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Kavanaugh hearing

The Democrats are a disgrace. The Washington swamp at it's worst, for the whole world to see. Pathetic.

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I'm glad it's on display, maybe some who can think for themselves will see these vile turds for what they really are.
Bwaa ha ha! He said the emails were his "Spartacus moment." What a ******* moron.

View attachment 4141

How to handle hecklers at Congressional hearings.

I'm glad it's on display


and then it all blew up in their faces again!

LIAR: Cory Booker Exposed as Complete Fraud Over Kavanaugh Documents

Earlier today 2020 presidential candidate and New Jersey Democrat Senator Cory Booker made quite the scene at Judge Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing.

Daring Republicans to expel him from the Senate, Booker vowed to knowingly break Senate rules by releasing confidential Committee documents and accused Kavanaugh of having something to hide

Booker's grandstanding fell apart faster than his story about his non-existent friend "T-Bone."



Cory Booker's Grandstanding Stunt Backfires Bigtime

An attempt by loudmouth liberal Sen. Cory Booker to hijack Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing Thursday blew up in his face big time.

It all started when the obnoxious New Jersey Democrat threatened to commit an act of “civil disobedience” by releasing a confidential Kavanaugh email.


https://www.bizpacreview.com/2018/0...sletter&utm_medium=BPR Email&utm_campaign=DMS
What an embarrassing day for the Left. The recordings are hard to listen to. Screeching, shrieking and throwing fits during what is supposed to be a civilized proceeding. Dems are the party of intolerance, disruption, chaos and communism. Democrats everywhere should be sick with shame.

Obstruction: Democrats Begin Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearing with 62 Interruptions

4 Sep 2018240
Senate Democrats threw a tantrum on Tuesday during the opening of the confirmation hearing for Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Abandoning decorum, Senate Democrats interrupted the proceedings 62 times, without waiting for proper recognition from the chair, and many of them spoke out of turn.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal led Senate Democrats by interrupting the proceedings 21 times, and Corey Booker interrupted 13 times while his staff sent out fundraising letters based on his performance.

Here is the current count of interruptions, according to the Republican National Committee, during the first two hours of the hearing:


Richard Blumenthal 21

Cory Booker 13

Christopher Coons 2

Dick Durbin 0

Dianne Feinstein 0

Kamala Harris 9

Mazie Hirono 8

Amy Klobuchar 5

Patrick Leahy 2

Sheldon Whitehouse 2


NBC reported that Senate Democrats planned the disruption over the phone with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. But the protests did not have their intended effect as the hearings continued.

Republican senators condemned the interruptions as Democrats trying to enact “mob rule” over the serious nature of the confirmation hearing.

My friend at work was telling me that the libs were making a bunch of noise.

before tibs shows up to blow the guy
Dems are irrelevant no matter how many hissy fits they throw

Mitch McConnell: Brett Kavanaugh will be on the Supreme Court by October start date

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Thursday he expects Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh will be on the bench by the court’s first day in October.

Mr. McConnell sang Judge Kavanaugh’s praises during an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, and said he expects him to be confirmed before September ends.

“I think any doubts anybody might have had have been dispelled by his virtuoso performance before the Judiciary Committee,” he said. “I mean, it’s stunning. He’s just a stellar nomination in every respect.”

Mr. McConnell did weigh in on the dramatic show made by Sen. Cory Booker, New Jersey Democrat, during the hearing on Thursday.

He said the Ethics Committee will ultimately decide if Mr. Booker should be reprimanded. That committee decides on its own what cases to look into, Mr. McConnell explained, but said he “wouldn’t be surprised if they did.”

More Zina!

Did Zina Bash Just Troll The #Resistance at The Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearing?




Booker and Harris 'competing for Most Hysterical Woman' at Kavanaugh hearing

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter mocked Democratic Sens. Cory Booker (N.J.) and Kamala Harris (Calif.), accusing them of "competing for Most Hysterical Woman" at confirmation hearings for President Trump's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

"Cory Booker & Kamala Harris competing for Most Hysterical Woman at the Kavanaugh hearings" Coulter wrote in a tweet that was retweeted more than 11,000 times and liked more than 33,000 times

Harris and Booker, both considered 2020 Democratic presidential contenders in what will likely be a crowded field, said during Judicial Committee hearings that Kavanaugh would serve as a rubber stamp in advancing President Trump's agenda, providing the high court with a definitive 5-4 conservative tilt.




Kamala Harris’ viral grilling of Kavanaugh ends with a thud

Harris questioned Kavanaugh about whether he had ever had a conversation with someone at a law firm founded by President Donald Trump’s former lawyer about the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Kavanaugh seemed not to know what she was talking about, and Harris hinted that she may have had evidence to back up her line of questioning.

But in the end, the former California Attorney General came up with absolutely nothing.

Harris’s failed gambit was a companion, perhaps, to the hoax that Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) had pulled earlier in the day, when he claimed to have released confidential documents about Kavaunagh’s position on racial profiling.

The documents, it turned out, had already been cleared for release — and they showed Kavanaugh opposing racial profile in airport security.

Booker and Harris are considered top contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination to challenge President Trump in 2020.



Kamala Harris’ viral grilling of Kavanaugh ends with a thud

Harris questioned Kavanaugh about whether he had ever had a conversation with someone at a law firm founded by President Donald Trump’s former lawyer about the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Kavanaugh seemed not to know what she was talking about, and Harris hinted that she may have had evidence to back up her line of questioning.

But in the end, the former California Attorney General came up with absolutely nothing.

Harris’s failed gambit was a companion, perhaps, to the hoax that Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) had pulled earlier in the day, when he claimed to have released confidential documents about Kavaunagh’s position on racial profiling.

The documents, it turned out, had already been cleared for release — and they showed Kavanaugh opposing racial profile in airport security.

Booker and Harris are considered top contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination to challenge President Trump in 2020.


Like I said before Dem's look foolish. Use their actions for commercials.

None of this stuff really matters, we know who is voting for him and who's voting against him, so let's get on with it.
I just read our local paper and there was nothing about Booger looking like an ***. Wonder why that was? LMAO

before tibs shows up to blow the guy

The funniest thing about this is that the Email proves Kavanaugh isn’t a racist. Boiled down Kavanaughs response was, no racial profiling is unconstitutional and there are better ways to do it.
now the left is up in arms and virtue signaling over the misconception that Kavanaugh believes birth control is "abortion inducing drugs" --- when that is not what he said. at all.

quoting Vox for emphasis, even though this is the only sentence in the entire article that is not wrapped in opinion.

Speaking of the form necessary to get a religious exemption from the mandate, Kavanaugh said, “they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objecting to.”

the left: we need morals and decency. human compassion and empathy.

also the left: Paint fake period blood on yourself to protest the Kavanaugh nomination......
the left: we need morals and decency. human compassion and empathy.

also the left: Paint fake period blood on yourself to protest the Kavanaugh nomination......

Where's Mayor Daley when you need him?

And isn't this guy afraid he will jeopardize his job with his antics?


Okay, yeah, that guy, job - guess not.
This is turning into a first class '**** show' for the Dems.



With the promise of more vitriol and *** showing to come



But hey...we all knew it would happen. It's not like it's a new trend or anything.

the left: we need morals and decency. human compassion and empathy.

also the left: Paint fake period blood on yourself to protest the Kavanaugh nomination......

Those cops earned their money. I’d be afraid of getting the AIDS. I’d have tasered that thing and had it carted away.
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so lets say 1 person... maybe legit maybe an extremist psycho, writes a letter to a congressperson alledging a unprovable crime from almost four decades ago... does that instantly invalidate a supreme court nomination... because if so we aren’t ever getting another judge seated... lol...

Also its great to see my lib friends do mental gymnastics explaining why the fbi saying there is nothing there is a republican conspiracy cause they are corrupt while still placing them all beyond reproach for the russian collusion nonsense....
Some Dem's might vote for Kavanaugh. Do not be fooled, if they had the majority they would not. Its just an act*to win re-election in some Red States.

I think Kavanaugh will be excellent. He and Gorsuch should provide 25-35 years of legal excellence. Ruth Ginsburg ( 85 ) and Stephen Breyer ( 80 ) are the most likely people to be replaced but are liberals, though Breyer is closer to a moderate Democrat. If Republicans keep control of the Senate in midterms, Trump will be in a very powerful position to shape the court for decades.

Trump gets an A+ for me on the economy and justice selection.