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Kavanaugh hearing

Holy mackeral, all of the SN choirboys coming out wearing their glowing little halos.
Pardon me.

Kinda like the concept "whoever smelt it dealt it", I think the ones claiming they were saints are really the serial rapists.

#ISaidSo #BelieveMe
I did kind of laugh at the complaint about Kavanaugh grinding on girls at parties. Has anyone seen how teen girls dance at parties?

To hear some of these women tell it, the boys were all running around acting like sex-crazed wild animals while the girls just sat there like pure innocent angels being randomly taken advantage of. My recollection of parties in high school and college is a bit different...usually boys were trying to get with girls and girls were trying to get with boys, and both were often pretty overt about trying to do so. (Not me of course...I was busy polishing my halo).

If a guy tried to go farther than you wanted you told him "knock it off jackass" or maybe smacked him or kneed him in the groin if that didn't work. None of it was particularly traumatizing and nobody would think to call it sexual assault. It was just horny teenagers being horny teenagers.

Yes, I'm prepared to get flamed for that.
Thinking of sending President Trump my resume for SCOTUS. At age 58 I would finally be one of the popular kids in school.
Over 60 high school contemporaries of Kavanaugh rebut new allegations

More than 60 individuals who say they knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school on Wednesday rebutted a fresh accusation of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh.

The men and women wrote in a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and ranking member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) that an allegation that Kavanaugh was present at a high school party where there was a gang rape is "nonsense."

"We never witnessed any behavior that even approaches what is described in this allegation. It is reprehensible," they wrote in the letter, which was released by the White House.

The high school contemporaries of Kavanaugh in their letter to Grassley and Feinstein said that they "do not recall having ever met" Swetnick and defended Kavanaugh as a "good man."

“This is ridiculous and from the Twilight Zone. I don’t know who this is and this never happened"

"In the extensive amount of time we collectively spent with Brett, we do not recall having ever met someone named Julie Swetnick," they wrote. "Nor did we ever observe Brett engaging in any conduct resembling that described in Ms. Swetnick’s declaration."

"Brett Kavanaugh is a good man. He has always treated women with respect and decency," they added.

This type of **** just blows my mind.

WE demand pics from the accusers

I know he's really creepy Joe now that I saw that Hillary pic. :puking2:
Just like everyone had a difficult time believing that hundreds of gymnasts could be molested by a single osteopathic physician over decades, and not report it.

This is where you are demonstrably wrong. Again.

The girls DID report it, numerous times, and were ignored.

"This could have stopped in 1997," one accuser said. In 1997, Larissa Boyce was a 16-year-old gymnast taking part in a youth program at MSU when, she said, she and an anonymous 14-year-old girl told coach Kathie Klages they were uncomfortable with how Nassar put his hands inside them.

Klages, a close friend of Nassar, "interrogated" the girls and told them they misunderstood what Nassar had done, Boyce said at the sentencing hearing. Klages also relayed the complaint to Nassar, who then tried to explain it away at the next appointment, according to Boyce.

1999 - MSU staff referred runner Christie Achenbach to Nassar for an injured hamstring. She was shocked when he rubbed her pelvic area and penetrated her with his fingers. After calling her parents, she called her coach, Kelli Bert, she told the Detroit News. The coach, she said, told her he was a respected doctor and she should trust him.

2000 - As a freshman softball player at MSU, Tiffany Lopez was referred to Nassar for an injury. As she told NBC News last year, she found intravaginal treatments uncomfortable and mentioned them to a trainer, Lianna Hadden, who expressed shock. Lopez then told another trainer, Destiny Teachnor-Hauk, who allegedly told her: "He’s a world-renowned doctor. He treats elite athletes." "She made me feel like I was crazy," Lopez said.

2000-2001 - MSU volleyball player Jennifer Rood Bedford said that her team referred to Nassar as "the crotch doc" because of his pelvic-centered technique. But she was still horrified after her first appointment with him — she only remembers it was before 2002 — and went to trainer Hadden to ask about making a general complaint a doctor making her uncomfortable. She testified at the hearing that Hadden seemed to take her seriously but also told her that making a report would require an investigation and a statement that she believed what Nassar had done was unprofessional or criminal.

2004 - Kyle Stephens, then 12, told her MSU psychologist that Nassar, a family friend, had been molesting her since she was six years old. Dr. Gary Stollak did not report her allegation to law enforcement or to university officials, Stephens said. Instead, he arranged a meeting between Nassar and Stephens' parents where the doctor denied he abused her. As Stephens' said during the sentencing hearing, "My parents chose to believe Larry Nassar over me." As a result, her relationship with her mother and father was forever fractured, and she thinks her father's guilt over not believing her drove him to suicide in 2016.

2014 - After seeing Nassar for an old injury, MSU graduate Amanda Thomashow contacted an associate of Nassar in the sports medicine department, Dr. Jeffrey Kovan, to say she had been sexually assaulted. Kovan referred the matter to Kristine Moore, who was with MSU's Office of Institutional Equity and is now an assistant general counsel at the school.


Try to get the facts right, Tibs.

So where are the reports, and complaints to officials, and whatnot relative to these dozens and dozens of gang rapes, involving at least 100 teenagers?? How about ONE report akin to what I detailed above.

This is where you are demonstrably wrong. Again.

The girls DID report it, numerous times, and were ignored.

"This could have stopped in 1997," one accuser said. In 1997, Larissa Boyce was a 16-year-old gymnast taking part in a youth program at MSU when, she said, she and an anonymous 14-year-old girl told coach Kathie Klages they were uncomfortable with how Nassar put his hands inside them.

Klages, a close friend of Nassar, "interrogated" the girls and told them they misunderstood what Nassar had done, Boyce said at the sentencing hearing. Klages also relayed the complaint to Nassar, who then tried to explain it away at the next appointment, according to Boyce.

1999 - MSU staff referred runner Christie Achenbach to Nassar for an injured hamstring. She was shocked when he rubbed her pelvic area and penetrated her with his fingers. After calling her parents, she called her coach, Kelli Bert, she told the Detroit News. The coach, she said, told her he was a respected doctor and she should trust him.

2000 - As a freshman softball player at MSU, Tiffany Lopez was referred to Nassar for an injury. As she told NBC News last year, she found intravaginal treatments uncomfortable and mentioned them to a trainer, Lianna Hadden, who expressed shock. Lopez then told another trainer, Destiny Teachnor-Hauk, who allegedly told her: "He’s a world-renowned doctor. He treats elite athletes." "She made me feel like I was crazy," Lopez said.

2000-2001 - MSU volleyball player Jennifer Rood Bedford said that her team referred to Nassar as "the crotch doc" because of his pelvic-centered technique. But she was still horrified after her first appointment with him — she only remembers it was before 2002 — and went to trainer Hadden to ask about making a general complaint a doctor making her uncomfortable. She testified at the hearing that Hadden seemed to take her seriously but also told her that making a report would require an investigation and a statement that she believed what Nassar had done was unprofessional or criminal.

2004 - Kyle Stephens, then 12, told her MSU psychologist that Nassar, a family friend, had been molesting her since she was six years old. Dr. Gary Stollak did not report her allegation to law enforcement or to university officials, Stephens said. Instead, he arranged a meeting between Nassar and Stephens' parents where the doctor denied he abused her. As Stephens' said during the sentencing hearing, "My parents chose to believe Larry Nassar over me." As a result, her relationship with her mother and father was forever fractured, and she thinks her father's guilt over not believing her drove him to suicide in 2016.

2014 - After seeing Nassar for an old injury, MSU graduate Amanda Thomashow contacted an associate of Nassar in the sports medicine department, Dr. Jeffrey Kovan, to say she had been sexually assaulted. Kovan referred the matter to Kristine Moore, who was with MSU's Office of Institutional Equity and is now an assistant general counsel at the school.


Try to get the facts right, Tibs.

So where are the reports, and complaints to officials, and whatnot relative to these dozens and dozens of gang rapes, involving at least 100 teenagers?? How about ONE report akin to what I detailed above.


If i was on the committee i would want all these accusers / witnesses to testify under oath. Even the ones for Kavanaugh. Unless there was some bombshell i would launch the vote for Kavanaugh and then ask for a formal investigation. If people on either side of the aisle lied under oath they would be prosecuted to the fullest for perjury. If the investigation finds Kavanaugh did what he is accused of then he would be removed through the proper means.
"In the extensive amount of time we collectively spent with Brett, we do not recall having ever met someone named Julie Swetnick," they wrote.

Yeah, but hers is a pretty common name.

Julie Swetnick, Gladys Ballwasher, Tiffany Titrubber, Dorothy Crotchsweat ... names like that just don't stand out or get remembered.
Good. 3 cheers for Juanita

Do NOT expect any local Libs to applaud this woman's stance and courage. The courage to come forward, again, hoping that for once HER voice will be heard, her accusations dealt with fairly.

Bill Clinton accuser to make Capitol Hill appearance in support of Kavanaugh

Juanita Broaddrick, the woman who has accused former President Bill Clinton of rape, will hold a rally Thursday in support of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh ahead of his highly anticipated appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Broaddrick, along with representatives of Women for Trump, will be on Capitol Hill Thursday to throw their support behind Kavanaugh and highlight "the hypocrisy of Democrats in how they treat victims of sexual assault," according to a press release promoting the event.

Broaddrick, a former nursing home administrator, claims Bill Clinton forced himself on her in 1978 at Little Rock's Camelot Hotel when he was Arkansas' attorney general. Clinton has denied the allegations.

Broaddrick, who was also outspoken against 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, has been vocal in her criticism of the women accusing Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct.

One of the three women, Christine Blasey Ford, will face the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday to address her claim that the judge drunkenly groped her and tried to remove her clothes in 1982 during a Maryland high school party when she was 15 and he was 17.

"How can I, as a victim, not sympathize with Dr. Ford??" Broaddrick wrote on Twitter. "Plain and simple. I do not believe her. She has cast a dark shadow on real victims. Democrats have already convicted this honorable man. What about Judge Kavanaugh and his family?"

Juanita Broaddrick

How can I, as a victim, not sympathize with Dr. Ford??
Plain and simple. I do not believe her. She has cast a dark shadow on real victims. Democrats have already convicted this honorable man. What about Judge Kavanaugh and his family?
Well local product Julie Swetnick isn't really all that....this from Left-leaning Politico. Not every day a man has to have a restraining order filed against a woman.

Ex-boyfriend filed restraining order against third Kavanaugh accuser

ulie Swetnick, the woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and a friend of attending house parties where women — including herself — were sexually assaulted, had a restraining order filed against her years later in Miami by her former boyfriend.

A Miami-Dade County court docket shows a petition for injunction against Swetnick was filed March 1, 2001, by her former boyfriend, Richard Vinneccy, who told POLITICO Wednesday the two had dated for four years before they broke up.

Thirteen days later, the case was dismissed, not long after an affidavit of non-ability to advance fees was filed.

According to Vinneccy, Swetnick threatened him after they broke up and even after he got married to his current wife and had a child.

“Right after I broke up with her, she was threatening my family, threatening my wife and threatening to do harm to my baby at that time,” Vinneccy said in a telephone interview with POLITICO. "I know a lot about her.”

"She’s not credible at all,” he said. “Not at all.”

The allegation is likely to raise questions among Republican defenders of Kavanaugh about Swetnick’s credibility after her attorney Michael Avenatti revealed her for the first time on Wednesday.

Reached late Wednesday, Avenatti said he knew nothing of a restraining order and called the line of inquiry irrelevant.

"Complete nonsense. No truth to this at all. Her ex-boyfriend fraudulently used her resume to apply for and obtain jobs and was caught by her," said Avenatti. “Why are you all attacking a sexual assault victim? Would that be appropriate in a court of law?”

Citing the sensitive nature of the case and the explosive politics surrounding it, Vinneccy said he wanted to talk to an attorney first before further discussing the case, which has kept him occupied all day.

“My phone has not stopped since this morning. Everyone is calling,” Vinneccy said.

Vinneccy, 63, is a registered Democrat, according to Miami-Dade County voting records.

Swetnick was identified on Wednesday by Avenatti, who produced a sworn statement asserting that she met Kavanaugh in the 1980-1981 time period and subsequently attended more than 10 house parties where she said Kavanaugh and a close friend of his, Mark Judge, attended.

Swetnick does not accuse Kavanaugh himself of sexually assaulting her in the sworn statement. But she asserts Kavanaugh was present when she was the victim of a “gang rape” by multiple boys at one party.

Vinneccy made clear that he did not believe her story.

“I have a lot of facts, evidence, that what she’s saying is not true at all,” he said. “I would rather speak to my attorney first before saying more."

Avenatti said called the reporting “outrageous” and accused the press of “digging into the past” of a woman who stepped forward and is willing to testify under oath.

“I am disgusted by the fact that the press is attacking a sexual assault victim,” Avenatti said.

When asked if the allegation of a restraining order were true, Avenatti said: “I don’t know one way or another,” adding he would research it further.

Avenatti previously said he had vetted the client and in a sworn statement, she said she still held government clearances.
McCain's hex spell on Graham must be over, he actually seems to be showing some courage.

Graham: If Republicans bail on Kavanaugh "we deserve our fate"

“Judge Kavanaugh has just emphatically denied the recent allegation being levied by Michael Avenatti and his client. He says he does not know the woman in question and emphatically denies the accusations. I would remind everyone that dozens of women who knew Judge Kavanaugh during the time period in question completely vouch for his good character.

“Right after I broke up with her, she was threatening my family, threatening my wife and threatening to do harm to my baby at that time,” Vinneccy said in a telephone interview with POLITICO. "I know a lot about her.”

"She’s not credible at all,” he said. “Not at all.”

Obviously the trauma of witnessing Brett Kavanaugh pull a train caused her to make threats against babies. #believesurvivors
So the 3rd "accuser's" lawyer just happens to be Stormy Daniels lawyer? What are the odds?

If i was on the committee i would want all these accusers / witnesses to testify under oath. Even the ones for Kavanaugh. Unless there was some bombshell i would launch the vote for Kavanaugh and then ask for a formal investigation. If people on either side of the aisle lied under oath they would be prosecuted to the fullest for perjury. If the investigation finds Kavanaugh did what he is accused of then he would be removed through the proper means.

I read that the witnesses named by Ford have given testimony while under oath.
What a shitshow...
How anyone takes this Ivanatti character seriously is beyond me..
Rumor is he has another accuser ...
Honey Bo Bo
Wow, she's been one busy lady. A history of lawsuits filed by her and against her, tens of thousands in tax liens...she seems like a peach.

In 1993, she filed a criminal harassment complaint with state prosecutors in Maryland against a podiatrist and his wife, alleging repeated phone calls, according to court records, but the case was withdrawn two months after it was filed.

In 2001, Ms. Swetnick was the defendant in a domestic-violence case filed by Richard Venneccy in Miami-Dade County, Fla. The case was dismissed when both parties failed to appear in court in March of that year, according to court documents reviewed by the Journal.

Roughly a decade ago, Ms. Swetnick was involved in a dispute with her former employer, New York Life Insurance Co., over a sexual-harassment complaint she filed, according to people familiar with the matter. Representing her in the complaint was the firm run by Debra Katz, the lawyer currently representing Dr. Ford. The company ultimately reached a financial settlement with Ms. Swetnick, the people said.



Swetnick also claims to have a security clearance with the IRS despite having recently had a $40,000 judgement against her for unpaid taxes. She settled a $40,303 IRS judgement on March 23 of this year, according to a public records search. Maryland court records show a $62,821 tax lien filed against her on Oct. 2, 2015.

Swetnick has also been involved in civil cases in Maryland and Oregon.

In November 2000, she was sued by Webtrends, a web company in Portland that Swetnick worked for from December 1999 through August 2000. It is not clear how the case was decided or what Swetnick allegedly said to defame the company. Webtrends did not respond to a request for comment.

Swetnick filed a personal injury lawsuit against the Washington, D.C. Metro in September 1994. The outcome of that case is also unclear.
Gotta do more than slut shame these liars, sue the **** out of them

Oh right

Women never lie about rape!

Jury orders blogger to pay $8.4 million to ex-Army colonel she accused of rape

Col. David "Wil" Riggins, after a highly decorated Army career that included multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, was on the verge of promotion to brigadier general in July 2013 when he got a phone call at the Pentagon from the Army's Criminal Investigative Division to come in for a meeting. Once there, he learned that a blogger in Washington state had just accused him of raping her, when both were cadets at West Point in 1986. An investigation was underway.

Riggins waived his right to an attorney and immediately gave a statement denying any sexual assault of the woman, Susan Shannon of Everett, Washington. Shannon also cooperated with the CID investigation, which could not "prove or disprove Ms. Shannon's allegation she was raped," the CID report concluded. But in the spring of 2014, with the armed forces facing heavy criticism for their handling of sexual assault cases, Secretary of the Army John McHugh recommended removing Riggins from the list for promotion to general. Riggins promptly retired.

Then, Riggins sued Shannon for defamation, claiming that every aspect of her rape claim on the West Point campus was "provably false," and that she wrote two blog posts and a Facebook post "to intentionally derail [his] promotion" to brigadier general. During a six-day trial that ended Aug. 1, a jury in Fairfax County, Virginia, heard from both Riggins and Shannon at length. And after 2½ hours of deliberation, they sided emphatically with Riggins, awarding him $8.4 million in damages, an extraordinary amount for a defamation case between two private citizens.

The jury ordered Shannon to pay $3.4 million in compensatory damages for injury to his reputation and lost wages, and $5 million in punitive damages, "to make sure nothing like this will ever happen again," according to one of the jurors.

So the 3rd "accuser's" lawyer just happens to be Stormy Daniels lawyer? What are the odds?


He's so despicable I don't think I can even properly articulate it. Pond scum. The lowest of the low.