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Kavanaugh hearing

You can't convict anyone for anything except murder 40 years after the fact. Statute of limitations.
If someone sexually assaults you be it a fellow student, Catholic priest, movie producer, Bill Cosby, or whatever, speak out then and don't wait 40 years.

The dems had this info during the hearings. That was the time to bring the allegation up. They probably didn't find it to be credible enough. This is a desperation move. That liar can't even say when and where the incident took place.
I need to elaborate on the last post. This happened 36 years ago as teens. Maybe he/she had different ideas about the situation or don't even quite remember it, if it even happened. The actual truth will likely be very cloudy here.

With dozens of women vouching for his character, this is going to be a blow to the real victims of the me too movement. Bring it on, none of this came around in any of his background checks. Its a Democrat lie.
The dems had this info during the hearings. That was the time to bring the allegation up. They probably didn't find it to be credible enough. This is a desperation move. That liar can't even say when and where the incident took place.

They are trying to push the hearings past mid terms. Its obvious...
They are trying to push the hearings past mid terms. Its obvious...

Exactly. Then Beto O'Rourke can shake his head in disgust at a guy flaunting the law and expecting people to just forget about it and move on.
Exactly. Then Beto O'Rourke can shake his head in disgust at a guy flaunting the law and expecting people to just forget about it and move on.

Who is that?
DBS - they can't prove it false, as has been stated even eyewitness testimony from 30 years ago is not reliable and can change. However, they cannot prove this to be true, either. All this has done is taint Kavanaugh going forward, for the rest of his life. Not only professionally, but also his home and personal life. The man has a daughter. How will this effect her growing up - that her dad, a nominee for the SCOTUS was accused of rape? This is so beyond ridiculous. Win and whine by any means necessary, right, Dems?

7 people total at that party and the only two she can name are a federal judge and prominent conservative journalist. I guarantee under any real cross examination she will break and admit she’s doing this for political reasons.
Sounds like the handy work of George Soros.
Naaahhhhh, none of this is suspicious, right???

  • She has donated money to the Democratic National Committee (DNC),
  • She has donated money to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), and
  • She has donated money to Friends Of Bernie Sanders.
  • She publicly signed a letter condemning Trump.
  • She wore a Pink genitalia hat and marched in Washington D.C. (yes there are photos out there)
  • She's a public, unashamed Trump basher.
  • Kavanaugh's mother oversaw Ford's parents home foreclosure decades ago.

Then there is this:
  • She has erased her entire social media history. Not some of it - ALL of it. Twitter, Facebook - every trace gone (to hide her ultra Liberal political posts)
  • Stanford University wiped out her profile on its site.

Encourage you all to read the Wall Street Journal article: https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-metoo-kavanaugh-ambush-1537197395

The #MeToo Kavanaugh Ambush
A story this old and unprovable can’t be allowed to delay a Supreme Court confirmation vote.
Naaahhhhh, none of this is suspicious, right???

  • She has donated money to the Democratic National Committee (DNC),
  • She has donated money to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), and
  • She has donated money to Friends Of Bernie Sanders.
  • She publicly signed a letter condemning Trump.
  • She wore a Pink genitalia hat and marched in Washington D.C. (yes there are photos out there)
  • She's a public, unashamed Trump basher.
  • Kavanaugh's mother oversaw Ford's parents home foreclosure decades ago.

Then there is this:
  • She has erased her entire social media history. Not some of it - ALL of it. Twitter, Facebook - every trace gone (to hide her ultra Liberal political posts)
  • Stanford University wiped out her profile on its site.

Encourage you all to read the Wall Street Journal article: https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-metoo-kavanaugh-ambush-1537197395

The #MeToo Kavanaugh Ambush
A story this old and unprovable can’t be allowed to delay a Supreme Court confirmation vote.

The WSJ editorial was so point blank explosive of the narrative that CNN has already produced a weak counterpoint to it...
1. The allegations are utterly unprovable one way or another.
2. There is no federal law for the FBI to investigate
3. Statute of limitations would have past anyhow
4. If the dems would have brought this up earlier there could have been a faux investigation that led nowhere
5. This is an easy resolution... have him testify under oath... people vote on him outside this issue... if the dems want an inquiry afterwards they have rock solid impeachment paths if anything is provable... if it isnt then violla... no harm no foul....
  • Kavanaugh's mother oversaw Ford's parents home foreclosure decades ago.

Then there is this:
  • She has erased her entire social media history. Not some of it - ALL of it. Twitter, Facebook - every trace gone (to hide her ultra Liberal political posts)
  • Stanford University wiped out her profile on its site.

Hmm, not suspicious at all.


With dozens of women vouching for his character, this is going to be a blow to the real victims of the me too movement. Bring it on, none of this came around in any of his background checks. Its a Democrat lie.

To add to this, the FBI has investigated him 6 times as he has advanced through the judicial ranks of the government. 6 TIMES! And they have never found a thing wrong with the guy.
Just heard that she is refusing to testify before Congress until the FBI investigates Kavanaugh. Which they already have.

Nothing but a stalling tactic. I will be shocked if she ever testifies to anyone about anything.
Just heard that she is refusing to testify before Congress until the FBI investigates Kavanaugh. Which they already have.

Nothing but a stalling tactic. I will be shocked if she ever testifies to anyone about anything.

The FBI refused to investigate this issue because it is a State issue, not a Federal issue.
Just heard that she is refusing to testify before Congress until the FBI investigates Kavanaugh. Which they already have.

Nothing but a stalling tactic. I will be shocked if she ever testifies to anyone about anything.

This is nothing more than a dumbass college professor, thinking she had a noble liberal cause, being caught up in the Washington cesspool, and then running away like a scared animal..

I don't blame her.

Run. Like the wind.
The FBI refused to investigate this issue because it is a State issue, not a Federal issue.

Yes, but the FBI has done a complete background check on him and it included her letter, which was added to his file.
This is nothing more than a dumbass college professor, thinking she had a noble liberal cause, being caught up in the Washington cesspool, and then running away like a scared animal..

I don't blame her.

Run. Like the wind.

It finally dawned on her that people are going to be asking her questions under oath and if she gets it wrong she goes to jail.
Man these lefties will stop at nothing. No morals,ethics or decency. But they do champion murdering unborn kids,so nothing shocks me.
She also has told gher best friend that she regrets being drunk and promiscuous when she was young. She is nothing but an old liberal ho .
The supposed event did not happen at Georgetown Prep, it purportedly happened at a time she doesn't know in a place she doesn't know hosted by someone she doesn't know where she was at the invitation of someone unknown and she got there by unknown means and got home by unknown means. She told nobody for 30 years making verification impossible since there are no possible witnesses to the supposed event other than the accused who said it never happened. The therapist notes do not agree with her statement as to the number of people in the room and she identified nobody during the therapy sessions making it impossible for the therapist to comment at all about Kavanaugh. This is what the FBI is supposed to investigate? How?
The supposed event did not happen at Georgetown Prep, it purportedly happened at a time she doesn't know in a place she doesn't know hosted by someone she doesn't know where she was at the invitation of someone unknown and she got there by unknown means and got home by unknown means. She told nobody for 30 years making verification impossible since there are no possible witnesses to the supposed event other than the accused who said it never happened. The therapist notes do not agree with her statement as to the number of people in the room and she identified nobody during the therapy sessions making it impossible for the therapist to comment at all about Kavanaugh. This is what the FBI is supposed to investigate? How?

Exactly... ill gladly give her a day to testify to congress... but the angle that the FBI needs to investigate a she said hesaid from 35 years ago with no corroboration is just an obvious stall tactic
Could you imagine how ****** our justice system would be if all the FBI did was investigate decades old he said she said rape cases????
Let the FBI investigate. Step one is taking her statement. She will be reminded that lying to a federal agent is a federal offense. Lets see how far she wants to take it after that.