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Kavanaugh hearing

It's so easy to get a rise out of you, lol. I knew the 'national treasure' blurb would have a triggering effect, just didn't think it would happen so quickly.

My only comment on Kavanaugh is I'm not sure why Trump/GOP are in such a maddening rush to push through this nomination. Where's the fire? Why keep a large chunk of his documents hidden? It's a lifetime appointment, the American people deserve a thorough reckoning of his background and written record. And the Congressional committee needs to have full access to it all. Other than the looming Mueller probe that Trump is panicking about, why the need to rush through this? If I'm Kavanaugh - and I'm decent and honest - I'd demand the full release of all documents, and then stand before the nation and provide clear answers to all questions. If this hearing continues as it has, his nomination will be forever tainted. Which is a shame.

You really buy the bullshit this is about documents? Really? Are you that gullible?

This is about delay and stalling tactics to try and avoid a vote for his confirmation. That is all this is about. There will be no "tainted" nomination. He's as highly or more highly qualified that all the current justices on the court. There is no debate about that. He has a much longer record of decisions than most nominees. What else the **** matters?

Whatever... doesn't matter. The vote will happen on September 20. He'll get confirmed. Life (and this country) will move on.
You really buy the bullshit this is about documents? Really? Are you that gullible?

This is about delay and stalling tactics to try and avoid a vote for his confirmation. That is all this is about. There will be no "tainted" nomination. He's as highly or more highly qualified that all the current justices on the court. There is no debate about that. He has a much longer record of decisions than most nominees. What else the **** matters?

Whatever... doesn't matter. The vote will happen on September 20. He'll get confirmed. Life (and this country) will move on.

Right. The POS head libtards Harris, Schumer, Pelosi etc... all stated that they would not vote for him about 5 minutes after Trump nominated him. They don't need no stinking documents. They haven't read jack ****. They are just worthless obstructionists.
If the Republicans are smart, they just sit back and let the donkey's melt down, then use the footage for election commercials.
It's so easy to get a rise out of you, lol. I knew the 'national treasure' blurb would have a triggering effect, just didn't think it would happen so quickly.

My only comment on Kavanaugh is I'm not sure why Trump/GOP are in such a maddening rush to push through this nomination. Where's the fire? Why keep a large chunk of his documents hidden? It's a lifetime appointment, the American people deserve a thorough reckoning of his background and written record. And the Congressional committee needs to have full access to it all. Other than the looming Mueller probe that Trump is panicking about, why the need to rush through this? If I'm Kavanaugh - and I'm decent and honest - I'd demand the full release of all documents, and then stand before the nation and provide clear answers to all questions. If this hearing continues as it has, his nomination will be forever tainted. Which is a shame.

wait, hillary destroyed thousands of emails and dems didn't care....per dem leadership the affordable healthcare act had to be passed so we could see what was in it.....but NOW you care about reading documents before acting???
Let's be real here. The reason Trump hand-picked Kavanaugh is in the hopes he'll bail him out somehow once Mueller drops the hammer.

Kavanaugh is a highly respected jurist who has been in the SCOTUS conversation for years. You're starting to sound a bit unhinged yourself Tibs.
Kavanaugh is a highly respected jurist who has been in the SCOTUS conversation for years. You're starting to sound a bit unhinged yourself Tibs.

Starting? Everything he says is full of ****.

The reason Trump hand-picked Kavanaugh is in the hopes he'll bail him out somehow once Mueller drops the hammer.

Riiiiiiiight.... Then why the **** did he pick Gorsuch first? He didn't know Kennedy was going to step down. Dumbfuck...
And look, this guy is pretty much a shoe in.. so it makes sense that the republicans, who don’t want a Supreme Court confirmation on the ballot for the senate race, would nominate him... they know they can get him in before the bell.... its all just political posturing for the midterms on both sides
My only comment on Kavanaugh is I'm not sure why Trump/GOP are in such a maddening rush to push through this nomination. Where's the fire? Why keep a large chunk of his documents hidden?

What documents AUTHORED BY KAVANAUGH have not been released? I'll wait.

Oh, and to date, he has had more than 500,000 pages of documents released. That is more than the last five Supreme Court nominees COMBINED.

Are you saying that Corey Booker and Willie's dick holster read all 500,000 pages and are just not yet sure about the nominee, but damn it, if they can just see another 10,000 pages, that will tip them to his side?!?
Ted Cruz: Dems Delaying Kavanaugh Confirmation Because They Want to 'Re-Litigate' 2016 Election

So what happened to Senator Booger's smoking gun?
Tibs you ignorant slut....

How would this “Save this presidency?” First there is nothing that President Trump needs saving from. Second, as an associate justice Kavanaugh would have nothing to do with your fantasy impeachment proceeding. That would be John Roberts the Chief Justice. Have you lived in Hungary so long you have forgotten basic civics?
So what happened to Senator Booger's smoking gun?


more political grandstanding

Wow - Kavanaugh reviews DOT regulations on Constitutional basis. Shocking!

"Shortly after Booker released the documents, Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley's (R-Iowa) staff released a bulk of new emails, previously marked "committee confidential," that had been cleared for public release. Booker's emails were included in the document"

Nothing burger for everyone!

Booker should still be rebuked and censured and kicked out of the Senate for being just another attention *****
So what happened to Senator Booger's smoking gun?

They had six or seven exerpts which taken out of context and really spun hard gave them some whining points.... and potentially got two dem congressmen censured... for effectively nothing worth a damn...
This embarrassing **** show is nothing more than ***** and Booker trying to outlibtard one another to gain favor with the democraps for the '20 nomination.
The Democrats are a disgrace. The Washington swamp at it's worst, for the whole world to see. Pathetic.

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Booker pretended he was putting his senate seat in jeopardy by releasing today a “confidential” email that had been cleared to be released last night!

bwahahahahahaha, Dems are lining up to have their faces slapped by that rake every step they take



‘Confidential’ Kavanaugh emails posted by Cory Booker were cleared, despite dramatic claim

"Total Dud": Booker's Release Of Kavanaugh Emails Fails To Impress
Booker pretended he was putting his senate seat in jeopardy by releasing today a “confidential” email that had been cleared to be released last night!

bwahahahahahaha, Dems are lining up to have their faces slapped by that rake every step they take



‘Confidential’ Kavanaugh emails posted by Cory Booker were cleared, despite dramatic claim

"Total Dud": Booker's Release Of Kavanaugh Emails Fails To Impress

I guess that is why the local news isn’t blowing it up. LOL

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Bwaa ha ha! He said the emails were his "Spartacus moment." What a ******* moron.
