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Kavanaugh hearing

Seems most here are convinced she is lying... wondering how many of you have daughters.

I don’t know one way or the other, but I sure would like to hear from both sides before they move forward with a vote. Everything else, including Trump’s tweets, is just noise.

I have a daughter and think this fruitcake is lying her *** off so does my daughter who trends more liberal and considers herself a feminist of a sort. My wife also thinks she is lying. According to a Huff post poll only 28% of men and 25% of women find her credible, Freaking form the Huffpost even.
If it was really serious, I would hope my daughter would tell me when it happened. And I wouldn't let my daughter out at 15 not knowing where she was or if there was/wasn't parental supervision.

This has nothing to do with what happened in 1982. This has everything to do with NOW. Anyone that doesn't see that is a fool.
None of this **** even matters. Just call for the vote now. No dematard was going to vote for him anyway.
None of this **** even matters. Just call for the vote now. No dematard was going to vote for him anyway.

It's ******** Flake and Corker (Trump haters through and through) that would rather make it about them that I worry about.

And those two professional politician hags in Murkowski and Collins that would sell their mothers to hang onto their seats.

I ******* hate Congress.
Cram it down their throats!

GOP sets Monday panel vote on Kavanaugh

Ending several days of increasingly political battles over a woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee declared Friday night that they were unable to reach an agreement for the testimony of Kavanaugh’s accuser, and set a committee vote for Monday over the heated objections of Democrats.

Cram it down their throats!

GOP sets Monday panel vote on Kavanaugh

Ending several days of increasingly political battles over a woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee declared Friday night that they were unable to reach an agreement for the testimony of Kavanaugh’s accuser, and set a committee vote for Monday over the heated objections of Democrats.


Someone needs to say elections have consequences and playing politics with serious issues like attempted rape ought to have consequences too..
Ending several days of increasingly political battles over a woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee declared Friday night that they were unable to reach an agreement for the testimony of Kavanaugh’s accuser, and set a committee vote for Monday over the heated objections of Democrats.

So now Grassley grants another extension to see if she'll make up her mind about testifying. What a joke.

I'm ignorant about legislative law, but couldn't a subpoena have been issued? Meanwhile, we have Cory Booker admitting to sexually assaulting a woman in high school, Keith Ellison apparently physically abuses his ladies & Dianne Feinstein employs a Chinese spy for 20 years, and we're here -- at a 36 year-old allegation where the details, timing, the way the information was released & the motives of the accuser are all quite questionable.

What the hell is going on here?
Seems most here are convinced she is lying... wondering how many of you have daughters.

I don’t know one way or the other, but I sure would like to hear from both sides before they move forward with a vote. Everything else, including Trump’s tweets, is just noise.

Both of my daughters would surely inform me immediately of a serious assault. Her claims are hollow.
Seems most here are convinced she is lying... wondering how many of you have daughters.

I don’t know one way or the other, but I sure would like to hear from both sides before they move forward with a vote. Everything else, including Trump’s tweets, is just noise.

Yes I have a daughter. I told her specifically that is she is sexually assaulted not to tell her friends, not to post about it on social media or talk to a teacher. I told her to call 911 and REPORT IT TO THE POLICE. One of my sisters escaped from a would be rapist and with her clothes still torn half off she CALLED THE POLICE. Women that are not making a false accusation call the police. We don’t think Blasey-Ford is lying we know she is.
Yes I have a daughter. I told her specifically that is she is sexually assaulted not to tell her friends, not to post about it on social media or talk to a teacher. I told her to call 911 and REPORT IT TO THE POLICE. One of my sisters escaped from a would be rapist and with her clothes still torn half off she CALLED THE POLICE. Women that are not making a false accusation call the police. We don’t think Blasey-Ford is lying we know she is.

Bullshit. You wait 36 years and send a letter reporting it to your Senator but only if the attacker is a Republican.
I have a sinking feeling it doesn't matter what happens in these hearings, Kavanaugh is done for because of gutless Republicans.

And honestly Kavanaugh himself doesn't even matter as much as the horrible precedent this will set. All you need is to dig up some leftwing loon who vaguely knew the person and they can accuse him of anything they want. They don't even need to produce dates, times or names of other people who were around. It's horrific.
I have a sinking feeling it doesn't matter what happens in these hearings, Kavanaugh is done for because of gutless Republicans.

And honestly Kavanaugh himself doesn't even matter as much as the horrible precedent this will set. All you need is to dig up some leftwing loon who vaguely knew the person and they can accuse him of anything they want. They don't even need to produce dates, times or names of other people who were around. It's horrific.

They might vote on Monday. They don’t need any Dems to confirm him.
They might vote on Monday. They don’t need any Dems to confirm him.

But they just need a few wobbly Republicans who are skeered of Democrats and the media to not confirm him.
So now Grassley grants another extension to see if she'll make up her mind about testifying. What a joke.

Dems are trying to run out the clock.

Stop screwing around in committee and send the nomination to the Senate floor already!
Everyone knows the game. This is just a stall tactic because Feinstein held the letter for 6 weeks. There is nothing that can come out that we don't already know. She has already said that she doesn't remember where or when it happened. She doesn't remember who was there or wasn't there. Hell she can't even narrow it down to a ******* year. This is a setup from the start. She is a liar and Feinstein knows it. It's a scam.

However Reps have to play it as if it's not. I wouldn't let her set the agenda but I would give her a little time this week to come forward. If not just do the vote.
Trump could nominate Mr. Rogers or Captain Kangaroo and the Dems would still whine, ***** and wail.
Ram it through, don't play their games, they never end

Democrats float more Kavanaugh investigations, impeachment even if he is confirmed

Democrats are indicating that even if confirmed they intend to drag the fight over his Supreme Court nomination past November, raising the possibility of an impeachment push.



Impeachment based on ZERO evidence when they need 67 votes in the Senate?

They’re just blowing smoke to appease their rabid base, confirm him and get it over with.
Ram it through, don't play their games, they never end

Democrats float more Kavanaugh investigations, impeachment even if he is confirmed

Democrats are indicating that even if confirmed they intend to drag the fight over his Supreme Court nomination past November, raising the possibility of an impeachment push.



Impeachment based on ZERO evidence when they need 67 votes in the Senate?

They’re just blowing smoke to appease their rabid base, confirm him and get it over with.

Silly ******* don't accept defeat very well do they? It's all about what George Soros wants. Right now it's just a question of do the republicans have the balls to get the job done?
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Trump could nominate Mr. Rogers or Captain Kangaroo and the Dems would still whine, ***** and wail.

Mr. Rogers, a gay Republicans? I suppose there are some. The left would really hate them.
What about Keith Ellison?
Hell, Ted Kennedy killed a woman, and was re-elected many times.

The hypocrisy is deafening.

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Or Bill Clinton? When ever the left ask questions just say how comes we didn't see Democrats asking the same questions for Clinton, Kennedy, or Ellison? Yeah, I thought so.
This is a MUST read.

The Presumption of Guilt
The new liberal standard turns American due process upside down.


“As Judge Kavanaugh stands to gain the lifetime privilege of serving on the country’s highest court, he has the burden of persuasion. And that is only fair.”

—Anita Hill, Sept. 18, 2018

“Not only do women like Dr. Ford, who bravely comes forward, need to be heard, but they need to be believed.”

—Sen. Maize Hirono (D., Hawaii)

The last-minute accusation of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is an ugly spectacle by any measure. But if there is a silver lining, it is that the episode is providing an education for Americans on the new liberal standard of legal and political due process.

As Ms. Hill and Sen. Hirono aver, the Democratic standard for sexual-assault allegations is that they should be accepted as true merely for having been made. The accuser is assumed to be telling the truth because the accuser is a woman. The burden is on Mr. Kavanaugh to prove his innocence. If he cannot do so, then he is unfit to serve on the Court.

This turns American justice and due process upside down. The core tenet of Anglo-American law is that the burden of proof always rests with the person making the accusation. An accuser can’t doom someone’s freedom or career merely by making a charge.

The accuser has to prove the allegation in a court of law or in some other venue where the accused can challenge the facts. Otherwise we have a Jacobin system of justice in which “J’accuse” becomes the standard and anyone can be ruined on a whim or a vendetta.

Another core tenet of due process is that an accusation isn’t any more or less credible because of the gender, race, religion or ethnicity of who makes it. A woman can lie, as the Duke lacrosse players will tell you. Ms. Hirono’s standard of credibility by gender would have appalled the civil-rights campaigners of a half century ago who marched in part against Southern courts that treated the testimony of black Americans as inherently less credible than that of whites. Yet now the liberal heirs of those marchers want to impose a double standard of credibility by gender.

A third tenet of due process is the right to cross-examine an accuser. The point is to test an accuser’s facts and credibility, which is why we have an adversarial system. The denial of cross-examination is a major reason that campus panels adjudicating sexual-assault claims have become kangaroo courts.

It’s worth quoting from the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling this month in Doe v. Baum on a sexual-assault case at the University of Michigan.

“Due process requires cross-examination in circumstances like these because it is ‘the greatest legal engine ever invented’ for uncovering the truth,” wrote Judge Amul Thapar. “Not only does cross-examination allow the accused to identify inconsistencies in the other side’s story, but it also gives the fact-finder an opportunity to assess a witness’s demeanor and determine who can be trusted. So if a university is faced with competing narratives about potential misconduct, the administration must facilitate some form of cross-examination in order to satisfy due process.”

Consider the limited facts of Christine Blasey Ford’s accusation against Judge Kavanaugh. It concerns an event some 36 years ago that she recalls in only partial detail. She remembers the alleged assault and rooms she entered with some specificity, but not the home where it occurred. She doesn’t know how she traveled to or from the home that evening.

She told no one about the incident for 30 years until a couples therapy session with her husband. Her therapist’s notes say there were four assailants but she says there were only two. Two of the three other people she says were at the drinking party that night say they know nothing about the party or the assault, and Mr. Kavanaugh denies it categorically.

Democrats claim that even asking questions about these facts is somehow an unfair attack on her as a woman. Her lawyer is demanding that Ms. Ford testify after Mr. Kavanaugh, and that only Senators ask questions—no doubt to bar Republicans from having a female special counsel ask those questions.

We’re told Ms. Ford even wants to bar any questions about why she waited so long to recall the alleged assault and who she consulted in finally going public this year. Such a process is designed to obscure the truth, not to discover it. None of these demands should be tolerable to Senators who care about finding the truth about a serious accusation.

We don’t doubt that Ms. Ford believes what she claims. But the set of facts she currently provides wouldn’t pass even the “preponderance of evidence”—or 50.01% evidence of guilt—test that prevails today on college campuses. If this is the extent of her evidence and it is allowed to defeat a Supreme Court nominee, a charge of sexual assault will become a killer political weapon regardless of facts. And the new American standard of due process will be the presumption of guilt.
Both of my daughters would surely inform me immediately of a serious assault. Her claims are hollow.

I certainly would hope so. I think it is difficult to know, given the shame and stigma that come along with sexual assault.

I still can’t discount what she is saying...how many people were abused by priests or others but t did not come forward?
I certainly would hope so. I think it is difficult to know, given the shame and stigma that come along with sexual assault.

I still can’t discount what she is saying...how many people were abused by priests or others but t did not come forward?

I can discount what she is saying. There are no facts. The people she named that were with her say it didn't happen. She can't remember what house it was in. Or exactly what year. She didn't report it when it happened. She waited 36 years to come forward. She said it was four people in 2012. Today she says it was 2. She's a proven, raving Liberal who's posted outright against justices before, against Donald Trump. She deleted her Facebook history. Her Twitter history. Her college deleted her academic profile on its website. She marched with a ***** hat on her head in the Women's March. On, and on, and on, and on, and on.

There is absolutely nothing she is saying that makes an ounce of sense. BUT she comes forward in the last week JUST like Anita Hill did.

Yeah, we all know what's up.