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Kushner delivered a hit list to the Saudi crown prince

when statists like you group unknown folks into your convenient partitions, you must understand that you are stereotyping. Profiling at least, probably bigotted, maybe rascist.
How can you be ok with that?

Sent from my SM-N950W using Steeler Nation mobile app
Eat **** and die for calling us anti-semites with nothing to back it up.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">If you still support trump at this point, you are either a whack job gun nut, a racist, or a ******* moron. If you think there is any acceptable reason for supporting him, congrats- you’re a member of the ******* moron group.</p>— TrumpSwamp (@SwampyTrump) <a href="https://twitter.com/SwampyTrump/status/1065402319074803712?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 22, 2018</a></blockquote>
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This is harsh and probably goes a bit too far. But there is a growing sentiment Trump supporters should be called out for being total fanboys, sugarcoating his behavior and each and every decision he makes, particularly when he goes after military, minorities, women, journalists. In my view the biggest sin committed by the Trump base is blatantly ignoring the vitriol and hatred Trump exhibits when he lashes out at his perceived opponents. The response is simply holding your nose and looking away. And of course the usual whataboutism, claiming the media isn't fair to him and he's just fighting back, or bringing up minor fringe groups like AntiFa as some sort of bizarre rationalization for Trump's behavior. **** that, he's the President, he should lead by example. There is still such a thing as common decency and core American values standing up for human rights and equality for all. Trump is waving the flag of xenophobia, scapegoating of whatever imagined threat or enemy - or minority/religious group - he can pull out of his ***.

So yes, there is a huge void in truthfulness and calling a spade a spade when it comes to Trump and his supporters. The sugarcoating and blame-game has got to stop. His base should very much be calling him out for his words and actions. Think of what message you're sending to your kids and grandkids. It will be hard to wash off the stain when looking back at this presidency in years to come.

And then there are the extreme Trump nut-huggers, many here on the board, who share his hatred and anger and froth at the mouth in approval of his most incidiary, hateful messaging. These are the ones who want to shoot refugees at the border, have journalists killed, demean women, minorities and the political left, and the like. Unfortunately, there is hardly ever a backlash against this type of sentiment on this board from the so-called 'rational' Trump supporters. That's why it's becoming increasingly difficult to claim there are still 'normal' Trump supporters out there.
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You know Tibs, it is hard to take you seriously preaching about hatred and vitriol when you come in here lecturing people with hatred and vitriol. Your post is so steeped in irony it's ridiculous.

You just called everyone here that disagrees with you racists, homophobes, xenophobes, liars irrational and abnormal all in a couple paragraphs, while lecturing about civility and standing up for what is right. How is that any better?
You know Tibs, it is hard to take you seriously preaching about hatred and vitriol when you come in here lecturing people with hatred and vitriol. Your post is so steeped in irony it's ridiculous. You just called everyone here that disagrees with you racists, homophobes, xenophobes, liars irrational and abnormal all in a couple paragraphs, while lecturing about civility and standing up for what is right. How is that any better?
I know in your heart of hearts you disagree with a lot of what Trump stands for. Even though you generally go along with it, at least you call him out for specific things that upset you and aren't afraid to criticize him. I commend you for that. My point of contention is geared towards his hardcore base, of which we have plenty of representatives here on the board. The Trump cult, aka the Trump apologists. And I don't feel bad about calling them out whenever I can. In my view, it's calling a spade a spade and is a much needed public service on a heavily lopsided, skewered board like this.
Despite all their posturing and demagoguery, Trump and the Alt Right actually love and support the muzzies, particularly those who they have deep-rooted political and financial ties to. True for Putin, Orban and Trump. Be it Syrian or Saudi murderers, if you line the right pockets you're good to go, welcomed with open arms.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">NEW STORY: Moneyman of <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Syria?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Syria</a>’s president received <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Hungarian?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Hungarian</a> residence permit through <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Russia?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Russia</a>. Our new <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/GoldenVisa?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#GoldenVisa</a> story by <a href="https://twitter.com/BZoldi?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@BZoldi</a> <a href="https://t.co/jaecEoWOpe">https://t.co/jaecEoWOpe</a> <a href="https://t.co/3i4PzwzfMC">pic.twitter.com/3i4PzwzfMC</a></p>— direkt36 (@direkt36) <a href="https://twitter.com/direkt36/status/1065577527152992256?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 22, 2018</a></blockquote>
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This is harsh and probably goes a bit too far. But there is a growing sentiment Trump supporters should be called out for being total fanboys, sugarcoating his behavior and each and every decision he makes, particularly when he goes after military, minorities, women, journalists. In my view the biggest sin committed by the Trump base is blatantly ignoring the vitriol and hatred Trump exhibits when he lashes out at his perceived opponents. The response is simply holding your nose and looking away. And of course the usual whataboutism, claiming the media isn't fair to him and he's just fighting back, or bringing up minor fringe groups like AntiFa as some sort of bizarre rationalization for Trump's behavior. **** that, he's the President, he should lead by example. There is still such a thing as common decency and core American values standing up for human rights and equality for all. Trump is waving the flag of xenophobia, scapegoating of whatever imagined threat or enemy - or minority/religious group - he can pull out of his ***.

So yes, there is a huge void in truthfulness and calling a spade a spade when it comes to Trump and his supporters. The sugarcoating and blame-game has got to stop. His base should very much be calling him out for his words and actions. Think of what message you're sending to your kids and grandkids. It will be hard to wash off the stain when looking back at this presidency in years to come.

And then there are the extreme Trump nut-huggers, many here on the board, who share his hatred and anger and froth at the mouth in approval of his most incidiary, hateful messaging. These are the ones who want to shoot refugees at the border, have journalists killed, demean women, minorities and the political left, and the like. Unfortunately, there is hardly ever a backlash against this type of sentiment on this board from the so-called 'rational' Trump supporters. That's why it's becoming increasingly difficult to claim there are still 'normal' Trump supporters out there.
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I know in your heart of hearts you disagree with a lot of what Trump stands for. Even though you generally go along with it, at least you call him out for specific things that upset you and aren't afraid to criticize him. I commend you for that. My point of contention is geared towards his hardcore base, of which we have plenty of representatives here on the board. The Trump cult, aka the Trump apologists. And I don't feel bad about calling them out whenever I can. In my view, it's calling a spade a spade and is a much needed public service on a heavily lopsided, skewered board like this.

In my opinion, Trump is no more dangerous for America than liberalism.

if someone looks you in the eye and slashes your throat, is it really any different than the guy that sneaks up behind you and does the same thing?
go back under your rock. You keep ramping your vitriol and loathing: how do you expect this to evolve?
Now that Uncle George has included a little pepper in your soma, are you prepared for what your increasing war of words might lead to?
For 8 years, folks with views opposite to yours were generally polite (yes there was specific issues related to Bomma's past and "tendencies") and they respectfully disagreed with most of the media, and most of Bomma's supporters.
Then the 2016 election happens, and the gutteral writhing and gnashing of teeth happens---then the economic growth (by any measure) increases, most people settle into their lives, and fucktards like you start to make drive-by accusations, fanning flames with lies, casting aspersions, and conflating global and domestic issues as you have just done above.

How do you want this to evolve Tibs?

Will blood be enough to fill your lust to feel righteous?

Sent from my SM-N950W using Steeler Nation mobile app
In my opinion, Trump is no more dangerous for America than liberalism.

Sure you can argue that, but the fact is Trump is in power now, the danger he poses is palpable. Whatever percieved danger you fear from 'liberalism' is currently on the sidelines or in the rearview mirror. That's the difference.

So on that note, why don't you join me in saying... all together now:

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FDTSMLP%2Fvideos%2F2206203619633854%2F&show_text=0&width=476" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" width="476" height="476" frameborder="0"></iframe>
...are you prepared for what your increasing war of words might lead to?
You mean Trump's increasing war of words?

..you start to make drive-by accusations, fanning flames with lies, casting aspersions, and conflating global and domestic issues
You mean when Trump does all that?

How do you want this to evolve?
I want Trump to be held accountable and held in check by the other two branches of government. I want his remaining supporters to see through the facade and reckon with the true nature of the beast.

Will blood be enough to fill your lust to feel righteous?
You mean the blood on Trump's hands?
Sure you can argue that, but the fact is Trump is in power now, the danger he poses is palpable. Whatever percieved danger you fear from 'liberalism' is currently on the sidelines or in the rearview mirror. That's the difference.

No, it’s not on the sidelines or in the rear view mirror. It is alive and well and just won the house. On top of that, it is still threatening to strip me of my rights. No, it isn’t a perceived threat; it is very real, and no amount of virtue signaling is going to change that.
when statists like you group unknown folks into your convenient partitions, you must understand that you are stereotyping. Profiling at least, probably bigotted, maybe rascist.
How can you be ok with that?

Sent from my SM-N950W using Steeler Nation mobile app

They are trying to steal an election from an African American woman in favor of a white guy. What more proof do we need that "diversity " is not their goal and that they really dont give a **** about women or minorities except their votes.
On top of that, it is still threatening to strip me of my rights.

What rights? Like all the rights that were stripped away from you during eight straight years of Obama's neo-liberal-socialism? You guys can keep choosing to fear the boogeyman, just not sure how grounded that is in reality.
For 8 years, folks with views opposite to yours were generally polite (yes there was specific issues related to Bomma's past and "tendencies") and they respectfully disagreed with most of the media, and most of Bomma's supporters.
Btw, this is the biggest load of horseshit you've written in a while, and that's saying something. Blatant revisionist history, keep trying to convince yourself it's anywhere near accurate. /smh
One of the things that I’m thankful for on this beautiful Thanksgiving Day is that I’m not an unrealistic, delusional, unhinged, lying, Islamic, moronic, ignorant, angry, communist, atheist, terrorist-supporting, anti-American ******** like Tibs.
I mean, it must really suck going through life as such a miserable piece of ****. Tibs, I’d almost feel sorry for you, if you weren’t such a socialist k-unt.
One of the things that I’m thankful for on this beautiful Thanksgiving Day is that I’m not an unrealistic, delusional, unhinged, lying, Islamic, moronic, ignorant, angry, communist, atheist, terrorist-supporting, anti-American ******** like Tibs.
No, you're something much, much worse. Sadly, that's a dark, lonely place your soul resides in, hope you can find a way back to normality at some point. Have a safe & happy Thanksgiving Indy.
No, you're something much, much worse. Sadly, that's a dark, lonely place your soul resides in, hope you can find a way back to normality at some point. Have a safe & happy Thanksgiving Indy.

You didn’t dispute any of those things, as expected. I’m not lonely. I’m happy and I love life, especially right now. You have a nice Thanksgiving too. I didn’t know Hungarians celebrated it.
You didn’t dispute any of those things, as expected. I’m not lonely. I’m happy and I love life, especially right now. You have a nice Thanksgiving too. I didn’t know Hungarians celebrated it.
No reason to dispute your rambling lies. You can slander me all you want, won't change the fact I'm none of those things. Well I am to you, in your paranoid, dark mind, so you can have a fictional boogeyman to throw darts at online. Suit yourself. And yes, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving around the world, wherever they happen to be. Blows the mind, doesn't it?
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What rights? Like all the rights that were stripped away from you during eight straight years of Obama's neo-liberal-socialism? You guys can keep choosing to fear the boogeyman, just not sure how grounded that is in reality.

My second amendment rights. They have said as much. Its not a boogeyman. It’s a lot more real than the “rights” the left claims Trump is taking or threatening to take from them. Because you know, 2A is actually a right. Don’t talk to me about reality when you’re one of the people that refuse to accept it.
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You know, I swore I wouldn’t engage in this bickering anymore, yet here I am. I hate politics. ****.
My second amendment rights. They have said as much. Its not a boogeyman. It’s a lot more real than the “rights” the left claims Trump is taking or threatening to take from them. Because you know, 2A is actually a right. Don’t talk to me about reality when you’re one of the people that refuse to accept it.

I doubt the 2A is going anywhere. You think the Supreme Court would sign off on changing it? I support certain sensible gun restrictions, but there's zero chance the 2nd amendment would ever be repealed in any formidable way, regardless who's the President or who has majority in Congress.

You know, I swore I wouldn’t engage in this bickering anymore, yet here I am. I hate politics. ****.

Dont sweat it, it's a political board afterall. Happy Thanksgiving Sarge to you and yours.
My second amendment rights. They have said as much. Its not a boogeyman. It’s a lot more real than the “rights” the left claims Trump is taking or threatening to take from them. Because you know, 2A is actually a right. Don’t talk to me about reality when you’re one of the people that refuse to accept it.

Hey Sarge, if you don't hand over your guns right now, you are gonna get nuked. At least that's what the moonbat California Dem congress people are saying.
I doubt the 2A is going anywhere. You think the Supreme Court would sign off on changing it? I support certain sensible gun restrictions, but there's zero chance the 2nd amendment would ever be repealed in any formidable way, regardless who's the President or who has majority in Congress.

Dont sweat it, it's a political board afterall. Happy Thanksgiving Sarge to you and yours.

But what is sensible? And who decides? I think there has been enough sensible restriction. There is no one in Washington or coming in the next Congress that I want deciding that for me or anyone else.