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Kavanaugh hearing

1. Girl was 15 and had been drinking "only one beer"...a cop's favorite speech.

2 While he was said to be drunk, his drunk friend jumped into the pile up.

3 She ran from the room .....she escaped ?

4 She told no one until 2012...ummm ok.

5 The report said she said 4 boys but she now says 2 ....so the report was wrong, not her.

6 Now she says she cannot remember key details...ummm ok.

7 Does not remember how the meeting started, how she got there or how she got home.

8 Incident caused her to make bad grades in college...ptss no less.

All the fault and danger of drinking "just one beer" and a plea for somebody to join the #stopthismanfrombecomingaJudge.
She is a liberal college professor in her 50s at Cal, you really want to see this tree hugging scum's picture ?
Since anonymous leaks are considered valid news, I would leak this - "Before the hearings began, Kavanaugh's assistant let prominent democrats know that if they went easy on him during the hearings, he would not address current unconstitutional law around Roe v Wade. If not, that would be his first area of interest."
By Friday she'll be able to tell her friends, "I almost banged a U.S. Supreme Court Justice!"

These days I bet she's begging for someone to jump on top of her, homely ***** that she is.
He probably turned her down. She's still butthurt. Plus there's always her two and one half seconds of fame. What a pathetic last minute offensive.
I, for one, am absolutely appalled that he partook in adult beverages in high school and tried to get laid. The NERVE of that ************!
Back in 2012 this lady had no idea Trump would be president and no way of really knowing if he would make it to the supreme court so that makes her story a little more credible. There is no doubt she could be lying, but no one on here has any idea what is true and not. In my opinion the most likely story is both were drunk and Kavanaugh tried to take it to far. even Kelly Ann says the accuser should be heard. will be interesting to see where this goes

Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser has a dirty little secret she’s not been exactly forthcoming about.

It’s turns out Kavanaugh’s mother was the judge involved in foreclosing on her parents home:
Is this a Supreme Court confirmation battle–or is it a soap opera titled Montgomery County?

Turns out that Brett Kavanaugh’s mother was the judge in in a 1996 home-foreclosure case in which the defendants were the parents of Kavanaugh’s last-minute attempted-rape accuser Christine Blasey Ford. The house in question, pictured above, is in Potomac, one of the highest-income towns in Montgomery County, Maryland, the Washington, D.C. suburb that is one of America’s highest-income residential areas.

Indeed, the entire cast of characters in Ford’s up-to-the-wire emergence from the shadows of Dianne Feinstein’s secret anti-Kavanaugh files seems to hail from upscale Montgomery County in what is turning out to be a complex edge-of-the-seat multi-generational saga. Move over, The O.C.!

****images to the court dockets in the link****

Back in 2012 this lady had no idea Trump would be president and no way of really knowing if he would make it to the supreme court so that makes her story a little more credible. There is no doubt she could be lying, but no one on here has any idea what is true and not. In my opinion the most likely story is both were drunk and Kavanaugh tried to take it to far. even Kelly Ann says the accuser should be heard. will be interesting to see where this goes

No, the most likely truth here is that this is yet another concocted story.

Stop...remove head from one's ***. Open eyes. See the pattern.

This pattern has happened since Clarence Thomas. The Dems, when all else fail, pull out a female accuser as a last minute attempt to stop a judge, an appointment, a candidate. It's been proven on several instances that women have been paid and were willing to lie about scenarios like these.

I believe this accusation as much as I do the Duke Lacrosse rape case and that aliens are heading to earth at this very moment.
They should let her testify, however I don’t think 36 year old he says she says derail 36 years of impeccable behavior.... the burden of proof is on her
And let me inject I know women who truly believe in phantom sexual assaults... memories from high school can be really unreliable... she claimed it was four guys.. now its two.... never pointed the finger at him until this moment. His mom was the judge in her family’s foreclosure... she is a hard left liberal.... there are a lot of things to question here... there is no pattern of this behavior in his life... no way to prove this...

You simply cannot let unprovable accusations be a factor in this process because it leads down a dangerous path
More information the "press" is not mentioning



It’s also been revealed that Judge Kavanaugh’s mother presided over the bankruptcy trial of Christine Batey Ford’s parents. Judge Kavanaugh’s mother ruled against the Batey parents:

Larry Beech
Folks...Christine Ford's mom (Paula k blasey) and dad (Ralph G Blasey) we're defendants in a foreclosure case in Maryland in 1996. Guess who the judge was?

Martha G Kavanaugh, mother of Brett Kavanaugh.

You can't make this $hit up��

10:50 PM - Sep 16, 2018
5,156 people are talking about this
She apparently does not remember the date or location this happened...making it impossible for him to even attempt to disprove he was there. How convenient.
I was in High School from 80-84 and went to tons of parties and keggers. I can't remember a single time of a female classmate showing up by herself or without a boyfriend. Where are the female classmates to validate this attack....I'm sure if it went down like she states, that she would have told a friend or classmate right after her "escape".

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I was in High School from 80-84 and went to tons of parties and keggers. I can't remember a single time of a female classmate showing up by herself or without a boyfriend. Where are the female classmates to validate this attack....I'm sure if it went down like she states, that she would have told a friend or classmate right after her "escape".

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Yeah i am always skeptical when allegations arise decades later in therapy... repressed memories are notoriously incorrect with reality....
Every accuser deserves to be believed.
It’s Bullshit.

She is lying.

Where is the police report?
Coool beans... lets accuse everyone of everything and then the whole world can all be ineligible and imprisoned... lol...

that's why the Dems want ex-cons and felons to be allowed to regain their voting rights.