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Kavanaugh hearing


Just how desperate are the unhinged, frothing at the mouth Dems???

No, That Woman Behind Kavanaugh Was Not Doing A White Power Hand Signal And She's Not A Racist

So, do Democrats really like having bombs explode in their faces?... because they’re getting worse.

Zina Bash, Trump White House Advisor and #Kavanaugh assistant does racist 'white power' symbol live on TV during #Kavanaugh hearing. She's been smirking and making faces since the start of the hearing. #Racist government, racist judge


Oh, here we go. You can hear it now. It’s the outrage engine revving up. The woman’s name is Zina Gelman Bash. She’s also pictured with Kavanaugh in the featured photo above.

She’s wearing the black dress. She’s supposedly throwing an A-Okay sign, which seen as a white power sign among whacko lefty circles. Just so we’re clear. That’s fake news.

The anti-Defamation League said the sign is not one that espouses or promotes white power. Also, she’s a White House lawyer, her mother is Mexican-American, and her grandparents barely escaped the Nazi death camps.

This is what happens when you’re liberal, stupid, and go off half-cocked on social media. You end up getting smashed in the face with the rake you just stepped on.



wait, There’s a white power sign? Did I miss that meeting?

OMG! I knew it

Bomma is a RACIST!

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She should have put her finger from her other hand in the hole.
All partisan politics. Just rubber stamp him already. Confirmed
Libs pitching temper tantrums like children. Go for it.

Yeah im not sure why there is all this pomp and ceremony over a forgone conclusion.... decorum is dead... it mirrors the end of every democracy... once its 51% rules all it goes to hell real fast cause you don’t give a **** about the other side at all
What's crazy about all of this is that Kavanaugh was likely Trump's safest pick for SCOTUS (as far as not being controversial). Clerked under Kennedy alongside Gorsuch & a very highly respected jurist from both sides of the aisle. Well, until now.
I quite enjoyed the little bit I saw today...Durbin trying to play gotcha with some of Kavanaugh's opinions, Kavanaugh starts shredding his arguments and Durbin goes "ok, stop, we are running out of time..."

Happened at least three times. Comedy gold.
I quite enjoyed the little bit I saw today...Durbin trying to play gotcha with some of Kavanaugh's opinions, Kavanaugh starts shredding his arguments and Durbin goes "ok, stop, we are running out of time..."

Happened at least three times. Comedy gold.

I will watch the taped version tonight after work, but the idea that some decrepit, brain-addled hack like Durbin thinks he is going to outwit Kavanaugh regarding Kavanaugh's own opinions is just asinine. Seriously, this is akin to Beavis and Butthead arguing with Shakespeare about Ophelia's mindset.

Stop embarrassing yourself, (D)umbshits. Or not.
Yeah someone with a keen legal mind debating with a bunch of people who won glorified popularity contests can be comical....
Yeah someone with a keen legal mind debating with a bunch of people who won glorified popularity contests can be comical....

Listened a bit on the radio on the way to work this morning, and heard Patrick Leahy - good God, he's still alive?? AND still in the Senate?!? - quizzing Kavanaugh about leaked documents. Wait, what??

Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) disclosed Tuesday that he resigned from the Senate Intelligence Committee last January because he was responsible for the leak of a draft staff report on the panel's Iran-contra investigation. Leahy said that quitting the committee was "a suitable way to express regret and anger" at the unauthorized release of the document.

Let's be real here. The reason Trump hand-picked Kavanaugh is in the hopes he'll bail him out somehow once Mueller drops the hammer. Well that, and the stated plan to repeal Roe vs. Wade, as Trump has promised and to make sure everyone continues to have unfettered access to military grade weapons.

Thank God for Sen. Kamala Harris, for pinpointing the Trump-Mueller issue and trying to get some much-needed answers out of Kavanaugh. She is a national treasure.

This may be uncomfortable to watch for some, to see a grown man squirm. You may want to look away.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Kamala Harris asks if Kavanaugh discussed Mueller with anyone at the law firm of Trump's personal lawyer.<br><br>Kavanaugh: "I would like to know the person you're thinking of."<br><br>Harris: "I think you're thinking of someone and you don't want to tell us." (CSPAN) <a href="https://t.co/SrkKxiuS3J">pic.twitter.com/SrkKxiuS3J</a></p>— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) <a href="https://twitter.com/kylegriffin1/status/1037525800940122112?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 6, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Willy Browns former mistress is a national treasure...Tibs are you trying to pick up the slack for mind numbingly stupid comments now that Elfie is perma-banned?

The reason neo-socialists are against Kavanaugh is because he is a Constitutional Originslist and the Constitution thwarts socialism like crucifixes thwart vampires.
Willy Browns former mistress is a national treasure...Tibs are you trying to pick up the slack for mind numbingly stupid comments.

It's so easy to get a rise out of you, lol. I knew the 'national treasure' blurb would have a triggering effect, just didn't think it would happen so quickly.

My only comment on Kavanaugh is I'm not sure why Trump/GOP are in such a maddening rush to push through this nomination. Where's the fire? Why keep a large chunk of his documents hidden? It's a lifetime appointment, the American people deserve a thorough reckoning of his background and written record. And the Congressional committee needs to have full access to it all. Other than the looming Mueller probe that Trump is panicking about, why the need to rush through this? If I'm Kavanaugh - and I'm decent and honest - I'd demand the full release of all documents, and then stand before the nation and provide clear answers to all questions. If this hearing continues as it has, his nomination will be forever tainted. Which is a shame.
It's so easy to get a rise out of you, lol. I knew the 'national treasure' blurb would have a triggering effect, just didn't think it would happen so quickly.

My only comment on Kavanaugh is I'm not sure why Trump/GOP are in such a maddening rush to push through this nomination. Where's the fire? Why keep a large chunk of his documents hidden? It's a lifetime appointment, the American people deserve a thorough reckoning of his background and written record. And the Congressional committee needs to have full access to it all. Other than the looming Mueller probe that Trump is panicking about, why the need to rush through this? If I'm Kavanaugh - and I'm decent and honest - I'd demand the full release of all documents, and then stand before the nation and provide clear answers to all questions. If this hearing continues as it has, his nomination will be forever tainted. Which is a shame.

He is going to get voted in, and there isn't a damn thing anyone on the left can do. Time to go nuclear, the left was told this would come back and bite them in the ***. Who knew it would be so soon.
He is going to get voted in, and there isn't a damn thing anyone on the left can do. Time to go nuclear, the left was told this would come back and bite them in the ***. Who knew it would be so soon.
Yes! Anything with the slightest chance to save this presidency is well worth it, no matter how shady. Kavanaugh can save Trump's *** from persecution, this must be done immediately. Nothing can stop Trump from pulling whatever strings are required to remain in power. It must be done at all cost. No questions asked. Obey.
It's so easy to get a rise out of you, lol. I knew the 'national treasure' blurb would have a triggering effect, just didn't think it would happen so quickly.

My only comment on Kavanaugh is I'm not sure why Trump/GOP are in such a maddening rush to push through this nomination. Where's the fire? Why keep a large chunk of his documents hidden? It's a lifetime appointment, the American people deserve a thorough reckoning of his background and written record. And the Congressional committee needs to have full access to it all. Other than the looming Mueller probe that Trump is panicking about, why the need to rush through this? If I'm Kavanaugh - and I'm decent and honest - I'd demand the full release of all documents, and then stand before the nation and provide clear answers to all questions. If this hearing continues as it has, his nomination will be forever tainted. Which is a shame.

They didnt even read the first 2000 documents and now they want more? Thats just pathetic. After the way they acted the last 2 days I wouldnt give them a ******* thing.
They didnt even read the first 2000 documents and now they want more? Thats just pathetic. After the way they acted the last 2 days I wouldnt give them a ******* thing.

They want to try and delay it until after the election when hopefully they win the Senate, which they won't.
He is going to get voted in, and there isn't a damn thing anyone on the left can do. Time to go nuclear, the left was told this would come back and bite them in the ***. Who knew it would be so soon.

It is inevitable. I like Gutfeld's idea. Tape the hearings but don't show them live. Release the tapes after he's confirmed. That will give the proper perspective to the rantings.
They have handed over more documents than the last 5 nominees combined. This is a stall tactic, which won't work. This guy is more than qualified, and deserves to sit on the court. This claim about saving the President is left wing, Alex Jones type propaganda. Enjoy the political theater leading to his inevitable appointment.

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Yes! Anything with the slightest chance to save this presidency is well worth it, no matter how shady. Kavanaugh can save Trump's *** from persecution, this must be done immediately. Nothing can stop Trump from pulling whatever strings are required to remain in power. It must be done at all cost. No questions asked. Obey.

Eat **** libs you made the rules. HAHAHAHA
The republicans are going to use this nonsense in all their midterm ads... ive said it for years... the Dems have no long term perspective... the knee jerk cut your nose off to spite your face moves often have them cheering a minor battle win while ignoring what will lose them the war...

The only thing the Dems have to rail against with this guy is that he isn’t liberal... he just doesn’t have any reason to not be confirmed... and they cannot stop it so they need to put on a show and find an excuse for not voting for him ... asking for unreasonable amounts of previous paperwork gives them everything they need... if they get it they stall this through the midterms and if they don’t, they can illogically complain about it being unfair and protest vote against him