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Maricopa County audit

They need the router data to provide additional evidence that the election system was compromised during the Nov 2020 election. There is evidence outside the routers that there was unauthorized access to their election management server. Indeed, AZ sent letters to some voters detailing that a breach had occurred. The routers will provide more detailed information about those breaches, where they came from and what packets of data were transferred. (They won't have the data in the packets, just record that packets were sent.)
AZ Senate is saying "We need to get the routers!" Looks like some significant heat will be put on Dominion et. al. to turn over the routers. When asked if the concerns about personal data or police data being on the routers Ben Cotton said the concerns are invalid. Then explained why.
Ben Cotton is now explaining what data the router sends, from address - to address, time of transmission.

Fan asked why the Sheriff of Maricopa County said that the routers won't be turned over due to private info on the routers. Fann asked "if the routers contain personal data, how can they justify using the routers in different locales for different purposes" Cotton says, "Basically they're full of ****."

He finished by implying "if the routers demonstrate that outside data was sent to the servers during the election process that would imply that outside interference not only was possible but that it happened and therefore anyone who wanted to hide that would be determined not to release the routers."
Cotton has evidence of a script that was run in an attempt to wipe the memory for some systems (specifically the election management system EMS). But by looking at the routers he can determine who did that.

For example 37,000 queries were made in one day for a password using a blank value. Those queries overfilled the 20 meg log for the server. The memory log "rolls" so first in, first out and this action effectively purged records retained in the EMS. By the way, there are only 8 accounts ON the EMS.

IE, some hard-core shady ****.
As wig gives us the detailed, excellent summary of what the audit showed and the very detailed steps taken to insure the ballots and machines were protected, and the evidence that Maricopa County is hiding key evidence and lying, Tibilo responds:


Followed by:


Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...
Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump

P.S. Kudos to wig. The running summary is awesome.
The Maricopa County EMS (server for election management system) the only "role" for the dominion system is "poll worker" (Lowest level of access) This means that NOBODY in Maricopa Co. has any access to their own system, it can only be administrated by outside parties, namely Dominion.

With administrative access, Cotton could determine the MAC address of every voting tabulator and with the router data he can definitively determine what outside attacks occurred on each machine and from where.

Without the administrative access, Maricopa Co. cannot verify any of their election results without the assistance of a Dominion administrator. In short, they could NOT have verified their election results.

Cotton later clarified. There is an admin account and password on the EMS, however a user needs an additional FOB to get in to administrative privileges. They have the passwords, but the state (and the auditors) don't have the fobs.
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AZ Senate putting on public record "We need to get access to our own voting system." Basically, Dominion, Give Us the ******* Admin Password.
Fann asks "There were two other companies that did "audits" of the election results, why did they not discover the cyber security problems and report on them. Cotton said if the scope of the audit did not include a deep dive into cyber security they may never have even looked at that.

He then points out that it seems multiple "poll worker" accounts all use the same passwords on the system. (Just a security weakness, not necessarily malfeasance, just dumb-assery) He points out accountability is thrown out because anybody could log in on anyone else's account because the passwords were the same. (These passwords are for the EMS server and adjudication systems.

Ben Cotton has clarified he DOES have admin passwords due to data recovery. But Dominion Systems also require a FOB in order to access administrative functions and data. They do NOT have the fobs.
The Maricopa County EMS (server for election management system) the only "role" for the dominion system is "poll worker" (Lowest level of access) This means that NOBODY in Maricopa Co. has any access to their own system, it can only be administrated by outside parties, namely Dominion.

With administrative access, Cotton could determine the MAC address of every voting tabulator and with the router data he can definitively determine what outside attacks occurred on each machine and from where.

Without the administrative access, Maricopa Co. cannot verify any of their election results without the assistance of a Dominion administrator. In short, they could NOT have verified their election results.
Mike Lindell is loving this... as am I.
Ballot Counts. This may be important.
Doug Logan (Cyber Ninjas) starts out by pointing out how uncooperative Maricopa Co. has been throughout the process.

Around 25k duplicates.

**** was made hard because the county didn't do a good job of tying original damaged ballots to duplicated ballots. With no serial number on both the original and duplicate there's no good way to tie one to the other and determine that ballots weren't double voted, or that duplicates weren't copied multiple times and counted. Further, in cases where serial numbers ARE used, they have 3 ballots with identical serial numbers where there should only be 2.
Huh ... Strangely enough, as wig relates the detailed work done the audit company, the information they found, the intentional interference and destruction of data by Maricopa County, the serious irregularities and duplicate counts, Tibilo seems to have disappeared.

Funny. I guess he'll be back at 3:30 a.m. Budapest time after about 15 cocktails featuring umbrellas to rant about Trump some more.
From what I can tell, lots of Maricopa Co. ballots were printed really badly and the "location" of the ovals in some cases was really really far off from where it should be.

Further, AZ state law requires a paper stock that doesn't allow bleed through. However there are MANY ballots that have bleed through. This should not be possible if the verified paper for the ballots was used.
(Right now they're talking about WHY there have been delays and why it's taking so long.)
The poorly aligned ballots are likely due to poor printer alignment.

Ballots-on-demand are the ones most likely to be affected. He said around 160k ballots on demand were printed.
Boom! Fann asks Maricopa Co. says we had 4 types of ballots and they're all legal, we're saying that isn't the case. How do we prove that the ballot paper used isn't legal?

The answer, subpoena the paper companies that provided the paper.
My ballot, in Maricopa County, did bleed through, but didn't affect the other side of the ballot vote wise, so they didn't follow the law in this case.
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74,000 mail in ballots with no clear record of them ever being "sent". AZ state law has requirements to track chain of command on mailed in ballots. To be clear, they have 74,000 ballots that were "mailed back" by individuals although they have no evidence that those ballots were ever mailed OUT to those people.
My ballot, in Maricopa County, did bleed through, but didn't affect the other side of the ballot vote wise, so they didn't follow the law in this case.
Their response to this is that they have to do more analysis to see where "bleed throughs" may have caused overvotes, false votes or other issues.
In order to determine more about the mail in ballots, the USPS can be subpoena'd and various records gathered including how may "returned" ballots were sent back to the county.
I just caught a moment of it, cause I was typing, but it seems that records of registered voters recorded on November 4th were changed by December 15th. Not sure what that's about.

Fann asked how that could be explained logically and the answer is... "Dunno". All this ends with a recommendation to canvas. dems say "Unpossible" but they want to send people door to door to ask about your vacc status.
Their response to this is that they have to do more analysis to see where "bleed throughs" may have caused overvotes, false votes or other issues.
The back side was mostly for retaining judges, which I didn't bother filling out.
Seems that LOTS and LOTS of people were removed from the voter polls AFTER the election. No clear explanation of why because Maricopa Co. won't cooperate.