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Liberalism is a mental illness thread

So this week netflix, realizing that “ Go woke, Go Broke” was an observation, not a political motto, layed off 150 workers from its hardcore social Justice wing. It also canceled a large amount of woke targeted programs that fit the definition of what has been very low rated and cost heavy to the company.

Of course the libs are freaking out. It’s perfectly fine for them to demand actual censorship of the opposition viewpoints and nonconformist like dave chappelle, but if the company quits flushing money down the drain to support such marginalized viewpoints that they don’t even track in the ratings, its being obtusely evil…

Bear in mind, in most cases they simply trimmed what was being created for the future, they aren’t removing content or cancelling well rated projects, (which is actually what the woke mob has sometimes demanded of them for things that offended them, by the way….) in many cases they had people working on three or four similar projects dealing with the same material and all they did was trim it back to one…

So i guess the moral here is that if you are going broke by going woke, in the eyes of the woke, you dont have the right to quit flushing money down their agenda pit, they are entitled to it
So this week netflix, realizing that “ Go woke, Go Broke” was an observation, not a political motto, layed off 150 workers from its hardcore social Justice wing. It also canceled a large amount of woke targeted programs that fit the definition of what has been very low rated and cost heavy to the company.

Of course the libs are freaking out. It’s perfectly fine for them to demand actual censorship of the opposition viewpoints and nonconformist like dave chappelle, but if the company quits flushing money down the drain to support such marginalized viewpoints that they don’t even track in the ratings, its being obtusely evil…

Bear in mind, in most cases they simply trimmed what was being created for the future, they aren’t removing content or cancelling well rated projects, (which is actually what the woke mob has sometimes demanded of them for things that offended them, by the way….) in many cases they had people working on three or four similar projects dealing with the same material and all they did was trim it back to one…

So i guess the moral here is that if you are going broke by going woke, in the eyes of the woke, you dont have the right to quit flushing money down their agenda pit, they are entitled to it
Exactly. Network news has been the same way for a long time. The news divisions have their agenda and they don't care about their ratings, it's up to the regular programming to pay for them. So the only good capitalism is capitalism which pays ME.
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defund the po-leeses

What was the paint ball looking gun? I assume rubber bullets? Lol they didn’t do **** she was full charge ahead
Nailed it.

Collectively, the left is a humorless, angry and dangerous bunch.
Some have even escaped getting slapped in the back of the head since birth.



It’s been like that since I was in college. The rise of social media makes it seem bigger than it is.

Liberals are not a powerful group by any means. They’re just really good at crying loud and getting participation trophies to hush them up for a few weeks.
It’s been like that since I was in college. The rise of social media makes it seem bigger than it is.

Liberals are not a powerful group by any means. They’re just really good at crying loud and getting participation trophies to hush them up for a few weeks.

They have the power of most media. They also control and censor what is seen and heard. That makes them extremely powerful.

Other great power they have? The education system. The stuff they're doing in some states at the elementary level alone, should be considered child abuse, grooming and brain washing.

Yes they have a lot of power. It's irrefutable.
They have the power of most media. They also control and censor what is seen and heard. That makes them extremely powerful.

Other great power they have? The education system. The stuff they're doing in some states at the elementary level alone, should be considered child abuse, grooming and brain washing.

Yes they have a lot of power. It's irrefutable.
Not really - in response to them having power.
Maybe collectively sure.

There are alternative sources to consume when it comes to the media. You don’t have to engage with their agenda.

I’ve yet to see them have a complete takeover. There is always going to be resistance/opposition in this country for one side to have complete control.

All this liberalism or right wing propaganda is just a social media fabrication that the government takes advantage of. All of this doesn’t seem to impact my real world experiences overall.
Not really - in response to them having power.
Maybe collectively sure.

There are alternative sources to consume when it comes to the media. You don’t have to engage with their agenda.

I’ve yet to see them have a complete takeover. There is always going to be resistance/opposition in this country for one side to have complete control.

All this liberalism or right wing propaganda is just a social media fabrication that the government takes advantage of. All of this doesn’t seem to impact my real world experiences overall.

Oh absolutely. It's what the general population goes by. Which are ignorant and oblivious. Impact real world? What bubble do you live in? The real world is pretty jacked up right now and a great deal of the financial suffering going on right now was from a media that went hard 24/7 on a president for 4 years.The covid nonsense and a really ****** up election. Does Russian collusion ring a bell. Censorship and crushing dissenters on a unprecedented level.I know you can't be this naive.
Oh absolutely. It's what the general population goes by. Which are ignorant and oblivious. Impact real world? What bubble do you live in? The real world is pretty jacked up right now and a great deal of the financial suffering going on right now was from a media that went hard 24/7 on a president for 4 years.The covid nonsense and a really ****** up election. Does Russian collusion ring a bell. Censorship and crushing dissenters on a unprecedented level.I know you can't be this naive.
They’re oblivious now,

But when push comes to shove I think even the most hardcore liberal can feel threatened by the government when it comes to rights. The stuff happening in Canada, I just don’t see it happening here. I stand by my belief that liberalism and right wing extremism is is all fabricated propaganda which is going to amount to nothing.

All I hear or read around here is a collapse and civil war. Well, after 2024 and the country is still moving on business as usual, then what? Who is the next puppet to point the finger at?

We’ve been down this road of cultural and political clashing before in history. More recently it was covid in 2020, russian collusion in 2016, the end of the world in 2012, y2k 2000.

I think it was Tim who posted awhile back how scientist were predicting global warming to bring about the end of the world in the 1970’s.

Naive? I don’t trust news from liberal jane or tractor joe on twitter, tik tok or even cnn or fox for that matter. The news flying around now is all finger pointing democrats this or republicans that. The real thing is tech and culture is changing before our very eyes and we’re not adapting. We blame the younger kids who have grown up diverse. They’re not scared of jihadi george, the gays, trannies, they don’t care about the way things used to be.

If it collapses. I’ll come here and eat crow. But if it doesn’t like you guys say it is then what’s the next scapegoat?
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