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Kavanaugh hearing

All I will say is with habitual sex offenders (like Trump and Weinstein), there’s rarely ever just one girl. I think we’ll see more coming forward with Kavanaugh as well. I don’t think he’s half the candidate you guys make him out to be, so I won’t be shedding tears if he’s not nominated. Too bad, I guess.

Second accusation is out... again from 30 years ago... claims she knows who it was cause everyone screamed his full name... sounds more bullshit than the first... dems are successful ly destroying any chance of moderates supporting their shitshow for a long time...
second and third. one from stormys lawyer who says he has credible info and wants to testify / subpoena others
Now there’s another one claiming foul. She claims he pulled out his pud and stuck it in her face at a college party. Of course no witnesses. I guess Soros is going to have to shell out more for witnesses. Sorry on links, haven’t figured out how to do that with my iPad yet.

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We are now living in a new normal where anyone can have 35 year old charges leveled against them for political gain. Great job Dems. A new political precedent has been set......one that can ruin our republic. Welcome to the era of smears. If you don't have any skeletons, don't worry.....we will make one up. ........and you will be condemned before any facts are proven.

It is a sad day.
This is why they kept delaying and stalling, you knew they would be somebody stupid enough to throw there name in the ring. I can’t even believe they are allowing this to happen.
It's funny, I said to my husband this morning that I'm sure eventually they will manage to drudge up someone else who is willing to accuse him of something...something else that can't be proven or disproven. Huh how interesting that this supposedly happened at a party but not a single other person claims to have witnessed it. The accuser herself wasn't even sure it happened or that it was Kavanaugh at first...how convenient.

It's not gonna matter though...

Like I said, due to our gutless GOP senators i fear this poor guy's aspirations are over and his life pretty much ruined.

This makes me sick
It's funny, I said to my husband this morning that I'm sure eventually they will manage to drudge up someone else who is willing to accuse him of something...something else that can't be proven or disproven. Huh how interesting that this supposedly happened at a party but not a single other person claims to have witnessed it. The accuser herself wasn't even sure it happened or that it was Kavanaugh at first...how convenient.

It's not gonna matter though...

Like I said, due to our gutless GOP senators i fear this poor guy's aspirations are over and his life pretty much ruined.

This makes me sick

If Repubs have the votes, schedule it for tomorrow. **** em.
If Repubs have the votes, schedule it for tomorrow. **** em.

That’s the problem. I don’t think they have enough votes. I think there’s a couple that want to hear this Ford woman first. They’re dancing to Schumer’s fiddle.

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I'm guessing Collins, Murkowski, and Flake would vote against at this point.

I think the AZ governor appointed a Republican to replace McCain.
If the Republicans had played hard ball last week and crammed it down their thorats like I told them, they could have already confirmed him

Deborah Ramirez, 53, told The New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer that she was at a dorm room party with Kavanaugh and several other students during Yale’s 1983-84 school year. Ramirez said the group was playing a drinking game and she became inebriated. Later in the evening she was on the floor and remembered a “penis being in front” of her face before she pushed the person away, causing her to touch it. She said she recalled Kavanaugh standing next to her, laughing and pulling up his pants. Another student then yelled down the hall: “Brett Kavanaugh just put his penis in Debbie’s face.“

okay she says another person at the party yelled down the hall "Brett Kavanaugh just put his penis in Debbie's face"

I find that doubtful, more likely someone would yell "Brett...." did it or even "Kavanaugh just ...." did something or a knickname "BK just ...." but I doubt someone yelled another kids whole name since presumably everyone at the party would be friends or at least know who most of the others were. whether the story is true or not...that part is wrong
All I will say is with habitual sex offenders (like Trump and Weinstein and Clinton), there’s rarely ever just one girl. I think we’ll see more coming forward with Kavanaugh as well. I don’t think he’s half the candidate you guys make him out to be, so I won’t be shedding tears if he’s not nominated. Too bad, I guess.

Fixed that myopic comment for you.
okay she says another person at the party yelled down the hall "Brett Kavanaugh just put his penis in Debbie's face"

I find that doubtful, more likely someone would yell "Brett...." did it or even "Kavanaugh just ...." did something or a knickname "BK just ...." but I doubt someone yelled another kids whole name since presumably everyone at the party would be friends or at least know who most of the others were. whether the story is true or not...that part is wrong

I think she has changed her story again to say the person yelled down the hall "Future justice Brett Kavanaugh that groped Christine Blasey Ford at the other party, just put his penis is Debbie's face"
All I will say is with habitual sex offenders (like Trump and Weinstein), there’s rarely ever just one girl. I think we’ll see more coming forward with Kavanaugh as well. I don’t think he’s half the candidate you guys make him out to be, so I won’t be shedding tears if he’s not nominated. Too bad, I guess.

of course you don't like him...he believes in the Constitution, a document liberals despise
of course you don't like him...he believes in the Constitution, a document liberals despise

It is important to point out this is the only reason Libs hate Kavanaugh, because his decisions are based on what the laws actually say. They hate that. They want judges who make decisions based on a preferred outcome, not on the law.

So liberals think when a little guy sues a big evil corporation, a judge should rule for the little guy, regardless of the laws. You just make up some ****, even reference laws of other countries as RBG has advocated.

It's because Libs know that their ideas are not supported by a majority of the public. They have stopped using laws years ago. They found that appointing activist judges is easier.

They know that most of their achievements have been through court decisions not laws and it can all be reversed if actual laws are simply applied. That's why they are so scared.
oh those tolerant lefties, protectors of all women

Grassley reveals Kavanaugh's two young daughters have faced death threats

Chairman Grassley reveals Judge Kavanaugh's two young daughters have faced serious death threats "and vicious assaults as a result of these allegations" -- and "they're getting worse by the day."


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His daughters? Why in the world would they of all people associated with Kavanaugh get death threats?
The Libs are slowly creeping closer to full on melt down mode. Expect anything from here on....


New demand from Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford: She will testify, but only from a ski lift. She'll be on a up chair & senators will yell Qs from the downward chairs.

Alternative offer from Christine Blasey Ford: She'll accept Grassley's offer for staffers to go to Palo Alto for her statement, IF they also paint her house & mow her lawn.


Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh vehemently denied a woman's claim he groped her at a party in high school saying he wasn't even there. The media smells blood. CNN reported Sunday that in the sixth grade, Brett Kavanaugh once went swimming twenty-five minutes after eating.


Senate Democrats fought to delay Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court confirmation vote until after the election, so if Democrats win the majority they can kill any Trump nominee. Nowadays, Washington politics is like having sex with Michael Moore. You are either on top, or you get crushed.
His daughters? Why in the world would they of all people associated with Kavanaugh get death threats?

Because presumably they are Republicans too and must be eliminated.
Because libtards are the unhinged spawn of Satan.
Which makes the Trump cult....what exactly?

Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford and her family are forced into hiding after receiving DEATH THREATS over her claims the Supreme Court nominee sexually assaulted her as a teenager

Death Threats Force Ford Family Into Hiding, $200,000 Raised For Security

Death threats against anyone is a pretty serious issue. HOWEVER....making them against children for no reason other than them being the children of a Supreme Court nominee is beyond the pale.