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Kavanaugh hearing

Libs couldn't give one lick spittle for these accusers. They use them for a little while as a means to an end then poof! on to the next person/thing to be destroyed for political gain. Have either of you considered the accused or his family for one thin moment? Since you're so concerned for the women and children.

Remember all the concern for Juanita Broderick? She was actually raped, and the libs ridiculed her. How about Paula Jones - "That's what you get when you drag a dollar bill through a trailer park."
It's probably too late to ask yourselves the question: why would anyone willingly come forward with sordid charges like this, asking for a thorough FBI investigation and be willing to be dragged through mud in a public forum and volunteer to answer questions under oath in front of a hostile congressional committee and have to go into hiding because of death threats ALL THE WHILE be completely making the whole thing up out of thin air?

I understand it's difficult to wrap your heads around the notion Kavanaugh may be a slimy dirtbag. It's really not that shocking, given that he was hand-picked by the Trumpster.

first, she didn’t actually come forward. She wrote a letter to Feinstein and did not want to be revealed. It was the Dems who threw her under the bus by unmasking her. The Dems saw that an anonymous allegation would be pushed aside and needed a face, so they didn’t hesitate a second. They threw Ford out there because it serves the Dem purposes. Remember, Dems only view people as pawns to be used to help them win.

Here’s some more explanation

It’s pretty simple.
1 they know the FBI has nothing to investigate. It’s a stall tactic.
2 what mud? She’s held as a hero just like Anita Hill.
3 i haven’t seen her answer any questions
4 i doubt she has any credible death threats and it’s nothing like Kavanaugh is getting
Remember all the concern for Juanita Broderick? She was actually raped, and the libs ridiculed her. How about Paula Jones - "That's what you get when you drag a dollar bill through a trailer park."

Oh wait, I'm confused now. So it's only the DEMS accusers that are factual, am I right? So Juanita Broadderick was ACTUALLY raped, what was her proof again? I mean like her medical records which proved rape, and of course she came forward right away right? Went to the police? The FBI? And didn't come out like 20 years later? Cause right on this board it states the burden of proof lies on the accuser. Again I ask what was her definitive proof? And the difference between then and now is what exactly? Oh that's right, this time it's against a PUB. Sorry, was confused for a moment, I'm clear now. And yes, only the libs trashed his victims, much like the lib named donald trump -

“I don't necessarily agree with his victims, his victims are terrible,” Trump said. “He is really a victim himself. But he put himself in that position.”
“The whole group, Paula Jones, Lewinsky, it's just a really unattractive group. I'm not just talking about physical," he said. And during the 1998 Chris Matthews interview when he called Paula Jones a loser and she made up her story.

Now I personally have no reason not to believe any of these accusers, none of them, no matter who the claim is against, but I've seen too many sexual assault victims in my years in the ER after performing rape kits who refused to speak to the police or refused to press any kind of charge. So I dismiss no accusation, none at all.
Oh wait, I'm confused now. So it's only the DEMS accusers that are factual, am I right? So Juanita Broadderick was ACTUALLY raped, what was her proof again? I mean like her medical records which proved rape, and of course she came forward right away right? Went to the police? The FBI? And didn't come out like 20 years later? Cause right on this board it states the burden of proof lies on the accuser. Again I ask what was her definitive proof? And the difference between then and now is what exactly? Oh that's right, this time it's against a PUB. Sorry, was confused for a moment, I'm clear now. And yes, only the libs trashed his victims, much like the lib named donald trump -

“I don't necessarily agree with his victims, his victims are terrible,” Trump said. “He is really a victim himself. But he put himself in that position.”
“The whole group, Paula Jones, Lewinsky, it's just a really unattractive group. I'm not just talking about physical," he said. And during the 1998 Chris Matthews interview when he called Paula Jones a loser and she made up her story.

Now I personally have no reason not to believe any of these accusers, none of them, no matter who the claim is against, but I've seen too many sexual assault victims in my years in the ER after performing rape kits who refused to speak to the police or refused to press any kind of charge. So I dismiss no accusation, none at all.
Correct, I should have said alleged rape. Are you confused about the point of my post? Are you seriously suggesting that there isn't an almost hilarious 180 in the way those alleged victims were treated by the dems and the media versus these current ones?
Oh wait, I'm confused now. So it's only the DEMS accusers that are factual, am I right? So Juanita Broadderick was ACTUALLY raped, what was her proof again? I mean like her medical records which proved rape, and of course she came forward right away right? Went to the police? The FBI? And didn't come out like 20 years later? Cause right on this board it states the burden of proof lies on the accuser. Again I ask what was her definitive proof? And the difference between then and now is what exactly? Oh that's right, this time it's against a PUB. Sorry, was confused for a moment, I'm clear now. And yes, only the libs trashed his victims, much like the lib named donald trump -

“I don't necessarily agree with his victims, his victims are terrible,” Trump said. “He is really a victim himself. But he put himself in that position.”
“The whole group, Paula Jones, Lewinsky, it's just a really unattractive group. I'm not just talking about physical," he said. And during the 1998 Chris Matthews interview when he called Paula Jones a loser and she made up her story.

Now I personally have no reason not to believe any of these accusers, none of them, no matter who the claim is against, but I've seen too many sexual assault victims in my years in the ER after performing rape kits who refused to speak to the police or refused to press any kind of charge. So I dismiss no accusation, none at all.

Its closer to Kathleen Wiley than Broderick.... broderick had 5 people vouch for her telling them at the time what happened... wiley made a claim of inappropriate groping while all the witnesses said she was pursuing a sexual encounter with clinton...

But Clinton has dozens of accusations going back to his time as Arkansas Governor.... and a lot of corroborated facts and he still didn’t have enough to charge him outside of tge setlled Paula jones case, and lying under oath about Lewinsky
Correct, I should have said alleged rape. Are you confused about the point of my post? Are you seriously suggesting that there isn't an almost hilarious 180 in the way those alleged victims were treated by the dems and the media versus these current ones?

Now I'm going to answer you honestly, but for some reason you probably won't believe me, but I'll take my chances. In 1998 I was 31. I cared about politics...a little, even less in my 20s, not as much as I started to pay attention/caring in my early 40s. So I don't remember paying that much attention to answer your question. I'm not disputing you, just saying I can't comment on it since I have no recollection. Nor would I want to cause I don't believe ANY victim claiming alleged sexual assault should have a political party attached to it and neither party should trash the alleged victims. It was wrong then and it's wrong now, for both parties. This is only my opinion.
Its closer to Kathleen Wiley than Broderick.... broderick had 5 people vouch for her telling them at the time what happened... wiley made a claim of inappropriate groping while all the witnesses said she was pursuing a sexual encounter with clinton...

But Clinton has dozens of accusations going back to his time as Arkansas Governor.... and a lot of corroborated facts and he still didn’t have enough to charge him outside of tge setlled Paula jones case, and lying under oath about Lewinsky

I think it's fair to say Clinton was a pig and a well known one. And I've never said he never committed a sexual attack on anyone, but it doesn't change the fact that accusations are still that, then and now. I'm not dismissing any of their claims cause they've never been definitively proven/disproven. This Dr. Brown made an accusation. And others followed, like they always do in these cases. She's gonna be heard I think Thursday, right, unless something's changed and I didn't hear. I don't know, I'm not paying that much attention because frankly I'm sick of the whole thing. I have a son and a daughter, I see both sides of these scenarios. But as a woman (and a nurse) I would like to hear what they have to say for myself. I also think I'm the same age as this woman here and I can remember a few instances from high school I could consider "inappropriate", but being young shrugged them off. I'm just saying, if any of these women were smart, they would have gone and reported sexual misconduct, had a rape kit which would provide undisputed evidence and followed the proper legal procedure. None of them did and it's unfortunate. Can't file charges without those vital pieces of proof.
And that right there is why I can't participate in this (or actually any anymore) discussion. As a woman, I can't tolerate that ****. Or if this were my daughter, I'd dare anyone to come after her. And I'll just add they want to cry political foul play, boo-*******-hoo. The pubs deserve anything and everything they get and Mitch McConell, who can collectively go **** himself, well there are no other words. But of course there are no words for the whole disgusting GOP. Man if this were a dem candidate, can you hear it now?? Can you Tibs? I can. He'd have been sentenced to death and crucified. Nothing but a bunch of ******* hypocrites.

This isn't about your daughter its about your son. Its about a woman making a false allegation that RadFems and leftist identity politics Daleks say must be believed without evidence or due process of law or that most sacred concept of our justice system "innocent until proven guilty."
Now I'm going to answer you honestly, but for some reason you probably won't believe me, but I'll take my chances. In 1998 I was 31. I cared about politics...a little, even less in my 20s, not as much as I started to pay attention/caring in my early 40s. So I don't remember paying that much attention to answer your question. I'm not disputing you, just saying I can't comment on it since I have no recollection. Nor would I want to cause I don't believe ANY victim claiming alleged sexual assault should have a political party attached to it and neither party should trash the alleged victims. It was wrong then and it's wrong now, for both parties. This is only my opinion.
Fair enough.
Now I'm going to answer you honestly, but for some reason you probably won't believe me, but I'll take my chances. In 1998 I was 31. I cared about politics...a little, even less in my 20s, not as much as I started to pay attention/caring in my early 40s. So I don't remember paying that much attention to answer your question. I'm not disputing you, just saying I can't comment on it since I have no recollection. Nor would I want to cause I don't believe ANY victim claiming alleged sexual assault should have a political party attached to it and neither party should trash the alleged victims. It was wrong then and it's wrong now, for both parties. This is only my opinion.

Questioning whether her story is true is not "trashing her". The bottom line is two human beings are telling opposite stories. One of them is either mistaken or not telling the truth. You seem to be suggesting we dare not ask if it's the woman, because she's the "victim". Well guess what, if it didn't happen she is not a victim. He is.
Questioning whether her story is true is not "trashing her". The bottom line is two human beings are telling opposite stories. One of them is either mistaken or not telling the truth. You seem to be suggesting we dare not ask if it's the woman, because she's the "victim". Well guess what, if it didn't happen she is not a victim. He is.

Didn't suggest that all, but whatever. You have your views on it, I have mine. I'll stick with mine.
This isn't about your daughter its about your son. Its about a woman making a false allegation that RadFems and leftist identity politics Daleks say must be believed without evidence or due process of law or that most sacred concept of our justice system "innocent until proven guilty."

UGHHHHHHHHHH, this is why I have regrets even being in this thread and I'm now on my way out. Jesus. I never said this is ABOUT my daughter OR son. I said, if you read it right, I have a son and daughter and can see both scenarios. Carry on politicizing an alleged victim, I'm not going there.
I think it's fair to say Clinton was a pig and a well known one. And I've never said he never committed a sexual attack on anyone, but it doesn't change the fact that accusations are still that, then and now. I'm not dismissing any of their claims cause they've never been definitively proven/disproven. This Dr. Brown made an accusation. And others followed, like they always do in these cases. She's gonna be heard I think Thursday, right, unless something's changed and I didn't hear. I don't know, I'm not paying that much attention because frankly I'm sick of the whole thing. I have a son and a daughter, I see both sides of these scenarios. But as a woman (and a nurse) I would like to hear what they have to say for myself. I also think I'm the same age as this woman here and I can remember a few instances from high school I could consider "inappropriate", but being young shrugged them off. I'm just saying, if any of these women were smart, they would have gone and reported sexual misconduct, had a rape kit which would provide undisputed evidence and followed the proper legal procedure. None of them did and it's unfortunate. Can't file charges without those vital pieces of proof.

Paula jones filed a sexual harassment case against clinton. But the thing is even a cursory look into Clinton would have shown rampant charges of exchanging favors for sex in Arkansas... you can still hear the stories there to this day...

Kavanaugh was squeeky clean... the republicans were nominating him solely on that angle.. they wanted to railroad a guy through before the airport election... he isn’t the first or even fifth choice of a lot of conservatives... its weird how everyone who knows the guy thinks this is bs... even the hardcore dem friends of him... now suddenly these perfectly times accusations come out... ima big fan of conspiracy theories, but its well known that while fun, any extreme claim demands extreme proof... that isn’t there for this... so it doesn’t matter if you believe her or not... no proof mean it isn’t valid... period.

Clinton had extreme claims against him... he couldn’t be impeached for them... it took a proveable offense.... much of congress has horrid allegations from their past... it’s utterly ignored for the most part...

Again the whole judicial system is based on the idea the government cannot take action without facts... not wishes or feelings...
UGHHHHHHHHHH, this is why I have regrets even being in this thread and I'm now on my way out. Jesus. I never said this is ABOUT my daughter OR son. I said, if you read it right, I have a son and daughter and can see both scenarios. Carry on politicizing an alleged victim, I'm not going there.

And yet you are choosing the side of an obviously politically motivated false accuser with no evidence, corroborating witnesses, or a story that is even consistent. God forbid your son ever has a woman decide to use gynocentric reasoning to ruin his life.
Didn't suggest that all, but whatever. You have your views on it, I have mine. I'll stick with mine.

That's why I said you seem to be suggesting...no you didn't say that outright, but you keep referring to the alleged victim being trashed or attacked, when no one is doing that. All people are doing is questioning whether her story is true or not, as they should.

If someone accused your son, brother, father or husband of something like this, I would think you would want that very questioning to occur.
Actually, I'm trashing her/them. I feel fairly certain that they are trying to ruin his life for political purposes. I believe that they believe that theirs is the just cause and the end justifies the means. You know, like if you had the opportunity to kill Hitler as a youth.

Presumed innocent is a legal idea.
If someone accused your son, brother, father or husband of something like this, I would think you would want that very questioning to occur.

This is the really insane part about all of this Franken and Ellison have issues, no problem, not a peep. A Republican has a rumor, he must be guilty and treated as such. Due process? Innocent until proven guilty? Forgettaboutit.
And yet you are choosing the side of an obviously politically motivated false accuser with no evidence, corroborating witnesses, or a story that is even consistent. God forbid your son ever has a woman decide to use gynocentric reasoning to ruin his life.

Before I leave this absolutely fascinating conversation about myself, you know, the me you know so well, please do show me where I'm choosing the side of an "obviously" politically motivated false accuser, which btw you have no idea is false or not. Where did I state that I have chosen her side. I said I want to hear her, I said these types of instances shouldn't be politicized by EITHER side, I said it's unfortunate they have no definitive proof, I said I don't feel one bit sorry for the republican party because of all their games they play (still don't), I said **** Mitch McConnell (still mean that and should have been meaner), I said they get whatever they deserve. In no where in any of those statements did I say I chose her side. Nowhere. Me not dismissing her and calling foul without hearing her interview and choosing her side are 2 different things, no? And yes God forbid my son ever get into a bad situation like that, God help his accuser. And God forbid my daughter ever find herself as a victim and have her accusations called BS. God help those people. As always, great conversing with some on this board!! Always good for not twisting words/meanings, mind reading of how I really think and always seeing both sides of every story!!!
If you put the story in perspective, then there has to be some kind of corroborating witness at the very least.......unless of course, there is a side story.


The end game can not be pretty for the Libs.

I said I don't feel one bit sorry for the republican party because of all their games they play (still don't), I said **** Mitch McConnell (still mean that and should have been meaner), I said they get whatever they deserve.

So you're happy that McConnell and republicans look bad, even if it means possibly destroying the career and reputation of an innocent man. Yet you're complaining about other people politicizing this?