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Kavanaugh hearing

She fabricated that couples therapy bullshit in 2012 when the libs thought Romney would win and pick Kavanaugh -
Bookworm has noticed an odd coincidence: after telling no one her story about the alleged incident for decades, she suddenly remembered and spoke about it in couples' therapy in 2012, when leftists perceived the possibility that Mitt Romney, ahead in the polls, would win the presidency and appoint Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

Now it's presented as proof. They love this circular ****.

Just read where several Republicans want to postpone the vote. Caving to the bullshit again. Vote 3rd party next time. This **** with Republicans is past old.
Sounds like defamation of character
caving? even trump was subdued in his response and wants to follow the process
caving? even trump was subdued in his response and wants to follow the process

Im fine with following the process... the fact that the repubs are so willing to do so means they have some ace in the hole though... if they didn’t theyd be deflecting and forcing the vote...
I really don't see any way they can't let her speak now, they'll be accused of silencing an attempted rape victim to push through a rapist. Despite the Dems underhanded tactics of dropping this bomb right before the vote.

I'm actually kind of glad he'll be able to publicly defend himself in front of the whole country, it will help to de-legitimatize this story.
Heard the hearing will be public on Monday. Should be interesting.
caving? even trump was subdued in his response and wants to follow the process

Here is the problem ... what if the allegation is just not true, or has a grain of truth about hormone-fueled teen interest but is vastly overstated?

Are we to allow false or vastly overblown (no pun intended) allegations to derail appointments, or to lead to terminations?
I really don't see any way they can't let her speak now, they'll be accused of silencing an attempted rape victim to push through a rapist. Despite the Dems underhanded tactics of dropping this bomb right before the vote.

I'm actually kind of glad he'll be able to publicly defend himself in front of the whole country, it will help to de-legitimatize this story.

Agreed. Let it play out. Let all be heard, the truth usually reveals itself.
Take 4 minutes to hear how Democrats seek to destroy anyone in their path, it is worth your time....Clarence Thomas, a great American jurist.
First Bork, then Thomas and now Kavanaugh. No Democrat leaning Supreme jurist faces this disgusting gauntlet of lies and BS.

I need to elaborate on the last post. This happened 36 years ago as teens. Maybe he/she had different ideas about the situation or don't even quite remember it, if it even happened. The actual truth will likely be very cloudy here.
Even RBG (Ruth Bader) was skeptical about this whole thing. And BTW, she can barely hold her head up or speak in a way other people can understand without captions. Wow.
Kavanaugh should sue the living shot out of this lady
We will see how the hearing goes, but if it turns out the lady is lying she should be punished. There needs to be stronger laws against false sexual allegations especially in today's day and age.
We will see how the hearing goes, but if it turns out the lady is lying she should be punished. There needs to be stronger laws against false sexual allegations especially in today's day and age.

They don’t want to do that because they don’t want to scare actual victims from speaking out in fear of retailiation if they cannot convict...
Take 4 minutes to hear how Democrats seek to destroy anyone in their path, it is worth your time....Clarence Thomas, a great American jurist.
First Bork, then Thomas and now Kavanaugh. No Democrat leaning Supreme jurist faces this disgusting gauntlet of lies and BS.

After reading this comment the wheels started to turn...I wonder if ole Diane Feinstein was sitting in her house one-day reminiscing and thought to her self, "wouldn't it be great if we had another Anita Hill character to blow this whole thing up as we did with the Clarence Thomas hearings?" And viola an idea is born. I dunno, but I wouldn't put it past that old witch.
This woman sounds like a nutcase with an axe to bear. My gut calls BS on this one. I could be wrong of course but it's not passing the smell test.
This woman sounds like a nutcase with an axe to bear. My gut calls BS on this one. I could be wrong of course but it's not passing the smell test.

I agree so far. She only recalls details that implicate him. She can't recall anything that might exonerate him. If she knew where it happened, when it happened...he might be able to prove he was somewhere else that day. Conveniently she only remembers the totally unverifiable details.


I certainly can't remember the dates and addresses of every party I went to in high school. But if something as momentous as an attempted rape happened to me, I'm fairly certain I could piece together enough details to at least know whose house it was, and figure out some other people who were there who might be able to corroborate at least some of the details of my story.

We'll see if anything like that happens. So far there's been nothing. Not a single person even saying "I was there that night and I remember she left but didn't know why." or "Yeah, Brett and his friends used to act like that all the time.".

Not one single other person.

She is a liberal college professor in her 50s at Cal, you really want to see this tree hugging scum's picture ?

There is something fishy going on.

They say that we got the wrong Christine Ford.

Christine Adams Ford is the leftwing activist, not Christine Blasey Ford.....yet I cant find any evidence that a Christine Adams Ford even exists.


Someone try Googling Christine Adams Ford, maybe you'll have better luck.
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Y'all shoulda known that the Libs would unleash an "attack bimbo" sooner or later. I have yet to see a candidate running opposite a Democrat platform that didn't get accused of some kind of sexual something or other from 30 years ( give or take ) ago.

It"s in the playbook, pages 6 and 7


meanwhile the Dems just keep piling on the 'stupid'

I think this is Kavanugh's downfall. I firmly believe he did NOT do it....but all it takes in this #metoo era is an unfounded accusation and the man is toast. I want him to testify and clear the air- but I feel that the leftist harpies will have poisoned the dems and he won't get confirmed.
They don’t want to do that because they don’t want to scare actual victims from speaking out in fear of retailiation if they cannot convict...


They can prove cases like this are false and malicious.
DBS - they can't prove it false, as has been stated even eyewitness testimony from 30 years ago is not reliable and can change. However, they cannot prove this to be true, either. All this has done is taint Kavanaugh going forward, for the rest of his life. Not only professionally, but also his home and personal life. The man has a daughter. How will this effect her growing up - that her dad, a nominee for the SCOTUS was accused of rape? This is so beyond ridiculous. Win and whine by any means necessary, right, Dems?
It's clearly a blatant lie, a stall tactic. I bet she doesn't testify under oath, or if she does she will crack and be exposed as a fraud.
They don’t want to do that because they don’t want to scare actual victims from speaking out in fear of retailiation if they cannot convict...
You can't convict anyone for anything except murder 40 years after the fact. Statute of limitations.
If someone sexually assaults you be it a fellow student, Catholic priest, movie producer, Bill Cosby, or whatever, speak out then and don't wait 40 years.