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Kavanaugh hearing

Again imo the Republicans simply questioned her out of curiosity... they already have the votes locked in and will confirm him.
Again imo the Republicans simply questioned her out of curiosity... they already have the votes locked in and will confirm him.

These weak *****? I will really be shocked if they do that without making some ineffective pass at better optics, like with an investigation.
She told her therapist she was assaulted, she didn't tell him/her who did it.

So her the time and place just conveniently fell into place that she could use it against Kavanaugh? Kinda like somone might have photoshopped OJ Simpson wearing Bruno Magli’s years before the Brown-Goldman murders.
GOP/Trump came oh so close with Kavanaugh... must be distressing watching it slip away.

I think the reason you're not hearing any earth shaking questions is everyone has already made up their mind. This is a dog and pony show.
So her the time and place just conveniently fell into place that she could use it against Kavanaugh? Kinda like somone might have photoshopped OJ Simpson wearing Bruno Magli’s years before the Brown-Goldman murders.

She has no idea of the time and place or who was or wasn't there. That is every ones point she has absolutely zero provable details. That doesn't seem a little odd to you ?

I agree there going to vote and there is nothing they can do to stop it. All this testimony proves is that there isn't anything that can be proven against him. Game, set , match.
GOP/Trump came oh so close with Kavanaugh... must be distressing watching it slip away.


I wouldn’t hold out too much hope on that... they avoided everything controversial in that one... they went out of their way to not grille the lady, so either they already had the votes or they are totally idiots... and im pretty sure they are only mostly idiots
Trump can't be happy watching State propaganda TV today.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">On Fox News, Bret Baier says hearing from Blasey Ford "is a totally different thing" than reading her allegations.<br><br>Chris Wallace: "This was extremely emotional, extremely raw, and extremely credible... This is a disaster for the Republicans." <a href="https://t.co/aSbznSJdHC">pic.twitter.com/aSbznSJdHC</a></p>— David Mack (@davidmackau) <a href="https://twitter.com/davidmackau/status/1045336729585176577?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 27, 2018</a></blockquote>
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They should at a minimum get her on record in front of America stating that she doesn't remember the day, she doesn't remember the month, she doesn't remember the year, she doesn't remember the location, she doesn't remember whose house it was, she doesn't remember how she got there, she doesn't remember how she got home, the four people she says were there all say they weren't, her therapist notes say she was attacked by 4 people and now she's saying it was two.

Not even bringing these things up is totally unfair to Kavanaugh.
I listed in at lunch in my car. This accuser said she has a fear of flying on airplanes. Yet the attorney hired by the Republicans went over where she travels to via plane. She's a world traveler type, and full of it with plenty of long flights. So much for her being truthful.
GOP/Trump came oh so close with Kavanaugh... must be distressing watching it slip away.


I couldn't care less about Kavanaugh being on the Supreme Court. Congratulations if that happens, you're probably looking at Justice Amy Coney Barrett. What's distressing is watching someone's life be ruined by completely uncorroborated accusations that he has no chance of disproving.
Trump can't be happy watching State propaganda TV today.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">On Fox News, Bret Baier says hearing from Blasey Ford "is a totally different thing" than reading her allegations.<br><br>Chris Wallace: "This was extremely emotional, extremely raw, and extremely credible... This is a disaster for the Republicans." <a href="https://t.co/aSbznSJdHC">pic.twitter.com/aSbznSJdHC</a></p>— David Mack (@davidmackau) <a href="https://twitter.com/davidmackau/status/1045336729585176577?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 27, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Which totally wrecks the Dem talking points about FOX, CNN wouldn't give a an unbiased opinion like that without ridiculing it, FOX is right leaning but it is not quite the propaganda machine you say it is, other than Hannity but he is an opinion person not a news guy.
I couldn't care less about Kavanaugh being on the Supreme Court.
Yeah, you're pretty consistent with not caring much about anything. You don't care for Trump but consistently back and support him. You don't care about Kavanaugh but have consistently sided with him and doubt his accusers. You sure like to stand on the sidelines a lot, but it's no mystery who you're rooting for. And you have every right to support Trump, the GOP and Kavanaugh, just not sure why you try to paint yourself a neutral observer. Nobody's keeping score here, feel feel to openly support whoever you want.
I listed in at lunch in my car. This accuser said she has a fear of flying on airplanes. Yet the attorney hired by the Republicans went over where she travels to via plane. She's a world traveler type, and full of it with plenty of long flights. So much for her being truthful.

That's what I was alluding to earlier. Her statement was she feared getting on the plane to come testify but friends helped her to board. Then the prosecutor woman laid out the world vacation traveler angle by airplane. So it could be only this flight scared her which isn't too far fetched I guess.

Other thought was how the hell she was sure it was Kavanaugh and Judge laughing downstairs. She can't remember most details but their laughing was sure it was them. Can anyone remember even your best HS friends laugh, let alone a boy/girl from a different school?
Yeah, you're pretty consistent with not caring much about anything. You don't care for Trump but consistently back and support him. You don't care about Kavanaugh but have consistently sided with him and doubt his accusers. You sure like to stand on the sidelines a lot, but it's no mystery who you're rooting for. And you have every right to support Trump, the GOP and Kavanaugh, just not sure why you try to paint yourself a neutral observer. Nobody's keeping score here, feel feel to openly support whoever you want.

Orrrrr... like the majority of the moderates in this country we feel the Democrats have gone so off the rails we cannot support their moves anymore and thats why you have lost control of everything.

Literally every moderate group i interact with feels the same yet the liberals still teeter further over the edge....

But its ok... the progressive liberals will soon split from moderate dems and we will finally have that viable third party...

Thanks for self detionating though... it really was the only way it was going to happen
Yeah, you're pretty consistent with not caring much about anything. You don't care for Trump but consistently back and support him. You don't care about Kavanaugh but have consistently sided with him and doubt his accusers. You sure like to stand on the sidelines a lot, but it's no mystery who you're rooting for. And you have every right to support Trump, the GOP and Kavanaugh, just not sure why you try to paint yourself a neutral observer. Nobody's keeping score here, feel feel to openly support whoever you want.

I don't back and support Trump. I think he's a despicable person and wish he was not president as I've said on numerous occasions. I do back and support policies that have been enacted under him that I don't believe he even really had much to do with. I've disagreed with other policies he's been pushing, most notably on trade. I haven't as of yet seen any facts to support the allegation that he colluded with Russians on interfering with elections.

I said I don't care about Kavanaugh as a supreme court justice. I think he'd make a great one, however certainly if I saw corroborated allegations of sexual assault against him that opinion would change. So far I haven't seen any facts that support such an allegation. I do however care about this precedent that someone can be disqualified from this position simply by accusations that have no verifiable or disprovable facts attached to them. You should care about that too, because one day it may happen to someone on your side of the aisle.

So your judgement that I "sit on the sidelines" seem to be based on the fact that I'm not a knee jerk partisan and I am someone who likes to judge things on their individual merits based on facts and reality rather than on what I'm told to believe by the media or my party leaders. Yeah, guilty as charged.
The sad thing is Brett Kavanaugh will be grilled within inch of his life. They will ask him about his drinking, dumb things he said and did in high school, 2 completely unsubstantiated accusations against him, his personal sex life, everything...but they won't even ask her something as basic as why her 4 named witnesses would say this never happened.

"Because Kavanaugh is going to take away our abortions !!!!" The truth (or any process that even slightly resembles truth-gathering) has no place in political theater.... damn the damage done to individuals.
She attended party's after this alleged event, where kavanagh was present. If her claim was real no woman on the planet would ge anywhere near the alleged perpetrator.
Dem senators have done nothing but cheer lead.
She attended party's after this alleged event, where kavanagh was present. If her claim was real no woman on the planet would ge anywhere near the alleged perpetrator.
but she stopped drinking the punch
She has no idea of the time and place or who was or wasn't there. That is every ones point she has absolutely zero provable details. That doesn't seem a little odd to you ?

Not really. I remember in high school my buddy’s car sliding off an exit ramp and spinning three times down a hill. It was summer, not sure which month, 1983 or 1984. I don’t remember who all was in the car other than a kid who had been in a serious car accident only a few months prior. I remember it was raining hard and what we did immediately afterward, no idea what we had done prior.
They should at a minimum get her on record in front of America stating that she doesn't remember the day, she doesn't remember the month, she doesn't remember the year, she doesn't remember the location, she doesn't remember whose house it was, she doesn't remember how she got there, she doesn't remember how she got home, the four people she says were there all say they weren't, her therapist notes say she was attacked by 4 people and now she's saying it was two.

Not even bringing these things up is totally unfair to Kavanaugh.

I will say this, the GOP should have probably just let the FBI investigate this. They would have come up with nothing in about 2 days and eliminated this stupid talking point.
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