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Maricopa County audit

Records of LOTS AND LOTS of correspondence daily between Maricopa Co. Board of Supervisors and Katie Hobbs Secretary of State, (anecdotal)
AZ went from a process of requiring 15 points of signature validation, to 10, to 5 and in the end voter reg folks were told to accept ALL ballots without signature verification. It seems as though there were also ballots received that had NO signatures whatsoever and were accepted anyway.
People involved in the fraud and the cover-up need to be in jail - soon. Maricopa politicians who interfered with the audit and helped destroy evidence need to be in jail. Poll workers involved in the multiple count need to be in jail.
When asking for images of the envelopes that were mailed, they were given a file that had no images. When they told the board that they didn't have the data, they were told, "It's on the drive we gave you." When told it can't be found, the county shrugs and says... "It's on the drive."
AZ Senate asking the audit team what they need in order to complete this audit and provide a detailed and complete report regarding all the issues that may have occurred and how to remedy them.

Basically a laundry list of existing or new subpoena items.
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How's that sedition treating ya? Still ready to take down the federal government? Don't think things will go as smoothly next time, as it did on Jan 6th. But give it a go again, if you must.
Stick to trolling this thread with desperation...I demand to be entertained with your dancing monkey routine. Dance monkey. DANCE I SAID!!
Wig is relaying information showing how disgustingly confident and unworried these people are about cheating and getting caught. They think they are above the law.

And every (D)imbo in existence - every last one - has no problem with that. Beijing Joe corrupt grifter, above the law? No problem. Maxine Waters corrupt grifter does not even live in her district? No problem. Hillary deletes evidence, gets bribes from Russia? No problem. Gavin Scum, Gretchen Whitmer violate their own restrictions? No problem. Texas (D)imbos get on private jet and flee in violation of Texas law? Heroes.

Until some of these lying grifters are held to account, it will not change.
Biggest things the audit team is pointing out in terms of issues they've found,

We have problems with duplicate ballots. We are trying to determine how great those problems are. Unfortunately the County is not helping in any way whatsoever.

They need to get router information in order to investigate the reported breach that occurred to the EMS. Router data would show if voter systems were affected.

There are many many batches of ballots where the reported counts for the boxes don't match the existing count. They imply this is a pretty large number but didn't give specifics. Although they popped up an exhibit that showed kinda how it happened. I took a photo, will add it later.

They want to understand why voter rolls were changed so drastically after the election.

Many Maricopa ballots don't hold up to state law regarding the paper requirements for those ballots. (They didn't say this outright, but this may indicate illegal copying of ballots onto unauthorized paper.)

They need access to records of mail-in-ballots that were sent out because they have records of 74,000 mail-in-ballots that have no chain of command that shows they were ever mailed to their recipients.

They have no "blue sheets" which are the over-riding count records of all the ballots in a batch. They have "pink sheets" with refer to small batches within a batch (think 50 ballot batches within a box of 200 or 1000) but they need to cross reference them with the blue sheets. Although the subpoena'd the blue sheets they never got them.

They want to get more information about actual absentee ballots and armed forces ballots because they said the numbers they have seem a little inconsistent with what they ought to have.

Again, everyone but Ben Cotton is being pretty "political" about it. They're saying, "We see things that are anomalous or odd and we really want to just clear that up so there's no confusion. We're not saying there's fraud or foul play, but we do want a good relationship with the County and we all want to produce a complete and accurate audit." Ben Cotton is saying, "These all ************* are cheatin' bastages."
Seems that LOTS and LOTS of people were removed from the voter polls AFTER the election. No clear explanation of why because Maricopa Co. won't cooperate.
Those are the dead people and noncitizens that voted.
Senate saying "We need to have administrative control over our own elections and we need to see the envelope signatures that demonstrate chain of command on these 74k ballots. They are essentially hedging their bet saying, if we don't get the information we are requesting we can't ensure that we'll have a complete and accurate audit. I don't much like that. While it puts the impetus on a "failed audit" on the folks who refuse to turn over the stuff, but it also opens the door for "This is the best we could do. Sorry, we didn't find much."

Fann did say we are prepared to go back to court to compel the county to cooperate. AZ voters deserve to know their voting system is secure and fair.
And they're adjourned.
Thanks for the live, blow-by-blow update, Wig. We're all on the edge of our seats. When do we get to the part former guy gets reinstated? So exciting!
Those are the dead people and noncitizens that voted.
What they weren't prepared for is the fact that Ben Cotton made backups of the voter rolls from early November so he CAN compare them to the ones they magically updated in December and one of the things the audit team wants to know is why there was SO MUCH alteration of the voter rolls AFTER the election.
They need access to records of mail-in-ballots that were sent out because they have records of 74,000 mail-in-ballots that have no chain of command that shows they were ever mailed to their recipients.
Just a reminder, Xiden "won" AZ by only roughly 10.000 "votes".
My ballot, in Maricopa County, did bleed through, but didn't affect the other side of the ballot vote wise, so they didn't follow the law in this case.
If the machine has trouble with a "bleed through" ballot, a poll worker can "adjudicate it", IE enter your vote in manually. it seems 160k ballots could have had misalignment issues that caused adjudication requirements.

They aren't saying 160k WERE adjudicated, they're saying it's possible that as many as 160K may have needed adjudication.
Thanks for all the updates, Wig. Just glossing over (and I knew it was going to be bad) but this is some seriously scandalous **** people need to be put behind bars for.
Thanks for the live, blow-by-blow update, Wig. We're all on the edge of our seats. When do we get to the part former guy gets reinstated? So exciting!
The audit isn't about Trump. It's about keeping the leftists from getting away with and expanding the destruction of our election system. Imagine if voter security isn't addressed before mid-term elections and the liberals rig the elections again to overwhelm the senate and house.

We'd descend into full-blown 3rd world despotism. Since you're across the world it doesn't affect you. Those of us who live here... We have a vested interest.
If anything, it's showing just how incompetent some counties are in regards to processing votes and maintaining a system of accountability. We, the people, need to demand better of our government. Philadelphia is going to make Maricopa County look like choir boys.
So essentially, while there was no "direct scorching earth" reveal, the audit team did say that there are 25,000 duplicate ballots and most of them don't have legible serial number coordination with the ballot they were duplicated from. This means there's no way to really determine how many times those ballots may have been duplicated and voted. The only way to even get at that number in a round about way is to ultimately tabulate the number of registered voters with the number of ballots.

They also said they have 74,000 mail-in-ballots with no demonstrable evidence that they were ever mailed out. For those paying attention, they essentially said they've found at least 99,000 ballots that are highly suspect in a race that was down to around 10k votes. and that's just ONE COUNTY.
Thanks for the live, blow-by-blow update, Wig. We're all on the edge of our seats. When do we get to the part former guy gets reinstated? So exciting!



Thanks for the live, blow-by-blow update, Wig. We're all on the edge of our seats. When do we get to the part former guy gets reinstated? So exciting!
I'm sorry, ************, but weren't you whining and crying for four long years that the 2016 election was compromised? weren't you screeching RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA for those same four years? Weren't you actively discrediting the election process and results for that same time frame?

NOW you want to sweep away any allegations of election process wrong-doings. You had Dems going after a sitting President every ******* day that he was in office. And still going after him to try to find anything - anything at all - that he's done illegal since he was birthed. You didn't give a flying **** how it divided the country. You didn't give a damn how the country spiraled due to all this. You didn't and do not give a damn about this country at all. Not one bit.


no one. literally no one on this board.

if anything, this will show that either the election process is as corrupted as you alleged it was in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and leading up to election day 2020. So in one sense, you should want this to happen so you'd be right. however, this audit could also show that the election process was as virginal as can be, which could help heal the nation.

either way, **** you. sincerely.
Add to the fact that folks in the audit have already told Fann (and this has been released) that the number of ballots DO NOT match the number of votes. This points directly at those 25k duplicate ballots, most of which don't have legible serial numbers on them.
So essentially, while there was no "direct scorching earth" reveal, the audit team did say that there are 25,000 duplicate ballots and most of them don't have legible serial number coordination with the ballot they were duplicated from. This means there's no way to really determine how many times those ballots may have been duplicated and voted. The only way to even get at that number in a round about way is to ultimately tabulate the number of registered voters with the number of ballots.

They also said they have 74,000 mail-in-ballots with no demonstrable evidence that they were ever mailed out. For those paying attention, they essentially said they've found at least 99,000 ballots that are highly suspect in a race that was down to around 10k votes. and that's just ONE COUNTY.
to be devil's advocate before Tiborat can point it out, those duplicates, when counted timelessly, could also push the vote count for Drumpf. because OrangeManBad is Bad.