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Kavanaugh hearing

Let the FBI investigate. Step one is taking her statement. She will be reminded that lying to a federal agent is a federal offense. Lets see how far she wants to take it after that.

The thing is, unless she emailed someone her scheme, proving it a lie is impossible too...

This is salem witch hunt bullshit... its extremely dangerous. Dems are blinded by their supreme court obsession... which is patently wrong by the way... literally if the allegation is unprovable then it doesn’t exist in the eyes of the law...
The Dems are bordering on insanity.

It's in their DNA hamy


But their insanity is obvious to everyone but them.

snagged from elsewhere:

There are Democrats that want an investigation into the accusations against Kavanaugh.

The statute of limitations on these allegations expired when the woman turned 20 years old. Which was 1987.

Regardless of what the FBI could find, because the statute of limitations expired more than 30 years ago, no charges can be brought against him.

If there are no charges, there can be no arrest. If there can be no arrest, there can be no trial. If there is no trial, there can be no chance of him being found guilty.

In this country, you are innocent until PROVEN guilty.

What are you looking to come out of this investigation?
time for the FBI to investigate Spartacus Booger, too


In 1992, Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) admitted in his college newspaper that he groped an unwilling drunk girl when he was a teenager.

Booker, has made more than his share of political hay recently with his “Spartacus” moment at the Senate conformation hearings for Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. He has also led the charge to undermine that nomination by pushing for an investigation into the accusations of sexual assault leveled against him by Christine Blasey Ford.

An almost-forgotten newspaper column penned by Booker, however, may expose the Democrat as a serious hypocrite.

The Daily Caller first exposed Booker’s revelations in the column in a 2013 article. In the column, he described how he groped a young girl, who was intoxicated, in 1984, roughly the same time of the supposed Kavanaugh incident.

Though he expresses regret over the incident, the damage had already been done.

“Telling one’s own personal story is often the most powerful way to make a point, or, more importantly, to make people think,” Booker wrote in the February 19, 1992 column for the Stanford Daily, under the headline “So Much for Stealing Second.”

“When grandiose statements entrenched in politically correct terminology are made, many may listen but few will hear,” Booker continued. “When I hesitated in writing this column, I realized I was basking in hypocrisy. So instead I chose to write and risk.”

“New Year’s Eve 1984,” Booker recalled. “I will never forget. I was 15. As the ball dropped, I leaned over to hug a friend and she met me instead with an overwhelming kiss.”

Things apparently moved very quickly for the young man, who recalled thinking of sex as a “game.”

This scan of the original column includes all of his comments.


“As we fumbled upon the bed, I remember debating my next ‘move’ as if it were a chess game. With the ‘Top Gun’ slogan ringing in my head, I slowly reached for her breast. After having my hand pushed away once, I reached my ‘mark,’” Booker wrote.

Booker didn’t elaborate on what his “mark” was, but whatever happened, it was enough to haunt him for years to come.

“Our grouping ended soon and while no ‘relationship’ ensued, a friendship did,” he wrote. “You see, the next week in school she told me she was drunk that night and didn’t really know what she was doing.”

He attempted to explain his behavior. “Ever since puberty, I remember receiving messages that sex was a game, a competition. Sexual relations were best achieved through luck, guile, strategy or coercion.”

Booker wrote about how alcohol lubricated those relations: “Another friend in high school counseled me on the importance of drinking,” he wrote, detailing the slogans he had heard from friends. Booker listed them: “‘With liquor you’ll get to bed quicker,’ … ‘What do you think happened? She invited me back to her room at 3 a.m.’ … ‘I’ve got to find a way to snatch that snatch.’ … ‘The best thing for that girl would be to be tied down and screwed.’”

Even with the admission in the column, Booker would later be elected to the Senate.

He refused to comment to the Daily Caller at the time about their article or his column.


lots of Katsung-type **** in that link, such as:

Dr Blasey-Ford has a Husband, Russell Ford, met at Stanford Univ, and were married in 2002. They have 3 young children. Russell Ford is the “Senior Director” at Zosano Pharma, and Exclusively Specializes in “Mind Altering” Drugs. Russell deleted his Facebook account, and removed his name from his Companies Website. Imagine that, he deals with Mind Altering drugs, and Christine is a CIA Intership recruiter for Stanford for CIA MKULTRA mind readjustments?

Keep in mind her 4 (or 2) boys statement was in 2012 – but in 2018, it changed to 2 guys!? If she remembers Brett, surely she remembers the 2nd boy. What was she and her husband in “Therapy” for and what caused this – as an average 98% of families do not ever need such treatment. So we see their was documented “Mental Stress” upon her. Now – what affects did her Stanford CIA MKULTRA college position have on her Mental Illness? Was she CIA MKULTRA Mind Controlled then or now? But wait, their are still 1 or 2 more “Mind Altering” MKULTRA connections to this specific CIA Stanford position that will be exposed.

She claimed to have passed a FBI Polygraph, but she already WORKS FOR IN A CIA FUNDED PROGRAM, HER FATHER (Ralph G. Blasey Jr) is a Life-Long CIA Operataive since the 1960s, and currently PROVIDES PUBLIC SECURITY TO ALL “DEEP STATE” OFFICIALS under Criminal Investigation today – AND HER BROTHER WORKS FOR A FUSION GPS LINKED FIRM!? How can one trust a FBI Polygraph when their is so much conflict with all these same Organizations under criminal investigation? This was clearly a CIA/FBI “Deep State” setup.

But this is just the start of her CIA and Deep State family connections.

Her Father = Ralph G Blasey Jr.

Her Brother – Ralph Blasey 3rd

My my… Her father is a Lifelong CIA Operative into the 1960s & her brother’s firm was contracted with one Fusion GPS. Isn’t that all just a fluke?

Martha G. Kavanaugh, the mother of Brett Kavanaugh was a Maryland district judge in 1996. In an amazing coincidence, Martha Kavanaugh was the judge in a foreclosure case in which Christine Blasey-Ford’s parents were the defendants. Blasey-Ford is going after Brett Kavanaugh, not because of what he did in high school. Instead, Christine Blasey-Ford is going after Brett Kavanaugh out of spite and revenge for a case ruled on by Brett Kavanaugh mother. During the 1996 foreclosure case, Martha Kavanaugh ruled against the parents of Christine Blasey-Ford in the foreclosure case. Brett’s mother was Montgomery County Circuit Court judge from 1993 until she retired in 2001.

Brother – Ralph Blasey 3rd

GPS Connection – Worked for a law firm “Baker Hostetler” for 15 years as a Litigation Partner – that retained Fusion GPS, the primary “fixer” for the Clintons and the DNC.


In 11 January 2018, Yahoo Finance explained the role Baker Hostetler played in the Deep State’s attempts to bring down the duly elected President of the United States:

How did Baker Hostetler become a supporting character in the geopolitical drama over Russian meddling in the U.S. election, with possible implications for the fate of the Trump administration? The simple version? It was partly a matter of luck. The firm was tapped beginning in at least 2013 to defend a Cypriot company, Prevezon Holdings Ltd., against U.S. money laundering accusations. Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who met Donald Trump Jr. in June 2016—reportedly with the intent to provide information damaging to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign—was also working for Prevezon.

And Fusion GPS, the company that produced the infamous Steele dossier on President Donald Trump and Russia, was also retained by Baker Hostetler amid the Prevezon litigation.

Father – Ralph G Blasey Jr

Ralph G Blasey Jr has been a life-long CIA Operative and Involved in CIA Black Ops Budgets and “Deep State” Security. His entire CIA & Deep State past spans 40+ years, would fill chapters, but he has been personally involved with the very top DC elites – including John Brennan, Robert Mueller, James Comey, Susan Rice, etc, as he does at this moment.

PRESENT POSITION – CIA black money operative Ralph G. Blasey Jr. remains secure, too—and who, today, is the VP of Business Development of Red Coats, Inc.—whose Admiral Security Services provides armed security for “Deep State” elites in Washington D.C.—that is overseen by Red Coats, Inc. co-founder and Vice Chairman William F. Peel III—and whose Datawatch Systems (LINK), Peel III also controls, has US government contracts extending till 23 June 2023 under the category of 246.42.1 to provide US defense and intelligence agencies with facility management systems—all of which intelligence analysts believe the American people have the right to know about in their evaluating the claims against Judge Kavanaugh being leveled against him by Dr. Christine Beasley.

No major issue with Mr Ralph Blasey Jr just “HAPPENS” to be VP over all Personal private Security for Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Rice, Lynch, Podesta, etc? Yeap – she just has a normal everyday daddy and family we all have – and the public wasn’t suppose to know about…
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Here is Ford's lawyer talking about Paula Jones -
“Paula Jones' suit is very, very, very weak,” Katz said on CNN’s “Talkback Live” in March 1998 in a discussion about Jones’ claims against Clinton, according to a show transcript. “She's alleged one incident that took place in a hotel room that, by her own testimony, lasted 10 to 12 minutes. She suffered no repercussions in the workplace.”
Eh, no biggie. Stop whining..

and here is her opinion on Franken -
"Context is relevant,” Katz said of Franken, who was a comedian before his election to the Senate. “He did not do this as a member of the U.S. Senate. He did this in his capacity of someone who was still functioning as an entertainer.”
The context is that Franken did that while he was a senator.

From - www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/09/17...duct-allegations-against-clinton-franken.html

Too bad I couldn't find any quotes from her about Juanita Broderick, who publicly accused Bill Clinton of raping her when he was the Arkansas Attorney General.
Once again, from my good friend Dean. Scary times in deed.


RANT:: Boy, we could be way up the fecal creek if this flies. Think about it - The FBI tried to rook an election and the left and the media seem not to care. Now, good men can be politically assassinated and much of the public seems to be struck by the sociological phenomenon referred to as the "Bystander effect", when good people do nothing while someone is robbed, killed in plain view. The point is - if you don't like someone - Trump, Kavanaugh - its OK to suspend due process, elections and destroy them in a very public way. If allowed to stand, the effect will ripple. Charge, accuse, silence. Wash. Rinse. Repeat/

It's ironic beyond imagination that the iconic image of Lady Justice is fortified in granite outside the supreme court. She holds scales and she stands blindfolded. It conveys the very spirit of the notion of justice, jurisprudence - blind, objective and without regard to the person - in every case.

No more. The blindfold has been torn off and the scales have been tilted and some are proclaiming themselves more capable of dispensing justice than others. Hence the iconic image should be replaced with something more appropriate that reflects the new code of justice. Take the blindfold off, remove the scales. They held on to this story, didn't release it, then only later when it appeared there would be a vote, they released it. They exonerated Hillary, weaponized the FBI. I don't like the way this is trending.

The left has spent decades creating words for various forms of discrimination, phobias, and -ism's. And while there remains real sexism, real racism, they've clearly weaponized it. Everything in their way is a nail, and their weapon of choice is a hammer. They use these instruments to silence people who oppose their agenda. To be called any one of these -ism's, phobias publicly is to be tarred and feathered. It has become their political stock and trade.

"Men in this country". Think about this - "Men in this country need to shut up." I assume she means all of us - black, white, gay, straight, Christian, Jew, Muslim. All of us, men. Of course, the very idea of this is counterintuitive to their ledger of offenses. More so, it's counter-intuitive to the blindfolded goddess of justice.

Men need to 'shut up' and stand silent while someone can be robbed of their good name, livelihood because their political view are in opposition to hers. Insert any other gender, faith, race, color creed into the Senators remarks and it would be an unacceptable charge worthy of public shame and rebuke. But, because it is made about maledom it is perfectly acceptable.

But, to some degree, and in her defense, the threat works. I know too many men - good men - who've silenced themselves, whether in their own marriages, workplace, publicly. They are afraid to say what they may think so as not to encounter the wrath.

All this being sewed by the left is very dangerous. Extremely dangerous. Find a man you don't like and politically assassinate him. Take from him everything he's worked for on the charge and the charge alone.

Especially in this case, men should not shut up. To the contrary, if 40-year-old uncorroborated charges can stand then myself and every other man is subject to the same threat - the presumption of guilt, no trial by jury. They will not round us up and put us in camps. They will come after your good name, livelihood while others watch in silence


Notice the language - "Men shut up and step up."

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/htGmvHKcCNY" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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From Rush today:

Suppose Ford went directly to an FBI field office instead of writing that letter..

What makes writing a letter to Feinstein about her claims of "sexual assault" more credible?

FBI: “Well, Miss, were you raped or injured?”

Ford: “Uh, no, not really.”

FBI: “Did you report this or tell anyone at the time, 36, 35 years ago?”

Ford: “Uh, no.”

FBI: “What year was this, again, that this happened?”

Ford: “Uhhh, I’m not — I’m not sure. I think it was 1982.”

FBI “Where did this happen?”

Ford: “I don’t know! I don’t know. I was so traumatized; I don’t remember any of it. I just remember some guy jumping on me and I was drunk and — and I don’t know. But I want you to investigate it.”

FBI “Okay. Ma’am, were there any witnesses?”

Ford: “Just the one friend of his that pushed him off, and then they left before he could do anything.”

What would the FBI do with this, if that scenario happened in one of their field offices? I will tell you what they would do: Zip, zero, nada.
Here's the sad reality. Liberals the country over know this is concocted bullshit. They KNOW it. They don't care because it is a means to an end they want. The ramifications of how it will be done are irrelevant to them.
I debated here quite some time ago people saying that the #metoo movement had gone too far. I still have no sympathy whatsoever for the workplace gropers or the serial harassers. But if someone's life can be ruined, their reputation destroyed, by a single allegation, not of rape but of some unwanted drunken groping at a party in their teens that is entirely impossible to either prove or disprove...it's time to to admit I was wrong, and agree this has gone way, way too far.

There is nobody in existence who couldn't be accused of this.
I debated here quite some time ago people saying that the #metoo movement had gone too far. I still have no sympathy whatsoever for the workplace gropers or the serial harassers. But if someone's life can be ruined, their reputation destroyed, by a single allegation, not of rape but of some unwanted drunken groping at a party in their teens that is entirely impossible to either prove or disprove...it's time to to admit I was wrong, and agree this has gone way, way too far.

There is nobody in existence who couldn't be accused of this.

The party who reelected Bill Clinton has no business accusing anyone else of sexual harrassment.

Dr. Ford must be believed but Paula Jones, Sally Perdue, and Juanita Broaddrick must not.
I debated here quite some time ago people saying that the #metoo movement had gone too far. I still have no sympathy whatsoever for the workplace gropers or the serial harassers. But if someone's life can be ruined, their reputation destroyed, by a single allegation, not of rape but of some unwanted drunken groping at a party in their teens that is entirely impossible to either prove or disprove...it's time to to admit I was wrong, and agree this has gone way, way too far.

There is nobody in existence who couldn't be accused of this.

Exactly.... the long term impact has to be judged against short term harm.... right now if unprovable accusations outside of the statute of limitations can ruin people its beyond a slippery slope...
Personally I think they should hold the vote. This accusation is so ridiculous and obviously contrived that it defies logic. If it turns out to be true, there are mechanisms to remove him. But it won’t turn out to be true. It rarely does.
Personally I think they should hold the vote. This accusation is so ridiculous and obviously contrived that it defies logic. If it turns out to be true, there are mechanisms to remove him. But it won’t turn out to be true. It rarely does.

Like I stated previously, EVERYONE knows this is concocted. Everyone. Liberals are turning a blind eye because it is a means to an end. Period. And they want that end desperately. Dead bodies in the wake? Doesn't matter.
I'm not happy in posting this, but the shoe is now on the other foot. The Left for years has bullied, beaten, assaulted and threatened the Right. From AntiFa to Berkeley to Trump rallies, to Miracle Pizza and Chick Fil-A, the examples are never ending.

As is predictable, those on the Right are now retaliating in kind.

We are moving in the wrong direction. And sadly, this news...well. As the old adage goes, if you can dish it...

Did the Left really think they could behave this way without eventual retaliation?


Kavanaugh accuser forced out of her home over threats, lawyers say

The woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault has been forced out of her home due to death threats, her lawyers said Tuesday.

Christine Blasey Ford's lawyers told Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) in a letter that the Palo Alto University professor has been effectively forced into hiding after recieving violent messages targeting her and her family.

"In the 36 hours since her name became public, Dr. Ford has received a stunning amount of support from her community and from fellow citizens across our country. At the same time, however, her worst fears have materialized," her lawyers wrote in the letter.

"She has been the target of vicious harassment and even death threats. As a result of these kind of threats, her family was forced to relocate out of their home. Her email has been hacked, and she has been impersonated online," the letter continued.
When will people learn that stupid, hateful acts do nothing but damage the very cause you are doing said stupid acts in the name of. Harassment is never the answer to anything.
This is obviously a last ditch effort to torpedo the Kavanaugh appointment. The way the Dems handled this, waiting until the last moment, outing her name when she requested anonymity is truly despicable. Have the vote, and let them whine.**** them.