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Kavanaugh hearing

Give me, or anyone, a good 3rd party candidate and I'm on board. So why isn't there ever a decent third party candidate? Or is there and not enough is known about them? I don't know, I know that I don't pay enough attention to an independent candidate. Something to think about.

Gary Johnson was a great 3rd party guy last election... but the rules the Reps and Dems make 3party candidates play by are blatantly unfair.... often to even get on a ballot in a particular state the hoops you must go through are ten times worse than the dems and republicans, who get magicly lessened rules because they have power... then both often rabidly challenge every signature and every form in court for perceived real threats.. an expensive and often time consuming process that delays or disqualifys many on technicalities that again the dems and republicans are often excluded from.... they get no federal money that tge big parties are entitled to and ever since perot if they start getting close to the poll numbers that get them included in debates, the pollsters start leaving them out.... it’s literally rigged
It's probably too late to ask yourselves the question: why would anyone willingly come forward with sordid charges like this, asking for a thorough FBI investigation and be willing to be dragged through mud in a public forum and volunteer to answer questions under oath in front of a hostile congressional committee and have to go into hiding because of death threats ALL THE WHILE be completely making the whole thing up out of thin air?

I understand it's difficult to wrap your heads around the notion Kavanaugh may be a slimy dirtbag. It's really not that shocking, given that he was hand-picked by the Trumpster.
Gary Johnson was a great 3rd party guy last election... but the rules the Reps and Dems make 3party candidates play by are blatantly unfair.... often to even get on a ballot in a particular state the hoops you must go through are ten times worse than the dems and republicans, who get magicly lessened rules because they have power... then both often rabidly challenge every signature and every form in court for perceived real threats.. an expensive and often time consuming process that delays or disqualifys many on technicalities that again the dems and republicans are often excluded from.... they get no federal money that tge big parties are entitled to and ever since perot if they start getting close to the poll numbers that get them included in debates, the pollsters start leaving them out.... it’s literally rigged

Until you just typed that name, I literally forgot about him. In fact, I vaguely remember him at all. Obviously you know more about this than me and if the funding isn't there for them to get their message out as loudly as the main 2 parties (or as loudly as I need them to that is), then I would then have to admit I could be overlooking someone great.
It's probably too late to ask yourselves the question: why would anyone willingly come forward with sordid charges like this, asking for a thorough FBI investigation and be willing to be dragged through mud in a public forum and volunteer to answer questions under oath in front of a hostile congressional committee and have to go into hiding because of death threats ALL THE WHILE be completely making the whole thing up out of thin air?

I understand it's difficult to wrap your heads around the notion Kavanaugh may be a slimy dirtbag. It's really not that shocking, given that he was hand-picked by the Trumpster.

The girls in Georgia accused ben cause he had a previous accusation and he thhrew one of their sorority sisters out of his party... they posted about it on Facebook then tried to delete the posts and their texts later when it went national

The girl who accused Bettis did it as a money grab and got arrested because of it

The girl at the bar i went to as a yonger guy accused a guy cause she didn’t remember who she was with while drunk and decided it was him even though he wasn’t around that weekend

Another famously agreed to let a bunch of greasy dudes gangbang her then said they raped her when instead of cementing her as cool, it got her labled a slut

I can rattle off dozens of stories, many proven in court... some women use these accusations for attention, monetary gain, and as a means to ruin someone else s life

Read through the Salem witch trials... its the very reason why until proven accusations mean **** to the government. And typically its not a cosmic coincidence that this allegation, which is so unprovable it would fail under the slightest scrutiny was held out until the last second... or how tge second even more flimsy accusation was hidden until it could be used to postpone the vote longer...

And the third suggested allegation is comically absurd... and strategically in a place where the local cops can be called on for an investigation that is again unprovable but designed to dely... its occums razor... say you are going to delay by any means then have magically timed delays... its political smear tactics at its worse
You immediately dismiss the women stepping forward to testify.

Just not true.

There are two groups of people in this mess...Group A says "You must believe them! No matter what!'

Group B says, all allegations should be taken seriously, but let's look at the facts. The facts are...

The 4 people she said were with her at this party say it never happened.
One of them, a lifelong friend of the accuser, says she doesn't know Brett Kavanaugh and has never been at any gathering with him, ever.
All say they never saw Brett Kavanaugh act like this.
The accuser does not know the date or location which conveniently makes it impossible for Kavanaugh to even attempt to defend himself by putting forth an alibi.

The second accuser said herself that she is not sure it was Kavanaugh.
She told friends she's not sure it was Kavanaugh.
She's not even sure she saw a real penis! She believes she saw someone pulling up their pants.
Suddenly 6 days ago she's now sure it happened and sure it was Kavanaugh.
Every other person who she says was present says it did not happen.
No person has been found who says they have any firsthand knowledge of it.

So, which group is looking at this critically and analyzing the facts, and which is immediately dismissing something and saying it doesn't matter what the facts say, he is lying?
And that right there is why I can't participate in this (or actually any anymore) discussion. As a woman, I can't tolerate that ****. Or if this were my daughter, I'd dare anyone to come after her. And I'll just add they want to cry political foul play, boo-*******-hoo. The pubs deserve anything and everything they get and Mitch McConell, who can collectively go **** himself, well there are no other words. But of course there are no words for the whole disgusting GOP. Man if this were a dem candidate, can you hear it now?? Can you Tibs? I can. He'd have been sentenced to death and crucified. Nothing but a bunch of ******* hypocrites.

You men like Booker and Ellison ? What are there jobs ?

Or the rapist Slick Willie.

Spare me the fake outrage now. You are a hypocrite.
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The other issue is the selective outrage... im on the record that judge confirmations should be 60 votes to confirm.... that makes the court fair... the dems eradicated that for feds last admin and threatened that for the SC then are outraged when the republicans do just that.... they gloss over proven sexual deviency and abuse on their side but demand absurd standards for the republicans.... again Bill clinton was proven in the paula jones sexual harassment case to have whipped it out and try to make her suck it.... she didn’t and it was ruled that since her career wasn’t harmed Bill was in the clear.... people still defend him but here an utterly unprovable claim is gospel truth and the worse thing ever...

Its politics and its dumb... both sides are absurd but right now the dems are so blind to long term damage their crybabying is doing that its impossible to side with them.... they are going to lose tge middle class for a decade at least..... and if they win this election and hike taxes and drop jobs in the inner cities its going to scar them there too...

They are going to this magic random accusation ploy too often ... its going to backfire just as bad as the all negative trump attacks for two years is going to...
Hmm, CEO of a San Francisco based software company. Yeah, I'm sure he's not political at all. "Kavanaugh was often blind drunk, and even though I never socialized with him I can tell you he got belligerent and aggressive, and even though I never socialized with him, I can tell you his friends are capable of despicable acts, and Debbie Ramirez was intimidated by all the white privilege around her and I believe her". What a bunch of ****.
It's probably too late to ask yourselves the question: why would anyone willingly come forward with sordid charges like this, asking for a thorough FBI investigation and be willing to be dragged through mud in a public forum and volunteer to answer questions under oath in front of a hostile congressional committee and have to go into hiding because of death threats ALL THE WHILE be completely making the whole thing up out of thin air?

I understand it's difficult to wrap your heads around the notion Kavanaugh may be a slimy dirtbag. It's really not that shocking, given that he was hand-picked by the Trumpster.

I don't know Tibs, why would someone be willing to have Rolling Stone magazine write a front page feature about her being gang raped on a bed of broken glass if it never happened? People do strange things.

She may have mistaken his indentity.
She may be a women's rights warrior who believes the ends justify the means.
She may have told this story to her counselor and her husband and now can't back out of it.
She may be a wacky attention seeker.

There are any number of reasons someone would do this. Her possible motivations are not relevant though, what's relevant is can she prove it, or in this case since it's not a criminal trial, at least support her accusation with any sort of evidence. At the moment all available evidence contradicts her claim.

And as I said before, Kavanaugh's been in the SCOTUS discussion for years, since Romney was running. He's been a well respected jurist for years and known in the community where my husband grew up and many of his family still lives as a good and decent (and brilliant) person. To say he was hand-picked by Trump as if he sought him out for some specific sinister reasons is a fantasy you've cooked up in your head.
Uh oh.

Latest Kavanaugh Accuser Has Multiple Security Clearances


Attorney Michael Avenatti says that he has a client with multiple security clearances who will go public this week with further allegations, and evidence, against Brett Kavanaugh. Christine Blasey Ford is slated to testify before Congress on Thursday, and the attorney is warning Republicans that an attack on her integrity would be misplaced because the government has cleared her multiple times for different agencies. Avenatti says he expects her to take her story public within the next 36 hours, as soon as security measures are in place to protect her.

Appearing on the Rachel Maddow Show Monday night, Avenatti described his client as both a victim and witness, and said there are additional corroborating witnesses, and assured Maddow that this individual would be recognized by the American public as 100% credible. He has previously alluded to his client’s credibility, saying on Monday morning that she has worked for the Department of Justice, the State Department, and the U.S. Mint, and has been granted multiple security clearances, “including Public Trust [and] Secret.”

Warning: My client re Kavanaugh has previously done work within the State Dept, U.S. Mint, & DOJ. She has been granted multiple security clearances in the past including Public Trust & Secret. The GOP and others better be very careful in trying to suggest that she is not credible — Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) September 24, 2018
Ford may be backing out of testifying. From her letter today:

“This hearing plan that Mr. Davis described does not appear designed to provide Dr. Blasey Ford with fair and respectful treatment,” Bromwich wrote. “In our view, the hiring of an unnamed ‘experienced sex crimes prosecutor,’ as Mr. Davis described in his email, is contrary to the Majority’s repeated emphasis on the need for the Senate and this Committee’s members to fulfill their constitutional obligations.”

He added: “It is also inconsistent with your stated wish to avoid a ‘circus,’ as well as Dr. Blasey Ford’s requests through counsel that senators conduct the questioning. This is not a criminal trial for which the involvement of an experienced sex crimes prosecutor would be appropriate.”

Doesn't sound like someone who wants to get to the truth, sounds like someone whose goal is to make GOP senators look bad.
You men like Booker and Ellison ? What are there jobs ?

Or the rapist Slick Willie.

Spare me the fake outrage now. You are a hypocrite.

LOL don't give a **** what you think about me stranger. You have no idea what outrages me and what doesn't lol.
Or maybe she’s a liberal activist that just doesn’t want Kavanaugh on the S.C. I mean, why else would you go to all the trouble of deleting your social media history just prior to going public? This isn’t difficult.
Public Trust is not a security clearance. SMDH.
Nice response, at least you don’t dispute it.

What's to dispute...your post was nothing more than typical accusations of zero substance other than finger pointing at dems as per the norm, which was my original point to begin with.
Man, if that doesn’t sound familiar.

Zero substance of him calling me a hypocrite Sarge, not the claims being brought on by other females on other politicians. He doesn't know me to say that so his opinion means squat. Hypocrisy, all around. Easy to throw it out when it's someone you don't support, but when it comes back to "your guy of choice" different story. That's what's going on right now with this administration. No difference what party.
Ford is backing out....they were going to have her interrogated by a female sexual assault lawyer/expert. Not shocked at all....thus was all planned. The Dems have returned to the days and methods of the Salem Witch Trials with mob enforcement soon to follow. Have the vote and nip this now.

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Libs couldn't give one lick spittle for these accusers. They use them for a little while as a means to an end then poof! on to the next person/thing to be destroyed for political gain. Have either of you considered the accused or his family for one thin moment? Since you're so concerned for the women and children.