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Kavanaugh hearing

Ram it through, confirm over the weekend.

Kavanaugh calls third woman's accusations 'ridiculous'

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Wednesday blasted new allegations of misconduct against him, calling them "ridiculous and from the Twilight Zone."

"I don’t know who this is and this never happened," Kavanaugh said in a statement circulated by the White House.

Kavanaugh pushed back after a third woman came forward to accuse President Trump's Supreme Court pick of misconduct stemming from his time in school in the early 1980s.

And....that should do it for Kavanaugh. I guess ol' Trumpy will have to find a new candidate. Boo hoo.

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/YPiRL7UhaMhy" class="giphy-embed" allowfullscreen="" width="480" height="360" frameborder="0"></iframe>

I would not be so quick with your nails there.
Has anyone approached him with taking a lie detector test?
Has anyone approached him with taking a lie detector test?

I think he should take one (even though it's not a criminal hearing yet, and well, is admissible anyways) given the severe nature of the allegations.
I think he should take one (even though it's not a criminal hearing yet, and well, is admissible anyways) given the severe nature of the allegations.

If he passes the test that would ease a lot of minds. I mean if he's innocent what's he got to lose?
I think he should take one (even though it's not a criminal hearing yet, and well, is admissible anyways) given the severe nature of the allegations.

I think they should have the vote then do a formal investigation afterwards as a **** you to the clearly politically driven timing of this all. Im fine with him being booted out if true. Im not fine with random unprovable accusations showing up at the last second to derail this process... Again stupid parties with short sighted motives destroying fundamental procedural fairness can’t be rewarded... at this point i dont care if the pope announces that he saw him raping alterboys while the ghost of hitler watched gleefully... he has been a federal judge for years, been on the supreme court short list for way over a year, and each of these allegations were supposedly known to the dems for some time before they were leaked at the least appropriate time.... its at best a delay tactic and at worse an outright smear campaign...

He is testifying under oath... ask him all of this under oath and impeach him if anything is proven a lie... thats fair... thats the American process... not assuming the worse without one factual bit of proof...
Do you know why lie detector tests aren’t admissible in court... because even the most favorable study finds them about 90% accurate... most independent more critical studies find them about 65% accurate in finding lies...and sociopaths and people who truely believe a lie would pass them in any case.

So in short you have between a 10 and 35% chance of being truthful and labled a loer or lying and getting away with it.... thats why they aren’t exactly something people clamor for
Lie detector tests are only 65-90% accurate... which is why they aren’t admissible... and the studies that say they are 90 are mostly run by advocates for lie detector tests... most independent and critical studies say they are 65-75% effective.... that means at best a liar can get off 10-35% of the time or that a truth can be misread as a lie the same percentages... they aren’t worth **** except as intimidating criminals who don’t understand things or as a desperate gambit...

And regardless of what the mythbuster results say, its common knowledge that lots of things can affect the results as well...

Even if he took one and passed it would prove nothing... but if he did and anything could be interpreted as a lie they would eat him alive
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I understand the accuracy of lie detector tests and why they aren't admissible in court, but this is a huge perception situation, and it would go a long ways to perhaps changing that perception. If he's innocent, why the hell not take one?

And again, something this despicable which occurred so regularly and out in the open was never reported to the police, parents or anybody? I'm having a really hard time understanding that. And she claims this all happened in Washington D.C., where the statute of limitations is 3 years.
The sad thing is the truth is likely somewhere in between their two stories (I did think his denial was a bit over the top).

I just have a hard time that if Kavanaugh did binge drink in high school, did inappropriately "grope" women during high school in 1981 (there hasn't been one come forward and say they had sex yet), that even that rises to some sort of "predatory" display that disqualifies him.

I remember 1981. I remember high school parties in the mid-80's. I remember grain alcohol being the "alcohol of choice" because it was cheap and went a long way. I remember how awkward my interactions with women were (and how awkward and sometimes inappropriate teenage boys acted in front of teenage girls). I mean, if that's the standard we're holding everyone up to, so be it. But you can't timestamp the #metoo movement and thinking today onto 1981.

Christ, that was 2 years after Animal House came out. If that movie wasn't a time capsule into what college was like I don't know what is.
We'll see if there's any corroboration or evidence. The idea that he would be publicly acting like this on a regular basis for years, and it did not come up in 6 FBI background checks, nor has anyone ever mentioned it before now, seems quite odd.
I understand the accuracy of lie detector tests and why they aren't admissible in court, but this is a huge perception situation, and it would go a long ways to perhaps changing that perception. If he's innocent, why the hell not take one?

And again, something this despicable which occurred so regularly and out in the open was never reported to the police, parents or anybody? I'm having a really hard time understanding that. And she claims this all happened in Washington D.C., where the statute of limitations is 3 years.

She also made claims of some parties in Maryland, where there are no SOL for felony sexual assault so the locals opened an investigation as soon as she opened her mouth... so there is a formal non federal investigation...
Pound it home

Senate Judiciary chairman: No delay to Kavanaugh hearing despite new allegations

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley said that Thursday's hearing with Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford would go forward as planned even as new allegations surfaced against President Donald Trump's embattled Supreme Court nominee.

Grassley, an Iowa Republican, told reporters Wednesday that while they are investigating the new allegation, there will not be a delay of the prescheduled hearing, saying "tomorrow is very important."

She also made claims of some parties in Maryland, where there are no SOL for felony sexual assault so the locals opened an investigation as soon as she opened her mouth

Ah, didn't catch that. Well I personally think that's better that a formal investigation in underway because you obviously want something like this to get uncovered with as much truth seeing the light of day.
We'll see if there's any corroboration or evidence. The idea that he would be publicly acting like this on a regular basis for years, and it did not come up in 6 FBI background checks, nor has anyone ever mentioned it before now, seems quite odd.

Yeah I'm having a really hard time with that as well.
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We'll see if there's any corroboration or evidence. The idea that he would be publicly acting like this on a regular basis for years, and it did not come up in 6 FBI background checks, nor has anyone ever mentioned it before now, seems quite odd.

Exactly... Im not a BK fan... i prefer a Kennedy swing voter to replace Kennedy, but the guy has been in the Washington legal controversy grinder for ages and nothing has ever come up like this... now suddenly he is a rampant gang raper?

All the accusers are politically active democrats
The women supporting him and discrediting these accusations come from both parties and from all eras of his life
All of the accusations were timed to be within such close proximity to a scheduled vote that its impossible not to see timing
Each accusation was escalating in granduer and specifically combats criticism of the prior accusations
None provide anything but hearsay and unspecific timeframes of the actions
Each personal encounter has no real specifics tied to it... its all unprovable one way or another... it’s carefully worded to avoid any perjury by the accuser because it cannot be discredited...

Its just too big a coincidence to not be taken as a political smear campaign and frankly that gets rewarded too often...

Listen to Ford... if she is not able to provide concrete facts that can be proven or disproven then vote him in and impeach him for lying if you ever can prove it... all problems solved
Do you know why lie detector tests aren’t admissible in court... because even the most favorable study finds them about 90% accurate... most independent more critical studies find them about 65% accurate in finding lies...and sociopaths and people who truely believe a lie would pass them in any case.

So in short you have between a 10 and 35% chance of being truthful and labled a loer or lying and getting away with it.... thats why they aren’t exactly something people clamor for

Ted Bundy passed a lie detector test, just sayin'.

And I'm with OFTB here. The man has been through 6 FBI background checks. Nothing of this sort appeared then. They would have.

And this new accuser is from right around the corner from me. I've been to Gaithersburg high school a dozen times. My kids' HS competes head to head with them. Awful in football, in the MD State Championship game last year for basketball.

Of course none of that bears on Julie Stedwick.
Ah, didn't catch that. Well I personally think that's better that a formal investigation in underway because you obviously want something like this to get uncovered with as much truth seeing the light of day.

I don’t think its a coincidence that she waivered on coming forward about the same time it was revealed the SOL weren’t over and that the cops were looking into it, but thats just speculation on my part
My husband grew up in Bethesda in the same circles as BK. Knows PJ Smyth and many of the 65 women who signed Brett Kavanaugh's letter. He says that he was at house parties frequently and never saw anything like this happening. There were parents and other adults at a lot of these parties, because drinking was legal for those 18 years old and ignored among the slightly younger set. His own parents hosted numerous keg parties.

He also said Gaithersburg was the sticks back then and none of them ever really interacted with any Gaithersburg kids.

Not suggesting this is evidence of anything, it's just interesting to hear a culture being described in his neighborhood with some of the same people he socialized with that he never saw or experienced.