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Maricopa County audit

I don't see anything other than a states convention stopping what's going on. Our entire house needs scrubbed down and bleach bombed...

Business Insider? And you're criticizing sources??


We will need to see TWO SOURCES stating this and Tucker's long history of blatant racism, yada yada, or it's not NEWS
See this is the difference between you and me. I can reference multiple sources. You post **** that only one source is reporting and their own networks won’t even repeat. Why should that be taken seriously?

See this is the difference between you and me. I can reference multiple sources. You post **** that only one source is reporting and their own networks won’t even repeat. Why should that be taken seriously?

not to interrupt your masturbation-a-thon to Tucker, but when is the media going to get around to questioning the **** spewed from Don Lemon and Rachel Maddow? I know, I know, it's raysiss and sexiss to question black women.
See this is the difference between you and me. I can reference multiple sources. You post **** that only one source is reporting and their own networks won’t even repeat. Why should that be taken seriously?

Take the L Floggy. One need only search my posts to see I typically over-link sources.

As compared to you, who made his first link ever this past week. Congrats on progressing to diapers.
Dr. Floggy now demonstrates his brilliance in the legal field. Hey, Doc, you are bleating the sheep-dip spewed by corporate media. The true facts are that one of two strippers Trump ******, Karen McDougal, sued Carlson for slander. Carlson referred to McDougal and Stephanie Clifford, a.k.a., Stormy Daniels, as engaging in extortion in demanding money from Trump to keep quiet about their relations with him.

Turns out McDougal was indeed ****** by Trump and being a solid citizen and paragon of virtue sold the story to the National Enquirer for $150,000, so no extortion took place. The extortion was actually done by Stormy Daniels and the greatest and bravest hero on earth, Michael "I Extort People" Avenatti.

So Carlson's lawyer actually argued, "Fox News attempts to distinguish that precedent and calls the Court’s attention to authority holding that accusations of “extortion” and similar statements are not statements of fact. See Reply Memorandum in Further Support of Motion to Dismiss, ECF #31." Carlson's lawyers further argued that Carlson's statements are protected under the 1st amendment since "viewed in context, Mr. Carlson cannot be understood to have been stating facts, but instead that he was delivering an opinion using hyperbole for effect. See Def. Br. at 12-15. Fox News cites to a litany of cases which hold that accusing a person of “extortion” or “blackmail” simply is “rhetorical hyperbole,” incapable of being defamatory."

So fake doctor, lawyer wanna-be, the argument is not, was not, never has been that "what Carlson says cannot be viewed as facts," you ******* idiot moron liar. The argument is that Carlson's description of a porn star getting paid for talking about ******* Donald Trump as constituting extortion cannot, under a "litany of cases," constitute defamation.

Read the case yourself, you stupid lazy ****, and stop parroting and bleating something you read in Media Matters.

Oh, and fake-doctor, lawyer-wanna-be Floggy, as to the fact corporate media are quisling bootlickers to the leftist cause, this is the opening paragraph of an NPR - which I ******* fund - story about the lawsuit:

Tucker Carlson appears to be made of Teflon. Fox News' top-rated host has been repeatedly accused of anti-immigrant and racist comments, which have cost his political opinion show many of its major advertisers. Yet Carlson endures in his prime-time slot.

Carlson even attacked his own network's chief news anchor on the air, with no real consequences. That anchor, Shepard Smith, quit mid-contract shortly after Carlson went after him.

What does that have to do with protecting the 1st amendment and the stripper's claim against Carlson? Nothing. Nothing at all. But the bleating, baahing, quisling bootlickers are parroting their little tales for idiots to repeat, like good little sheep.

Floggy, you're lucky some in the world seem to enjoy ******* sheep; that's the only action you are likely to get.
Yeah, despite an Arizona state senator calling for their electors to be recalled, there is no viable option to recall a certified election result… even if the dems did cheat to win, there really isn’t a path forward beyond closing the holes and imprisonments of any cheaters caught…

most of this is to simply show that the system has never ever been designed to stop fraud. There are theoretical systems out there that are beyond secure and totally auditable on multiple levels… we don’t use those nor do we enforce most of the chain of custody **** that is already in place

only naive or stupid people think that elections aren’t perpetually cheated by powerful people

democrats absolutely believe that republicans cheat when they win… again go to any of their big forums and pull up their threads from when Florida was going far into trumps corner with all the hispanic votes for him and those accusations of cheating are no worse than these ones are

Its big money and corruption has always followed politics… why in the **** would it not happen regularly? People regularly cheat on their taxes, on relationships. People regularly lie and break the law for their own enrichment. Huge conspiracies that were never known are exposed years after the fact with some regularity…

i mean its pretty much human nature to cheat and in a political environment thats as polarized as the trump era has been id find it almost impossible to believe that the people that despised him wouldn’t do that in a heartbeat…


After our recent discussions, had to go back and re-watch the original (sci-fi horror masterpiece) and then this one. Hicks was the man. Hudson (Bill Paxton's character) also cracked me the hell up. RIP Bill Paxton. "What are we gonna do, huh?!" "Oh that's great, why don't we put her (the little girl) in charge then man!"

Foul language alert:


After our recent discussions, had to go back and re-watch the original (sci-fi horror masterpiece) and then this one. Hicks was the man. Hudson (Bill Paxton's character) also cracked me the hell up. RIP Bill Paxton. "What are we gonna do, huh?!" "Oh that's great, why don't we put her (the little girl) in charge then man!"

"Game over, man, GAME OVER!"

Bit of trivia: two actors were in both Terminator and Aliens. Michael Biehn is obvious. The second one is less apparent ... Bill Paxton.

Paxton was one of the three young men Schwarzenegger approached, naked, right after landing near the Griffith Observatory.


Paxton was awesome. In Terminator, he was altered to be made ugly in part by giving him the massive gap in his teeth, or what is now known as a "Stacy."
Dr. Floggy now demonstrates his brilliance in the legal field. Hey, Doc, you are bleating the sheep-dip spewed by corporate media. The true facts are that one of two strippers Trump ******, Karen McDougal, sued Carlson for slander. Carlson referred to McDougal and Stephanie Clifford, a.k.a., Stormy Daniels, as engaging in extortion in demanding money from Trump to keep quiet about their relations with him.

Turns out McDougal was indeed ****** by Trump and being a solid citizen and paragon of virtue sold the story to the National Enquirer for $150,000, so no extortion took place. The extortion was actually done by Stormy Daniels and the greatest and bravest hero on earth, Michael "I Extort People" Avenatti.

So Carlson's lawyer actually argued, "Fox News attempts to distinguish that precedent and calls the Court’s attention to authority holding that accusations of “extortion” and similar statements are not statements of fact. See Reply Memorandum in Further Support of Motion to Dismiss, ECF #31." Carlson's lawyers further argued that Carlson's statements are protected under the 1st amendment since "viewed in context, Mr. Carlson cannot be understood to have been stating facts, but instead that he was delivering an opinion using hyperbole for effect. See Def. Br. at 12-15. Fox News cites to a litany of cases which hold that accusing a person of “extortion” or “blackmail” simply is “rhetorical hyperbole,” incapable of being defamatory."

So fake doctor, lawyer wanna-be, the argument is not, was not, never has been that "what Carlson says cannot be viewed as facts," you ******* idiot moron liar. The argument is that Carlson's description of a porn star getting paid for talking about ******* Donald Trump as constituting extortion cannot, under a "litany of cases," constitute defamation.

Read the case yourself, you stupid lazy ****, and stop parroting and bleating something you read in Media Matters.

this post needed pics to go with it. because who in their right mind would not throw it to Karen McDougal?


"Game over, man, GAME OVER!"

Bit of trivia: two actors were in both Terminator and Aliens. Michael Biehn is obvious. The second one is less apparent ... Bill Paxton.

Paxton was one of the three young men Schwarzenegger approached, naked, right after landing near the Griffith Observatory.


Paxton was awesome. In Terminator, he was altered to be made ugly in part by giving him the massive gap in his teeth, or what is now known as a "Stacy."


Another bit of trivia: Jenette Goldstein (Vasquez in Aliens) was also in Terminator 2 and then also Titanic. Seems Cameron liked his people and used them in multiple projects. Another bit of trivia: his wife at the time, Kathryn Bigelow, directed her (Goldstein), Paxton and Lance Henrikson in the criminally underrated "Near Dark".

All were together for Aliens.
100% agree that Cameron likes certain actors and gives them roles again and again.
  • Kurt Russell - Escape from New York, The Thing, Big Trouble in Little China, Escape from LA.
  • Keith David - The Thing, They Live (superb movie - re-watched about four months ago. Roddy Piper/Keith David brawl (y) (y) (y))
  • Bill Paxton
  • Michael Biehn
Your comment about Jeannette Goldstein being in Terminator 2 made me wonder what character she played. Remembered her well from Aliens as the small-but-rugged female soldier, looked up who she played in T2 and wow! She was John Connor's foster mom. No idea same actress - good catch.

Last edited:

Yep yep, love Kurt Russell, Keith David, Paxton and Michael Biehn (thought Biehn was robbed of an award for his role in "The Abyss").

But really, **** the Academy Awards.
Your comment about Jeannette Goldstein being in Terminator 2 made me wonder what character she played. Remembered her well from Aliens as the small-but-rugged female soldier, looked up who she played in T2 and wow! She was John Connor's foster mom. No idea same actress - good catch.

Just noticed the edit here. Yeah, she made an impression from Aliens - then saw Near Dark - and then was like "she looks really familiar" in T2. And then she kinda transformed herself again playing the Irish mother in Titanic.

Never saw her do much after that though, which seemed kind of a shame.
this post needed pics to go with it. because who in their right mind would not throw it to Karen McDougal?


oops. left this one out.

I have a pic of someone filling in Stacey Abrams' dental gap.
JimmyGap teef and he don't care.
0,0000588235 seems like is a lot. :rolleyes: No doubt we should all clutch our purses and scream bloody murder about tainted elections. :jagoff:

0,0000588235 seems like is a lot. :rolleyes: No doubt we should all clutch our purses and scream bloody murder about tainted elections. :jagoff:


since you like 2 sources