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Kavanaugh hearing

Julie Swetnick's Accusations Toward Kavanaugh Have Some Serious Plot Holes - Here Are Three

Brittany M. Hughes, @RealBrittHughes
September. 26. 2018

“Creepy porn lawyer” Michael Avenatti’s sworn affidavit from a third Brett Kavanaugh accuser landed on the internet like an acme anvil Wednesday, blowing up a fresh cloud of dirt and debris around claims that the SCOTUS nominee was involved in sexually assaulting women during his years as a high school student at Georgetown Prep.

According to Julie Swetnick, whose identity was made public Wednesday in a tweet posted by Avenatti, Kavanaugh was allegedly present at parties in which young men were systematically gang-raping teen girls as a well-known practice.

Now, setting aside the obvious and suspicious question of why, if this were the well-known occurrence that Swetnick makes it seem, not a single person bothered to report it to authorities for nearly four solid decades, there are a few other major plot holes in her account that deserve some serious scrutiny.

Here are three.

Firstly, there’s the odd question of Swetnick's age.

In her online profile detailed by the New York Times, Swetnick claims to have graduated from Gaithersburg High School in 1980 before enrolling at the University of Maryland.

However, in her own sworn affidavit published by Avenatti, Swetnick claims that she first met Kavanaugh and his friend, Mark Judge, sometime between 1980 and 1981. That would’ve put Kavanaugh, who was born in 1965, at only 15 or 16 years old at the time. Swetnick also claims she attended multiple parties where the two were in attendance between 1980 and 1983, meaning Swetnick would have been a college student well into her junior year who was still attending high school parties filled with kids who went to a school a full 25 minutes away from hers.

While this isn’t entirely outside the realm of possibility, it seems odd that a 19- or 20-year-old college student and her friends would still be hanging out at parties with 16-year-olds, as her statement suggests.

Secondly, there’s the question of her apparent lack of judgment.

In the affidavit, Swetnick claims that “during the years 1981-1982,” she became “aware of efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to ‘spike’ the ‘punch’ at house parties I attended with drugs and/or grain alcohol so as to cause girls to lose their inhibitions and their ability to say ‘No.’” Swetnick then alleges she has “a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their ‘turn’ with a girl inside the room.”

Knowing all this, Swetnick says she simply tried to “purposefully avoid the ‘punch’ at these parties.”

So let’s get this straight, here: Swetnick, who would’ve been a legal adult for most of if not the entire time she says she attended these parties, admits she was well aware that young men were intentionally drugging drinks in order to lure women into bedrooms and gang-rape them. But rather than report these claims to the authorities, or at the very least avoid the parties altogether, Swetnick not only kept quiet about the whole thing, but admits she actually kept attending the parties herself for up to two years afterward.

Thirdly, there’s the question of Swetnick’s own victimization timeline.

Despite saying she intentionally avoided the spiked drinks at the rape parties she kept attending for some inexplicable reason, Swetnick claims she herself was gang-raped at a party that occurred sometime in 1982, where Kavanaugh and Judge were allegedly in attendance.

However, earlier in her affidavit, Swetnick said she attended “well over 10 house parties in the Washington D.C. area during the years 1981-1983 where Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh were present.”

So according to her own timeline, not only did Swetnick know these parties were being used to drug and rape women, but says she herself was gang-raped at a party sometime in 1982 – yet continued to attend these same house parties until sometime in the following year.

Now, Swetnick signed the affidavit under penalty of perjury, assumedly meaning she understands the consequences of flat-out lying. But regardless of the validity of her graphic and seemingly far-out allegations, these are serious questions that demand some serious answers.

Just someone's opinion but they definitely raise some solid questions.
so, tibs and others who willfully support CBF and cite the #MeToo movement, what is the preferred course of action for CBF if her claim is found to be without merit, completely made up and lacking of any substantial evidence that would pinpoint Kavanaugh as a rapist?

Please keep in mind that by claiming this sexual assualt happened, CBF can be preventing a man from obtaining a high-profile position in his chosen profession. It will also, if she is not believed, possibly harm the #MeToo movement and undermine any claims or future claims by people who have or will be sexually assaulted in the future.
Buck Sexton@BuckSexton

We are left with 2 choices:

1) Kavanaugh was part of a secret roving gang rape squad in DC that was systemically violating women, without anyone ever bringing charges/going to authorities

2) This is the most disgustingly dishonest, coordinated smear campaign in US history

Like I said, Twilight Zone. Either scenario is absolutely disgusting.
My husband grew up in Bethesda in the same circles as BK. Knows PJ Smyth and many of the 65 women who signed Brett Kavanaugh's letter. He says that he was at house parties frequently and never saw anything like this happening. There were parents and other adults at a lot of these parties, because drinking was legal for those 18 years old and ignored among the slightly younger set. His own parents hosted numerous keg parties.

He also said Gaithersburg was the sticks back then and none of them ever really interacted with any Gaithersburg kids.

Not suggesting this is evidence of anything, it's just interesting to hear a culture being described in his neighborhood with some of the same people he socialized with that he never saw or experienced.

Have him come forward! I Believe OFTB's Husband! I Believe OFTB's Husband! I believe....
Some of these are new to me...

Eight big problems for Christine Blasey Ford’s story

Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Brett Kavanaugh are serious. She is accusing him of violent attempted rape. “I thought he might inadvertently kill me. He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing,” she told The Washington Post, recounting the alleged incident at a high school party “one summer in the early 1980s.”

But her story is also growing less believable by the day. Here are eight reasons why it’s hardly “anti-woman” for senators to question her account at Thursday’s hearing:

1) For starters, Ford still can’t recall basic details of what she says was the most traumatic event in her life. Not where the “assault” took place — she’s not sure whose house it was, or even what street it was on. Nor when — she’s not even sure of the year, let alone the day and month.

Ford’s not certain how old she was or what grade she was in when she says an older student violently molested her. (But she doesn’t plead inebriation: She described having just “one beer” at the party.)

2) Ford concedes she told no one what happened to her at the time, not even her best friend or mother. That means she can rely on no contemporaneous witness to corroborate her story.

3) Worse, the four other people she identified as attending the party, including Kavanaugh, all deny knowledge of the gathering in question, including Leland Ingham Keyser, who she calls a “lifelong friend.”

Keyser’s lawyer told the Senate Judiciary Committee: “Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with or without Dr. Ford.”

The other two potential witnesses — Mark Judge and Patrick “P.J.” Smyth — also deny any recollection of attending such a party. The committee took their sworn statements “under penalty of perjury.” “These witnesses directly contradict Professor Ford’s allegations against Judge Kavanaugh,” Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley advised Ford’s attorneys last week.

In her original letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Ford claimed that Kavanaugh talked to Keyser and Smyth right after he assaulted her. Yet neither shares her memory.

This is, to say the least, highly problematic for her case. No witness corroborates any part of her story.

4) Her own immediate family doesn’t appear to be backing her up, either. Her mother, father and two siblings are all conspicuously absent from a letter of support released by a dozen relatives, mostly on her husband’s side of the family.

The letter attests to her honesty and integrity. “Why didn’t her parents and brothers sign the letter?” a congressional source familiar with the investigation wondered.

5) This summer, Ford tried to reach out to old friends from high school and college to jog her memory. They couldn’t help her. “I’ve been trying to forget this all my life, and now I’m supposed to remember every little detail,” Ford complained to one friend in July, according to an account in The San Jose Mercury News.

6) Yet she still pushed forward with her bombshell charge, contacting The Washington Post tip line and Democratic lawmakers, while hiring a Democratic activist lawyer. Ford is also a Democrat, as well as an anti-Trump marcher, raising questions about the motive and timing of the allegations along with their veracity.

7) Ford contends that notes her therapist took in 2012 corroborate her account. But they don’t mention Kavanaugh.

They also point up inconsistencies in her story. For instance, her shrink noted that Ford told her there were “four boys” in the bedroom, not two as she now says. The notes also indicate Ford said she was in her “late teens” when she was assaulted. But Ford now says she may have been only 15.

8) In another inconsistency, Ford told The Washington Post she was upset when Trump won in 2016, because Kavanaugh was mentioned as a Supreme Court pick. But Kavanaugh wasn’t added to Trump’s list of possibles until November 2017, a full year later.

On top of all that, Kavanaugh “unequivocally denied Dr. Ford’s allegations . . . under penalty of perjury” during a Sept. 17 interview with committee lawyers, Grassley said, adding he was “forthright and emphatic in his testimony” and “fully answered all questions.”

The sworn interview will no doubt be used to test the consistency and veracity of his public statements Thursday.

Yet Democrats have already tried and convicted Kavanaugh of sexual assault. Without hard evidence, without substantiation, some even go beyond Ford’s claims to call him an out-and-out “rapist,” “sexual predator,” even a “child predator.”

As a result, Kavanaugh and his family, “including his two young daughters, have faced serious death threats and vicious assaults,” Grassley said. “And they’re getting worse each day.”

Ford, who also has received threats, is by all accounts a respected scientific researcher in the field of psychology with an impressive pedigree. While that makes her credible, the same can’t be said for her story. Unless she can fill in the many holes, Kavanaugh still deserves the presumption of innocence.

Paul Sperry is a bestselling author.
Have him come forward! I Believe OFTB's Husband! I Believe OFTB's Husband! I believe....

He did not know Kavanaugh or Judge personally so probably would not be much of a witness. But it's amazing how many people they know in common.
He did not go to a private high school but he has many friends from elementary school who did.

As I said before, DC is a small world for the longtime locals. I find it highly unlikely that there were regular gang rapes going on and neither my husband nor any of his 8 siblings would have ever heard about them.
The declaration unwound:

4. I have also previously held the following inactive clearances: Secret US. Department of State (DOS), US. Department of Justice (DOJ) and Public Trust - US. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

5. My prior employment includes working with Vietnam War Commemoration (VWC), Joint Services Providers (J SP), US. Department of Defense (DOD) in Arlington, Virginia; US Mint, US. Department of Treasury; U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS), US. Department of Treasury; Government Affairs and Communications Department, DC. Department of General Services (DGS), Government of the District of Columbia Customs and Border Protection (CBP), US. Department of Homeland Security; and the US. Department of State (DOS). I was also one of the first 100 women in the world to achieve a Microsoft Certifed Systems Engineering Certification (MCSE).

Objection, irrelevant in large part, except I guess to raise questions as to why she has had so many jobs.

6. I first met Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh in approximately 1980-1981. I was introduced to them at a house party that I attended in the Washington, DC. area. I observed Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh as extremely close friends during the early 19803 when I knew them and interacted with them. I would describe them as joined at the hip and I consistently saw them together in many social settings. There is no question in my mind that Mark Judge has significant information concerning the conduct of Brett Kavanaugh during the 1980s, especially as it relates to his actions toward women.

Objection, speculative and inadmissible opinion as to what Mark Judge knows or does not know.

7. Following that first introduction, I attended well over ten house parties in the Washington, DC. area during the years 1981-1983 where Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh were present. These parties were a common occurrence in the area and occurred nearly every weekend during the school year. On numerous occasions at these parties, I witnessed Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh drink excessively and engage in highly inappropriate conduct, including being overly aggressive with girls and not taking No for an answer. This conduct included the fondling and grabbing of girls without their consent.

Objection, argumentative as to the description of the conduct. Objection, opinion and foundation for terms such as "overly aggressive." Objection, speculative and foundation on the issue of consent or the lack thereof. The witness has not established any foundation that she was in a position to hear what the girls said, when, where, in what tone, and the entire statement is speculative on the issue of consent. She can say that she saw Kavanaugh drink at parties and have physical contact with girls. That's it.

8. I observed Brett Kavanaugh drink excessively at many of these parties and engage in abusive and physically aggressive behavior toward girls, including pressing girls against him without their consent, grinding against girls, and attempting to remove or shift girls clothing to expose private body parts. I likewise observed him be verbally abusive towards girls by making crude sexual comments to them that were designed to demean, humiliate and embarrass them. I often witnessed Brett Kavanaugh speak in a demeaning manner about girls in general as well as specific girls by name. I also witnessed Brett Kavanaugh behave as a mean drunk on many occasions at these parties.

Objection, once again the witness has no foundation for the claims about consent. It is simply her opinion. Did she hear a girl or several girls say, "Stop it, don't touch me"? No facts are provided to support the opinion. As to comments, she can state exactly what she heard, but argumentative and lack of foundation as to why such statements were made. Objection, lack of foundation and vague as to "mean drunk." What, exactly? When, where, involving whom? What did he do or say?

9. I have been told by other women that this conduct also occurred during the Summer months in Ocean City, Maryland on numerous occasions. I also witnessed such conduct on one occasion in Ocean City, Maryland during Beach Week.

Objection, foundation. Objection, hearsay. Lacks foundation as to "such conduct" - what exactly? When? Where? Where was the witness, where was Kavanaugh, what exactly happened? None of this statement would be accepted by a court. None of it.

10. I have reviewed Brett Kavanaugh's recent claim on Fox News regarding his alleged innocence during his high school years and lack of sexual activity. This claim is absolutely false and a lie. I witnessed Brett Kavanaugh consistently engage in excessive drinking and inappropriate contact of a sexual nature with women during the early 1980's.

Objection, foundation and argumentative. The witness still has not cited any fact that supports a claim of inappropriate physical contact, apart from her own opinion that such contact was without permission.

11. During the years 1981-82, I became aware of efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to spike the punch at house parties I attended with drugs and/or grain alcohol so as to cause girls to lose their inhibitions and their ability to say no. This caused me to make an effort to purposely avoid the punch at these parties. I witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to target particular girls so they could be taken advantage of; it was usually a girl that was especially vulnerable because she was alone at the party or shy.

Objection, foundation. Objection, hearsay. "I became aware" is the literal definition of hearsay, and the fact is alleged for the truth of the matter asserted. Cal. Evidence Code, §1200; Fed. Rules of Evidence, §801(c) [“Hearsay” means a statement that: (1) the declarant does not make while testifying at the current trial or hearing; and (2) a party offers in evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted in the statement"]; Fed. Rules of Evidence, §802 ["Hearsay is not admissible unless any of the following provides otherwise: a federal statute; these rules; or other rules prescribed by the Supreme Court"].)

12. I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be gang raped in a side room or bedroom by a train of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their turn with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh.

Objection, foundation, objection, speculative, objection opinion as to why anybody was trying to get the girls drunk. Objection, foundation as to why boys were "lined up" outside a room. Did the witness see a passed-out girl inside getting gang raped? If so, why does she not say this? If so, why the ******* **** would she not, oh, I don't know, CALL THE POLICE?!?

13. In approximately 1982, I became the victim of one of these gang or train rapes where Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh were present. Shortly after the incident, I shared what had transpired with at least two other people. During the incident, I was incapacitated without my consent and unable to fight off the boys raping me. I believe I was drugged using Quaaludes or something similar placed in what I was drinking.

Objection, relevance. Objection, foundation. The declarant FINALLY offers first-hand evidence as to what she actually saw and heard, but NONE OF IT identifies Kavanaugh as a participant. The allegation thereby has nothing to do with a disputed issue of material fact ... though it does cause one to wonder why in God's name the declarant would voluntarily go to a "rape party" where she knew girls were supposedly being drugged and gang-raped.

14. I am aware of other witnesses that can attest to the truthfulness of each of the statements above.

Objection, foundation and speculative. The declarant has no idea what other witnesses would or could say.

Jesus, this wretched, objectionable declaration is simply proof that Avenatti is a ****** lawyer.
As I said before, DC is a small world for the longtime locals. I find it highly unlikely that there were regular gang rapes going on and neither my husband nor any of his 8 siblings would have ever heard about them.

Dozens of girls - most of them from fairly wealthy families, I would presume - are gang-raped, and not one, literally not a single girl or family member or parent calls the police??

Yeah, sure.

And the FBI investigates Kavanaugh, including talking to school mates, and nobody every mentioned hearing any rumor of these omnipresent "rape parties"?

Bullshit. Utter bullshit.
She got gang raped and can only approximate the year?

Well, yeah, I mean when gang-raping is done every weekend for 3 years, it's hard to keep track of when she was the one gang-raped.

Just look at all the statements from the other 150 gang rape victims, and the dozens of police reports and arrests. That's all the evidence I need.

Wait, what? Nevermind ...
So I'm having a really hard time with this newest story. She attended these parties for up to 3 years, all the while knowing young women were getting drugged and gang raped, and as an adult, she didn't tell anybody or warn other women about it? And she herself was gang raped even though she always avoided the punch they apparently spiked? And the timeline suggests she was a college student in her junior year, and she was going to high school parties with 15-16 year old boys?

And someone mentioned her affidavit says she worked for the State Department from 2002-2005 (I believe), that would be the same time Kavanaugh was Assistant to the President George W. Bush. She didn't feel uncomfortable then as she didn't say anything to a soul? Something stinks, and it's not my co-worker's breath.
Well, yeah, I mean when gang-raping is done every weekend for 3 years, it's hard to keep track of when she was the one gang-raped.

Just look at all the statements from the other 150 gang rape victims, and the dozens of police reports and arrests. That's all the evidence I need.

Wait, what? Nevermind ...

You state he is a ****** lawyer... but read it again... this document plays perfectly into the agenda without creating one absolute disprovable scenario... using the statements in this document that are all opinions and utterly unprovable, so there isnt a threat of purgery...

It does what GPL wants and has no repercussions...

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
And the FBI investigates Kavanaugh, including talking to school mates, and nobody every mentioned hearing any rumor of these omnipresent "rape parties"?

Bullshit. Utter bullshit.

6 ******* times no less. This type of **** just blows my mind.
He did not know Kavanaugh or Judge personally so probably would not be much of a witness. But it's amazing how many people they know in common.

Wow, small world. I don't know Kavanaugh or Judge either, but I do remember that time both drugged and raped me.

I almost stopped going to those rape parties. Almost ...
We are forgetting history and the #metoo movements and Catholic Church scandal are changing opinions, but there are some good reasons to have a statute of limitations on certain criminal charges being filed against citizens in any law abiding country.

There is just too many holes, too many "what ifs", too many interpretations of actions, too much time and haze over witness testimony for any of this really to be admissible to a reasonable person.

It is proven we "re-create" history in our brains. We fill in gaps based on stereotypes and what bias our "logic" says might have happened. If Kavanaugh was even closely part of the "it crowd" back then and these girls where "not part of the it crowd" it is very plausible that Kavanaugh is getting railroaded by the bias of these women of their high school memories. And that very likely includes guilt, anger and envy of the other "group" all which can come out by these accusations.

I always find if hard to buy the "woe is me" stories for these women coming forward. They are coddled and protected by their handlers. They likely get huge paydays. Once their 15 minutes of fame and "hard work" are done, no one remembers them. Doesn't sound that hard for me. I'll put up with a few empty death threats and a month of inconvenience if I can tear down and bankrupt those in high school I hated for bullying me. Hell, I can name 5 right off the top of my head I would do that against just for spite.

It's just shady through and through.
I always find if hard to buy the "woe is me" stories for these women coming forward. They are coddled and protected by their handlers. They likely get huge paydays. Once their 15 minutes of fame and "hard work" are done, no one remembers them. Doesn't sound that hard for me. I'll put up with a few empty death threats and a month of inconvenience if I can tear down and bankrupt those in high school I hated for bullying me. Hell, I can name 5 right off the top of my head I would do that against just for spite.

It's just shady through and through.

I think what's happening is the abortion industry (who have probably taken in trillions at this point) has absolutely terrified women into thinking the Kavanaugh appointment would overturn Roe v. Wade and would take away their reproductive rights and that huge cash cow. Some of these women probably think they're sacrificing for the greater good (in their minds), or they're getting a **** ton of money.

That, or Brett Kavanaugh, who the moment he was announced was actually criticized for having a spoiled frat boy sounding name, is a serial rapist mastermind who got past 6 FBI checks and paid every single person witness to anything hush money, well, until now. Crazy times we live in.
I think what's happening is the abortion industry (who have probably taken in trillions at this point) has absolutely terrified women into thinking the Kavanaugh appointment would overturn Roe v. Wade and would take away their reproductive rights and that huge cash cow. Some of these women probably think they're sacrificing for the greater good (in their minds), or they're getting a **** ton of money.

That, or Brett Kavanaugh, who the moment he was announced was actually criticized for having a spoiled frat boy sounding name, is a serial rapist mastermind who got past 6 FBI checks and paid every single person witness to anything hush money, well, until now. Crazy times we live in.

The babe was at TEN parties where gangbangs were going on? She kept going back? What a slut. Anyone have her number? Facebook? Ashley Madison?
Dozens of girls - most of them from fairly wealthy families, I would presume - are gang-raped, and not one, literally not a single girl or family member or parent calls the police?? Yeah, sure.

Just like everyone had a difficult time believing that hundreds of gymnasts could be molested by a single osteopathic physician over decades, and not report it.
The babe was at TEN parties where gangbangs were going on? She kept going back? What a slut. Anyone have her number? Facebook? Ashley Madison?

She has slut guilt. She was from the poor side of the tracks and the only way she could get into these exclusive high school parties was to **** the popular kids. She probably did them all and of course got a terrible reputation. Then she got pissed.

Now's her chance to get even. All that pent up rage, all that pent up anger and self-loathing. Here's the perfect chance to dump on a representation of all of that. Sign an affidavit? Sure... Mr. Sleezy Lawyer, please help me write this to avoid perjury, please represent me so I can sue or get back into the "party".

She's still ******* to get into parties, she just wants to be the one ******* rather than receiving now.

This just reeks of bullshit. You don't pick Avantti as you lawyer unless it's sketchy.
This whole thing is really starting to stink. It is starting to look orchestrated. The timing of when "victims" became public is just too convenient.

Aside from the fact that all of this happened when he was a dumbass high school student. As far as the evidence revealed so far, he hasn't done anything criminal. What HS boy didn't do stupid things. What HS boy didn't try to get into some cutie's pants? What HS girl didn't do something that she would regret later?

It is time to get these accusers under oath, and in front of a skilled attorney. Until then, it is all just white noise.
What HS boy didn't do stupid things.
Except for smoking a little weed and underage drinking, nothing.

What HS boy didn't try to get into some cutie's pants?
Burgundy raises hand. The girls didn't find me attractive. Never had a shot. I would be a safer SCOTUS nominee than Kavanaugh.
The hysteria around Roe vs Wade ignores that the conservatives have had a pretty solid majority on the sc since the 80’s yet never really threatened the verdict... its just more scare tactics
i did nothing bad in HS i never touched alcohol till 6 months after i turned 21.
Holy mackeral, all of the SN choirboys coming out wearing their glowing little halos.
Pardon me.
The hysteria around Roe vs Wade ignores that the conservatives have had a pretty solid majority on the sc since the 80’s yet never really threatened the verdict

Logic and reason aren't really the strong suit of Liberals and group-think.