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Kavanaugh hearing

I don't think so. Well past statute of limitations. Nothing to prosecute.

There is no statute of limitations in Maryland for sexual assault. Of course conveniently this could have happened in DC which does have a statute of limitations.

Of course that would not happen, no prosecutor would even consider taking on this case with no details of date or location provided and the 4 supposed witnesses denying that it happened.
There is no statute of limitations in Maryland for sexual assault. Of course conveniently this could have happened in DC which does have a statute of limitations.

Did not know that. Assumed murder was the only crime without one. Thanks.
Any truly objective observer will not doubt for even a second Dr. Ford's credibility or her factual representation of how she was sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh.

Facts are indisputable. There is nothing here that can be confirmed as a fact.
I dont have the ability to watch live....will catch later. Sounds like I would have predicted....highly emotional with intent. A push goes to the accuser unless obvious deceit and I'm red.

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But keep on slandering the victims, that's what you all do best, following Trump's pathetic lead.

Who's slandered her? And Trump's lead? He didn't slander her either. He made it known he supports Kavanaugh but he said he also wanted to hear this woman tell her story.
If you believe her - you automatically believe all the alien abduction stories from witnesses who believe they were abducted by aliens.

They passed polygraph tests, but have no evidence of what happened except their own testimony from memory
So now we asking for her to comment on the expression boys will be boys. So valuable to getting to the truth.
I watched every minute of her testimony, save for the final couple.

While no one is questioning her academic and professional credibility, what I can question is not only the timing, but her alleged account. The women in my office aren't even able to find her testimony credible. Her crying and choking up as if on cue. The fake hyperventilating. Almost as if she was coached.

Yep laughing and then suddenly choked up... she reminds me of my friend who does this **** all the time... she is clearly using emotions on cue...
The format is stupid. The questioning is not going anywhere.

The Dems come up with their prepared speeches to make her out to be the next Virgin Mary

Each time it’s the GOP’s turn, the attorney speaks on each GOP senator’s behalf.
Dems: You are an inspiration to all Americans. We are eternally grateful for your brave sacrifice, you are the most brave truthful credible person I have ever met. It's amazing given your horrendous trauma that you even remember anything! Thank you thank you thank you! God bless. Can you explain once again how much this vicious assault has ruined your life?

Reps: Did you hire a lawyer on July 9th or July 10th?

This is a complete disaster.
To the dems out there, you don't find it absolutely incredible that she doesn't know the date, let alone the week, of this traumatic, life-changing event?
Dems: You are an inspiration to all Americans. We are eternally grateful for your brave sacrifice, you are the most brave truthful credible person I have ever met. It's amazing given your horrendous trauma that you even remember anything! Thank you thank you thank you! God bless. Can you explain once again how much this vicious assault has ruined your life?

Reps: Did you hire a lawyer on July 9th or July 10th?

This is a complete disaster.

I'm not watching but I heard she has pretty severe PTSD and is afraid to fly. Yet she's been all over the world, in a plane. How does that work? Or is what I heard inaccurate?
So I tried watching about an hour of this circus.
Nobody is trying to uncover facts.
This is some, in essence, 1st rate stall tactics from the Dems trying to get a re-do on the 2016 election/retribution for Garland/investing hope in 2018 mid-term elections.

Let it be known, I hate most of the Rs and Ds in our Congress equally.

But ALL that being said, Dr. Ford seems credible and like something indeed happened to her, be it Kavanaugh or someone else.
But she is being USED by the Dems and it's very sad to watch.
Anyone find it odd that this "hero and credible witness" sobs and cries with no tears, then seconds later giggles then 30 seconds later smiles at the camera before reverting on cue to sobbing? Is it not odd that every time a question has been asked about her past, she must look at lawyer notes in order to answer? Lady, it's your life. Remember, you're 100% certain is was Kavanaugh on top of you. You mentioned how the brain embeds these memories permanently so there is no question, but every other question asked about your past, you have to look to your notes?

Also the airplane thing...good lord. I was afraid to fly. I was hoping you'd come to me. But I did so anyway.....oh yeah when I hired lawyers and was communicating with Feinstein I was in Delaware, then New Hampshire, then back home in California. I guess flying for pleasure doesn't scare you?

This is exactly why large parties are ineffective to safeguarding individual liberties... they are more worried about saving face than saving a fundamental right... literally she needs to be told that no matter how many tear, no matter how bad the accusations... without factual corraboration it simply doesn’t matter... and that as a government process, Kavanaugh is innocent until she or someone else proves her story... and that she is perfectly legal to pursue him in a court of law if she wants to push attempted rape...
I'm not watching but I heard she has pretty severe PTSD and is afraid to fly. Yet she's been all over the world, in a plane. How does that work? Or is what I heard inaccurate?

That is accurate. One of the very few blows to her credibility that has been landed but pretty minor in the grand scheme of things.

Why is no one asking her how she got to the party? Who invited her? How she got home? Why her good friend who she says was there says she never met Brett Kavanaugh? Why her therapists notes say she was assaulted by 4 boys and now she says it was two?

Because they can't. The whole thing has been set up so that any gaps or inaccuracies in her story have already been explained away by the assumption that she is a trauma survivor .
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The sad thing is Brett Kavanaugh will be grilled within inch of his life. They will ask him about his drinking, dumb things he said and did in high school, 2 completely unsubstantiated accusations against him, his personal sex life, everything...but they won't even ask her something as basic as why her 4 named witnesses would say this never happened.
DId they not ask her any kind of corroborating questions? I know she is supposedly a victim but if she is lying he would be a victim too. If they are not going to actually interrogate her than yes we need a real investigation as otherwise he will be railroaded out without any real chance to prove his side. This thing is a **** show. Regardless of her victim status she needed to be asked tough questions.
Facts are indisputable. There is nothing here that can be confirmed as a fact.

Sharing the story with her therapist six years ago might be able to be confirmed. Doctors keep records. If that’s the case, then any conspiracy theory goes out the window.
Sharing the story with her therapist six years ago might be able to be confirmed. Doctors keep records. If that’s the case, then any conspiracy theory goes out the window.

Her story now doesn't match what she said to her therapist. She said the therapist made a error when recording her statement back then. It's all smoke and mirrors.
Sharing the story with her therapist six years ago might be able to be confirmed. Doctors keep records. If that’s the case, then any conspiracy theory goes out the window.

She told her therapist she was assaulted, she didn't tell him/her who did it.
Sharing the story with her therapist six years ago might be able to be confirmed. Doctors keep records. If that’s the case, then any conspiracy theory goes out the window.

Wrong. It's just a coincidence that she keeps remembering this when the dems are panicked about Kavanaugh? The difference is that she forgot that last time she said there were four of them.

Bookworm has noticed an odd coincidence: after telling no one her story about the alleged incident for decades, she suddenly remembered and spoke about it in couples' therapy in 2012, when leftists perceived the possibility that Mitt Romney, ahead in the polls, would win the presidency and appoint Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

Sharing the story with her therapist six years ago might be able to be confirmed. Doctors keep records. If that’s the case, then any conspiracy theory goes out the window.

When she told her therapist, she said 4 people were in the room (that's what the doctor's notes say), but Ford now says the doctor got it wrong..... how convenient.

Look, I've listened/watched the whole morning while I'm at work. She seems pretty credible to me (or is acting really well). I think she believes something happened traumatic to her back in high school when she was 15. But the intent of the guys (who she says were Kavanaugh and his friend) is completely lost here. There just isn't proof this is as criminal or malfeasance as she makes it out to be. Her emotional state at the time (possibly clouded by alcohol) is not "admissible" as a crime. You can't charge someone for making you afraid for your life. They actually have to do something.

And I'm just not convinced this "groping" and "laughing" rises to some sort of deviant behavior that should derail this man's credibility or career path yet.

The democrats are certainly making her out to be the greatest woman ever to walk the earth and the world will never be the same because of her but when you get down to the question at hand, "Is this testimony, without serious corroborating evidence enough to disqualify Kavanaugh from being a Supreme Court Judge?" My answer to that remains no because this opens up too many possibilities moving forward for this to happen again. You need more than this.