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Kavanaugh hearing

At the end of the day we'll see how legitimate these accusations of sexual deviance are. For those who dismiss them out of hand, or scream sabotage by the libs, you may want to see how this week unfolds, including the testimony on Thurs.

You obviously haven't been paying attention to all of those virtue signalling Dems who have already sided with the Professor, before hearing one word of testimony.
The hypocrisy of the left, on parade.

You guys sure are losing your collective **** over Kavanaugh. Seems just like yesterday Neil Gorsuch was confirmed without even a mention of sexual offenses. With Kavanaugh, they're being aired out like dirty laundry. Wonder why?

Because Gorsuch did not give conservatives the majority. Kavanaugh does. ******* stupid question.
This is about fundamental fairness. If you don't care about that I don't know what to tell you.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 11 is basically dead in this country. Even if it's in essence been around for thousands of years.

I wonder if 90% of these idiots whining about fairness in this #BelieveSurvivors movement even know what Article 11 is.
Because Gorsuch did not give conservatives the majority. Kavanaugh does. ******* stupid question.

Why did the Left come out and say they were going to be against the nomination before anyone was even mentioned, Tibs? Are you really that dense?
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 11 is basically dead in this country. Even if it's in essence been around for thousands of years.

I wonder if 90% of these idiots whining about fairness in this #BelieveSurvivors movement even know what Article 11 is.

I probably shouldn't sound like a ******** about this -- innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof laying with the accuser, not the accused.
Tibs? Are you really that dense?

Tibs still believes that Dem talking point about Kavanaugh protecting Trump from the Mueller probe, or some other such nonsense. Does that answer your question?
This is about fundamental fairness. If you don't care about that I don't know what to tell you.

Fundamental fairness soley for Supreme Court nominees, or also for the women who are stepping forward as possible victims of sexual assault? If not both, then why not?
Tibs is such a drama queen

Can I get an Amen?
Fundamental fairness soley for Supreme Court nominees, or also for the women who are stepping forward as possible victims of sexual assault? If not both, then why not?

She's talking about fundamental fairness for the long-held Human Right of innocent until proven guilty, you dolt. Good lord, does TDS cause brain cell loss?
I think that if he went ahead with some defamation lawsuits it would help convince some people he’s innocent.

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Fundamental fairness soley for Supreme Court nominees, or also for the women who are stepping forward as possible victims of sexual assault? If not both, then why not?

Of course fairness for both, the accusers should be heard but if you are going to accuse someone of something of course the burden is on you to provide some sort of evidence that it's true.
I think that if he went ahead with some defamation lawsuits it would help convince some people he’s innocent.

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The problem is he has no way to prove it's false. That's the way defamation lawsuits work. It's very convenient that Ford cannot provide any details that could either be verified or refuted. Protects her from things like defamation lawsuits.
McConnell promises Senate vote on Kavanaugh

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said on Monday that the Senate will hold an up-or-down vote on Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination, amid a committee investigation into sexual misconduct allegations against the nominee.

"I want to make it perfectly clear ... Judge Kavanaugh will be voted on here on the Senate floor. Up or down on the Senate floor. This fine nominee to the Supreme Court will receive a vote in the Senate in the near future," McConnell said from the Senate floor on Monday.

McConnell indicated on Monday that he wants the Thursday hearing to go on as scheduled, saying senators should "have a fair hearing on Thursday."



Hold that line!

Block that kick!

Confirm now!
You guys scream to the moon these are made-up, bogus charges. You immediately dismiss the women stepping forward to testify. Just for a second, imagine if even half of these accusations are true.

You wanna know why Namlak? Because women make up these charges and they damn people's lives. Duke Lacrosse. Brian Banks. And a young man I know. I can look out my window right now and see this young man's home.

My youngest son is a sophomore in high school. This affected young man, our neighbor, is the same age. When they were in 8th grade, this boy and his "girlfriend" engaged in some after school play that was consensual. The next day the girl regretted the decision. Told her friend. Her friend convinced her she didn't really mean to do whatever they had done and convinced her she had been raped. Her parents found out and charges were filed.

The investigation lasted throughout the summer and the boy was prevented from going to his local high school. He was told he must attend another high school, further away. A burden on him and his family.

Now you might think - no big deal. The girl, the accuser, was allowed to retain her life. She attended the local high school while the investigation ensued - because males are assumed guilty. So while the investigation unfolded, he was separated from the friends he grew up with. He was a competitive basketball player. In this area, kids grow up in youth programs intended to feed them into the high school programs. He went to the new school. Suffered in grades. Knew no kids. And the basketball program didn't want him though he was a summer starter for our local program (mind you a better program than this high school's).

The investigation ended. He was 100% exonerated. The rape charges were determined to be utterly false. However, he made one fatal mistake. During the investigation he was at a public event. He saw her and went up to her and placed his hand on her arm to get her attention and said to her "I'm sorry for everything that is going on." She told her parents. They filed additional charges because he touched her. 2nd degree assault charges were filed. He admitted that he had touched her arm. The charges stuck.

So his Freshman year is gone. He joins our local high school team's summer program again thinking he'd be admitted back into "his" school. Played all summer.

The week before school started the school sent a letter to his family and said he wouldn't be permitted to attend the school again because they "wanted to protect the community."

His mother fought it again and was again denied because he had a 2nd degree assault charge. The school said that the "poor girl" was still going through counseling, as were her friends. And if they admitted him into the school it would risk the health of the community.

Odd this situation, you must agree? A young girl engages in a sex act she regrets. She files charges. She is proven to have lied. The local school board and school system protects her. Allows her to continue her life unfettered. But this young mas is exiled. His hopes of playing HS sports are basically thrown out (don't get into he's not good enough - you don't understand our local sports and how they work). His grades are suffering. When he found at school he was denied a second time admission to his own school, he hyperventilated on school property and required medical attention. He's now seeing a therapist. His life is slowly being eroded....despite being 100% innocent.

Yet this young girl, her friends, and her family are being protected and allowed to continue on their merry way because - she's female.

Females are making up false charges at an escalating rate. It's not just at the national Duke Lacrosse level. It's happening daily in neighborhoods. No one dismisses a legitimate charge. But when we see, repeatedly, women being accused of making false claims...of men being immediately determined guilty without evidence....and when they are found INNOCENT of these charges but still must pay the for these false accusations for life well yeah...we become jaded.

Perhaps this needs to affect you personally for you to get "woke" and see reality. Because clearly right the moment you either don't, or more likely you're simply signing up for "by any means necessary" to overthrow political foes you oppose even if the means are based on outright, unprovable lies.
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Meh I have a woman friend who used to get way too drunk and lose touch with reality... she frequently tells stories about parties that never happened... she has accused guys of sexual impropriety before who weren’t even at the party or bar she was... its why id never be alone with her... great girl sober though...

id say its commonplace amoung the party crowd...i mean i unfortunately have friends, even some male friends, who have been sexually assaulted... but im sure we also all know those who also either imagined things, lie about things they feel ashamed of, or just lie to get back at someone ...

Lets not be naive... false accusations to get your way are older than this country...
...you're simply signing up for "by any means necessary" to overthrow political foes you oppose

McConnell in 2016: "One of my proudest moments was when I looked at Barack Obama in the eye and said, ‘Mr. President, you will not fill this Supreme Court vacancy."
You guys sure are losing your collective **** over Kavanaugh. Seems just like yesterday Neil Gorsuch was confirmed without even a mention of sexual offenses. With Kavanaugh, they're being aired out like dirty laundry. Wonder why? You guys scream to the moon these are made-up, bogus charges. You immediately dismiss the women stepping forward to testify. Just for a second, imagine if even half of these accusations are true. Is that a man you want serving for a lifetime in the highest court? Gorsuch was as much a right-leaning judge as Kavanaugh, yet is a man of good character. Gorsuch even got some Dem votes, imagine that. Kavanaugh seems to have questionable character. He's been pushed through by Trump due to his loosey goosey interpretation of presidential powers, the idea Trump has that he may save his *** from impeachment. Call me crazy for thinking that, it is what it is.

At the end of the day we'll see how legitimate these accusations of sexual deviance are. For those who dismiss them out of hand, or scream sabotage by the libs, you may want to see how this week unfolds, including the testimony on Thurs.

And that right there is why I can't participate in this (or actually any anymore) discussion. As a woman, I can't tolerate that ****. Or if this were my daughter, I'd dare anyone to come after her. And I'll just add they want to cry political foul play, boo-*******-hoo. The pubs deserve anything and everything they get and Mitch McConell, who can collectively go **** himself, well there are no other words. But of course there are no words for the whole disgusting GOP. Man if this were a dem candidate, can you hear it now?? Can you Tibs? I can. He'd have been sentenced to death and crucified. Nothing but a bunch of ******* hypocrites.
You watch, they're about to find 3rd 4th and 5th accusers to allege he looked up their skirts in kindergarten when he dropped his pencils on the floor
But of course there are no words for the whole disgusting GOP. Man if this were a dem candidate, can you hear it now?? Can you Tibs? I can. He'd have been sentenced to death and crucified. Nothing but a bunch of ******* hypocrites.

Funny. That sounds just like what Republicans are saying about this little **** show. How anyone can take the side of Reps or Dems on most issues is embarrassing. You would think people would wise up, send a message by electing 3rd party candidates. I guess people are happy being dupes.

Personally speaking, I find any of this hard to believe based on the fact that the stories are so completely vague or just WAY too convenient. I don’t know if any of it happened or not. But we have to stop destroying lives over unproven accusations. It is the burden of the accuser to prove the case, not the accused. #metoo is becoming the new racist. When you lose the battle of ideas, you accuse. Put your opponent on defense. Oldest play in the political playbook.
Funny. That sounds just like what Republicans are saying about this little **** show. How anyone can take the side of Reps or Dems on most issues is embarrassing. You would think people would wise up, send a message by electing 3rd party candidates. I guess people are happy being dupes.

Personally speaking, I find any of this hard to believe based on the fact that the stories are so completely vague or just WAY too convenient. I don’t know if any of it happened or not. But we have to stop destroying lives over unproven accusations. It is the burden of the accuser to prove the case, not the accused. #metoo is becoming the new racist. When you lose the battle of ideas, you accuse. Put your opponent on defense. Oldest play in the political playbook.

Give me, or anyone, a good 3rd party candidate and I'm on board. So why isn't there ever a decent third party candidate? Or is there and not enough is known about them? I don't know, I know that I don't pay enough attention to an independent candidate. Something to think about.
As a woman, I am appalled that we have sunk so low as a gender that we have to resort to lies and smears just to prove a point. Until we start prosecuting each fals report to the fullest extent, **** like this is going to continue. This isn't about empowering women. It's about de-masculating men.
This isn't about empowering women. It's about de-masculating Republicanmen.

Fixed it for you.
Somehow what Kavanaugh allegedly did when he was 17 is more important that what Bill Clinton did when he was 47.