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Kavanaugh hearing

Not really. I remember in high school my buddy’s car sliding off an exit ramp and spinning three times down a hill. It was summer, not sure which month, 1983 or 1984. I don’t remember who all was in the car other than a kid who had been in a serious car accident only a few months prior. I remember it was raining hard and what we did immediately afterward, no idea what we had done prior.

Were you gang raped?
Why she doesn't remember things is really not relevant. I mean, if this is true and she can't remember and all 4 possible witnesses are lying or also can't remember, I feel very bad for her. It still doesn't negate the idea that an accusation alone, with no corroborating details, with witnesses who refute the account, is not enough evidence to decide that someone is guilty of attempted rape.
Why she doesn't remember things is really not relevant. I mean, if this is true and she can't remember and all 4 possible witnesses are lying or also can't remember, I feel very bad for her. It still doesn't negate the idea that an accusation alone, with no corroborating details, with witnesses who refute the account, is not enough evidence to decide that someone is guilty of attempted rape.

Or to refute a totally fabricated lie.
Nobody is saying that why she doesn't remember things is relevant. What is relevant is that she says she doesn't remember important details that anyone would assume would be remembered if it happened. It's not credible. This isn't a trial and you seem to be assuming that if she doesn't meet the burden of proof as if this was a trial, then these clowns would move to a vote. I do not believe that is the case.
Not really. I remember in high school my buddy’s car sliding off an exit ramp and spinning three times down a hill. It was summer, not sure which month, 1983 or 1984. I don’t remember who all was in the car other than a kid who had been in a serious car accident only a few months prior. I remember it was raining hard and what we did immediately afterward, no idea what we had done prior.

Rape and a car accident, please spare me the comparison. All 4 of the people she named to her therapist have said that it never happened.
Laughing / Crying could be just nerves. I don't care who you are going in front of the Senate under oath giving live testimony would be very intimidating and nerve wracking. i don't know if she is telling the truth or not, but i wouldn't go by her emotions as a judge.
Not really. I remember in high school my buddy’s car sliding off an exit ramp and spinning three times down a hill. It was summer, not sure which month, 1983 or 1984. I don’t remember who all was in the car other than a kid who had been in a serious car accident only a few months prior. I remember it was raining hard and what we did immediately afterward, no idea what we had done prior.

rape/sexual assault = car accident where you were not injured.
same thing. same thing, Flogomanbun.
If we're going to look at this objectively...

Something happened to this woman. At sometime, somewhere. It may have been at a party, it may not have. Or nothing happened and she's full of ****. She did state that she didnt do this for political purposes, and said so under oath (and we know no one has ever perjured themselves).

So, maybe she was victim of a sexual assault in high school. maybe she'd heard rumors about **** like this going on at the parties she attended. She's guilty of merging memories to form one that she fully believes is true - even if it isn't true. Merging memories has happened before, and is isnt some new phenomenon. Case in point, the link below:

Quite an impressive, passionate performance. Lot's of fire & tears. I hope he's more even-keeled if confirmed to the highest court. No doubt he's 'trumped-up' his testimony, to show Trump and the base he'll fight tooth & nail for Trump. As far as fighting for the American people and the Constitution, that seems much less certain.
Quite an impressive, passionate performance. Lot's of fire & tears. I hope he's more even-keeled if confirmed to the highest court. No doubt he's 'trumped-up' his testimony, to show Trump and the base he'll fight tooth & nail for Trump. As far as fighting for the American people and the Constitution, that seems much less certain.

Yeah, you wouldn't expect an emotional response to a concerted effort by part of the U.S. government to ruin your life with bogus accusations of despicable acts.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again -- people see and hear what they want to see and hear. Nothing is going to sway them the opposite way.
You want to take on a Federal Judge with false accusations? You better document all of these things perfectly because he is swatting this fly away with her bullshit accusations. This is a stonewall attempt to block a nomination to the court. It will fail. Dems will fail in November for this horse ****. Politics will never be the same after this attack on an innocent man
All of the people identified by Ford does not remember any such party.

Ford's allegation is not the only uncorroborated it is refuted by people.

Ford was 15 at the time of the party. She does not say how she got there, or how she got home.

Kavanugh is crushing her and he's visibly upset by this " charge "
There seems to be a quick fix to all this. Trump should instruct the FBI to investigate these 4-5 cases of alleged sexual assaults, report their findings to the senate committee then proceed with the confirmation hearings. If all checks out, Kavanaugh is a shoo in. No need for all this emotion and hearfelt testimony. Who cares what Kavanaugh wrote in his calendar 35 years ago? Does anyone think he'd actually write this kind of stuff down?
So after this speech it will be interesting to see how low the Dems go with their questioning. After the Republicans took the high road with an independent attorney will they still preach and pontificate?
The sad thing here is this Ford person is running the me too movement which has it merits most notably vs. Hollywood types. Don't cry wolf and lie. I get it your a liberal and can't stand the thought of fair minded conservative judge.

This can not be the new normal in politics.
So after this speech it will be interesting to see how low the Dems go with their questioning. After the Republicans took the high road with an independent attorney will they still preach and pontificate?

There comes a point where you see there is no case and you have an incident man full of account.

With no collaboration, and the accuser making things up about being afraid to fly, yet flying many places, my guess is Dems will quiet down and vote the same way they would if there were no allegations.

We'll see.
There seems to be a quick fix to all this. Trump should instruct the FBI to investigate these 4-5 cases of alleged sexual assaults, report their findings to the senate committee then proceed with the confirmation hearings. If all checks out, Kavanaugh is a shoo in. No need for all this emotion and hearfelt testimony. Who cares what Kavanaugh wrote in his calendar 35 years ago? Does anyone think he'd actually write this kind of stuff down?

Or you confirm him as the scheduled vote was going to do and explain that going forward precedent is now set that last second revelations will not be considered for the vote, but may be used to remove people after the fact if proven true...
This negates politicizing attacks and encourages early admission of charges so due process can be followed

You know do the fair thing so weaponized accusations don’t become the norm