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Kavanaugh hearing

I heard Kavanaugh did not stop completely at a stop sign in 1991.... that means he breaks the law and can not be confirmed
I **** you not... several of my more liberal friends are circulating some links tying Russia to Kavanaughs confirmation... it’s literally at the point that they are throwing everything out there... its beyond sad

Friends don't let friends become liberals.
I **** you not... several of my more liberal friends are circulating some links tying Russia to Kavanaughs confirmation... it’s literally at the point that they are throwing everything out there... its beyond sad

This is what desperation looks like.

You know, they couldn't wait to smear this nominee right out of the gate, and because they couldn't concoct any stories or make any real nasty smears, they started with his name -- frat boy Brett. Who could possibly be taken seriously on the bench named Brett? I mean that's how sick and low these people will go.

So, wearing my tin foil conspiracy hat, I think they ran with the spoiled frat boy who wouldn't take no for an answer theme, and found someone they could exploit and drummed up these allegations. I mean, it just makes sense because they can smear his good name without a single shred of evidence and the frat boy angle has obviously hoodwinked quite a few people (sadly) they continue to perpetuate. People who are sexual predators tend to not just snap out of it, so this whole portrait they're trying to paint just doesn't add up, because he's worked with hundreds of women his entire adult life and still continues to enjoy beer. Not a single woman he's worked with has a bad word to say about the man? He traveled all over the world with Bush Jr. and not a single hiccup?

I understand this is probably all "well yeah, we knew this from the beginning" sort of stuff, but I just have to work this **** out in my mind sometimes. These people are evil. It just takes something like this to truly realize how evil & nasty they can be.
But.... do they have the votes to confirm?

Game on!

they must think they do to call for a vote!

McConnell Sets Friday Vote to Thwart Filibuster of Kavanaugh

AP Politics@AP_Politics
BREAKING: Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell sets up key procedural vote on Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell followed through late Wednesday in setting up a Friday vote to limit debate on Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination.

Under Senate rules, the key vote on McConnell’s cloture motion will take place one hour after the Senate convenes Friday. The Republicans needed to get the motion to limit debate before the end of the calendar day Wednesday to allow the Friday vote.

If all goes according to plan, the vote will take place one day after senators get a chance to review supplemental background information from an FBI inquiry into allegations of sexual assault against Kavanaugh.

My expectations of how this was all going to go when the fbi was introduced:

Dems... the FBI needs to investigate
Republicans.... the fbi doesn’t investigate... they just collect statements
Dems... FBI FBI
Republicans... fine whatever... fbi do your thing...
FBI... here are statements about the allegations
Dems...they didn’t ask Ford.. they didn’t grille Kavanaugh
FBI... um they already gave testimony under oath
Dems... we gave you 50 other names to check into... drag this out longer
Republicans... this is dumb...lets vote
Dems Whaaaaaaaaaaaa... unfair unfair unfair

So far its on track...
Well, after all this bullshit (and it was bullshit from the beginning), we are back at square one:

The senate will vote and we'll see how Flake, Corker, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski end up voting. Just remember, everyone, that EVERYONE ELSE in the Senate was already decided. They were decided when the nomination was announced. They were decided before the flimsy accusations. And they are decided today.

So let's just vote and get this over with.
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I thought Flake said he was going to vote for confirmation??
Now he says Kavanaugh is too partisan.

WHEN did Kavanaugh ever say anything remotely partisan? WTF is wrong with Flake...other than being a flake????
He went off on the dems during his testimony.

I feel the investigation could have been longer and more in depth, but if they didn't find anything then that probably didn't need to probe further. Also if the FBI was out to suck it to Trump this would have been the perfect case to do that. If they didn't find/report anything then i would imagine Kav is clean.
By partisan he means conservative. I'm sure he would be fine with a liberal partisan. Gets into the whole democrat definition of "bi-partisan".
I think Flake is searching his inner self and wondering what Soros would do?
There were rumors Flake was going to run for President in 2020, but this whole fiasco I think has really hurt his public image as he waffles back and forth. I don't think it's a good look for him or helping him much.
White House Finds No Support in FBI Report for Claims Against Kavanaugh

Senators are set to review the FBI’s findings Thursday

WASHINGTON—The White House has found no corroboration of the allegations of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh after examining interview reports from the FBI’s latest probe into the judge’s background



Wrap it up
Susan Collins exited and said the investigation was thorough

one down
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) on Thursday said the FBI's reopened investigation into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh appears to have been "very thorough."

“It appears to be a very thorough investigation,” she told reporters.

Time to start taking down the tent.
Fold up the tables and chairs

two down

Flake Sees No Corroboration for Ford's Claims

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ), a key swing Republican vote, said that a new FBI report on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has failed to corroborate Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation of sexual assault against him, The Hill reports.

“Flake said there was nothing at all in the FBI’s supplementary background check to corroborate the claims from Ford that threw Kavanaugh’s nomination into turmoil starting last month.”

There were rumors Flake was going to run for President in 2020, but this whole fiasco I think has really hurt his public image as he waffles back and forth. I don't think it's a good look for him or helping him much.

i am not sure why people have a problem with flake. I think he did the right thing. He pushed Kav through but wanted some more information. To me this was the common sense non partisian way to go. I do agree that he hurt his political gains though because he is on his own little island. He didn't follow the Republican rhetoric and act like a lemming, and the Dems are mad because he will move than likely vote for Kav. He can appeal to the moderate base, but not sure how far that will get him in gia day and age.
The harsh and unfair treatment of Judge Brett Kavanaugh is having an incredible upward impact on voters. The PEOPLE get it far better than the politicians. Most importantly, this great life cannot be ruined by mean & despicable Democrats and totally uncorroborated allegations!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 4, 2018

This is a very important time in our country. Due Process, Fairness and Common Sense are now on trial!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 4, 2018

Damn right.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 11, states: "Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he/she has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense."

That even includes conservative, heterosexual white males.
The republicans are obviously railroading him through to beat the deadline, but its hard to argue against that since the Democrats are obstructing and delaying for the same reason.... would it be nice to have a thorough investigation of every angle, sure, but when a new random allegation appears every other day that has no real facts to prove or disprove, just hearsay and innuendo, it has to have a cut off point... Ford got to testify... all her angles were run down... it doesn’t add up... chasing CPLs already virtually discredited story or the zillion attempts to prove he drank too much is just obstructionist nonsense....