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Let's Go PENS!

This has gone from frustrating to embarrassing. The book is out. Hit the Pens as much as you can. They will take care of the rest.
What I tell you clev fan, go back to dumpsville.

Cleveland fan? This ain't the 80's. I can see accusing someone of being a Rat or Bungle fan, but Cleveland? They are irrelevant, and they know it. You won't see Stains fans around here until they win 8 games.
Cleveland fan? This ain't the 80's. I can see accusing someone of being a Rat or Bungle fan, but Cleveland? They are irrelevant, and they know it. You won't see Stains fans around here until they win 8 games.

Look at the steeler forum. He was slobbering on jonny dick.
This is truly sad to watch. The Pens just don't do well against teams that play hard, forecheck and hit. No good reason why. This team is capable of playing winning playoff hockey. They did it for three whole games in a row. Then they stopped for a reason I cannot fathom. It is like the coach and players are enamored with winning pretty rather than just winning. Game 7 looms large, and I don't like the Pens' chances. They are no longer playing hungry.
And Neal takes a stupid, stupid penalty to cap the in game nonsense. Then the after game nonsense. SMH.
This team, with it's current roster, is not mentally capable of a cup run. They have the talent, just not the mental fortitude.
That statement tells me that you are full of ****, or a liar.

Why so angry? Did you buy tickets to game 7? :D
Don't get angry with me. I'm not the one stinking it up on the ice every spring.
Why so angry? Did you buy tickets to game 7? :D
Don't get angry with me. I'm not the one stinking it up on the ice every spring.
You do realize that 3 of the last 6 years, the Pens have been in the Conference finals, and one was a Stanley Cup? Also, I'd be very happy if I had game 7 tickets, being that there will actually be a game 7.

If you plan to babble on here, at least be coherent about it.
If the Pens finish this meltdown and exit the playoffs Disco Dan needs to be fired. there is no reason for this bullshit yet it happens almost every year.
Unless they do a complete turnaround on Tuesday from everyone on the team, they will be bounced come 10pm. Right now, I don't like their chances. Their passing is horrid, they're one & two steps behind and are playing tentative. They are a complete mess right now. It's the Pens/Flyers series all over again and we know how that ended. Yes, as a Pens fan, my glass is not half full right now. If they don't come out smoking on Tuesday and do choke it away, the offseason will get interesting and it should.
Fluery needs something for his Bi-polar goal-tending... and a few defense-men would help too.... It's game seven - anything can happen. But you can be sure I'll be rooting the Penguins on hard... maybe get a few Sabers fans over to root against the Rangers. :cool:
What a ******* joke. It's so easy to see how to beat this team. Knock them around a bit, get them off of their game, keep hitting Sid until he gets pissed and retaliates and then the whole team follows suit. And Danny boy has absolutely no answer for it all. I said it a while back, this team needs to be gutted..

Nothing to watch sports wise now because the Pirates are equally sucky.
They way we played the last 2 games, I just don't see us winning game 7. I sure hope I am wrong but this team needs a kick in the *** and Bylsma doesn't seem to be the man for the job. And, I don't see them making a change with him anytime soon.
powr play must mean see how many passes we can make in 2 minutes

Two fantastic looks on that last PP and they both passed it off. PP is just a 2 minute passing drill.

Somebody needs to let them know that "PP" is not an abbreviation for passing party.



Can't say I disagree with them.

Wasn't going to join in "Baggin" on ya here but you just proved you're an idiot.

This has gone from frustrating to embarrassing. The book is out. Hit the Pens as much as you can. They will take care of the rest.

The 3 games they won they were dong the hitting. I just don't get it.

Same Ol' Pens. I've been watching this **** for decades.

Bullshit......and this
That statement tells me that you are full of ****, or a liar.

This team, with it's current roster, is not mentally capable of a cup run. They have the talent, just not the mental fortitude.

I've maintained for some time that they need someone with skill and grit....someone who draws attention for scoring potential and for their potential and willingness to remove your head from your torso. Lord knows somebody needed to step up and deal some "that'll cool your *** down" to Kreider last night. Dude was playing out of control.

Why so angry? Did you buy tickets to game 7? :D
Don't get angry with me. I'm not the one stinking it up on the ice every spring.

Why so late to the thread? Rhetorical question, we all know the answer.

If the Pens finish this meltdown and exit the playoffs Disco Dan needs to be fired. there is no reason for this bullshit yet it happens almost every year.

Agreed....the dude is completely emotionless and this team needs someone to overshadow the bigger than life presence of Malkin and Crosby. I get the feeling this team takes their direction and motivation from them far too much. Not as it should be.

Any stud goalies going to be available in FA this year? This series really has come down to goal tending. Yes the Pens have played pretty carelessly the last two games, but you have to admit....anyone less than a red hot Lundqvist and it's probably already over. Not making excuses for the laziness and sloppiness but it must get frustrating to have chance after chance stuffed.

Then add to the frustration by watching your sloppy D give up chances and your mental case goalie let in soft goals.....

If I have a wish (besides that they advance) it is that they advance on some kind of Gibbons heroics. The rest of the team would do well to take note of his effort. ****, DD oughtta strip the C from Sid and give it to Gibby for G7.
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Pens aren't allowed to hit... its a penalty... but cross checking Crosby to the back of the head and holding his stick all game is allowed... it is annoying.
Pen are back to being the Meadowlarks, looking for the pretty goals, playing soft and sloppy. 1 goal a game won't win much.

Lundqvist is in a zone, he doesn't give up cheap goals like Fleury

Every team that has scored first wins

I hadn't felt so confident about the Pens chances in years heading into Game 5....then St Louie's mom died and it gave them a huge boost.

Shoot the damn puck.