That's cute. Anytime I post, it's met with an immediate onslaught of name-calling, dancing Trump memes, insults, derogatory slurs. It's been impossible to have reasonable conversation here for years. Not worth the effort, like walking into a buzzsaw. Or into a monkey cage and having **** slung at you.
But yeah, I like to 'hit and run' and post 'childish memes.' Bwahahaha, that's ******* rich.
So yeah, real cute..... 'Ahhhh come on, this one time, prove you can converse with reason and logic'. You guys are the best, really.
Just setting the record straight. You want to have normal, reasoned conversation? Get your house in order. When you have long-time members & mods piling on, you know you have issues.
This board is what it is, a three ring circus. Let's not pretend otherwise.