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Kavanaugh hearing


This old heart is still pumping..I had to post with all those lefty tears streaming everywhere.

I can feel my heart pumping every time I see that pretty Asian girl in your avatar.
A Steelers win, a Ravens loss, my son's high school won its rivalry homecoming game, Ga Tech (my daughter's college) kicked Louisville's butt...and Kav sworn in as a Supreme Court justice. Lots of good beer, wine, food and friends...all in all a fabulous weekend.
The new pledge by the dems.....if we re-take Congress we will oust Kavanaugh. But I wonder who will oust them? I never had a job where it was acceptable to sit around all day and try to get people thrown out of their offices. There must be more to being in Congress?

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They will never attempt to do this. This public so sick of this whole thing. They are just using that idea to fire up their base.
Why can't we have ALL of our judges non-partisan, and use the Constitution as the basis for all decisions? It has been the liberal Democrats that use the courts to legislate. It only goes without saying that they are more threatened by a Republican appointed judge. What the Dems need to learn to do is pass legislation that appeals to the majority.

That's the idea, but if you are a constitutionalist like Kav, Gorsuch, and the others, you are a Conservative by default...

People need to understand that Conservatism is NOT an ideology.... liberalism, socialism, progressivism are ideologies...

Conservatism is a state of being, a way of life.

A principle in its purest form is a state of being. We don’t espouse conservative ideas. We are conservatives. We don’t have conservative guidelines that we apply to our lives. We live as conservatives. Conservatism is a set of principles, therefore conservatism is a state of being.

A liberal ideology works against the people by making freedom a weapon to be wielded against itself. It distorts freedoms by finding other “freedoms” to impose ahead of them.

For liberals, rights must be inclusive to a fault. Feelings are more important than realities and any sensible rights, whether given by God or declared by the Constitution, are subject to revisions based upon the knee-jerk reactions of the moment.

Sotomayor and Kagan are liberals are they? Then they are on the SCOTUS for the wrong reasons. Unacceptable.

As mentioned, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch are Constitutionalists, therefore are Conservatives by default. Acceptable.

The duty of a Supreme Court justice is to uphold the Constitution, not make rulings based on feelings and emotions.

An excellent read on the topic by a guy who once thought Conservatism was an ideology.

I have noticed something VERY uncharacteristic from the media over the past 2 days or so after all the Kavanaugh fallout. I have seen 2 or 3 segments from CNN no less, that have suddenly had a very different tone from their normal M.O. I wonder if it has finally sunken in to them that the reason they are hemorrhaging viewers is that mainstream America views them as a Liberal propaganda machine.

I saw a couple different segments within the past 48 hours where some of their most annoying hosts had a Conservative voice on and I was ******* flabbergasted when they did not yell over them, did not interrupt one time, and really did not even try to counter argue. They allowed them to talk about what a complete joke they (the media) are in the wake of the Kavanaugh witch hunt. The host sat there and took it........like it was medicine. It was very eerie. I almost think the higher ups put out some new decrees about how they are to handle themselves. If we see a change in reporting by the MSM coming around the bend, I say thank you again President Trump, because it's 100% his doing for constantly ***** slapping them and empowering others to do the same publicly. Maybe he ***** slapped a little honesty into them.
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Kavanaugh will be the second most moderate voice on the court.... again Garland would have been Kennedy light, and Kavanaugh is within 10% of him... the court was conservative... this move puts it a couple degrees furtger right, but not anything absurd..

The real reason the libs are melting down isn’t cause this is changing the makeup of the court... its cause it guarantees that they can’t change the court to the super legislature they always pine for....

Barring a catastrophic event, the next two to three justices off the court are all liberals... so the best they can do is tread water
The real reason the libs are melting down isn’t cause this is changing the makeup of the court... its cause it guarantees that they can’t change the court to the super legislature they always pine for....

That's why they didn't really fight Gorsuch. He didn't change the makeup of the court. Kavanaugh moves the court further right and Libs are losing their **** because they need to rely on courts to pass what they can't get in Congress.
I walked away in smaller steps. I went independent first untill I realized that I was only helping put the evil ones in power.

I almost veeered that direction myself at first. I knew third parties would not reverse the garbage that was entrenched in our facsist political state. I never imagined Trump would light the fire. I laughed at his entrance in to the fray along with most others.
I have noticed something VERY uncharacteristic from the media over the past 2 days or so after all the Kavanaugh fallout. I have seen 2 or 3 segments from CNN no less, that have suddenly had a very different tone from their normal M.O. I wonder if it has finally sunken in to them that the reason they are hemorrhaging viewers is that mainstream America views them as a Liberal propaganda machine.

I saw a couple different segments within the past 48 hours where some of their most annoying hosts had a Conservative voice on and I was ******* flabbergasted when they did not yell over them, did not interrupt one time, and really did not even try to counter argue. They allowed them to talk about what a complete joke they (the media) are in the wake of the Kavanaugh witch hunt. The host sat there and took it........like it was medicine. It was very eerie. I almost think the higher ups put out some new decrees about how they are to handle themselves. If we see a change in reporting by the MSM coming around the bend, I say thank you again President Trump, because it's 100% his doing for constantly ***** slapping them and empowering others to do the same publicly. Maybe he ***** slapped a little honesty into them.

Don’t let them fool you. They can afford to be faux moderate and rational now because they’ve already lost. Wait til the next one comes along. They will find something else to viciously attack.
Wait until Trump nominates Cohen next.. the left will really *****
I have noticed something VERY uncharacteristic from the media over the past 2 days or so after all the Kavanaugh fallout. I have seen 2 or 3 segments from CNN no less, that have suddenly had a very different tone from their normal M.O. I wonder if it has finally sunken in to them that the reason they are hemorrhaging viewers is that mainstream America views them as a Liberal propaganda machine.

I saw a couple different segments within the past 48 hours where some of their most annoying hosts had a Conservative voice on and I was ******* flabbergasted when they did not yell over them, did not interrupt one time, and really did not even try to counter argue. They allowed them to talk about what a complete joke they (the media) are in the wake of the Kavanaugh witch hunt. The host sat there and took it........like it was medicine. It was very eerie. I almost think the higher ups put out some new decrees about how they are to handle themselves. If we see a change in reporting by the MSM coming around the bend, I say thank you again President Trump, because it's 100% his doing for constantly ***** slapping them and empowering others to do the same publicly. Maybe he ***** slapped a little honesty into them.

they clearly don’t care about ratings or they would have changed years ago.

If there is a change it will be for one reason only. Poll numbers have shown that their unhinged coverage is helping Trump and the reps. That’s what happened here. The Dems tried to ram through the notion that a mere accusation with no corroboration is all it takes to ruin somebody. The public, including rank and file Dems, are not on board with that.
Progressive millennials went too far left and thought unhindered propaganda was perfectly acceptable... now that its dawning on them that the middle is totally put off by outright communist rhetoric and hyperventilating, they might try to tone it down like they used to.... else they risk losing all of their voice in the non partisan portion of the country
Wait until Trump nominates Cohen next.. the left will really *****

Well if Ginsburg would just get on with what mother nature has planned for her we can proceed with making the Supreme Court great again.

Oh how the left will loose their ****, like it has never been lost before...

I cant wait.....
they clearly don’t care about ratings or they would have changed years ago.

If there is a change it will be for one reason only. Poll numbers have shown that their unhinged coverage is helping Trump and the reps. That’s what happened here. The Dems tried to ram through the notion that a mere accusation with no corroboration is all it takes to ruin somebody. The public, including rank and file Dems, are not on board with that.

The more I thought about it, this is what I think it probably was. Kind of an "Oh ****, moderate Democrats are fleeing like rats from a ship because even they think we are too extreme". Either way I think it's interesting that it literally happened overnight whatever it was.

I also agree with OFTB. The next opening they think they see where they can try to damage Trump they will jump back in with both feel and come unglued again.
I'm not saying Ginsburg is old but the Grand Canyon was a ditch when the ***** was born.
I'm not saying Ginsburg is old but the Grand Canyon was a ditch when the ***** was born.

Come on now, she's not that old...

Progressive millennials went too far left and thought unhindered propaganda was perfectly acceptable... now that its dawning on them that the middle is totally put off by outright communist rhetoric and hyperventilating, they might try to tone it down like they used to.... else they risk losing all of their voice in the non partisan portion of the country

the useful idiot millennials won't tone down anything. They have been taught that whatever they want is right and anybody whop opposes them is not just wrong, but evil that must be destroyed.

to them, Trump is Hitler. Kavanaugh is Hitler. Fox News is Hitler. Their ISP is Hitler. Unusual weather is Hitler. Gluten is Hitler.

Their elitist handlers will tone it down just a bit though.

Liberals don't see what they do as partisan. They just think it's what everybody thinks because they insulate themselves in elitist enclaves. Just look at that tone deaf diatribe by Kagan. Her base assumption is that it's fine fer her and RGB and Sotomayor to vote as solid liberals but it's Kavanaugh who should compromise his views on the law to make the court seem "fair".
Kavanaugh will be the second most moderate voice on the court.... again Garland would have been Kennedy light, and Kavanaugh is within 10% of him... the court was conservative... this move puts it a couple degrees furtger right, but not anything absurd..

The real reason the libs are melting down isn’t cause this is changing the makeup of the court... its cause it guarantees that they can’t change the court to the super legislature they always pine for....

Barring a catastrophic event, the next two to three justices off the court are all liberals... so the best they can do is tread water

I've never seen a moderate liberal ever put on the SC. Name me one. When a dem puts a justice on the court they all vote in lock step. Hell even when Reps put justices on they can turn left. Garland was never going to be Kennedy and the Reps knew that. He was going to be just like all the other liberals on the court. He'd vote in lock step with the rest of them... count on it.
Don’t let them fool you. They can afford to be faux moderate and rational now because they’ve already lost. Wait til the next one comes along. They will find something else to viciously attack.

Absolutely. And you mentioned something Friday I think many of us agreed with with a like, but didn't get too much into it, and that was Susan Collins' speech on the floor before announcing her intent to vote. I think that was pretty incredible on a couple fronts:

Firstly, she was detailed and articulate, and she absolutely slammed those who were smearing this guy. Apparently, according to Nancy Pelosi, there's something called a 'wrap-up smear' she was happy to share (should now call it the 'Kavanaugh smear'). Collins was specific about our democratic system while not being boring about it. It kept us engaged and thinking. You still weren't totally positive which way she was going to vote, but that's secondary IMO, she was schooling these younger Senators on how the Senate (and other things) operate.

Secondly, she's pro-choice and a moderate, and she's not a fan of Trump. She had tremendous pressure on her from powerful activists to vote a certain way and knew she'd face an incredible political hit, and she went with what she 100% believed to be right, and she should be applauded for that. I know she has been applauded, but her life, along with Kavanaugh's, unfortunately has changed for life. People were already talking about harassing her until she's out of office. I wouldn't be surprised if some of these wackos without lives actually tried to make that happen. You ******* go Susan Collins.
the useful idiot millennials won't tone down anything. They have been taught that whatever they want is right and anybody whop opposes them is not just wrong, but evil that must be destroyed.

to them, Trump is Hitler. Kavanaugh is Hitler. Fox News is Hitler. Their ISP is Hitler. Unusual weather is Hitler. Gluten is Hitler.

Their elitist handlers will tone it down just a bit though.

Liberals don't see what they do as partisan. They just think it's what everybody thinks because they insulate themselves in elitist enclaves. Just look at that tone deaf diatribe by Kagan. Her base assumption is that it's fine fer her and RGB and Sotomayor to vote as solid liberals but it's Kavanaugh who should compromise his views on the law to make the court seem "fair".

Spot on.
It's not supposed to be about what is fair, it's supposed to be about what is right.

These leftists on the SCOTUS are merely social justice warriors in robes.

Regarding social justice, Dennis Prager gave a scenario in which a poor man and Bill Gates were litigants in court, hence the court must favor the man who is poor.
That is social justice.
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I've never seen a moderate liberal ever put on the SC. Name me one. When a dem puts a justice on the court they all vote in lock step. Hell even when Reps put justices on they can turn left. Garland was never going to be Kennedy and the Reps knew that. He was going to be just like all the other liberals on the court. He'd vote in lock step with the rest of them... count on it.

Garland was a Bush appointee and on his own short list... just because Obama nominated him didn’t mean he was going to be a liberal... they were looking for anyone who could replace scalia and not be as right wing... he was graded a centrist... not a left leaning or right leaning centrist either... as people have pointed out.. his judicial decisions agreed with Kavanaughs 93% of the time...

And Kavanaugh wasn’t even the pick most conservatives wanted... trump had several much more conservative options available... he was just moderate enough to lure the never trumper bushites and rinos into voting for him before the election...

If Bush had nominated Garland all the republicans would have mindlessly backed him.... the only real objection was they felt they could get a more conservative guy if they won the presidency... if they had lost they would have put him in in a heartbeat...
the useful idiot millennials won't tone down anything. They have been taught that whatever they want is right and anybody whop opposes them is not just wrong, but evil that must be destroyed.

to them, Trump is Hitler. Kavanaugh is Hitler. Fox News is Hitler. Their ISP is Hitler. Unusual weather is Hitler. Gluten is Hitler.

Their elitist handlers will tone it down just a bit though.

Liberals don't see what they do as partisan. They just think it's what everybody thinks because they insulate themselves in elitist enclaves. Just look at that tone deaf diatribe by Kagan. Her base assumption is that it's fine fer her and RGB and Sotomayor to vote as solid liberals but it's Kavanaugh who should compromise his views on the law to make the court seem "fair".

Don't forget about unborn babies. They're Hitler AF.
Garland was a Bush appointee and on his own short list... just because Obama nominated him didn’t mean he was going to be a liberal... they were looking for anyone who could replace scalia and not be as right wing... he was graded a centrist... not a left leaning or right leaning centrist either... as people have pointed out.. his judicial decisions agreed with Kavanaughs 93% of the time...

And Kavanaugh wasn’t even the pick most conservatives wanted... trump had several much more conservative options available... he was just moderate enough to lure the never trumper bushites and rinos into voting for him before the election...

If Bush had nominated Garland all the republicans would have mindlessly backed him.... the only real objection was they felt they could get a more conservative guy if they won the presidency... if they had lost they would have put him in in a heartbeat...

Exactly. Garland was as moderate a guy as Bomma would have nominated with a GOP controlled Senate. I never thought they should have blocked him because it would give the Dems ammo the next time we had a Republican President, although it might not have mattered. If Trump lost then yeah, you rush Garland in because a President Hildebeast would never nominate someone that centrist.
Garland was a Bush appointee and on his own short list... just because Obama nominated him didn’t mean he was going to be a liberal... they were looking for anyone who could replace scalia and not be as right wing... he was graded a centrist... not a left leaning or right leaning centrist either... as people have pointed out.. his judicial decisions agreed with Kavanaughs 93% of the time...

And Kavanaugh wasn’t even the pick most conservatives wanted... trump had several much more conservative options available... he was just moderate enough to lure the never trumper bushites and rinos into voting for him before the election...

If Bush had nominated Garland all the republicans would have mindlessly backed him.... the only real objection was they felt they could get a more conservative guy if they won the presidency... if they had lost they would have put him in in a heartbeat...

I had a discussion with a buddy and I said “ya know, if Trump renominated Merrit Garland, I bet the Libralcrats would’ve tried to destroy him as well”