people that lived it & those that surrounded those that orchestrated it. If I the DOJ thinks they have a case they can win with charges that will stick, then they’ll bring it to court. Then everyone gets to question everyone and everyone gets to cross examine everyone else. I think it’s a pretty strong case
It's just incredible to me that no matter how many people talk about Trump's idiotic and insane behavior, according to some of you they're all lying. Trump apparently was really bad at picking people to work in his administration because almost all of them have turned on him, or at a minimum refuse to say a word to defend him. How unlucky can one guy get? Just a perfectly good innocent man being persecuted by the vast majority of people who've come into contact with him. His own daughter agreeing with lies against him. Rarely defended by anyone who knows him. Poor, poor persecuted Trump.
Sanity rocks!
Thanks for the clarification, but you also prove my point. You have a committee hell bent on getting Trump and a more than willing Attorney General willing to comply.
The AG complies only with the law. There are no attempts to manipulate or steer the DOJ & AG under this administration like there was under trump.
I see a committee he’ll bent on gathering the facts and sworn testimony to get to the bottom of what the hell happened, not made up bullshit & lies, but as told by the people that lived it & those that surrounded those that orchestrated it. If I the DOJ thinks they have a case they can win with charges that will stick, then they’ll bring it to court. Then everyone gets to question everyone and everyone gets to cross examine everyone else. I think it’s a pretty strong case
Look, I get it, you carry the Democrats water, but the precedent they are setting is dangerous. Someday, sooner rather than later, the Republicans will have control of the House, Senate and White House. Will you be OK if they go after Biden and his son the way the House went after, and continues to go after Trump? Instead of Adam Schiff, you'll have Jim Jordan spouting off bullshit all the while claiming irrefutable evidence. The shitshow needs to stop.
Look, I get it, you carry the Democrats water, but the precedent they are setting is dangerous. Someday, sooner rather than later, the Republicans will have control of the House, Senate and White House. Will you be OK if they go after Biden and his son the way the House went after, and continues to go after Trump? Instead of Adam Schiff, you'll have Jim Jordan spouting off bullshit all the while claiming irrefutable evidence. The shitshow needs to stop.
Can’t speak for coupon but I damn sure hope they go after Hunter Biden and his father who are as corrupt as they come. And it won’t be bullshit because even what we know for a fact should be enough to impeach Joe and put Hunter in jail.
Look, I get it, you carry the Democrats water, but the precedent they are setting is dangerous. Someday, sooner rather than later, the Republicans will have control of the House, Senate and White House. Will you be OK if they go after Biden and his son the way the House went after, and continues to go after Trump? Instead of Adam Schiff, you'll have Jim Jordan spouting off bullshit all the while claiming irrefutable evidence. The shitshow needs to stop.
I only carry water for myself. I don’t have any issue with any committee investigating any shady **** anywhere. As long as it’s legit. Your argument is that the investigation is dangerous?
I only carry water for myself. I don’t have any issue with any committee investigating any shady **** anywhere. As long as it’s legit. Your argument is that the investigation is dangerous?
The "investigation" is partisan, and therefore corrupt. It will spawn future "investigations" by partisan Republicans because the Democrats have shown them the way.
Which may turn out to be a good thing, with them screwing over each other, rather than the country, but juvenile none the less. It's kind of like this:star-wars-candidate.jpg
So you’re saying the evidence being compiled is made up? Fabricated? Coerced in some manner? It’s sworn testimony and texts and emails and voice recordings, etc., etc.
I believe Confluence was being sarcastic, there will be no cross examination in this dog and pony show. I have no idea of Trump's involvement, he maybe guilty as hell, but we'll never be certain of it with what they're trying to pass off as a hearing. How anyone, other than the Kool-Aid drinkers on the left side of the aisle, thinks this is American jurisprudence in action, is beyond me. Will any of the accused be able to defend themselves, or should we just blindly believe the testimony of the prosecutions witnesses?
The Salem witch trials were less bias.
Nailed it!
Isn’t this essentially a grand jury proceeding?
Some of us do care. I do care that a crazy person with a maniacal ego could take his stolen election fantasy so far that he would refuse to lift a finger to prevent his own Vice President from possibly being assassinated. Call me crazy.
Fantasy? Hardly. My wife who is extremely grounded person believes fully Biden cheated. So does a large percentage of the population.
The AG complies only with the law. There are no attempts to manipulate or steer the DOJ & AG under this administration like there was under trump.
That is ******* hilarious!!! You really believe that giant pile of **** you just spewed? Come on man, I'm not joking!
So you’re saying the evidence being compiled is made up? Fabricated? Coerced in some manner? It’s sworn testimony and texts and emails and voice recordings, etc., etc.
Does a bear **** in the woods?
Meh, ive got no love for Trump, but the lady who just testified already has her testimony completely blown apart.. the agent she claims told her all that stuff explicitly denied it, the note she claims she wrote was written by another lawyer with tons of witnesses attesting to it, and the secret service is denying any assault or misbehavior … literally she said everything and everyone went on the record disproving her testimony almost immediately… not a great sign for a witness
So you’re saying the evidence being compiled is made up? Fabricated? Coerced in some manner? It’s sworn testimony and texts and emails and voice recordings, etc., etc.
What I'm saying is that when you have one side producing, directing and controlling an event, they will get their desired results.
And you never did answer if you will be OK when they go after Biden.
I only carry water for myself. I don’t have any issue with any committee investigating any shady **** anywhere. As long as it’s legit. Your argument is that the investigation is dangerous?



Some of us do care. I do care that a crazy person with a maniacal ego could take his stolen election fantasy so far that he would refuse to lift a finger to prevent his own Vice President from possibly being assassinated. Call me crazy.
You just hate alpha males. Show us on the doll where Trump hurt you.
You just hate alpha males. Show us on the doll where Trump hurt you.

Female own group preference “Trumps” all with most women, even conservative women.

You TDS sheep believe every lie that you hear.

Cassidy Hutchinson is a liar…​

Posted by Kane on June 29, 2022 2:20 am


Hutchinson claimed that Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of the armored presidential limousine and that Bobby Engel, who was the lead security detail, had to tell him, “Sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel.” Hutchinson claimed that Trump then lunged at and assaulted the agent.

NBC News Chief White House Correspondent Peter Alexander tweeted, “A source close to the Secret Service tells me both Bobby Engel, the lead agent, and the presidential limousine/SUV driver are prepared to testify under oath that neither man was assaulted and that Mr. Trump never lunged for the steering wheel.”

And that would be the same steering wheel that is on the other side of bullet proof glass that would be impossible for Trump to reach.
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You just hate alpha males. Show us on the doll where Trump hurt you.
I couldn't quite understand you with Trump's dick in your mouth and his balls in your hands.

He's such an alpha that he surrounded himself with people that seem to turn on him and throw him under the bus quite a bit. Doesn't sound like someone that's a good judge of character. I think we need a true alpha male in that position that has better judgement on who he has working with and for him.