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Maricopa County audit

You are as bad as the far left dems and media outlets. This isn't about Trump anymore. Open your eyes. Can you honestly say you can turn on any main stream media and get any truth from what they say?. Our media today are only printing opinion articles. Preaching what the left are pushing. As I say to a bunch of friends. How is it in 5 plus years there has not been one positive story on Trump. And not one bad story on Biden. Simply crazy.
Social media is social media, not news. Why isn’t this story on the news?

I thought your last post took the case for stupidity. This tops it, and I didn't think that was remotely possible.

You don't understand herd immunity - you define it the way you want. And now you don't even understand what the word "news" even means.

Let's let Merriam help you:


noun, plural in form but singular in construction, often attributive

\ ˈnüz , ˈnyüz \

Definition of news

1a: a report of recent events
b: previously unknown information

Floggy believes news means CNN.

Jesus Christ.

Son. News is just that....a report of recent events, and previously unknown information. You can get news from your Grandma, a text, a website, a blogger, a viral video, or Fox News.

Stop. I'm begging you. It's got to be humiliating.
You are as bad as the far left dems and media outlets. This isn't about Trump anymore. Open your eyes. Can you honestly say you can turn on any main stream media and get any truth from what they say?. Our media today are only printing opinion articles. Preaching what the left are pushing. As I say to a bunch of friends. How is it in 5 plus years there has not been one positive story on Trump. And not one bad story on Biden. Simply crazy.

Agenda&directive. They will present speculation and opinion as if it is truth. Then they all repeat over and over until people perceive it as truth.

...Russian collusion. Ukraine. Racist.

Those are pretty much the terms used for 4 years when speaking of Trump.

All fabricated, but perceived as truth because of the parrots in media and entertainment.
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Agenda&directive. They will present speculation and opinion as if it is truth. Then they all repeat over and over until people perceive it as truth.

...Russian collusion. Ukraine. Racist.

Those are pretty much the terms used for 4 years when speaking of Trump.

All fabricated, but perceived as truth because of the parrots in media and entertainment.
Operation Mockingbird is what you are trying to say. Remember the Obama Regime made it legal.
Because the legacy media is heavily leftist and the propaganda arm of the DNC. But you know that don't you FlogManBun.
The legacy media compete against each other, why would they conspire to report the same propoganda?

How about we make it a rule that you need to provide at least TWO links to any supposed fact to VERIFY that it is actually being independently reported by multiple outlets simultaneously and not some ******* social media fake news nonsense?

Lemme guess, you all don’t like that idea? You’ll have nothing to post! Like how Fox News won’t repeat Tucker Carlson’s nonsense because it isn’t factual.
The legacy media compete against each other, why would they conspire to report the same propoganda?

How about we make it a rule that you need to provide at least TWO links to any supposed fact to VERIFY that it is actually being independently reported by multiple outlets simultaneously and not some ******* social media fake news nonsense?

Lemme guess, you all don’t like that idea? You’ll have nothing to post! Like how Fox News won’t repeat Tucker Carlson’s nonsense because it isn’t factual.
Ideology drives their narrative. Tucker Carlson shows the receipts right there with the report. And again you already know this FlogManBun.
You are as bad as the far left dems and media outlets. This isn't about Trump anymore. Open your eyes. Can you honestly say you can turn on any main stream media and get any truth from what they say?. Our media today are only printing opinion articles. Preaching what the left are pushing. As I say to a bunch of friends. How is it in 5 plus years there has not been one positive story on Trump. And not one bad story on Biden. Simply crazy.
Can you honestly say that the competing media is conspiring to report the same untrue stories simultaneously. How, exactly?
I thought your last post took the case for stupidity. This tops it, and I didn't think that was remotely possible.

You don't understand herd immunity - you define it the way you want. And now you don't even understand what the word "news" even means.

Let's let Merriam help you:


noun, plural in form but singular in construction, often attributive

\ ˈnüz , ˈnyüz \

Definition of news

1a: a report of recent events
b: previously unknown information

Floggy believes news means CNN.

Jesus Christ.

Son. News is just that....a report of recent events, and previously unknown information. You can get news from your Grandma, a text, a website, a blogger, a viral video, or Fox News.

Stop. I'm begging you. It's got to be humiliating.
It’s supposed to be FACTUAL and VERIFIABLE, Tim. That’s important to grownups. We don’t play make believe anymore.
Ideology drives their narrative. Tucker Carlson shows the receipts right there with the report. And again you already know this FlogManBun.
Tucker Carlson argues in a court of law that no reasonable person would take him seriously.
It’s supposed to be FACTUAL and VERIFIABLE, Tim. That’s important to grownups. We don’t play make believe anymore.
oh, looks like we are

Operation Mockingbird is what you are trying to say. Remember the Obama Regime made it legal.

We can also thank him for this marxist crap being pushed hard in society right now.The so called places of higher learning have become indoctrination centers.. Nobody will even say a negative word about communist regime's around the world. They genuinely seem disappointed when citizens under them oppose them or revolt.

Got to clean this election up. There's probably nothing more important right now than safeguarding the entire process which is absolutely corrupted.
Can you honestly say that the competing media is conspiring to report the same untrue stories simultaneously.

Yes. Absolutely. With 100% confidence I can say exactly that.

How, exactly?

Every member of the corporate bootlicker association will parrot the exact same phrase, word-for-word, pushed out by (D)imbo administrations and (D)imbo spokespeople. Examples:

The problem is not that the corporate media are left-wing shills, bleating sheep repeating the script given to them; based on your comment, the problem appears to be that a huge swath of Americans don't even realize that obvious truth.
It’s supposed to be FACTUAL and VERIFIABLE, Tim. That’s important to grownups. We don’t play make believe anymore.

No, no, no, YOU said it wasn't NEWS because it didn't come from a NEWS AGENCY.

And that cracks me up, you don't play make believe. You just subscribe to and worship CNN et al, proven over and over and over and over and over to filter the NEWS (sorry I know it's a new big word for you) you get. They lie. They twist. They omit.

I'll trust NEWS from another person's cell phone (that's pure, unfiltered) first.

These independent and 3rd party and individual news sources are easily verifiable. Take Andy Ngo. On Twitter. Pretty damned easy to prove what he says is true, because you know...he puts videos in there of what he has filmed....AntiFA rioting.

Meanwhile grownups are watching guns blazing in Kentucky fields while ABC tells them it's war in Syria. LMAO

Business Insider? And you're criticizing sources??


We will need to see TWO SOURCES stating this and Tucker's long history of blatant racism, yada yada, or it's not NEWS
that's different, Tim
Yes. Absolutely. With 100% confidence I can say exactly that.

Every member of the corporate bootlicker association will parrot the exact same phrase, word-for-word, pushed out by (D)imbo administrations and (D)imbo spokespeople. Examples:

The problem is not that the corporate media are left-wing shills, bleating sheep repeating the script given to them; based on your comment, the problem appears to be that a huge swath of Americans don't even realize that obvious truth.

And somebody help me here. I forget the name. There is/was like a LISTSERV or electronic memo that was shared by the DNC to all of the major media outlets with talking points and how to frame them...daily. It was "secret" but got found. Essentially daily the DNC was publishing talking points to the news media.

What was that called? Link?

This is why so often for instance on Fox, you see them play a montage of clips saying "...And the media all sang in tune" and they play clip after clip of other news networks literally ALL saying the same thing.

Yeah, it's coordinate.
Ogre, goddammit, the fact that the CIA has literally paid journalists for decades, has hundreds of journalists on the payroll to slant news and progagandize, and the fact that corporate media shills repeat the same stories word-for-word as fed to them by their "inside sources," and the fact the CIA and NSA have been caught spying on several media sources not part of their operation, and the fact that "leaks" are a vicious, unverified way to manipulate the news and jam phony **** down the throat of the unwitting public does not prove that the media are lying shills, mouthpieces for their masters in government.

I mean, to prove that claim, Ogre, you would need something like direct evidence - testimony before Congress, for example, specific instances we can review - of the fact that the CIA has literally paid journalists for decades, has hundreds of journalists on the payroll to slant news and progagandize, and the fact that corporate media shills repeat the same stories word-for-word as fed to them by their "inside sources," and the fact the CIA and NSA have been caught spying on several media sources not part of their operation, and the fact that "leaks" are a vicious, unverified way to manipulate the news and jam phony **** down the throat of the unwitting public.

I mean, if we had information like that, different story. Floggy - still foggy?

And somebody help me here. I forget the name. There is/was like a LISTSERV or electronic memo that was shared by the DNC to all of the major media outlets with talking points and how to frame them...daily. It was "secret" but got found. Essentially daily the DNC was publishing talking points to the news media.

What was that called? Link?


Last month, David Weigel, a young Washington Post blogger hired to report on conservative politics, ostensibly from a sympathetic perspective, left the Post thanks to his damning statements on JournoList (conservatives are racists, Rush Limbaugh should die, etc.).

Now the diaper is coming off entirely. Perhaps stretching the diaper metaphor too far, what's inside JournoList may stink, but it's no surprise that it does. JournoList e-mails obtained by the Daily Caller reveal what anybody with two neurons to rub together already knew: Professional liberals don't like Republicans and do like Democrats. They can be awfully smug and condescending in their sense of intellectual and moral superiority. They tend to ascribe evil motives to their political opponents - sometimes even when they know it's unfair. One obscure blogger insisted that liberals should arbitrarily demonize a conservative journalist as a racist to scare conservatives away from covering stories that might hurt Obama.

Oh, and - surprise! - it turns out that the "O" in JournoList stands for "Obama."

In 2008, participants shared talking points about how to shape coverage to help Obama. They tried to paint any negative coverage of Obama's racist and hateful pastor, Jeremiah Wright, as out of bounds. Journalists at such "objective" news organizations as Newsweek, Bloomberg, Time, and The Economist joined conversations with open partisans about the best way to criticize Sarah Palin.

Like an Amish community raising a barn, members of the progressive community got together to hammer out talking points. Amidst a discussion of Palin, Chris Hayes, a writer for The Nation, wrote: "Keep the ideas coming! Have to go on TV to talk about this in a few min and need all the help I can get." Time's Joe Klein admitted to his fellow JournoListers that he'd collected the listserv's bric-a-brac and fashioned it into a brickbat aimed at Palin.
I don't think this discussion is going the way Floggy expected ...

Bam, thank you.

Don't you worry. Flogged will look at this evidence - CIA-paid journalists, this JourOlist - and still claim, the New York Slime, the Washington Compost, CNNPMSNBCABCCBS are honest news organizations with integrity and do NOT LIE to the American people.

And none of it, not one ounce....is coordinated. Not...at....all.

He will find someway to attempt to spin this....and end up the same way as usual.


Some people just don't want to believe they're being manipulated by their own free so called free press. It's funny that during the cold war a lot of talk was against communism and the evil oppressive empires it produced around the world.

Now they have very little negative things to say about them. The directive certainly changed with some president promising fundamental change. They've weaponized media,education and government agencies against dissenters and political threats. They got really bold with Trump as President. His entire tenure down re-election night just wreaks of interference,obstruction and treason.

They'll turn your own kids against you in school.

They have absolutely no right to be involved in our media. In fact it should be 100% illegal to **** with our free press and drive false propaganda against groups of citizens in this country.

We unfortunately have much of the general population oblivious,gullible and easily misled. Then we have our schools pushing radical marxist garbage and our media puts the icing on the cake the schools bake for them.

Just remember most people hate politics or don't want to be bothered with it. So they roll with whatever they may catch on tv.

I've paid attention to them since early childhood because of my father. Who was pointing out all of the fabrication and bias in media then. Which was before FOX was even born.

They're basically playing the cold war game, but have turned it on our own population because those in power want to transition us away from the foundation the country was built on.

I don't see anything other than a states convention stopping what's going on. Our entire house needs scrubbed down and bleach bombed...

bUt AlL tHaT wErE dEbUnKeD, StEeLtImE!
