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Kavanaugh hearing

If Avenatti is lying then he is really setting himself up to be sued. I wouldn't be shocked if the accusations about Kavanaugh are true, and i wouldn't be shocked if everything was totally made up. Something about Kavanaugh makes him seem fake to me, but i really have no clue. The whole thing sure is a mess now though.
If Avenatti is lying then he is really setting himself up to be sued. I wouldn't be shocked if the accusations about Kavanaugh are true, and i wouldn't be shocked if everything was totally made up. Something about Kavanaugh makes him seem fake to me, but i really have no clue. The whole thing sure is a mess now though.

Avenatti is not making the claims, a woman is. Ad we are not allowed to question any claims made by a woman. Even if they are outlandish and ridiculous.
Avenatti is not making the claims, a woman is. Ad we are not allowed to question any claims made by a woman. Even if they are outlandish and ridiculous.

well whoever is making the claims if they don't have evidence should be facing a nice lawsuit. i would also think avenatti could be in trouble for reporting claims that were factless. As sleazy as Avenatti is he seemed to have the facts right with Stormy and the playboy girl.
well whoever is making the claims if they don't have evidence should be facing a nice lawsuit. i would also think avenatti could be in trouble for reporting claims that were factless. As sleazy as Avenatti is he seemed to have the facts right with Stormy and the playboy girl.
Avenatti has been spot on, 100% correct on everything he’s said and done. I’d be hesitant to doubt him in this case either.
Avenatti has been spot on, 100% correct on everything he’s said and done. I’d be hesitant to doubt him in this case either.

That is one of the most pathetic things you've written on Steeler Nation ever. I can't believe you are siding with that slime ball. Holy cow.
Where the hell is Gloria Allred? Isn’t she one of the first responders when it comes to women’s rights?

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That is one of the most pathetic things you've written on Steeler Nation ever. I can't believe you are siding with that slime ball. Holy cow.

Avenatti has been spot on, 100% correct on everything he’s said and done. I’d be hesitant to doubt him in this case either.

Yeah, a Tibs'ism. 100% spot on. Yep, except...nope. He's no different than all of the Libtards running around espousing theories left and right hoping something sticks.


When NBC reported that President Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen has his phone tapped, Stormy Daniels' lawyer, Michael Avenatti, quickly advanced all sorts of theories about what it means.

Those theories went up in smoke, however, when NBC issued a correction saying that his phones weren't tapped after all.

Before the correction, Avenatti was on MSNBC to discuss the "domino sequence" that was about to unfold now that Cohen had been wiretapped.

"I think ultimately it will be disclosed that during these wiretaps the FBI learned of means by which Michael Cohen was going to destroy ... evidence or documentation." pic.twitter.com/55vrt30jcQ

"My understanding is, they were also wiretapping text message communications for the weeks leading up to the FBI raids," Avenatti said.

Avenatti said probably the wiretaps would show that the FBI was worried that Cohen was about to destroy evidence.

Probably, Avenatti figured, the wiretap "increases the chances" that Trump wouldn't be able to serve his full term, because the wiretap would likely lead to more evidence of wrongdoing involving Trump.

"Those communications may very well now be on a recording in the possession of the FBI," he said.

100% spot on. This guy is a seer, a true sage.
Holy ****, so Hollywood & liberals all over staged a 'walk-out' at 1pm EST in a new #BelieveSurvivors movement to support Christine Blasey Ford over allegations that are fuzzy on many details & can't be corroborated by anybody - but not a peep about Cory Booker ADMITTING he groped someone in high school or Keith Ellison's ex-girlfriend alleging he dragged her by her feet off of a bed in a fit of rage.

Forget the testimony. It's already a done deal. Kavanaugh did it. The court of public (liberal) opinion says so. It's a sad day for America.
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He's no different than all of the Libtards running around espousing theories left and right hoping something sticks.


100% spot on. This guy is a seer, a true sage.

And the guy is just pond scum of the lowest order. And he had a beef with Trump prior to Stormy:

Avenatti later joined Greene Broillet & Wheeler, a Los Angeles boutique law firm. While there, he handled a number of high-profile cases, including a $10 million defamation case against Paris Hilton,[30] settled an idea-theft lawsuit relating to the show The Apprentice and against producers Mark Burnett and Donald Trump

And he sounds like a real Patriot, a really upstanding guy:

In 2017, a Florida man named Gerald Tobin alleged Avenatti failed to pay him $28,700 for private investigatory work. As a result, Avenatti's firm was abruptly forced into bankruptcy.[46] In various news reports, including work done by CNN, Tobin was found to be an ex-con with four decades of convictions and jail time and not a licensed investigator. Tobin's claim forced Avenatti into bankruptcy which caused Avenatti to cancel a deposition in an unrelated lawsuit days later, raising the question of collusion between Avenatti and Tobin. The issue was resolved when the pair entered into a Non-Disclosure Agreement, and Avenatti paid Tobin the $28,700.[46]

In 2018, Avenatti's law firm was subjected to a $10 million judgment in U.S. bankruptcy court.[47] Avenatti has also defaulted on a $440,000 judgment in back taxes, penalties, and interest that he was personally obligated to pay under another bankruptcy settlement. The U.S. Attorney's office asserted in court that a motion seeking payment would soon be filed against Avenatti.[47] Eagan Avenatti had been in Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings and, in December 2017, had agreed to pay $4.8 million in unpaid fees to a former partner, $2 million in back taxes, and $1 million to other creditors.[48] In June 2018, the former partner filed a motion in U.S. bankruptcy court asking for a lien on any and all legal fees Avenatti's firm might collect, up to $10 million, from clients in 54 cases including his representation of Stormy Daniels.[49]

Avenatti has on several occasions, including in a post to Twitter, expressed interest in running for president in 2020.[50] In a CBC TV interview published in September 2018, Avenatti said he would run in 2020 only against Trump or Pence.

Why only Trump or Pence? Why would you even think about running for President if you didn't have the countries' best interests at heart (obviously only doing it for personal vendetta)?
Sleazy Porn Lawyer? For President? Please run.
CNN just educated me on why nobody is talking about Cory Booker. The incidents are totally different because Booker copped to it and they are in different positions in government!


New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker wrote in the early 1990s -- while a student at Stanford -- about an incident on New Year's Eve 1984 (when he was 15) in which he groped a female friend's breast after the two of them had kissed.
"With the 'Top Gun' slogan ringing in my head, I slowly reached for her breast," Booker wrote of that night. "After having my hand pushed away once, I reached my 'mark.'"

'Top Gun' as in the movie Top Gun? That didn't come out until 1986? Hmm, interesting.
You lefties have lost your collective minds. You have turned into a bunch of jackboot thugs, smearing your opponents with lies and threats. You whine like ******* and your hypocrisy is deplorable. I hope this results in the destruction of the Democratic party. It can't sink much lower.

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Avenatti has been spot on, 100% correct on everything he’s said and done. I’d be hesitant to doubt him in this case either.

Really Tibs? You actually believe that Brett Kavanaugh was getting girls drunk to pull trains on them in high school and no one thought to bring it up before now?

You lefties have lost your collective minds. You have turned into a bunch of jackboot thugs, smearing your opponents with lies and threats. You whine like ******* and your hypocrisy is deplorable. I hope this results in the destruction of the Democratic party. It can't sink much lower.

Under the veil of empathy for sexual assault victims before the accused is even tried or can testify to his innocence. Where was that empathy for decades with Harvery Weinstein? Seth MacFarlane obviously knew about it at the Academy Awards in 2013. The entire fair-minded, free-thinking country knows Hollywood knew about it for years and did nothing. ******* hypocrites.
Really Tibs? You actually believe that Brett Kavanaugh was getting girls drunk to pull trains on them in high school and no one thought to bring it up before now?


I think he's just trolling at this point. No other reasonable explanation.
You lefties have lost your collective minds. You have turned into a bunch of jackboot thugs, smearing your opponents with lies and threats. You whine like ******* and your hypocrisy is deplorable. I hope this results in the destruction of the Democratic party. It can't sink much lower.

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Thats the end result of this and everyone knows it... the Republicans can be shitheads, no doubt... but the Dems are a hodgepodge of totally incompatible groups... they have no real agenda cause any one unified agenda will alienate and fragment them... they offer socialized plans that cannot work and when they have power they don’t do anything and blame that on the republicans...Antitrumpism is literally admitting that they cannot come up with a platform that appeals to the basic Americans...

Its just rooting for a political sports team, in a culture that believes win at all costs is acceptable...

In the past ive voted for more Democrats than Republicans... ill never vote for one of them on a national scale until this leadership is gone and they have a platform of substance that appeals to me. Thats where this is and there are thousands like me... guys and gals that don’t poll and do vote religiously...
There is no desire for democRATS to seek the truth, then proceed with the nomination process. The truth is irrelevant. Accusations are truth.

Anything to bring this guy down the aim.
Wouldn't be surprised if they are just trying to get him to say: "To hell with this !@#$, let the next guy or gal in line have that seat. Who needs this BS?"

Pretty sure that's the goal. To drum up enough completely bogus **** to scare him and strong arm him into backing down. Liberals have become the bullying fascists that they love to rail against.
You guys sure are losing your collective **** over Kavanaugh. Seems just like yesterday Neil Gorsuch was confirmed without even a mention of sexual offenses. With Kavanaugh, they're being aired out like dirty laundry. Wonder why? You guys scream to the moon these are made-up, bogus charges. You immediately dismiss the women stepping forward to testify. Just for a second, imagine if even half of these accusations are true. Is that a man you want serving for a lifetime in the highest court? Gorsuch was as much a right-leaning judge as Kavanaugh, yet is a man of good character. Gorsuch even got some Dem votes, imagine that. Kavanaugh seems to have questionable character. He's been pushed through by Trump due to his loosey goosey interpretation of presidential powers, the idea Trump has that he may save his *** from impeachment. Call me crazy for thinking that, it is what it is.

At the end of the day we'll see how legitimate these accusations of sexual deviance are. For those who dismiss them out of hand, or scream sabotage by the libs, you may want to see how this week unfolds, including the testimony on Thurs.
You guys sure are losing your collective **** over Kavanaugh. Seems just like yesterday Neil Gorsuch was confirmed without even a mention of sexual offenses. With Kavanaugh, they're being aired out like dirty laundry. Wonder why? You guys scream to the moon these are made-up, bogus charges. You immediately dismiss the women stepping forward to testify. Just for a second, imagine if even half of these accusations are true. Is that a man you want serving for a lifetime in the highest court? Gorsuch was as much a right-leaning judge as Kavanaugh, yet is a man of good character. Gorsuch even got some Dem votes, imagine that. Kavanaugh seems to have questionable character. He's been pushed through by Trump due to his loosey goosey interpretation of presidential powers, the idea Trump has that he may save his *** from impeachment. Call me crazy for thinking that, it is what it is.

At the end of the day we'll see how legitimate these accusations of sexual deviance are. For those who dismiss them out of hand, or scream sabotage by the libs, you may want to see how this week unfolds, including the testimony on Thurs.

Neil Gorsuch was confirmed so easily because there wasn't a midterm election right around the corner. The Dems knew they had no chance to stop it.

And this isn't just about Kavanaugh...this is about people being able to destroy someone's reputation and a career that they spent a whole life building, with a completely baseless, unprovable, uncorroborated accusation. This could happen to anyone, do you not understand that? Anyone can accuse anyone else of anything they want and the new standard is "They must be believed". Even if there is evidence that directly contradicts their story! That is so outrageous, I can't believe it's really happening in this country.

This is about fundamental fairness. If you don't care about that I don't know what to tell you.