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Low turnouts for the Dem's in 2016?


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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My Democratic-minded friends and family really don't like either Clinton or Sanders. I also think many minorities who voted for Obama to use their lingo aren't crazy about the old and white strategy on their 2016 ticket.

So I'll make an early prediction and say their total vote in 2012 will be greater than their total vote in 2016
You're probably right. Also there is less excitement on the Dem side since we all knew since 2008 that it would be Hildebeast this year. Hell, she's lucky Bernie is there so she has someone to debate and an excuse to be on TV.
My Democratic-minded friends and family...
That sounds like a pretty wide sample of the American population. So yes, I think you must be right, run with it.

Nothing to see here...

10 reasons why voters are turning to Bernie Sanders

Is Bernie Sanders the Ronald Reagan of 2016?

Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says

Bernie Sanders Is Winning Feminists, Even at Hillary Clinton’s Alma Mater

New Poll Shows Bernie Sanders Rising, Clinton Still Sinking
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I think you must be right

Dems turnout could be down, unless the Supreme Court is an issue. If that turns out the case Dem turnout would soar.
They already know the outcome

They already know the outcome

Tightening race rattles Clinton World’s nerves

Allies of Hillary Clinton are growing nervous as the Democratic presidential race with Bernie Sanders tightens ahead of contests in Nevada and South Carolina.

A new CNN/ORC poll released Wednesday found Clinton with a 1-point lead in Nevada, which hosts its caucuses on Saturday. That’s a huge change from the 23-point lead Clinton enjoyed in a late December poll by Gravis.

In South Carolina, which hosts its primary election on Feb. 27, Clinton has a more comfortable 18-point lead according to a CNN/ORC poll. But even that edge has narrowed since Sanders crushed her in New Hampshire’s primary last week.

As recently as mid-January, a poll from NBC, The Wall Street Journal and Marist found Clinton with a 33-point lead in South Carolina.

“I don’t get it. I don’t think anyone expected this race to look like this,” said one former Clinton aide who maintains ties with the campaign. “A big loss in New Hampshire, basically a tie going into Nevada. You have to ask yourself, ‘What’s next?' "

Team Clinton maintains confidence that its lead in South Carolina will hold, but the potential loss in Nevada has put people on edge about a “domino effect” in which states could fall one by one to Sanders as he gains momentum.

“It’s hard to feel confident about South Carolina if you lose Nevada,” the former aide said.

Democratic strategist Jim Manley, a former spokesman Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid (Nev.), said he believes Clinton will ultimately eke out a victory in Nevada because the state is “tailor-made for her" with its large population of minority voters.

Clinton's campaign is banking on support from Hispanics in the state. According to the 2014 U.S. Census, 27.8 percent of the population is Hispanic.

Yet Manley even acknowledged that “folks are giving Sanders a second look” there.

“He’s got some good momentum. There’s no doubt about it,” he said.

Internally, both Hillary and former President Bill Clinton have voiced their displeasure with various aspects of the campaign, particularly on messaging and organizing, according to sources. Those involved with the campaign increasingly believe a staff reshuffling will take place, especially if Clinton loses in Nevada.

“The **** will hit the fan,” one longtime friend of the Clintons predicted. “No doubt about it.”

“I think there’s real genuine concern about Bernie’s momentum and that the firewall doesn’t seem to be holding back the fire,” the friend said. “I don’t think people think she isn’t going to win the nomination. But I do think people think it’ll take a lot more money and a lot more time.”
Guess Tibs hasn't read those articles on the Delegates and the Super Delegates, and basically how Sanders has no chance on the dem side. Currently Hildebeast has 394 delegates to 44 for Sanders.


If You’re Wondering How Rigged This Election Is On The Democrat Side, Read This.

I actually feel real, genuine empathy right now…for Bernie Sanders supporters.

If you’re like me, all the talk about delegates and superdelegates and how in the world Bernie Sanders has so many fewer delegates than Hillz right now kinda makes your head spin. Which is why I was really glad to see a segment on Greta which sort of began to explain it:

After watching that though, I still wondered, “Who ARE these superdelegates and why do they have so much power?” and I wondered if it worked the same way on the GOP side as it does on the Democrat side. And so I researched. And this article broke it down really well. Here’s the main point though, which is why I feel empathy for Sanders supporters. Their side is completely rigged.

There are 4051 Democrat delegates, and 712 of those are superdelegates (or, those who are unpledged/unbound to any specific candidate, and who can vote for whoever they want, no matter what their home state popular vote says.) Those superdelegates include:

1. All Democrat governors
2. All Democrat senators
3. All Democrat congressional representatives
4. Some Democrat big city mayors and state lawmakers
5. All former Democrat presidents, vice presidents, US Senate leaders, and speakers of the House
6. President Obama
7. All members of the DNC.

Quite a list, huh? What that means, essentially, is that the people listed above wield far more power than regular, normal people in the election process. So when you hear Democrats say that every vote counts, you need to remember that some votes count far more than others. Real democratic, huh?

Now, on the GOP side, things work differently, and far more democratically.

Republicans have 2472 delegates, 168 of which are superdelegates, and those 168 people are RNC members. However, they are NOT allowed to vote for whoever they want at the convention. They can only support whoever their state supports, which means that they’re really not “super” at all. They’re just delegates.

Pretty interesting, isn’t it? That the GOP delegates will be voting according to the will of the people, whereas the Democrat delegates will simply vote according to their own, personal selfish interests?

Their side is majorly rigged. And Sanders supporters are right to be pissed off. If he continues to win primaries, and is the clear popular choice, it may not matter at all. The will of the people be damned. There are 712 people who will decide for them, because they know what’s best. This is the party who claims to be for the little guy. The one who touts its diversity and inclusion. The one who insists Voter ID laws cause disenfranchisement.


Just remember, Democrat voters – when you vote for your elected officials, you’re giving away your own power to them.

Nice party you got there, Dems. Your elitism is showing.
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Nobody gives a **** about Nevada

Wait till Bernie comes to the SEC primary states - he will get slaughtered in the south

Guess Tibs hasn't read those articles on the Delegates and the Super Delegates, and basically how Sanders has no chance on the dem side.

Nobody gives a **** about Nevada. Wait till Bernie comes to the SEC primary states - he will get slaughtered in the south


;) still plenty of time, let's see how it all shakes out, shall we?
Dem turnout will be irrelevant because if Trump is GOP nominee, a lot of Republicans will be voting for Hillary.
I would love for Bernie to beat Hillary in NV and Trump dominate SC.

That will have heads asploding all over.

Trump Dominates in Bloomberg Poll Before South Carolina Primary

A Bloomberg Politics poll shows the billionaire leading the field across virtually all demographic groups just days before the nation's third nominating contest.

Dem turnout will be irrelevant because if Trump is GOP nominee, a lot of Republicans will be voting for Hillary.

hahahaha - just the opposite

Trump will gut her
Guess Tibs hasn't read those articles on the Delegates and the Super Delegates, and basically how Sanders has no chance on the dem side. Currently Hildebeast has 394 delegates to 44 for Sanders.

Yep, it's all Kabuki Theater...the Clinton selection is already final. None of those decided Super Delegates will switch after Hillary takes the South and all this "Feel the Bern" stuff dies. The real story is if the Repub canidates ride this all the way to the Convention.
Dems turnout could be down, unless the Supreme Court is an issue. If that turns out the case Dem turnout would soar.

Actually, I think the court is more likely to bring out Rep's and Obama is going to try for the opposite of a conservative. I can see some 2nd amendment rights are taken away, and a more liberal ruling on Abortion and racial quotas.
Nobody gives a **** about Nevada

Wait till Bernie comes to the SEC primary states - he will get slaughtered in the south


Well 2 months ago, Bernie was supposed to get slaughtered in Iowa. Clinton has given up a 20% or more lead in Iowa. Nevada now is dead even. Point being, these polls are trending for Sanders. Older polls more than a week old do not count anymore!

The bald truth is Sanders really appeals to a large group who votes for a living. I'm serious. The old, very young, or disenfranchised types who can't make better for themselves for ( insert your own ) reason see him as their savior, their meal ticket, an outsider.

Hillary Clinton positons theses day are pro-Wall Street. Very opposite the top 1% playbook of the Democratic party. I just wish Sanders was a little sharper in debate and points this out.

Lately Clinton said she's not very good at promoting herself. One of the biggies lies she ever told!
I would love even more a showdown at highnoon! - Trump vs Bernie The Socialist

Now that's guarantdamnteed entertainment!

Can't wait
Trump vs Bernie...Can't wait

Me either. And it's only February....

Poll: Sanders beats every Republican

American voters back Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont over Republican candidates by margins of 4 to 10 percentage points in head to head presidential matchups, according to a Quinnipiac University National poll released today.

Sanders has the highest favorability rating of any candidate and the highest scores for honesty and integrity, for caring about voters' needs and problems and for sharing voters' values.

"It's certainly Sen. Bernie Sanders' moment. The Vermont firebrand leads all potential GOP rivals in raw numbers and raw emotion with the best scores for favorability and several key character traits," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

Presidential matchups among American voters show:

Sanders over Trump 48 - 42 percent;
Sanders tops Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas 49 - 39 percent;
Sanders leads Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida 47 - 41 percent;
Sanders beats Bush 49 - 39 percent;
Sanders edges Kasich 45 - 41 percent.

American voters give Sanders a 51 - 36 percent favorability. Kasich gets a 35 - 18 percent favorability with Rubio at a split 39 - 37 percent score. All other scores are negative:

37 - 58 percent for Clinton;
37 - 57 percent for Trump;
36 - 45 percent for Cruz;
21 - 26 percent for Bloomberg;
37 - 48 percent for Bush.
The so-called super delegates will catch on sooner or later...

Bernie Sanders Surges Ahead of Hillary Clinton For the First Time in New National Poll


For the first time ever, Bernie Sanders is beating Hillary Clinton in a national poll.

A new Fox News poll released Thursday evening shows the Vermont senator beating the former First Lady and Secretary of State, 47 to 44, among likely Democratic primary voters. This is the first time Sen. Sanders has beaten Clinton, the longtime frontrunner, in any nationwide poll.

Clinton has been ahead of Sanders by as much as 35 points nationally, though in the wake of her narrow win in Iowa and decisive loss in New Hampshire, Sanders has been closing in on her lead. Since January, Sanders has cut Clinton’s national polling advantage in half. Another national poll conducted by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal shows Clinton ahead by just 11 points.

The Fox News poll may be an outlier for now, but polling averages from Real Clear Politics show Clinton trending downward and Sanders trending upward since the start of 2016:


Sanders’ momentum has been on the rise since New Hampshire, and the surging democratic socialist may end up winning the Nevada caucus this Saturday, where Clinton previously led by astronomical margins.
Me either.

Trump is beating Hillary AND Bernie - ha ha

In hypothetical matchups in the general election:

• Clinton loses by 2 points to Trump (43%-45%), 1 point to Cruz (44%-45%), 6 points to Rubio (42%-48%) and 11 points to Kasich (38%-49%). That's a weaker standing than the former secretary of State showed in December's survey, when she narrowly led Trump and Cruz and trailed Rubio by just 2 points.

• Sanders loses by 1 point to Trump (43%-44%), 3 points to Kasich (41%-44%) and 4 points to Rubio (42%-46%) — each of them a slightly stronger showing than Clinton — and he leads Cruz by 2 points (44%-42%).

• Clinton loses by 2 points to Trump (43%-45%), 1 point to Cruz (44%-45%), 6 points to Rubio (42%-48%) and 11 points to Kasich (38%-49%).

• Sanders loses by 1 point to Trump (43%-44%), 3 points to Kasich (41%-44%) and 4 points to Rubio (42%-46%) — each of them a slightly stronger showing than Clinton — and he leads Cruz by 2 points (44%-42%).

So the Republicans best bet is Kasich, at least according to that.

I could see Trump winning the nomination and then losing the election in the final weeks as the anti-establishment and swing voters get cold feet.
Dem turnout will be irrelevant because if Trump is GOP nominee, a lot of Republicans will be voting for Hillary.

Not this one. Never, no way, no ******* how.