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Kavanaugh hearing

If Trump gets another nominee and still has control of the Senate, there is no reason not to keep jamming down conservatives on the court.

It will not be Merrick Garland.

I do think, for sure, that Trump's 3rd nominee will not be a white male. It will either be the woman from Notre Dame or the Indian Judge that gets such high marks.
Garland was a Bush appointee and on his own short list... just because Obama nominated him didn’t mean he was going to be a liberal... they were looking for anyone who could replace scalia and not be as right wing... he was graded a centrist... not a left leaning or right leaning centrist either... as people have pointed out.. his judicial decisions agreed with Kavanaughs 93% of the time...

And Kavanaugh wasn’t even the pick most conservatives wanted... trump had several much more conservative options available... he was just moderate enough to lure the never trumper bushites and rinos into voting for him before the election...

If Bush had nominated Garland all the republicans would have mindlessly backed him.... the only real objection was they felt they could get a more conservative guy if they won the presidency... if they had lost they would have put him in in a heartbeat...

You know who else was a Bush appointee? Souter... ring a bell? He was also considered a "moderate" conservative. I promise you when Garland got to the SC with all those liberal Obama justices he would be one as well. Please again name me moderate liberal who stayed that way on the court.

Also I know this is true because even Mitch McConnell wouldn't allow a vote on him. IF Obama had put Kavanaugh up he would have been confirmed that day. So no Kavanaugh and Garland are not the same and everybody knows it... even RHINOs in the Senate.
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I do think, for sure, that Trump's 3rd nominee will not be a white male. It will either be the woman from Notre Dame or the Indian Judge that gets such high marks.

Yeah I think it's this without a doubt, especially after the circus we all just saw. Frat boy Brett needs a little diversity.
Their meltdown is complete

Leftist Kavanaugh Meltdown: ‘That’s Breitbart!’, ‘You Are Subhuman!’

"THIS IS WAR” yells, “We don’t have to be tolerant of intolerance!” He later derides a dissident conservative counter-demonstrator, “You are subhuman! We’re done being polite!” and chants, “Shame! Shame! Shame!”

A separate leftist is seen shouting a chant: “Reject the lies!”

One demonstrator screams about “this entire patriarchal, controlling bullshit,” while wearing a t-shirt with the message: “WE STAND FOR LOVE.”


If Trump gets another nominee and still has control of the Senate, there is no reason not to keep jamming down conservatives on the court.

It will not be Merrick Garland.

I do think, for sure, that Trump's 3rd nominee will not be a white male. It will either be the woman from Notre Dame or the Indian Judge that gets such high marks.

I tend to agree... the next judge is going to to put Democrats and their Diversity trumps all platform in a tricky spot
ha ha - trolling the mob so hard, he is really rubbing their faces in it!

Trump calls Kavanaugh allegations a 'hoax set up by the Democrats'

President Trump said Monday that he expects a lot of Democratic voters to support Republican candidates in the upcoming midterms because of how the party's lawmakers handled sexual misconduct allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

"The main base of the Democrats have shifted so far left that we’ll end up being Venezuela. This country would end up being Venezuela. I think a lot of Democrats are going to be voting voting Republican on Nov. 6," Trump told reporters at the White House before departing for a law enforcement event in Florida.

Liberal heads asplodin; Alert!

Victory lap: President Trump to swear in Kavanaugh in prime-time ceremony

President Trump will ceremonially swear in Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh at a prime-time event in the East Room of the White House on Monday evening.

In front of a room full of reporters, television cameras and Republican lawmakers at 7:00 p.m. Monday, the president will stand next to Kavanaugh and present him to the nation as one of the crowning achievements of his first two years in office.

Again Souter gets brought up because by the end of his career he drifted left, but his ealy career he usually followed Kennedy... the funny part is Souter was crucified by the Dems as far to right wing exactly like the republicans portrayed Garland as a left leaning judge... the big difference is that Souter had very little documentation of his idealogy or federal rulings whereas Garland and Kavanaugh have metric tons of it... its easier to predict how people already ruling on things are likely to rule when they get to the court than people like souter or Kagan who have less documentation

And Kennedy probably was the most moderate judge in my lifetime... he swung right of Roberts by the end of his career...
Again Souter gets brought up because by the end of his career he drifted left, but his ealy career he usually followed Kennedy... the funny part is Souter was crucified by the Dems as far to right wing exactly like the republicans portrayed Garland as a left leaning judge... the big difference is that Souter had very little documentation of his idealogy or federal rulings whereas Garland and Kavanaugh have metric tons of it... its easier to predict how people already ruling on things are likely to rule when they get to the court than people like souter or Kagan who have less documentation

And Kennedy probably was the most moderate judge in my lifetime... he swung right of Roberts by the end of his career...

I don't really care if he had a few conservative votes early in his career. He turned into a liberal activist judge long before his last years. But you could tell in the hearings that something was wrong when he talked specifically about how great the Warren Court was when he spoke about expanding the rights of criminal defendants. He even talked about the brilliance of justice Brennan. Also, in his first year there was nothing controversial for him to rule on. Even then you could see liberal leanings like the Yates v. Evatt case. He also offered almost no opinions during his first term.

Again he didn't drift left, he was always left. Many of his early cases were 9-0 where the court was simply agreeing with the lower court on established law. He became more left as the cases changed. Again name me ONE justice that was appointed by a dem that "Drifted" right... just one. Kennedy was another "Right" appointment that "drifted" left. Strange how that happens to the right but never to the left? How about Roberts? Strong conservative that moves left from time to time.

So the idea that Garland was some kind of moderate is bullshit. He's a leftist just like Souter before him. He would vote 99.9% of the time with the left side of the court. You know it and I know it.
Dems wage war on Kavanaugh, court: New battles over legitimacy, impeachment, recusal

The Dems are doubling down on stupid. Things are looking good for us in November.

The narrow confirmation of now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh over the weekend marked a major political victory for President Trump – and the beginning of a new battle for Democrats, who are now shifting their message to threaten possible impeachment against the newest high court justice and question the legitimacy of the Supreme Court itself.

After a grueling confirmation fight that included graphic sexual misconduct allegations which the nominee denied, Kavanaugh was confirmed Saturday on 50-48 vote. His ceremonial swearing-in will be held Monday evening.

But as he joins the court, replacing retired Justice Anthony Kennedy, prominent Democrats signal the fight over his seat and the court itself will extend well beyond next month's midterms.

"Now, they want to impeach him. ... It's an insult to the American public," Trump said Monday, still fuming over the confirmation process and predicting Republican candidates would only benefit from the controversy in the midterms.

Democrats, though, maintain the fight is energizing their core. "We will not stop marching, we will not stop fighting," DNC Chairman Tom Perez said in a statement.

Over the weekend, former Attorney General Eric Holder said the court’s legitimacy should be brought into question with the addition of Kavanaugh.

“With the confirmation of Kavanaugh and the process which led to it, (and the treatment of Merrick Garland), the legitimacy of the Supreme Court can justifiably be questioned. The Court must now prove—through its work—that it is worthy of the nation’s trust,” Holder tweeted, referring to former President Barack Obama's Supreme Court nominee whose confirmation process was blocked by Republicans in 2016.
Liberal heads asplodin; Alert!

Victory lap: President Trump to swear in Kavanaugh in prime-time ceremony

President Trump will ceremonially swear in Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh at a prime-time event in the East Room of the White House on Monday evening.

In front of a room full of reporters, television cameras and Republican lawmakers at 7:00 p.m. Monday, the president will stand next to Kavanaugh and present him to the nation as one of the crowning achievements of his first two years in office.


Bye Felicia.jpg
I don't really care if he had a few conservative votes early in his career. He turned into a liberal activist judge long before his last years. But you could tell in the hearings that something was wrong when he talked specifically about how great the Warren Court was when he spoke about expanding the rights of criminal defendants. He even talked about the brilliance of justice Brennan. Also, in his first year there was nothing controversial for him to rule on. Even then you could see liberal leanings like the Yates v. Evatt case. He also offered almost no opinions during his first term.

Again he didn't drift left, he was always left. Many of his early cases were 9-0 where the court was simply agreeing with the lower court on established law. He became more left as the cases changed. Again name me ONE justice that was appointed by a dem that "Drifted" right... just one. Kennedy was another "Right" appointment that "drifted" left. Strange how that happens to the right but never to the left? How about Roberts? Strong conservative that moves left from time to time.

So the idea that Garland was some kind of moderate is bullshit. He's a leftist just like Souter before him. He would vote 99.9% of the time with the left side of the court. You know it and I know it.

Agree to disagree... i think most of the drifts are for show anyhow... to legitimize the court...
Dems wage war on Kavanaugh, court: New battles over legitimacy, impeachment, recusal

The Dems are doubling down on stupid. Things are looking good for us in November.

The narrow confirmation of now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh over the weekend marked a major political victory for President Trump – and the beginning of a new battle for Democrats, who are now shifting their message to threaten possible impeachment against the newest high court justice and question the legitimacy of the Supreme Court itself.

After a grueling confirmation fight that included graphic sexual misconduct allegations which the nominee denied, Kavanaugh was confirmed Saturday on 50-48 vote. His ceremonial swearing-in will be held Monday evening.

But as he joins the court, replacing retired Justice Anthony Kennedy, prominent Democrats signal the fight over his seat and the court itself will extend well beyond next month's midterms.

"Now, they want to impeach him. ... It's an insult to the American public," Trump said Monday, still fuming over the confirmation process and predicting Republican candidates would only benefit from the controversy in the midterms.

Democrats, though, maintain the fight is energizing their core. "We will not stop marching, we will not stop fighting," DNC Chairman Tom Perez said in a statement.

Over the weekend, former Attorney General Eric Holder said the court’s legitimacy should be brought into question with the addition of Kavanaugh.

“With the confirmation of Kavanaugh and the process which led to it, (and the treatment of Merrick Garland), the legitimacy of the Supreme Court can justifiably be questioned. The Court must now prove—through its work—that it is worthy of the nation’s trust,” Holder tweeted, referring to former President Barack Obama's Supreme Court nominee whose confirmation process was blocked by Republicans in 2016.

I've become engrossed in watching leftists and marveling at how utterly stupid they seem to be. They reach new heights of stupidity on a regular basis. Let's see, our radical, extreme shift to the fringe has chased a large number of moderate Democrats away from us and made us literally be viewed as the enemy of freedom. I know.......let's do MOOOOOORRRREEEE!!!!
I've become engrossed in watching leftists and marveling at how utterly stupid they seem to be. They reach new heights of stupidity on a regular basis. Let's see, our radical, extreme shift to the fringe has chased a large number of moderate Democrats away from us and made us literally be viewed as the enemy of freedom. I know.......let's do MOOOOOORRRREEEE!!!!

That's where the money and campaign workers come from.
Pollsters Say Democrats Might Fall Short In Retaking the House

So, with Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court after a hellacious confirmation battle, it’s no shocker that liberals are angry. They lost. We won. Regardless, Democrats losing means it was a great day in America. Still, we’ve heard about the blue wave, the hyper-Democratic voter enthusiasm, and how some revolution will begin now that Kavanaugh has been seated, undoubtedly constrained to the most liberal parts of the country. The generic ballot advantage has favored the Democratic Party all year, though, in recent weeks, the Left’s character assassination campaign against Kavanaugh has energized Republicans like never before. Republican women are furious over this smear campaign, and they’re ready to punish Democrats for it.

Now, with the GOP base just as animated, it’s now confirmed that the Democrats’ "destroy Kavanaugh" campaign wasn’t a brilliant kill shot; it was a dirty bomb that blew up in their faces. Pollsters from The New York Times, CBS News, and FiveThirtyEight are giving rather measured analyses on the upcoming midterm election, which are 29 days away. In short, the Democrats could fall short in retaking the House.

With the GOP in better shape for the Senate races, which has always been the case, the fact that the Left could fail in their titanic endeavor would be another meltdown of epic proportions



I predict we keep control of the House...
Batter up!

McConnell ready for another Supreme Court vacancy

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is signaling that he is ready and prepared to move another Supreme Court nominee from President Trump through Senate confirmation – including during the the 2020 presidential election season, if another seat were to become available then.

“We’ll see if there is a vacancy in 2020,” McConnell said in an appearance on CBS' "Face the Nation."

McConnell famously blocked a Senate vote on former President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nomination Merrick Garland two years ago, on the grounds that it was a presidential election year.

Court-watchers are closely tuned in, in particular, to the health of liberal justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who is 85 years old. The second oldest justice, Stephen Breyer, also generally sides with liberals on the court.


I admit I thought with the treatment he received by the dems that Kav would hold a grudge, and it would further the move right of the court. Normal human reaction, no? But after watching his swearing in ceremony, I feel he will put it aside, and let America decide in the coming midterms. He will be the same constitutionalist he's always been, neither right leaning nor left which bodes well to the future of America. Leave the right turn to the coming seats. It'll happen possibly to 7-2 before Trump leaves in 2024.

Now to the midterms, I really believe America has seen enough. We aren't gonna be looking at dem leadership anywhere including the house. The senate may pick up seats. Hell the never Trumpers may finally realize their folly and fall in line.

Congrats to Justice Kavanaugh and America, and to our children who most likely know not of what has just happened.
When I see his wife I can’t help but think that she is probably pretty good at reverse cowgirl.
I say this with honest-to-god seriousness, can RBG actually lift up her head or do anything an actual human being can do? I honestly feel sorry for her because she looks like she'd rather be at Ron's (old?) Mortuary than be at that hearing.
I say this with honest-to-god seriousness, can RBG actually lift up her head or do anything an actual human being can do? I honestly feel sorry for her because she looks like she'd rather be at Ron's (old?) Mortuary than be at that hearing.
