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Kavanaugh hearing

If RBG is tge next off the bench and tge republicans hold power they will 100% nominated another conservative, probably a woman, to twist the knife a bit... but at some point id like to see another moderate on there... maybe if Breyer leaves closer to an election....
In fact one of those two stepping down close to 2020 would possibly put a supreme court nomination on the ballot like last time...
If RBG is tge next off the bench and tge republicans hold power they will 100% nominated another conservative, probably a woman, to twist the knife a bit... but at some point id like to see another moderate on there... maybe if Breyer leaves closer to an election....

Oh my, there's a special type of hate for women or minorities who are conservative.
Okay, I thought Dems couldn't stoop any lower. I was wrong.

Feinstein's last minute smear. Despicable.

“I have received information from an individual concerning the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court,” Feinstein said in a surprise statement. “That individual strongly requested confidentiality, declined to come forward or press the matter further, and I have honored that decision. I have, however, referred the matter to federal investigative authorities.”

Fox News confirmed that the letter involved an allegation about Kavanaugh while in high school in the 1980s. A woman who was also in high school at the time, accused Kavanaugh of holding her down and trying to force himself on her during a party, before she got away. The details were first reported by The New Yorker.

The woman also claimed Kavanaugh was joined at the time by a friend who turned up music to conceal her protests. The unnamed classmate, though, reportedly told the New Yorker, “I have no recollection of that.”

And the truth...............

More than six dozen women came forward Friday to defend Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh against an alleged high school incident, calling President Trump’s pick for the high court “a good person.”

The 65 women, who claim to have known Kavanaugh for more than 35 years, penned a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee to vouch for his character.

“We are women who have known Brett Kavanaugh for more than 35 years and knew him while he attended high school between 1979 and 1983. For the entire time we have known Brett Kavanaugh, he has behaved honorably and treated women with respect,” the letter read. “We strongly believe it is important to convey this information to the Committee at this time.”

Okay, I thought Dems couldn't stoop any lower. I was wrong.

Feinstein's last minute smear. Despicable.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. It is sickening. And he's been questioned about having a gambling problem because he bought season tickets for multiple people to sporting events? Ugh.
I am going to write President Trump a letter, stating that I want to remain anonymous and don't want my story to be leaked, BUUUUT ...

In 1993, Diane Feinstein locked me in a closet and tried to touch my pee-pee. Fortunately, I was able to grab a broom, shove it between her legs, and off she flew.

True story.
She probably even had her Chinese spy in the closet to watch the foray.

True story.
Some anonymous person told me they were sexually abused by Maxine Waters when they were a child. True story.
My husband grew up in Bethesda and is the same age as Kavanaugh. He knows a bunch of the women who signed that letter. A lot of them went to his Catholic elementary school and then on to private Catholic high schools.

It's a very small world there if you're a native. Everyone knows everyone.
My husband grew up in Bethesda and is the same age as Kavanaugh. He knows a bunch of the women who signed that letter. A lot of them went to his Catholic elementary school and then on to private Catholic high schools.

It's a very small world there if you're a native. Everyone knows everyone.

Was your husband the dude who locked the door and turned up the music??
Was your husband the dude who locked the door and turned up the music??

LOL, no he didn't go to Georgetown Prep. He was one of 9 kids living on a middle class income so it was public high school for him.
My husband grew up in Bethesda and is the same age as Kavanaugh. He knows a bunch of the women who signed that letter. A lot of them went to his Catholic elementary school and then on to private Catholic high schools.

It's a very small world there if you're a native. Everyone knows everyone.

So was he a sexual predator at the ripe ol' age of 17?
He actually strikes me as a gentleman who'd pull out the chair for a lady at dinner, but you never know with people I guess.
So was he a sexual predator at the ripe ol' age of 17?

Kavanaugh? don't think so. My husband didn't know him personally but they have mutual friends and according to him Kavanaugh was known as a really nice guy, and off the charts brilliant.

Mr. OFTB is a quintessential gentleman and that's one of the reasons I married him. I was probably more of a sexual predator than he was, he he.
So the story is that she claims when she was 15 and he was 17 he drunkenly groped her and held her down then she got away... she recalled this in couples therapy... she has passed a lie detector test...
So the story is that she claims when she was 15 and he was 17 he drunkenly groped her and held her down then she got away... she recalled this in couples therapy... she has passed a lie detector test...

Drunken groping of a girl? Shocking!!!!

Any guy here not drunkenly groped a girl in your teens, raise your hand.

I didn't think so.
So the story is that she claims when she was 15 and he was 17 he drunkenly groped her and held her down then she got away... she recalled this in couples therapy... she has passed a lie detector test...

Passing a Ile detector test means nothing. All you have to do is really believe the lie.
I guess I'm not surprised by this. The Dems will go to any depth to destroy this man. High School? We're reaching back to when he was a minor in high school and trying to paint him as a sexual predator....unreal.
Kavanaugh? don't think so. My husband didn't know him personally but they have mutual friends and according to him Kavanaugh was known as a really nice guy, and off the charts brilliant.

Mr. OFTB is a quintessential gentleman and that's one of the reasons I married him. I was probably more of a sexual predator than he was, he he.

so he is a lot like me
First of all we will never know if this is true or not. There is also a difference between groping someone and holding her down while ripping her clothes off. People can seem nice, but you never know what happens behind closed doors. Some girl at my work was just arrested last month for sending a video of her having sex w/ her 5yr old son. The girl was fairly nice and I thought she seemed like a druggie, but I never in my life would have expected that. The main question is if Kavanaugh did do this then should he be able to become a justice. That is a very tough question in my opinion.
First of all we will never know if this is true or not. There is also a difference between groping someone and holding her down while ripping her clothes off. People can seem nice, but you never know what happens behind closed doors. Some girl at my work was just arrested last month for sending a video of her having sex w/ her 5yr old son. The girl was fairly nice and I thought she seemed like a druggie, but I never in my life would have expected that. The main question is if Kavanaugh did do this then should he be able to become a justice. That is a very tough question in my opinion.

Total bullshit smear job. Never a word about it for 35 years now it’s a issue. Please, them ******* are desperate.
SMH at the loony left. Paying a woman to come out and claim sexual assault. Nair a word for 35 years. How low can they go???? Pathetic.