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Kavanaugh hearing

I say this with honest-to-god seriousness, can RBG actually lift up her head or do anything an actual human being can do? I honestly feel sorry for her because she looks like she'd rather be at Ron's (old?) Mortuary than be at that hearing.

Exactly. Jesus Christ, the ceremony was indoors, and she is wearing mittens??

Stewey, she was flipping off Truman.
I say this with honest-to-god seriousness, can RBG actually lift up her head or do anything an actual human being can do? I honestly feel sorry for her because she looks like she'd rather be at Ron's (old?) Mortuary than be at that hearing.

Little old ladies like her usually embalm easily. My favorite customers.
I perdict there will be more Liberal tears on Election Night!

Marsha Blackburn Opens Up 8-Point Lead In Tennessee Senate Race On Heels Of Trump Rally & Kavanaugh

I say this with honest-to-god seriousness, can RBG actually lift up her head or do anything an actual human being can do? I honestly feel sorry for her because she looks like she'd rather be at Ron's (old?) Mortuary than be at that hearing.

Honestly I was seriously thinking Weekend at Bernie's. She seems to have no awareness whatsover of what's going on around her. She will stick it out til the end though, no doubt.
I perdict there will be more Liberal tears on Election Night!

Marsha Blackburn Opens Up 8-Point Lead In Tennessee Senate Race On Heels Of Trump Rally & Kavanaugh


What? But Taylor said no!
What? But Taylor said no!

So Taylor is going to back the Dem who also said he would have voted for Kavanaughs conformation. she is one dumb untalented *****.
Democrats Die Again on the Wrong Hill

While Democrats continue to refight the 2016 election, Republicans confirmed their second Supreme Court judge over the weekend. And the soiled Brett Kavanaugh confirmation process put Democratic strategy for the 2018 midterms in plain view. The question is: will what hasn’t worked to date do any better for the Dems a month from now?

This week’s FBI investigation was never going to turn up much beyond incomplete recollections. Apart from liberal Twitter, all of whom are apparently trauma memory experts (last week they were scholars of perjury law), most people in Normal America have a hard time conjuring up details from long ago. It’s even harder to remember things that never happened. The FBI ran six background investigations on Kavanaugh over a period of decades without uncovering any of what he’s been accused of.

The real plan was always to force the confirmation into the template that Democrats think will win them the House, the same one they thought would deliver a landslide in 2016.

And so Kavanaugh’s complex judicial record was discarded in favor of Clinton-esque, er, progressive, talking points: the election, um, sorry, the confirmation is all about respect for women, fighting misogyny, defeating privilege, too many White Men, Trump is evil, we can’t have an accused rapist in the White House, sorry, on the Supreme Court! Disqualification via demonization.

The Kavanaugh hearings were an updated version of what was supposed to be the 2016 game-changer, the “***** grabbing tape.” The Dems would give America another shot at having had it with the patriarchy.

It didn’t work. Despite endless bleating, the hearings were a “job interview” and the hashtags were not enough

Kavanaugh proved that the Democrats (and their partners in the media) are still unaware that while this may be the year of #MeToo in Washington, New York, and Hollywood, it’s still just 2018 in West Virginia.

The Democrats failed in 2016 when they tried to make the election a referendum on Trump’s behavior. They failed again this week with the same strategy.

With no tailwind from Russiagate, Democrats move towards November with little more than more of the same, throwing in some mumbled threats to impeach Kavanaugh from the Supreme Court.

Honestly I was seriously thinking Weekend at Bernie's. She seems to have no awareness whatsover of what's going on around her. She will stick it out til the end though, no doubt.

Dems will be lighting candles and calling on the power of the Mogu.

Congratulations to JUSTICE Kavanaugh!!!
I say we run with this "angry mob" theme in November

By 28 points, independents disapprove of Dem Kavanaugh tactics

Independent voters are expressing overwhelming disapproval of the way that Democrats handled the Kavanaugh confirmation fight.

A CNN poll shows that only 30% of independents approved of the way that Democrats handled the Kavanaugh confirmation while 58% dissapproved.



The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday. Trump 51% approval

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance


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The only thing holding up a very good mid-term election for Republicans (they might lose the house, but actually gain seats in the Senate right now) is the Mueller investigation.

It's been very quiet on that front and I fully expect before election day a bomb is going to "accidentally" get leaked to the press. The whole point of the Meuller investigation was never about Trump Collusion but about effecting the mid-terms.

We should all be prepared for that in the next week or two. It's going to be the next bleating, democratic and media doomsday scenario.
The only thing holding up a very good mid-term election for Republicans (they might lose the house, but actually gain seats in the Senate right now) is the Mueller investigation.

It's been very quiet on that front and I fully expect before election day a bomb is going to "accidentally" get leaked to the press. The whole point of the Meuller investigation was never about Trump Collusion but about effecting the mid-terms.

We should all be prepared for that in the next week or two. It's going to be the next bleating, democratic and media doomsday scenario.

Trump should turn the NSA on the next leaker... they probably have every communication ever secretly stored...