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Kavanaugh hearing

I certainly would hope so. I think it is difficult to know, given the shame and stigma that come along with sexual assault.

I still can’t discount what she is saying...how many people were abused by priests or others but t did not come forward?

The shame to tell is great. Her lack of verifiable facts, vague fear references, the fact that she told no one don't add up at all. Feinstein's dirty hands are all over this.
This keeps getting more ridiculous -
In the latest chapter of, “As the Senate Spins on Christine Blasey Ford’s Finger”, Debra Katz, lead attorney for Blasey Ford dismissed a statement from her lifelong friend claiming not only to not remember the alleged high school party where Blasey Ford claims she was sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh, but stating she has never been at a party or gathering with Kavanaugh.

So now all of the others whom Ford claimed were there have denied that they were there.

Kerri Kupec, a White House spokeswoman, was quoted by the Post summing up the lack of corroborating witnesses for Blasey Ford’s claim.

“One week ago, Dr. Christine Ford claimed she was assaulted at a house party attended by four others,” Kupec said in a statement. “Since then, all four of these individuals have provided statements to the Senate Judiciary Committee denying any knowledge of the incident or even having attended such a party.”

The alleged witness/participants who have each denied being at the party described by Blasey Ford are: Brett Kavanaugh, Mark Judge, PJ Smyth and Leland Ingham Keyser. (Keyser was married for about ten years to Bob Beckel)

I didn't realize that all these statements had been given to the Senate judiciary committee. Was this on the news? So not only no corroboration, but denials of the event itself by the people whom she claimed were there. Given this info, **** her testimony. Vote on Monday.

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I'm waiting for the next stall to happen. What if she is hospitalized and can't leave her hospital bed for a week or two? Will the republicans be able to fish or will they cut bait?
This person obviously knows that Kavanaugh has had increasingly elevated positions in the judiciary.
So why just now?
With 6 previous FBI vettings, why does this only happen now, in what looks like a clear political "gotchya" move?
If their was an injustice, there is a clear system to deal with it.
How does this one incident, which has yet to be grounded in fact/evidence get to become the focal point of US politics?
The only conclusion is the system is very ****** up, because one person can corrupt and re-direct the American government.

This is truly global laughingstock stuff.

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This person obviously knows that Kavanaugh has had increasingly elevated positions in the judiciary.
So why just now?

Because he had never been put into a position that is the last line of defense against laws/policies that are not Constitutional. The only way the left can truly hijack this country is to own the Supreme Court. We are pretty safe until that happens although they did a pretty good job of "influencing" it with the Obamacare ruling.
I got a feeling there is a couple of republicans that are saying they will vote no if they don't hear from Ford first.
It's a conspiracy! Russia! Russia! Russia!

Now, a FOURTH purported ‘witness’ claims NO knowledge of Kavanaugh assault

All five witnesses Dr. Ford places at scene have weighed in, now all but Ford say the incident didn’t happen. The four she names besides herself contradict her.


Damn..Ford provided 5 people who she says can corroborate her story.
Smyth: Denies it under penalty of perjury.
Judge: Denies it under penalty of perjury.
Kavanaugh: Denies it under penalty of perjury.
Keyser: Denies it under penalty of perjury.
Ford: Refuses to testify under oath.
Man the baby killers have gone deep into the well here. I do see charges that need to be filed here on Ford. I'd follow this **** until the end of time.
GOP needs to hold a public press conference. Tell everyone all this info, and tell them we are moving on and voting.

She has had every opportunity and still won’t show up so move on. She can file charges afterward if she wants. Screw her she’s a liar politcalnpuppet being used by the Dems
Damn..Ford provided 5 people who she says can corroborate her story.
Smyth: Denies it under penalty of perjury.
Judge: Denies it under penalty of perjury.
Kavanaugh: Denies it under penalty of perjury.
Keyser: Denies it under penalty of perjury.
Ford: Refuses to testify under oath.

Tiberius ... what say you??
Tiberius ... what say you??

It's always been a sham. Thats why they saved it for after the hearings. There should be consequences.
But hey, at least those classy (D)umbshits are behaving professionally about vicious, violent threats towards Republican women regarding this whole thing ...


Or not.

******* *********** liberal (D)umbfuck says "boo hoo hoo" about threatened rape of Republican females.

I hope he gets leukemia, a nationwide search is done for a matching marrow donor, and lo and behold - I am that donor!!

I would tell that miserable ****, "Boo hoo hoo, just stop having cancer."
Swalwell, like Schiff is a despicable human being. They really know how to pick them in California. Feinstein, Pelosi, Mad Maxine, Kamala Harris. Not an honorable person in the lot. Shamefull.
All I will say is with habitual sex offenders (like Trump and Weinstein), there’s rarely ever just one girl. I think we’ll see more coming forward with Kavanaugh as well. I don’t think he’s half the candidate you guys make him out to be, so I won’t be shedding tears if he’s not nominated. Too bad, I guess.
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All I will say is with habitual sex offenders (like Trump and Weinstein), there’s rarely ever just one girl. I think we’ll see more coming forward with Kavanaugh as well. I don’t think he’s half the candidate you guys make him out to be, so I won’t be shedding tears if he’s not nominated. Too bad, I guess.

Of course you believe the accusation without evidence. What a schmuck.
All I will say is with habitual sex offenders (like Trump and Weinstein), there’s rarely ever just one girl. I think we’ll see more coming forward with Kavanaugh as well. I don’t think he’s half the candidate you guys make him out to be, so I won’t be shedding tears if he’s not nominated. Too bad, I guess.

Now Trump is a habitual sex offender? You are off the deep end. What is wrong with you libs?
All I will say is with habitual sex offenders (like Trump and Weinstein), there’s rarely ever just one girl. I think we’ll see more coming forward with Kavanaugh as well. I don’t think he’s half the candidate you guys make him out to be, so I won’t be shedding tears if he’s not nominated. Too bad, I guess.

You are starting to lose all grasp of reality, you are suggesting suspending the Constitutional right to innocent until proven guilty, in hopes that it will support your liberal narrative. Unfortunately for you, the facts are not your friend.

BTW, it is rumored that the good judge has recently accepted the services of a law firm that specializes in Defamatory cases. This Ford women's legal problems are just beginning.
You are starting to lose all grasp of reality, you are suggesting suspending the Constitutional right to innocent until proven guilty, in hopes that it will support your liberal narrative. Unfortunately for you, the facts are not your friend.

BTW, it is rumored that the good judge has recently accepted the services of a law firm that specializes in Defamatory cases. This Ford women's legal problems are just beginning.

That is awesome. I hope he waits until after he is confirmed, otherwise the dems will want to delay it until the outcome of that suit.
That is awesome. I hope he waits until after he is confirmed, otherwise the dems will want to delay it until the outcome of that suit.

The Dems want an investigation? Nothing gets the facts out like a good ole defamation law suit.
I'd like to see Ford get some jail time for this **** show. Just when I thought I couldn't dislike the Democrat party and all they stand for they take it up a notch.


All over killing babies.