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Kavanaugh hearing

A 2 question polygraph? Wtf! And vague questions st that...
Mehta a joke

No way, it that true? If so the News really doesn't report much fact.
Wait, High School kids had some parties where alcohol and sex may have been involved?! I am appalled! APPALLED I SAY!
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Again, why do we have status of limitations on certain crimes in this country? Because eye witness testimony is often incorrect and unreliable after too much time has past.

If these men go on legal record (affidavit) to the level Swetnick did, then this whole thing goes bye bye. Because without Ford being correct, then the whole thing breaks down. All the testimony from the other two women becomes almost inadmissible/untrustworthy because it never would have happened had the first story not been released. In essence, the 2nd two women are only there to try to corroborate the first story (not really add to any sexually deviant behavior or assault).

This is starting to become must watch TV this morning.

This is why I sad a couple pages back, this could well be the Republicans now playing the Dem's dirty low life game. "Wanna play in the sewer? We can too." And they find and bring these men forward. Now Ford's story goes kablooey.

Dems are leaving little option for Republicans other than to stoop in some instances. This is one of them. They have a porn lawyer working for them bringing forward "victims" that are clearly fabricated. The absurdity of these claims, the circus, may have left Pubs with little choice.

We kept a high road with our Presidents despite how they were smeared and treated. Now there is Trump.
We kept a high road with Clarence Thomas and Bork.
Liberals are often asking for violence, for intimidation, from politicians to citizens. I just don't see this on any scale at all on the right.
We've kept a high road while AntiFA terrorizes us.

It's the last example that scares me. That one's a powder keg when Conservatives decide to meet Liberal standards.
she looks like a deer in headlights.

Feinstein needs to retire
This sounds more like a harlequin romance novel than a testimony.
She seems weak and feeble for someone with a phD.
Any truly objective observer will not doubt for even a second Dr. Ford's credibility or her factual representation of how she was sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh. You can argue about timing, about why she didn't step forward sooner, etc. But those have nothing to do with her credibility or testimony of what happened. She testified under oath she is 100% sure it was Kavanaugh who was on top of her. The fact Dr. Ford is just the first of 4-5 seperate victims/witnesses who are willing to go on record does not bode well for Kavanaugh, Trump or the GOP.

But keep on slandering the victims, that's what you all do best, following Trump's pathetic lead.
The problem is they can't really question her lest they be accused of attacking a victim. So they are tiptoeing around her and not talking about the real inconsistencies in her story.

I guess after they fell of the bed and she ran out of the room they turned the loud music down so she could hear them stumbling down the stairs.

Her parents' home is not even close to walking distance from the area of Columbia Country Club. She wouldn't have had a cell phone or anything so how did she get home?

Nobody who was supposedly there remembers being there, her good friend says she does not know Brett Kavanaugh and has never been at a party with him.

I believe that something somewhere happened to this woman, but I don't believe her story as described.
So predictable, selective memory, but still the visuals of old men making her cry.

Democrats 1000

Republicans 0
Any truly objective observer will not doubt for even a second Dr. Ford's credibility or her factual representation of how she was sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh. You can argue about timing, about why she didn't step forward sooner, etc. But those have nothing to do with her credibility or testimony of what happened. She testified under oath she is 100% sure it was Kavanaugh who was on top of her. The fact Dr. Ford is just the first of 4-5 seperate victims/witnesses who are willing to go on record does not bode well for Kavanaugh, Trump or the GOP.

But keep on slandering the victims, that's what you all do best, following Trump's pathetic lead.

4 people who she says were there say they were not. She cannot provide any details that can possibly be either verified or disproved. Those are the biggest problems with her story, not the timing or the amount of time she took to come forward.
Any truly objective observer will not doubt for even a second Dr. Ford's credibility or her factual representation of how she was sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh. You can argue about timing, about why she didn't step forward sooner, etc. But those have nothing to do with her credibility or testimony of what happened. She testified under oath she is 100% sure it was Kavanaugh who was on top of her. The fact Dr. Ford is just the first of 4-5 seperate victims/witnesses who are willing to go on record does not bode well for Kavanaugh, Trump or the GOP.

But keep on slandering the victims, that's what you all do best, following Trump's pathetic lead.

I watched every minute of her testimony, save for the final couple.

While no one is questioning her academic and professional credibility, what I can question is not only the timing, but her alleged account. The women in my office aren't even able to find her testimony credible. Her crying and choking up as if on cue. The fake hyperventilating. Almost as if she was coached.
I haven't been watching but has anyone reminded her that lying under oath is a federal crime and punishable with jail time?
4 people who she says were there say they were not. She cannot provide any details that can possibly be either verified or disproved. Those are the biggest problems with her story, not the timing or the amount of time she took to come forward.

and THAT is the key.

the people she says were there say they weren't... even saying this never happened.
so she could very well have been groped as a young girl, maybe even at one of the parties, her repressed memory is not meshing with the coherent memories of those who were at said parties.
I haven't been watching but has anyone reminded her that lying under oath is a federal crime and punishable with jail time?

yeah, that was when she first started hyperventilating.
So help me if the republicans bow to this and pull his nomination im going to consider running for office on the platform of making political stunts that damage the republic punishable by death... and im not even an advocate for the death penalty....
I watched every minute of her testimony, save for the final couple.

While no one is questioning her academic and professional credibility, what I can question is not only the timing, but her alleged account. The women in my office aren't even able to find her testimony credible. Her crying and choking up as if on cue. The fake hyperventilating. Almost as if she was coached.

Same thing in my office. Smdh.
Let's not forget that Dr. Ford can have a full criminal investigation any time she wants by reporting this alleged crime to the police. No one is denying her that, no one can deny her that.
I haven't been watching but has anyone reminded her that lying under oath is a federal crime and punishable with jail time?

There is no way to prove she's lying because she isn't providing any details that can possibly be disproven.
This isn't a courtroom, it's a stage show, they only get 5 minutes each to question her.

Democrats making speeches, “Oh, you poor heroic suffering dearie”

Republican prosecutor nitpicking, alternating every five minutes. This will not turn out well.
Possibly the only PHD who doesn't know what 'exculpatory' means. Then again, the PHD is in educational psychology.
Let's not forget that Dr. Ford can have a full criminal investigation any time she wants by reporting this alleged crime to the police. No one is denying her that, no one can deny her that.

I don't think so. Well past statute of limitations. Nothing to prosecute.
Good thing she's comfortable flying off for vacations.