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Maricopa County audit

If fraud in elections does not exist and cannot exist to the extent that it could sway the winner, does that mean Trump beat Hildebeast fairly and squarely?
If fraud in elections does not exist and cannot exist to the extent that it could sway the winner, does that mean Trump beat Hildebeast fairly and squarely?
OK there Yinzers. What's this all about ?

Any place that had over 100% turn out and F-Curve Graphs should be audited. And after that a lot of Democrat election officials should be hanged for treason and a lot of Democrat election workers should spend the rest of their lives in prison.
Has Orange Man been reinstated as President yet? Any day now, right? Keep the faith, fellas! :jagoff: :ROFLMAO:

I really don't come here to mock you guys. But it's literally impossible not to do so. With threads like this, you leave no other viable option. Sorry.
Personally to me Tibs...its not about reinstating the Orange Man...

I would just like to see if any of the implications are legit...even if there is voter fraud, I don't believe it will reinstate Trump, but rather implicate the people in positions of power with bad intentions, so if this did happen, we can hold those responsible and correct the problem so it doesn't happen again..

As an concerned citizen and voter, I just want the issue to be put to rest...either way...
Personally to me Tibs...its not about reinstating the Orange Man...

I would just like to see if any of the implications are legit...even if there is voter fraud, I don't believe it will reinstate Trump, but rather implicate the people in positions of power with bad intentions, so if this did happen, we can hold those responsible and correct the problem so it doesn't happen again..

As an concerned citizen and voter, I just want the issue to be put to rest...either way...

Sounds reasonable enough. Those Republican election officials will have a lot to answer for in AZ, for knowingly throwing the election - in Joe Biden's favor(!) - allowing and/or participating in bad practices.

Has Orange Man been reinstated as President yet? Any day now, right? Keep the faith, fellas! :jagoff: :ROFLMAO:

I really don't come here to mock you guys. But it's literally impossible not to do so. With threads like this, you leave no other viable option. Sorry.
It’s not so much reinstatement. It’s transparency.
We want the truth. As a tax paying American. I want my taxes to go towards bettering the infrastructure and economy of this country.

We feel we’re being robbed by those we should be able to trust in positions of power. Instead many of us feel we are slowly being forced into a takeover.

You’re a freedom lover(I hope). We don’t see eye to eye on politics. So to simplify how would you feel if I just squatted in your home? Something you worked for. Then as a result of me living inside your home. I demand I stay in for free, pretty much access to whatever I want and set my own rules?

Apply that concept to country now
It’s not so much reinstatement. It’s transparency.
We want the truth. As a tax paying American. I want my taxes to go towards bettering the infrastructure and economy of this country.

We feel we’re being robbed by those we should be able to trust in positions of power. Instead many of us feel we are slowly being forced into a takeover.

You’re a freedom lover(I hope). We don’t see eye to eye on politics. So to simplify how would you feel if I just squatted in your home? Something you worked for. Then as a result of me living inside your home. I demand I stay in for free, pretty much access to whatever I want and set my own rules?

Apply that concept to country now

Again, I totally understand the desire to hold Republican election officials accountable, if there was any type of election fraud in AZ. Those Republican officials in charge of that election claim everything was done by the book. But you're right, no harm done in getting to the bottom of it and verifying their claim.
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Again, I totally understand the desire to hold Republican election officials accountable, if there was any type of election fraud in AZ. Those Republican officials in charge of that election claim everything was done by the book. But you're right, no harm done in getting to the bottom of it and verifying their claim.
That’s all I want is transparency by both democrats and republicans.

There is a distrust with politicians and that distrust is creating a divide amongst our citizens. It’s sad to see our fellow citizens at war with each other over trivial political disagreements. I’ll admit that we have faults as a republican party. My question to you is why do you not admit the deficiencies in the democrat party?

I have no problem in a progressive outlook in terms of freedom and pursuit of happiness. But the unhinged extremist on the left seem to have a voice if you don’t agree with them then you’re enemy. Yes we have those with the Q crowd. So to summarize. We’re not all that different. Just a different strawman to accuse each other off of.
Oh there's certainly a legal way if PROVEN. Since it would be completely illegitimate and unconstitutional.A certain duty would fall upon the citizens to set it right.
Sure, that's a possibility, however the point is that currently the constitution doesn't have a remedy for de-certifying electoral votes. It may require an amendment.
Hey guys, remember when the Covid escaping from the Wuhan lab was a right wing conspiracy theory? Funny how that works.
IT WAS a crazy conspiracy theory. That Kung Flu was absolutely released on PURPOSE, not by accident.
Again, I totally understand the desire to hold Republican election officials accountable, if there was any type of election fraud in AZ. Those Republican officials in charge of that election claim everything was done by the book. But you're right, no harm done in getting to the bottom of it and verifying their claim.

I'll give you this, you're good at your profession. The problem is you are a professional imbecile.

This is the person in charge of elections in Arizona, you idiot:

Katie Hobbs (Democratic, a.k.a., Liars and Cheaters Party) is the Arizona Secretary of State. She assumed office on January 7, 2019. Her current term ends on January 2, 2023.

Hobbs (Democratic Party) ran for election for Arizona Secretary of State. She won in the general election on November 6, 2018.

Hobbs is a former Democratic member of the Arizona State Senate, representing District 24 from 2013 to 2019. Hobbs served as state Senate minority leader from 2015 to 2019.
I'll give you this, you're good at your profession. The problem is you are a professional imbecile.

This is the person in charge of elections in Arizona, you idiot:
Tibs, you just got Tibs Slapped(My new version of bitched slapped as it seems appropriate in this forum) again.
I'll give you this, you're good at your profession. The problem is you are a professional imbecile.

This is the person in charge of elections in Arizona, you idiot:
PHOENIX (AP) — The top Republicans in Arizona’s largest county gave an impassioned defense of their handling of the 2020 election Monday, calling on fellow members of the GOP and business leaders to speak out against an unprecedented partisan election audit.

The GOP-dominated Maricopa County Board of Supervisors cast the audit as a sham that’s spun out of the control of the state Senate leader who’s ostensibly overseeing it. Board Chairman Jack Sellers said Senate President Karen Fann is making an “attempt at legitimatizing a grift disguised as an audit.”
PHOENIX (AP) — The top Republicans in Arizona’s largest county gave an impassioned defense of their handling of the 2020 election Monday, calling on fellow members of the GOP and business leaders to speak out against an unprecedented partisan election audit.

The GOP-dominated Maricopa County Board of Supervisors cast the audit as a sham that’s spun out of the control of the state Senate leader who’s ostensibly overseeing it. Board Chairman Jack Sellers said Senate President Karen Fann is making an “attempt at legitimatizing a grift disguised as an audit.”
You don’t think there are RINO’s and establishment Republicans involved in this? There have to be. The swamp runs deep and isn’t confined to the Democrats. The establishment Republicans are just as bad and need to go. That includes guys like Mitch who has done some good but also has totally lacked a spine when it come to legislation, judges are the only real good thing he has done.
Decaf claiming expertise on Arizona political matters.

The largest city in Maricopa County by far is Phoenix. The mayor of Phoenix is Kate Gallego, a (D)imbo

The elections in Arizona are run by the Secretary of State, a (D)imbo.

If the results are so pristine, why all the panic, delays, refusal to honor court orders and subpoenas?
You don’t think there are RINO’s and establishment Republicans involved in this? There have to be. The swamp runs deep and isn’t confined to the Democrats. The establishment Republicans are just as bad and need to go. That includes guys like Mitch who has done some good but also has totally lacked a spine when it come to legislation, judges are the only real good thing he has done.
And that's not worth a **** when the judges can't / won't stand up for the constitution.
And that's not worth a **** when the judges can't / won't stand up for the constitution.
As I have said before we are headed towards a Civil War and the Judges are all looking for plausible deniability to say they didn’t have a hand in causing it. They want to say they were neutral/their rulings didn’t cause it, when the opposite is true.
I'll give you this, you're good at your profession. The problem is you are a professional imbecile.

This is the person in charge of elections in Arizona, you idiot:
And she has her sights on the governorship. God help us.
Former guy has been telling folks he's going to be reinstated in August. I'm gonna have to rent a tux, not often in American history Presidents get reinstated out of the blue like that. It will be a glamorous & historic occasion!

His former national security advisor, Gen. Flynn told a crowd this weekend he'd support a Myanmar style military coup, to put former guy back in power. Jan 6th may indeed have been a dry run.

One way or another, looks like Trump's planning on being your President again, in a few short months. How cool is that?

You believe that Trump is telling "people" he is going to be reinstated as President because you read it on the Daily Mail? How ******* stupid are you? Seriously, how stupid are you? You want to know some other brilliant articles from the Daily Garbage Mail? How about these, idiot?







You rely on the Daily ******* Mail for information and believe the **** from that stupid rag? That explains a lot.
Man, you're a dumbfuck if there's ever been one. Good Lord.

More bon mots from the brilliance of Stacy Decaf's primary news "source":




The Daily Mail ... reliable. Intelligent. Newsworthy. On top of every story involving squid pregnancy from eating calamari, the best hats, Elvis trees, vagina guns, and dolphin sex.