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January 6th Committee live on prime time tv

I couldn't quite understand you with Trump's dick in your mouth and his balls in your hands.

He's such an alpha that he surrounded himself with people that seem to turn on him and throw him under the bus quite a bit. Doesn't sound like someone that's a good judge of character. I think we need a true alpha male in that position that has better judgement on who he has working with and for him.
Meh, ive got no love for Trump, but the lady who just testified already has her testimony completely blown apart.. the agent she claims told her all that stuff explicitly denied it, the note she claims she wrote was written by another lawyer with tons of witnesses attesting to it, and the secret service is denying any assault or misbehavior … literally she said everything and everyone went on the record disproving her testimony almost immediately… not a great sign for a witness
I don't think there is a judge in this land that would allow here say testimony. Now Adam Schiffless on the other hand has no problem with it as long as it's against Trump.
You TDS sheep believe every lie that you hear.

Cassidy Hutchinson is a liar…​

Posted by Kane on June 29, 2022 2:20 am


Hutchinson claimed that Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of the armored presidential limousine and that Bobby Engel, who was the lead security detail, had to tell him, “Sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel.” Hutchinson claimed that Trump then lunged at and assaulted the agent.

NBC News Chief White House Correspondent Peter Alexander tweeted, “A source close to the Secret Service tells me both Bobby Engel, the lead agent, and the presidential limousine/SUV driver are prepared to testify under oath that neither man was assaulted and that Mr. Trump never lunged for the steering wheel.”

And that would be the same steering wheel that is on the other side of bullet proof glass that would be impossible for Trump to reach.
Destined for her own show on CNN, and obviously, the million dollar book deal that will go with it.
But as long as people aren't punished for perjury this will continue.
I only carry water for myself. I don’t have any issue with any committee investigating any shady **** anywhere. As long as it’s legit. Your argument is that the investigation is dangerous?
We argue and rightfully so the investigation is anything but. The fact they would allow this women to testify second hand bullshit already disproved tells you all you need to know about this farce.
And the corrupt committee won't call the people who say she's lying as witnesses. Total farce.

They accepted the agents' offer to testify. Whether they actually put them under oath and allow them to give testimony in front of the nation is another story.

An unidentified Secret Service official told CNN that Ornato, who works for the Secret Service again and has disputed sworn testimony before, denies telling Hutchinson that story and that agents will be prepared to testify under oath that the incident never happened. The Jan. 6 committee said it "found Ms. Hutchinson's testimony to be credible" but accepted the offer.

The main element that Trump and the Agents confirmed was that he wanted to go to the capitol, if you didn't want to read the article. Real bombshell stuff there. I hate the media.
The resident woman hater speaks.

Show us on the dolly where the big bad awful women hurt you.
Yeah I point out the truth of female nature, show the blinding hypocrisy of feminism, I don’t kowtow to the gynocentric forces that run society. I am such a woman hater That I say absolutely give women equality before the law but end all of the special treatment and call it good. Dear heart I do not hate women I just don’t put them on pedestals and worship them like a lot of these white knights around here do.
We argue and rightfully so the investigation is anything but. The fact they would allow this women to testify second hand bullshit already disproved tells you all you need to know about this farce.
Bongino just ripped her story apart because, you know, he used to drive the limo and work in the limo.
Are you nuts? Anyone with half a brain will stay as far away from that kangaroo court as possible. There is not a single person on that committee that care one whit about any truth only getting Trump no matter what.
They want to get Trump as of when, and why? Cheney voted for Trump twice.

Doesn’t it strike you as odd that so many of Trump’s former associates, appointees and lawyers end up refuting him or turning against him?
They want to get Trump as of when, and why? Cheney voted for Trump twice.

Doesn’t it strike you as odd that so many of Trump’s former associates, appointees and lawyers end up refuting him or turning against him?
Not at all. The establishment wants him gone and they all stink of it. They know he is right but are afraid of what his being right would mean. It is why the obvious cheating is being blatantly covered up. It exposes the collusion of both sides of the establishment and forever taints the republic if the extent of cheating was revealed. Just like the NFL did with the Patriots. Bury the truth.
Not at all. The establishment wants him gone and they all stink of it. They know he is right but are afraid of what his being right would mean. It is why the obvious cheating is being blatantly covered up. It exposes the collusion of both sides of the establishment and forever taints the republic if the extent of cheating was revealed. Just like the NFL did with the Patriots. Bury the truth.
Again, his own appointees…

I was told that "muh insurrection" almost overthrew democracy (lol at democracy). I was also told by these same people that those of us that believe in the 2nd amendment were wrong because we wouldn't be able to defend against a "Government" (lol again) unless we had F15s and nukes.

So, which is it? Was the government in danger of being overthrown by people entering the Capitol building - some being stupidly violent about it, but quite a lot of them being let in by the same police saying they were in a war zone - OR - is it that those big bad "Assault Weapons" (LMFAO) that are super destructive with exploding ammunition aren't enough against the government's so called "might".

**** them sideways - all of them - Dems and Republicans. They all suck and Republicans are just progressives going the speed limit.
Aw, hell, let them obsess over Trump.

Meanwhile, DeSantis is doing a great job in Florida. If they both run, I'd vote for him over Trump anyway.
When Trump is in the back of the limo , how the hell does he attempt to grab the freaking steering wheel ? Did he climb out the window and go the roof and try to get in the drivers window to grab it ? Some of the **** y’all will believe is so stupid.